jclient_node* node;
while(js->client) {
node = js->client->next;
- _jserver_remove_client(js, js->client->addr);
+ _jserver_remove_client_id(js, js->client->id);
js->client = node;
void jserver_socket_closed(void* blob, int sock_id) {
jserver* js = (jserver*) blob;
if(js == NULL) return;
- jclient_node* node = jserver_find_client_id(js, sock_id);
- if(node) {
- info_handler("Removing client %d - %s remote "
- "site closed socket", sock_id, node->addr);
- _jserver_remove_client(js, node->addr);
- }
+ info_handler("Removing client %d - site closed socket",sock_id);
+ _jserver_remove_client_id(js, sock_id);
/* opens the inet and unix sockets that we're listening on */
+/* removes and frees a client node */
+void _jserver_remove_client_id(jserver* js, int id) {
+ if(js == NULL || js->client == NULL) return;
+ jclient_node* node = js->client;
+ if(node->id == id) {
+ js->client = node->next;
+ debug_handler("Removing the first jserver client");
+ socket_disconnect(js->mgr, node->id);
+ _free_jclient_node(node);
+ return;
+ }
+ debug_handler("Searching for jclient to remove");
+ jclient_node* tail_node = node;
+ node = node->next;
+ while(node) {
+ if(node->id == id) {
+ tail_node->next = node->next;
+ debug_handler("Removing a jserver client");
+ socket_disconnect(js->mgr, node->id);
+ _free_jclient_node(node);
+ return;
+ }
+ tail_node = node;
+ node = node->next;
+ }
/* finds a client node by addr */
jclient_node* jserver_find_client(jserver* js, char* addr) {
if(js == NULL || addr == NULL) return NULL;
/* number, double, and 'null' parsing... */
- object* num = json_parse_string("1");
- printf("\nParsed number: %d\n", num->num_value);
- free_object(num);
- num = json_parse_string("1.1");
- printf("\nDouble number: %lf\n", num->double_value);
- free_object(num);
- object* null = json_parse_string("nUlL");
- char* n = null->to_json(null);
- free_object(null);
- printf("\nJSON Null: %s\n", n);
- free(n);
- object* mix = json_parse_string("[1, .5, null]");
- char* m = mix->to_json(mix);
- printf("\nJSON MIX: %s\n", m );
- free(m);
- free_object(mix);
+ printf("------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+ object* o = json_parse_string("1");
+ printf("\nParsed number: %ld\n", o->num_value);
+ free_object(o);
+ printf("------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+ o = json_parse_string("1.1");
+ printf("\nDouble number: %lf\n", o->double_value);
+ free_object(o);
+ printf("------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+ o = json_parse_string("nUlL");
+ char* s = o->to_json(o);
+ free_object(o);
+ printf("\nJSON Null: %s\n", s);
+ free(s);
+ printf("------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+ o = json_parse_string("[1, .5, null]");
+ s = o->to_json(o);
+ printf("\nJSON MIX: %s\n", s );
+ free(s);
+ free_object(o);
+ printf("------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
/* simulate an error.. */
printf("\nShould print error msg: \n");
- object* error = json_parse_string("[1, .5. null]");
- if( error == NULL ) printf("\n");
- object * t = json_parse_string("[ Null, trUe, falSE, 1, 12.9, \"true\" ]");
- char* ts = t->to_json(t);
- printf("More JSON: %s\n", ts);
- free(ts);
- free_object(t);
+ o = json_parse_string("[1, .5. null]");
+ if( o == NULL ) printf("\n");
+ printf("------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+ o = json_parse_string("[ Null, trUe, falSE, 1, 12.9, \"true\" ]");
+ s = o->to_json(o);
+ printf("More JSON: %s\n", s);
+ free(s);
+ free_object(o);
+ printf("------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+ o = json_parse_string("[ Null, trUe, falSE, 1, 12.9, \"true\", "
+ "{\"key\":[0,0.0,1],\"key2\":null},NULL, { }, [] ]");
+ s = o->to_json(o);
+ printf("More JSON: %s\n", s);
+ free(s);
+ free_object(o);
+ printf("------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+ o = json_parse_string("\"Pin\\u0303ata\"");
+ s = o->to_json(o);
+ printf("UNICODE:: %s\n", o->string_data);
+ printf("Back to JSON: %s\n", s);
+ free_object(o);
+ free(s);
/* sample JSON string with some encoded UTF8 */
char* jsons = "/*--S mvr--*/[null,null,null,\"Griswold del Castillo, Richard\",[],null,\"1405676\",null,null,\"1558853243 (alk. paper) :\",\"c2002\",\"Pin\\u0303ata Books\",null,[],[[\"Chavez, Cesar 1927-\",\"Juvenile literature\"],[\"Labor leaders\",\"United States\",\"Biography\",\"Juvenile literature\"],[\"Mexican Americans\",\"Biography\",\"Juvenile literature\"],[\"Agricultural laborers\",\"Labor unions\",\"United States\",\"History\",\"Juvenile literature\"],[\"United Farm Workers\",\"History\",\"Juvenile literature\"],[\"Chavez, Cesar 1927-\"],[\"Labor leaders\"],[\"Mexican Americans\",\"Biography\"],[\"United Farm Workers.\"],[\"Spanish language materials\",\"Bilingual\"],[\"Chavez, Cesar 1927-\",\"Literatura juvenil\"],[\"Li\\u0301deres obreros\",\"Estados Unidos\",\"Biografi\\u0301a\",\"Literatura juvenil\"],[\"Mexicano-americanos\",\"Biografi\\u0301a\",\"Literatura juvenil\"],[\"Sindicatos\",\"Trabajadores agri\\u0301colas\",\"Estados Unidos\",\"Historia\",\"Literatura juvenil\"],[\"Unio\\u0301n de Trabajadores Agri\\u0301colas\",\"Historia\",\"Literatura juvenil\"]],\"ocm48083852 \",\"Ce\\u0301sar Cha\\u0301vez : the struggle for justice = Ce\\u0301sar Cha\\u0301vez : la lucha por la justicia\",[\"text\"], { \"hi\":\"you\"} ]/*--E mvr--*/";
+ printf("------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
printf("\nOriginal JSON\n%s\n", jsons);
/* parse the JSON string */
object* yuk = json_parse_string(jsons);
/* grab the class name from the object */
+ printf("------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
printf("\nParsed object with class %s\n", yuk->classname );
/* turn the resulting object back into JSON */
char* ccc = yuk->to_json(yuk);
/* extract a sub-object from the object and print its data*/
- object* o = yuk->get_index(yuk, 11);
+ o = yuk->get_index(yuk, 11);
printf("\nRandom unicode string => %s\n", o->string_data);
/* parse the new JSON string to build yet another object */
object* yuk2 = json_parse_string(ccc);
+ printf("------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
/* turn that one back into JSON and print*/
char* cccc = yuk2->to_json(yuk2);
printf("\nFinal JSON: \n%s\n", cccc);
char* string2 = strdup(jsons);
+ printf("------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
int x = 0;
int count = 3000;
printf("\nParsing %d round trips at %f...\n", count, get_timestamp_millis());
/* dig our way into the JSON object we parsed, see test.json to get
an idea of the object structure */
+ printf("------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
object* big = json_parse_string(buf);
object* k = big->get_key(big,"web-app");
object* k2 = k->get_key(k,"servlet");