} catch (E) {}
- if(onPostSubmit) onPostSubmit();
+ if(onPostSubmit)
+ onPostSubmit();
onCancel : function() {
} catch (E) {}
- onPostSubmit();
+ onPostSubmit(fmObject);
onCancel : function() {
if(onCancel) onCancel();
return pane;
- // .startup() is called within
+ /**
+ * Creates an EditPane with a copy of the data from the provided store
+ * item for cloning said item
+ * @param {Object} storeItem Dojo data item
+ * @param {Number} rowIndex The Grid row index of the item to be cloned
+ * @param {Function} onPostSubmit Optional callback for post-submit behavior
+ * @param {Function} onCancel Optional callback for clone cancelation
+ * @return {Object} The clone EditPane
+ */
_makeClonePane : function(storeItem, rowIndex, onPostSubmit, onCancel) {
var clonePane = this._makeCreatePane(onPostSubmit, onCancel);
var origPane = this._makeEditPane(storeItem, rowIndex);
if(this.onEditPane) this.onEditPane(this.editPane);
- showClonePane : function() {
+ showClonePane : function(onPostSubmit) {
var self = this;
var done = function() { self.hidePane(); };
var row = this.getFirstSelectedRow();
if(!row) return;
+ var postSubmit = (onPostSubmit) ?
+ function(result) { onPostSubmit(self.getItem(row), result); self.hidePane(); } :
+ done;
dojo.style(this.domNode, 'display', 'none');
- this.editPane = this._makeClonePane(this.getItem(row), row, done, done);
+ this.editPane = this._makeClonePane(this.getItem(row), row, postSubmit, done);
this.domNode.parentNode.insertBefore(this.editPane.domNode, this.domNode);
if(this.onEditPane) this.onEditPane(this.editPane);