Secretary; (3) the Treasurer.
.. Vice Chairperson: The Vice Chairperson shall, in the event of the absence or
inability of the Chairperson to exercise his/her office, become acting
- Chairperson of the organization with all the rights, privileges and powers as
+ Chairperson of the Board with all the rights, privileges and powers as
if he/she was the duly elected Chairperson. The Vice Chairperson shall also
serve as the chairperson on committees on special subjects as designated by the
Board or Chairperson.
minutes and the agenda to each Board member, posting meeting minutes on the
Project's website, and assuring that the Board's records are properly
+ . One Board member shall be the official representative to the Fiscal Sponsor.
. Additional duties may be assigned to officers or other board members as
determined by the Chairperson. Other officers may be elected as the board deems
. Board officers may be removed from office by an affirmative majority vote
of the Board at any time it is deemed to be in the best interest of the
- organization. An officer may also resign from his/her elected office.
+ Board. An officer may also resign from his/her elected office.
Resignation from the office must be in writing and received by the Secretary or
President of the Board. Resignation is effective upon receipt unless a
different date is specified in the notice of resignation.
Each member of the Board shall have the right at any reasonable time to inspect
and copy all books, records and documents of every kind that are related to the
-organization. Such inspection may be made by the Board member, or the Board
+Board. Such inspection may be made by the Board member, or the Board
member’s agent or attorney, and the right of inspection includes the right to
copy and make extracts. In the event the documents must be mailed or delivered
in some manner, the requesting Board member shall be responsible for the
-| Name | E-Mail Address | Location
-| To | Be | Determined
+| Name | E-Mail Address | Affiliation
+| Lori Ayre | |
+| Jim Corridan | | Indiana State Library
+| Galen Charlton | |
+| Tim Daniels | |
+| Stephen Elfstrand | |
+| Elizabeth McKinney | | Georgia Public Library Service
+| Michele Montague | |
+| Dan Scott | |
+| Amy Terlaga | |
+| Steve Wills | |