* get rid of RESERVES_DESK_NAME from integration/local_settings.
-* Syrup used to work with no integration module. Does it still?
* finish i18n and french translation.
-* fix evergreen authentication problem ('django.py')
-* break out evergreen_site and uwindsor. Take uwindsor out of svn?
* add a DOES_UPDATES flag: if true, then use oils/osrf, if not, use old code
-* replace service desks with locations; pull locations from evergreen; add boolean field for locs that are service desks.
+* replace service desks with locations; pull locations from evergreen; add
+ boolean field for locs that are service desks. make our uwindsor/evergreen
+ integration module use the aforementioned locations list.
-* from Joan: notify staff if entering an item (url or upload) that's been entered before. If so, "use the same record"
+* for Joan: notify staff if entering an item (url or upload) that's been
+ entered before. If so, "use the same record"
* for Joan: upload document into multiple sites at once?
* copy/paste items between sites
-* make our uwindsor/evergreen integration module use the aforementioned locations list.
-* for updated items: change it to the reserves location when coming in; change back to original location when done.
+* for updated items: change it to the reserves location when coming in; change
+ back to original location when done.
-* review item_metadata.xhtml, fix those buttons, they have a superfluous link around them..
+* review item_metadata.xhtml, fix those buttons, they have a superfluous link
+ around them..
-* add Welcome message to home page, use request@uwindsor.ca as the contact email for problems.
+* add Welcome message to home page, use request@uwindsor.ca as the contact
+ email for problems.
* check apache error logs for 'parse' error that Art mentioned.
* work on circ modifier stuff (art and dan's conversation)
-* bookbag-URL search should import all items from the bookbag (if they don't already exist)
- -- actually, I'm not 100% certain about this, esp if we implement "Sakai linkup" below.
+* bookbag-URL search should import all items from the bookbag (if they don't
+ already exist) -- actually, I'm not 100% certain about this, esp if we
+ implement "Sakai linkup" below.
-* search should include course number (fragments too, not just full course codes)
+* search should include course number (fragments too, not just full course
+ codes)
* catalogue search should autodetect call numbers, as well as copy barcodes.
-* download declaration only needed for "fair dealing". This may be uwindsor specific.
+* download declaration only needed for "fair dealing". This may be uwindsor
+ specific.
-* optional, persistent link between a course site and a bookbag URL, as an interim step for windsor.
+* optional, persistent link between a course site and a bookbag URL, as an
+ interim step for windsor.
* how should "join this site" be managed?
* set up a proper issue-tracker?
-* if someone has item checked out, show due date/time on item-about page.
* Send me email when my sites change?
-* Import of reserves data from Leddy voyager. Laurentian, others?
-* manage z3950 targets? Search z3950 targets?
-* title-details links in circ-needs, that needs to be made non EG specific.
> Functions need "cancel" or "go back"
* uwindsor only: import data from ERes and bookbags into Syrup.
* permissions: clicking "add group" should pull the whole form into focus.