use base qw/Cache::Memcached OpenSRF/;
use Cache::Memcached;
use OpenSRF::Utils::Config;
+use OpenSRF::EX qw(:try);
=head OpenSRF::Utils::Cache
sub DESTROY {}
my %caches;
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+# Persist methods and method names
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+my $persist_add_slot;
+my $persist_push_stack;
+my $persist_peek_stack;
+my $persist_destroy_slot;
+my $persist_slot_get_expire;
+my $persist_slot_find;
+my $max_persist_time = 86400;
+my $persist_add_slot_name = "opensrf.persist.slot.create_expirable";
+my $persist_push_stack_name = "opensrf.persist.stack.push";
+my $persist_peek_stack_name = "opensrf.persist.stack.peek";
+my $persist_destroy_slot_name = "opensrf.persist.slot.destroy";
+my $persist_slot_get_expire_name = "opensrf.persist.slot.get_expire";
+my $persist_slot_find_name = "opensrf.persist.slot.find";;
+# ------------------------------------------------------
# return a named cache if it exists
sub current {
# create a new named memcache object.
sub new {
- my( $class, $cache_type, $servers ) = @_;
+ my( $class, $cache_type, $persist, $servers ) = @_;
return undef unless $cache_type;
+ return $caches{$cache_type}
+ if exists $caches{$cache_type};
- return $caches{$cache_type} if exists $caches{$cache_type};
$class = ref( $class ) || $class;
- my $instance = Cache::Memcached->new( { servers => $servers } );
- $caches{$cache_type} = $instance;
- return bless( $instance, $class );
+ my $self = {};
+ $self->{persist} = $persist || 0;
+ $self->{memcache} = Cache::Memcached->new( { servers => $servers } );
+ if(!$self->{memcache}) {
+ throw OpenSRF::EX::PANIC ("Unable to create a new memcache object for $cache_type");
+ }
+ bless($self, $class);
+ $caches{$cache_type} = $self;
+ return $self;
+sub put_cache {
+ my($self, $key, $value, $expiretime ) = @_;
+ return undef unless( $key and $value );
+ _load_methods();
+ $expiretime ||= $max_persist_time;
+ $self->{memcache}->set( $key, $value, $expiretime );
+ if($self->{"persist"}) {
+ my ($slot) = $persist_add_slot->run($key, $expiretime . "s");
+ if(!$slot) {
+ # slot may already exist
+ ($slot) = $persist_slot_find->run($key);
+ if(!defined($slot)) {
+ throw OpenSRF::EX::ERROR ("Unable to create cache slot $key in persist server" );
+ }
+ }
+ ($slot) = $persist_push_stack->run($slot, $value);
+ if(!$slot) {
+ throw OpenSRF::EX::ERROR ("Unable to push data onto stack in persist slot $key" );
+ }
+ }
+ return $key;
+sub delete_cache {
+ my( $self, $key ) = @_;
+ if(!$key) { return undef; }
+ _load_methods();
+ $self->{memcache}->delete($key);
+ if( $self->{persist} ) {
+ $persist_destroy_slot->run($key);
+ }
+ return $key;
+sub get_cache {
+ my($self, $key ) = @_;
+ my $val = $self->{memcache}->get( $key );
+ return $val if defined($val);
+ _load_methods();
+ # if not in memcache but we are persisting, the put it into memcache
+ if( $self->{"persist"} ) {
+ $val = $persist_peek_stack->( $key );
+ if(defined($val)) {
+ my ($expire) = $persist_slot_get_expire->run($key);
+ if($expire) {
+ $self->{memcache}->set( $key, $val, $expire);
+ } else {
+ $self->{memcache}->set( $key, $val, $max_persist_time);
+ }
+ return $val;
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub _load_methods {
+ if(!$persist_add_slot) {
+ $persist_add_slot =
+ OpenSRF::Application->method_lookup($persist_add_slot_name);
+ if(!ref($persist_add_slot)) {
+ throw OpenSRF::EX::PANIC ("Unable to retrieve method $persist_add_slot_name");
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$persist_push_stack) {
+ $persist_push_stack =
+ OpenSRF::Application->method_lookup($persist_push_stack_name);
+ if(!ref($persist_push_stack)) {
+ throw OpenSRF::EX::PANIC ("Unable to retrieve method $persist_push_stack_name");
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$persist_peek_stack) {
+ $persist_peek_stack =
+ OpenSRF::Application->method_lookup($persist_peek_stack_name);
+ if(!ref($persist_peek_stack)) {
+ throw OpenSRF::EX::PANIC ("Unable to retrieve method $persist_peek_stack_name");
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$persist_destroy_slot) {
+ $persist_destroy_slot =
+ OpenSRF::Application->method_lookup($persist_destroy_slot_name);
+ if(!ref($persist_destroy_slot)) {
+ throw OpenSRF::EX::PANIC ("Unable to retrieve method $persist_destroy_slot_name");
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$persist_slot_get_expire) {
+ $persist_slot_get_expire =
+ OpenSRF::Application->method_lookup($persist_slot_get_expire_name);
+ if(!ref($persist_slot_get_expire)) {
+ throw OpenSRF::EX::PANIC ("Unable to retrieve method $persist_slot_get_expire_name");
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$persist_slot_find) {
+ $persist_slot_find =
+ OpenSRF::Application->method_lookup($persist_slot_find_name);
+ if(!ref($persist_slot_find)) {
+ throw OpenSRF::EX::PANIC ("Unable to retrieve method $persist_slot_find_name");
+ }
+ }