+ method => "template_overlay_biblio_record_entry",
+ api_name => "open-ils.cat.biblio.record_entry.template_overlay",
+ stream => 1,
+ signature => q#
+ Overlays biblio.record_entry MARC values
+ @param auth The authtoken
+ @param records The record ids to be updated by the template
+ @param template The overlay template
+ @return Stream of hashes record id in the key "record" and t or f for the success of the overlay operation in key "success"
+ #
+sub template_overlay_biblio_record_entry {
+ my($self, $conn, $auth, $records, $template) = @_;
+ my $e = new_editor(authtoken=>$auth, xact=>1);
+ return $e->die_event unless $e->checkauth;
+ $records = [$records] if (!ref($records));
+ for my $rid ( @$records ) {
+ my $rec = $e->retrieve_biblio_record_entry($rid);
+ next unless $rec;
+ unless ($e->allowed('UPDATE_RECORD', $rec->owner, $rec)) {
+ $conn->respond({ record => $rid, success => 'f' });
+ next;
+ }
+ my $success = $e->json_query(
+ { from => [ 'vandelay.template_overlay_bib_record', $template, $rid ] }
+ )->[0]->{'vandelay.template_overlay_bib_record'};
+ $conn->respond({ record => $rid, success => $success });
+ }
+ $e->commit;
+ return undef;
method => "update_biblio_record_entry",
api_name => "open-ils.cat.biblio.record_entry.update",
signature => q/