<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" layoutAlign="top" class='oils-header-panel'>
<div>[% ctx.page_title %]</div>
- <div>
- <span>Context Org Unit</span>
- <select
- dojoType="openils.widget.OrgUnitFilteringSelect"
- jsId='contextOrgSelector'
- searchAttr='shortname'
- labelAttr='shortname'>
- </select>
+ <div style="width: 100%">
+ <span>
+ <span>Context Org Unit</span>
+ <select
+ dojoType="openils.widget.OrgUnitFilteringSelect"
+ jsId='contextOrgSelector'
+ searchAttr='shortname'
+ labelAttr='shortname'>
+ </select>
+ </span>
+ <span>
+ <a name="user" href="javascript:changeUserPrompt();">User</a>
+ <span
+ name="user"
+ jsId="contextUsrTextbox"
+ dojoType="dijit.form.TextBox"
+ disabled="true">
+ </span>
+ </span>
+ <span>
+ <a name="lineitem" href="javascript:changeLIPrompt();">PO Line Item</a>
+ <span
+ name="lineitem"
+ jsId="contextLITextbox"
+ dojoType="dijit.form.TextBox"
+ disabled="true">
+ </span>
+ </span>
+ <button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" onClick="createRequest()">Create Request</button>
<table jsId="rGrid"
query="{id: '*'}"
suppressFields='["id", "usr", "pickup_lib", "holdable_formats", "phone_notify", "email_notify", "lineitem", "eg_bib", "max_fee", "cancel_reason"]'
fieldOrder='["title", "author", "isxn", "article_title", "article_pages", "request_type", "volume", "pubdate", "publisher", "location", "other_info", "mentioned"]'
+ editOnEnter='true'
+ suppressEditFields='["id"]'
dojo.requireLocalization("openils.acq", "acq");
var contextOrg;
+var contextUsr;
+var contextLI;
+var contextEg_bib;
var aur_obj;
var localeStrings = dojo.i18n.getLocalization('openils.acq', 'acq');
+var cgi = new openils.CGI();
function setup() {
+ if (cgi.param('eg_bib')) {
+ changeBib(cgi.param('eg_bib'));
+ }
+ if (cgi.param('lineitem')) {
+ changeLI(cgi.param('lineitem'));
+ }
+ if (cgi.param('usr')) {
+ var usr_obj = fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ [
+ 'open-ils.actor',
+ 'open-ils.actor.user.fleshed.retrieve.authoritative'
+ ],
+ {
+ params: [openils.User.authtoken, cgi.param('usr')]
+ }
+ );
+ if (typeof usr_obj.textcode == 'undefined') {
+ changeUser(usr_obj.id(),usr_obj.card().barcode());
+ } else {
+ alert(usr_obj.textcode + ' : ' + usr_obj.desc);
+ }
+ }
if(reqId) {
} else {
// hide the grid and the context selector
+ // purge any previous lineitem display
+ // FIXME: I thought it would be cool to have this, but I can't get it
+ // to look right with our dojo div/contentPanes. So just testing for
+ // a DOM hook for now.
+ if (dojo.byId('lineitem')) {
+ //openils.Util.hide( 'lineitem_container' );
+ dojo.byId('lineitem').innerHTML = '';
+ }
// toggle the View Picklist/Add to Picklist button label
if (aur_obj.lineitem()) {
openils.Util.hide( 'add_to_picklist' );
pane.hideActionButtons = true;
+ // lineitem summary
+ if (dojo.byId('lineitem') && aur_obj.lineitem()) {
+ //openils.Util.show( 'lineitem_container' );
+ openils.acq.Lineitem.fetchAndRender(aur_obj.lineitem(), {},
+ function(li, html) {
+ dojo.byId('lineitem').innerHTML = html;
+ }
+ );
+ }
// including ability to add request to a picklist
// and to "reject" it (aka apply a cancel reason)
if(contextOrg == null)
contextOrg = openils.User.user.ws_ou();
+ var query = {
+ cancel_reason : null,
+ '+au' : {
+ home_ou : fieldmapper.aou.descendantNodeList(contextOrg).map(
+ function(item) { return item.id(); })
+ }
+ };
+ if (contextUsr) {
+ delete query['+au']['home_ou'];
+ query['+au']['id'] = contextUsr;
+ }
+ if (contextEg_bib) {
+ query['eg_bib'] = contextEg_bib;
+ }
+ if (contextLI) {
+ query['lineitem'] = contextLI;
+ }
+ rGrid.resetStore();
{ order_by : {aur : 'request_date'},
join : 'au'
- {
- cancel_reason : null,
- '+au' : {
- home_ou : fieldmapper.aou.descendantNodeList(contextOrg).map(
- function(item) { return item.id(); })
+ query
+ );
+function changeBib(value) {
+ contextEg_bib = value;
+ rGrid.overrideEditWidgets.eg_bib = new dijit.form.TextBox({"disabled": true});
+ rGrid.overrideEditWidgets.eg_bib.shove = { create : contextEg_bib };
+function changeLI(value,display_value) {
+ contextLI = value;
+ contextLITextbox.setValue( contextLI );
+ contextLITextbox.setDisplayedValue( display_value || contextLI );
+ rGrid.overrideEditWidgets.lineitem = new dijit.form.TextBox({"disabled": true});
+ rGrid.overrideEditWidgets.lineitem.shove = { create : contextLI };
+function changeLIPrompt() {
+ var lineitem = window.prompt(localeStrings.UR_FILTER_LINEITEM);
+ if(lineitem != '' && (lineitem == null || Number(lineitem) == NaN)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ changeLI(lineitem);
+ buildGrid();
+function changeUser(value,display_value) {
+ contextUsr = value;
+ contextUsrTextbox.setValue( contextUsr );
+ contextUsrTextbox.setDisplayedValue( display_value || contextUsr );
+ rGrid.overrideEditWidgets.usr = new dijit.form.TextBox({"disabled": true});
+ rGrid.overrideEditWidgets.usr.shove = { create : contextUsr };
+function changeUserPrompt() {
+ var barcode = window.prompt(localeStrings.UR_FILTER_USER);
+ if(barcode == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(typeof xulG != 'undefined' && xulG.get_barcode) {
+ // We have a "complete the barcode" function, call it (actor = users only)
+ var new_barcode = xulG.get_barcode(window, 'actor', barcode);
+ // If we got a result (boolean false is "no result") check it
+ if(new_barcode) {
+ // user_false string means they picked "None of the above"
+ // Abort before any other events can fire
+ if(new_barcode == "user_false") return;
+ // No error means we have a (hopefully valid) completed barcode to use.
+ // Otherwise, fall through to other methods of checking
+ if(typeof new_barcode.ilsevent == 'undefined')
+ barcode = new_barcode.barcode;
+ }
+ }
+ if (barcode == '') {
+ changeUser('','');
+ } else {
+ var usr_obj = fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ [
+ 'open-ils.actor',
+ 'open-ils.actor.user.fleshed.retrieve_by_barcode.authoritative'
+ ],
+ {
+ params: [openils.User.authtoken, barcode]
+ );
+ if (typeof usr_obj.textcode != 'undefined') {
+ alert(usr_obj.textcode + ' : ' + usr_obj.desc);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ changeUser(usr_obj.id(),usr_obj.card().barcode());
- );
+ }
+ buildGrid();