"OK": "Ok",
"POINT_NEEDS_ONE": "A match point must be exactly one of the following: boolean operator, MARC tag/subfield pair, single-value-field.",
"FAULTY_MARC": "A MARC tag must be identified by three digits, and the subfield must be one non-whitespace, non-control character.",
- "WORKING_MP_HERE": "Choose from among the three buttons above to add a new match point."
+ "WORKING_MP_HERE": "Choose from among the three buttons above to add a new match point.",
+ "SVF": "Record Attribute"
dojo.attr(select, "id", "svf-select");
var label = dojo.create(
"label", {
- "for": "svf-select", "innerHTML": "Single-Value-Field:"
+ "for": "svf-select", "innerHTML": localeStrings.SVF + ":"
<div id="vmsp-buttons">
Add new
- <button onclick="node_editor.add('svf');">Single-Value-Field</button>
+ <button onclick="node_editor.add('svf');">Record Attribute</button>
<button onclick="node_editor.add('tag');">MARC Tag and Subfield</button>
<button onclick="node_editor.add('bool_op');">Boolean Operator</button>