- <div class="row">
+ <div class="row pad-vert">
<div class="col-md-3">
<div class="input-group">
<span class="input-group-addon">[% l('Show holding at or below') %]</span>
+ <eg-grid-menu-item handler="holdings_checkbox_handler"
+ label="[% l('Show empty volumes') %]"
+ checkbox="holdings_show_empty"
+ checked="holdings_show_empty"/>
+ <eg-grid-menu-item handler="holdings_checkbox_handler"
+ label="[% l('Show copy detail') %]"
+ checkbox="holdings_show_copies"
+ checked="holdings_show_copies"/>
+ <eg-grid-menu-item handler="holdings_checkbox_handler"
+ label="[% l('Show volume detail') %]"
+ checkbox="holdings_show_vols"
+ checked="holdings_show_vols"/>
<eg-grid-field label="[% l('Owning Library') %]" path="owner_label" flex="4" align="right" visible></eg-grid-field>
<eg-grid-field label="[% l('Location') %]" path="location.name" visible></eg-grid-field>
<eg-grid-field label="[% l('Call Number') %]" path="call_number.label" visible></eg-grid-field>
+ <eg-grid-field label="[% l('CN Count') %]" path="cn_count" visible></eg-grid-field>
<eg-grid-field label="[% l('Copy #') %]" path="copy_number" flex="1" visible></eg-grid-field>
+ <eg-grid-field label="[% l('Copy Count') %]" path="copy_count" flex="1" visible></eg-grid-field>
<eg-grid-field label="[% l('Barcode') %]" path="barcode" visible></eg-grid-field>
<eg-grid-field label="[% l('Status') %]" path="status.name" flex="1" visible></eg-grid-field>
+ $scope.holdings_ou = null;
+ $scope.$watch('holdings_show_copies',
+ function(newVal, oldVal) {
+ if (newVal != oldVal) {
+ egCore.hatch.setItem('cat.holdings.show_copies', newVal);
+ holdingsSvc.fetch({
+ rid : $scope.record_id,
+ org : $scope.holdings_ou,
+ copy: newVal,
+ vol : $scope.holdings_show_vols,
+ empty: $scope.holdings_show_empty
+ }).then(function() {
+ $scope.holdingsGridDataProvider.refresh();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ $scope.$watch('holdings_show_vols',
+ function(newVal, oldVal) {
+ if (newVal != oldVal) {
+ egCore.hatch.setItem('cat.holdings.show_vols', newVal);
+ holdingsSvc.fetch({
+ rid : $scope.record_id,
+ org : $scope.holdings_ou,
+ copy: $scope.holdings_show_copies,
+ vol : newVal,
+ empty: $scope.holdings_show_empty
+ }).then(function() {
+ $scope.holdingsGridDataProvider.refresh();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ $scope.$watch('holdings_show_empty',
+ function(newVal, oldVal) {
+ if (newVal != oldVal) {
+ egCore.hatch.setItem('cat.holdings.show_empty', newVal);
+ holdingsSvc.fetch({
+ rid : $scope.record_id,
+ org : $scope.holdings_ou,
+ copy: $scope.holdings_show_copies,
+ vol : $scope.holdings_show_vols,
+ empty: newVal
+ }).then(function() {
+ $scope.holdingsGridDataProvider.refresh();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ egCore.hatch.getItem('cat.holdings.show_copies').then(function(x){
+ $scope.holdings_show_copies = x
+ });
+ egCore.hatch.getItem('cat.holdings.show_vols').then(function(x){
+ $scope.holdings_show_vols = x;
+ });
+ egCore.hatch.getItem('cat.holdings.show_emtpy').then(function(x){
+ $scope.holdings_show_empty = x;
+ });
+ $scope.holdings_checkbox_handler = function (item) { $scope[item.checkbox] = item.checked; }
$scope.stop_unload = false;
function(newVal, oldVal) {
$scope.holdings_ou = egCore.org.get(egCore.auth.user().ws_ou());
$scope.holdings_ou_changed = function(org) {
$scope.holdings_ou = org;
- holdingsSvc.fetch($scope.record_id, $scope.holdings_ou).then(function() {
+ holdingsSvc.fetch({
+ rid : $scope.record_id,
+ org : $scope.holdings_ou,
+ copy: $scope.holdings_show_copies,
+ vol : $scope.holdings_show_vols,
+ empty: $scope.holdings_show_empty
+ }).then(function() {
$scope.default_tab = egCore.hatch.getLocalItem( 'eg.cat.default_record_tab' );
tab = $routeParams.record_tab || $scope.default_tab || 'catalog';
- holdingsSvc.fetch($scope.record_id, $scope.holdings_ou).then(function() {
- $scope.holdingsGridDataProvider.refresh();
+ $timeout(function(){
+ holdingsSvc.fetch({
+ rid : $scope.record_id,
+ org : $scope.holdings_ou,
+ copy: $scope.holdings_show_copies,
+ vol : $scope.holdings_show_vols,
+ empty: $scope.holdings_show_empty
+ }).then(function() {
+ $scope.holdingsGridDataProvider.refresh();
+ });
} else {
// resolved with the last received copy
- service.fetch = function(rid, org) {
+ service.fetch = function(opts) {
+ var rid = opts.rid;
+ var org = opts.org;
+ var copy = opts.copy;
+ var vol = opts.vol;
+ var empty = opts.empty;
if (!rid) return $q.when();
if (!org) return $q.when();
- if (service.rid && service.org && service.rid == rid && service.org == org) return $q.when();
service.rid = rid;
service.org = org;
cp.index = index++;
prev_owner_list = cp.owner_list.slice();
+ var new_list = service.copies;
+ if (!copy || !vol) { // collapse copy rows, supply a count instead
+ index = 0;
+ var cp_list = [];
+ var prev_key;
+ var current_blob = {};
+ angular.forEach(new_list, function (cp) {
+ if (!prev_key) {
+ prev_key = cp.owner_list.join('') + cp.call_number.label;
+ if (cp.barcode) current_blob.copy_count = 1;
+ current_blob.index = ++index;
+ current_blob.call_number = cp.call_number;
+ current_blob.owner_list = cp.owner_list;
+ current_blob.owner_label = cp.owner_label;
+ } else {
+ var current_key = cp.owner_list.join('') + cp.call_number.label;
+ if (prev_key == current_key) { // collapse into current_blob
+ current_blob.copy_count++;
+ } else {
+ cp_list.push(current_blob);
+ prev_key = current_key;
+ current_blob = {};
+ if (cp.barcode) current_blob.copy_count = 1;
+ current_blob.index = ++index;
+ current_blob.owner_label = cp.owner_label;
+ current_blob.call_number = cp.call_number;
+ current_blob.owner_list = cp.owner_list;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ cp_list.push(current_blob);
+ new_list = cp_list;
+ if (!vol) {
+ index = 0;
+ var cn_list = [];
+ prev_key = '';
+ var current_blob = {};
+ angular.forEach(cp_list, function (cp) {
+ if (!prev_key) {
+ prev_key = cp.owner_list.join('');
+ current_blob.index = ++index;
+ current_blob.cn_count = 1;
+ current_blob.copy_count = cp.copy_count;
+ current_blob.owner_list = cp.owner_list;
+ current_blob.owner_label = cp.owner_label;
+ } else {
+ var current_key = cp.owner_list.join('');
+ if (prev_key == current_key) { // collapse into current_blob
+ current_blob.cn_count++;
+ current_blob.copy_count += cp.copy_count;
+ } else {
+ cn_list.push(current_blob);
+ prev_key = current_key;
+ current_blob = {};
+ current_blob.index = ++index;
+ current_blob.owner_label = cp.owner_label;
+ current_blob.cn_count = 1;
+ current_blob.copy_count = cp.copy_count;
+ current_blob.owner_list = cp.owner_list;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ cn_list.push(current_blob);
+ new_list = cn_list;
+ }
+ }
+ service.copies = new_list;
null, // error
service.copies = service.copies.concat(flat);
+ if (empty && flat.length == 0) {
+ service.copies.push({
+ owner_list : owner_name_list,
+ call_number: egCore.idl.toHash(cn)
+ });
+ }
return cn;