USE money=format('%.2f');
+ USE date;
SET li = template_data.lineitem;
SET title = '';
SET author = '';
-<div>Title: [% title.substr(0, 80) %][% IF title.length > 80 %]...[% END %]</div>
-<div>Author: [% author %]</div>
-<div>Item Count: [% li.lineitem_details.size %]</div>
-<div>Lineitem ID: [% li.id %]</div>
-<div>PO # : [% li.purchase_order%]</div>
-<div>Est. Price: [% money(li.estimated_unit_price) %]</div>
+<div class="wrapper">
+ <div class="summary" style='font-size:110%; font-weight:bold;'>
+ <div>Title: [% title.substr(0, 80) %][% IF title.length > 80 %]...[% END %]</div>
+ <div>Author: [% author %]</div>
+ <div>Item Count: [% li.lineitem_details.size %]</div>
+ <div>Lineitem ID: [% li.id %]</div>
+ <div>PO # : [% li.purchase_order %]</div>
+ <div>Est. Price: [% money(li.estimated_unit_price) %]</div>
+ <div>Open Holds: [% template_data.hold_count %]</div>
+ [% IF li.cancel_reason.label %]
+ <div>[% li.cancel_reason.label %]</div>
+ [% END %]
+ [% IF li.distribution_formulas.size > 0 %]
+ [% SET forms = [] %]
+ [% FOREACH form IN li.distribution_formulas; forms.push(form.formula.name); END %]
+ <div>Distribution Formulas: [% forms.join(',') %]</div>
+ [% END %]
+ [% IF li.lineitem_notes.size > 0 %]
+ Lineitem Notes:
+ <ul>
+ [%- FOR note IN li.lineitem_notes -%]
+ <li>
+ [% IF note.alert_text %]
+ [% note.alert_text.code -%]
+ [% IF note.value -%]
+ : [% note.value %]
+ [% END %]
+ [% ELSE %]
+ [% note.value -%]
+ [% END %]
+ </li>
+ [% END %]
+ </ul>
+ [% END %]
+ </div>
+ <br/>
+ <table>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Branch</th>
+ <th>Barcode</th>
+ <th>Call Number</th>
+ <th>Fund</th>
+ <th>Shelving Location</th>
+ <th>Recd.</th>
+ <th>Notes</th>
+ <th>Delayed / Canceled</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <!-- set detail.owning_lib from fm object to org name -->
+ [% FOREACH detail IN li.lineitem_details %]
+ [% detail.owning_lib = detail.owning_lib.shortname %]
+ [% END %]
+ [% FOREACH detail IN li.lineitem_details.sort('owning_lib') %]
+ [%
+ IF detail.eg_copy_id;
+ SET copy = detail.eg_copy_id;
+ SET cn_label = copy.call_number.label;
+ SET copy = detail;
+ SET cn_label = detail.cn_label;
+ %]
+ <tr>
+ <!-- acq.lineitem_detail.id = [%- detail.id -%] -->
+ <td style='padding:5px;'>[% detail.owning_lib %]</td>
+ <td style='padding:5px;'>[% IF copy.barcode %]<span class="barcode" >[% detail.barcode %]</span>[% END %]</td>
+ <td style='padding:5px;'>[% IF cn_label %]<span class="cn_label" >[% cn_label %]</span>[% END %]</td>
+ <td style='padding:5px;'>[% IF detail.fund %]<span class="fund">[% detail.fund.code %] ([% detail.fund.year %])</span>[% END %]</td>
+ <td style='padding:5px;'>[% copy.location.name %]</td>
+ <td style='padding:5px;'>[% IF detail.recv_time %]<span class="recv_time">[% date.format(helpers.format_date(detail.recv_time, staff_org_timezone), '%x %r', locale) %]</span>[% END %]</td>
+ <td style='padding:5px;'>[% detail.note %]</td>
+ <td style='padding:5px;'>[% detail.cancel_reason.label %]</td>
+ </tr>
+ [% END %]
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
INSERT INTO config.print_template
(id, name, label, owner, active, locale, template)
- 4, 'lineitem_worksheet', 'Lineitem Worksheet', 1, TRUE, 'en-US',
+ 5, 'lineitem_worksheet', 'Lineitem Worksheet', 1, TRUE, 'en-US',
USE money=format('%.2f');
+ USE date;
SET li = template_data.lineitem;
SET title = '';
SET author = '';
-<div>Title: [% title.substr(0, 80) %][% IF title.length > 80 %]...[% END %]</div>
-<div>Author: [% author %]</div>
-<div>Item Count: [% li.lineitem_details.size %]</div>
-<div>Lineitem ID: [% li.id %]</div>
-<div>PO # : [% li.purchase_order%]</div>
-<div>Est. Price: [% money(li.estimated_unit_price) %]</div>
+<div class="wrapper">
+ <div class="summary" style='font-size:110%; font-weight:bold;'>
+ <div>Title: [% title.substr(0, 80) %][% IF title.length > 80 %]...[% END %]</div>
+ <div>Author: [% author %]</div>
+ <div>Item Count: [% li.lineitem_details.size %]</div>
+ <div>Lineitem ID: [% li.id %]</div>
+ <div>PO # : [% li.purchase_order %]</div>
+ <div>Est. Price: [% money(li.estimated_unit_price) %]</div>
+ <div>Open Holds: [% template_data.hold_count %]</div>
+ [% IF li.cancel_reason.label %]
+ <div>[% li.cancel_reason.label %]</div>
+ [% END %]
+ [% IF li.distribution_formulas.size > 0 %]
+ [% SET forms = [] %]
+ [% FOREACH form IN li.distribution_formulas; forms.push(form.formula.name); END %]
+ <div>Distribution Formulas: [% forms.join(',') %]</div>
+ [% END %]
+ [% IF li.lineitem_notes.size > 0 %]
+ Lineitem Notes:
+ <ul>
+ [%- FOR note IN li.lineitem_notes -%]
+ <li>
+ [% IF note.alert_text %]
+ [% note.alert_text.code -%]
+ [% IF note.value -%]
+ : [% note.value %]
+ [% END %]
+ [% ELSE %]
+ [% note.value -%]
+ [% END %]
+ </li>
+ [% END %]
+ </ul>
+ [% END %]
+ </div>
+ <br/>
+ <table>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Branch</th>
+ <th>Barcode</th>
+ <th>Call Number</th>
+ <th>Fund</th>
+ <th>Shelving Location</th>
+ <th>Recd.</th>
+ <th>Notes</th>
+ <th>Delayed / Canceled</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <!-- set detail.owning_lib from fm object to org name -->
+ [% FOREACH detail IN li.lineitem_details %]
+ [% detail.owning_lib = detail.owning_lib.shortname %]
+ [% END %]
+ [% FOREACH detail IN li.lineitem_details.sort('owning_lib') %]
+ [%
+ IF detail.eg_copy_id;
+ SET copy = detail.eg_copy_id;
+ SET cn_label = copy.call_number.label;
+ SET copy = detail;
+ SET cn_label = detail.cn_label;
+ %]
+ <tr>
+ <!-- acq.lineitem_detail.id = [%- detail.id -%] -->
+ <td style='padding:5px;'>[% detail.owning_lib %]</td>
+ <td style='padding:5px;'>[% IF copy.barcode %]<span class="barcode" >[% detail.barcode %]</span>[% END %]</td>
+ <td style='padding:5px;'>[% IF cn_label %]<span class="cn_label" >[% cn_label %]</span>[% END %]</td>
+ <td style='padding:5px;'>[% IF detail.fund %]<span class="fund">[% detail.fund.code %] ([% detail.fund.year %])</span>[% END %]</td>
+ <td style='padding:5px;'>[% copy.location.name %]</td>
+ <td style='padding:5px;'>[% IF detail.recv_time %]<span class="recv_time">[% date.format(helpers.format_date(detail.recv_time, staff_org_timezone), '%x %r', locale) %]</span>[% END %]</td>
+ <td style='padding:5px;'>[% detail.note %]</td>
+ <td style='padding:5px;'>[% detail.cancel_reason.label %]</td>
+ </tr>
+ [% END %]
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
INSERT INTO config.print_template
(id, name, label, owner, active, locale, template)
-VALUES (5, 'purchase_order', 'Purchase Order', 1, TRUE, 'en-US',
+VALUES (6, 'purchase_order', 'Purchase Order', 1, TRUE, 'en-US',