The <script> tag for the chrome frame message has a misplaced semicolon,
which causes an odd looking display issue in Internet Explorer. I
realize that ideally very few people will be using IE, but even if
they're not interested in a quality browsing experience we should
probably put our best face forward.
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <>
<!--#include virtual='../footer.xml'-->
<div id='gcfPrompt' class='hide_me'>
- <script>dojo.require('dojo.cookie')</script>;
+ <script>dojo.require('dojo.cookie');</script>
<button onclick='CFInstall.check({preventPrompt: false, mode: "popup"});'>&common.googlechromeframe.install;</button>
<button onclick='dojo.cookie("noGCF", "true", {path:"/", expires: 365}); hideMe($("gcfPrompt"));'>&common.googlechromeframe.dontask;</button>