The view joined the actor.card table in such a way that all library
cards (active or not) were being returned. This commit changes that
behavior so that only the current card (from actor.usr.card) is returned.
Signed-off-by: Chris Sharp <>
Signed-off-by: Ben Shum <>
LEFT JOIN metabib.full_rec p ON (cn.record = p.record AND p.tag = '260' and p.subfield = 'c')
LEFT JOIN action.circulation circ ON (circ.target_copy = cp .id AND circ.checkin_time IS NULL)
LEFT JOIN actor.usr circ_u ON ( = circ.usr)
- LEFT JOIN actor.card circ_card ON ( = circ_card.usr)
+ LEFT JOIN actor.card circ_card ON (circ_u.card =
LEFT JOIN asset.stat_cat_entry_copy_map sc1 ON (sc1.owning_copy = AND sc1.stat_cat = 1)
LEFT JOIN asset.stat_cat_entry sce1 ON ( = sc1.stat_cat_entry)
LEFT JOIN asset.stat_cat_entry_copy_map sc2 ON (sc2.owning_copy = AND sc2.stat_cat = 2)