# turn our id and tcn into a 901 field, and also create a tcn and/or figure out the tcn source
- my $field901;
- ($field901, $tcn_value, $tcn_source) = preprocess($rec, $tcn_value, $id);
+ ($tcn_value, $tcn_source) = preprocess($rec, $tcn_value, $id);
# delete the old identifier and trash fields
$rec->delete_field($_) for ($rec->field('901', $tcn_field, $id_field, @trash_fields));
- $rec->append_fields($field901);
(my $xml = $rec->as_xml_record()) =~ s/\n//sog;
warn "\n!!! TCN $passed_tcn is already in use, using TCN ($tcn_value) derived from $tcn_source ID.\n";
- my $field901 = MARC::Field->new(
- '901' => ('', ''),
- a => $tcn_value,
- b => $tcn_source,
- c => $id
- );
- return ($field901, $tcn_value, $tcn_source);
+ return ($tcn_value, $tcn_source);
sub despace {
try {
my $r = MARC::Record->new_from_xml($partlist{marc});
- my %sfmap;
- $sfmap{a} = $partlist{tcn_value} if ($partlist{tcn_value});
- $sfmap{b} = $partlist{tcn_source} if ($partlist{tcn_source});
- $sfmap{c} = $partlist{id} if ($partlist{id});
- my $f = MARC::Field->new(901 => ' ' => ' ' => %sfmap);
- $r->delete_field($_) for ($r->field('901'));
- $r->append_fields( $f );
+ # XXX the following wil likely be subsumed by an in-db process, as the 901 was
if ($set_001_003) {
my $old_001 = $r->field('001');
if ($old_001) {
my $editor = shift;
my $existing_rec = shift;
- my $add_901 = 0;
my $xpath = '//marc:datafield[@tag="901"]/marc:subfield[@code="a"]';
my ($tcn) = $marcxml->documentElement->findvalue($xpath) =~ /(\w+)\s*$/o;
if(_tcn_exists($editor, $tcn, $tcn_source, $existing_rec)) {
$tcn = undef;
- } else {
- $add_901++;
return undef unless $tcn;
- if ($add_901) {
- my $df = $marcxml->createElementNS( 'http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim', 'datafield');
- $df->setAttribute( tag => '901' );
- $df->setAttribute( ind1 => ' ' );
- $df->setAttribute( ind2 => ' ' );
- $marcxml->documentElement->appendChild( $df );
- my $sfa = $marcxml->createElementNS( 'http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim', 'subfield');
- $sfa->setAttribute( code => 'a' );
- $sfa->appendChild( $marcxml->createTextNode( $tcn ) );
- $df->appendChild( $sfa );
- my $sfb = $marcxml->createElementNS( 'http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim', 'subfield');
- $sfb->setAttribute( code => 'b' );
- $sfb->appendChild( $marcxml->createTextNode( $tcn_source ) );
- $df->appendChild( $sfb );
- if ($existing_rec) {
- my $sfc = $marcxml->createElementNS( 'http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim', 'subfield');
- $sfc->setAttribute( code => 'c' );
- $sfc->appendChild( $marcxml->createTextNode( $existing_rec ) );
- $df->appendChild( $sfb );
- }
- }
return $tcn;
try {
my $req = MARC::Record->new_from_xml( $bib->marc, $encoding, $format );
- $req->delete_field( $_ ) for ($req->field(901));
$req->encoding($encoding) if ($encoding eq 'UTF-8');
- $req->append_fields(
- MARC::Field->new(
- 901, '', '',
- a => $bib->$tcn_v,
- b => $bib->$tcn_s,
- c => $bib->id
- )
- );
if ($holdings) {
$req->delete_field( $_ ) for ($req->field('852')); # remove any legacy 852s
my $cn_list = $bib->call_numbers;
try {
my $bib = $supercat->request( "open-ils.supercat.record.object.retrieve", $id )->gather(1)->[0];
- my $r = MARC::Record->new_from_xml( $bib->marc, 'UTF-8', 'USMARC' );
- $r->delete_field( $_ ) for ($r->field(901));
- $r->append_fields(
- MARC::Field->new(
- 901, '', '',
- a => $bib->tcn_value,
- b => $bib->tcn_source,
- c => $bib->id
- )
- );
- print "Content-type: application/octet-stream\n\n";
- print $r->as_usmarc;
+ print "Content-type: application/octet-stream\n\n" . MARC::Record->new_from_xml( $bib->marc, 'UTF-8', 'USMARC' )->as_usmarc;
} otherwise {
warn shift();
- $marc->delete_field( $_ ) for ($marc->field(901));
- $marc->append_fields(
- MARC::Field->new(
- 901, '', '',
- a => $record->tcn_value,
- b => $record->tcn_source,
- c => $record->id
- )
- );
# Ensure the data is encoded as UTF8 before we hand it off
$marcxml = encode_utf8($marc->as_xml_record());
$marcxml =~ s/^<\?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"\?>//o;
try {
my $r = MARC::Record->new_from_xml( $bib->marc, $encoding, $format );
- $r->delete_field( $_ ) for ($r->field(901));
- $r->append_fields(
- MARC::Field->new(
- 901, '', '',
- a => $bib->tcn_value,
- b => $bib->tcn_source,
- c => $bib->id
- )
- );
my $cn_list = $bib->call_numbers;
if ($cn_list && @$cn_list) {