push @$all_copies, $_cp if $_cp;
- # Force and recall holds bypass pretty much everything
- if ($hold->hold_type ne 'R' && $hold->hold_type ne 'F') {
- # trim unholdables
- @$all_copies = grep { isTrue($_->status->holdable) &&
- isTrue($_->location->holdable) &&
- isTrue($_->holdable) &&
- !isTrue($_->deleted) &&
- (isTrue($hold->mint_condition) ? isTrue($_->mint_condition) : 1) &&
- ($hold->hold_type ne 'P' ? $_->part_maps->count == 0 : 1)
- } @$all_copies;
- }
+ # Force and recall holds bypass pretty much everything
+ if ($hold->hold_type ne 'R' && $hold->hold_type ne 'F') {
+ # trim unholdables
+ @$all_copies = grep { isTrue($_->status->holdable) &&
+ isTrue($_->location->holdable) &&
+ isTrue($_->holdable) &&
+ !isTrue($_->deleted) &&
+ (isTrue($hold->mint_condition) ? isTrue($_->mint_condition) : 1) &&
+ ( ($hold->hold_type ne 'C' && $hold->hold_type ne 'I') ? # Copy-ish holds can target if they slipped through
+ ($hold->hold_type ne 'P' ? $_->part_maps->count == 0 : 1) : 1 )
+ } @$all_copies;
+ }
# let 'em know we're still working
$client->status( new OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsContinueStatus );