// internal tracking
_override?: boolean;
_renewal?: boolean;
+ _checkbarcode?: boolean;
_worklog?: WorkLogEntry;
// internal / local values that are moved from the API request.
_override?: boolean;
_worklog?: WorkLogEntry;
+ _checkbarcode?: boolean;
export interface CheckinResult extends CircResultCommon {
let method = 'open-ils.circ.checkout.full';
if (params._override) { method += '.override'; }
- return this.net.request(
- 'open-ils.circ', method,
- this.auth.token(), this.apiParams(params)).toPromise()
- .then(result => this.unpackCheckoutData(params, result))
- .then(result => this.processCheckoutResult(result));
+ return this.inspectBarcode(params).then(barcodeOk => {
+ if (!barcodeOk) { return null; }
+ return this.net.request(
+ 'open-ils.circ', method,
+ this.auth.token(), this.apiParams(params)).toPromise()
+ .then(result => this.unpackCheckoutData(params, result))
+ .then(result => this.processCheckoutResult(result));
+ });
renew(params: CheckoutParams): Promise<CheckoutResult> {
let method = 'open-ils.circ.renew';
if (params._override) { method += '.override'; }
- return this.net.request(
- 'open-ils.circ', method,
- this.auth.token(), this.apiParams(params)).toPromise()
- .then(result => this.unpackCheckoutData(params, result))
- .then(result => this.processCheckoutResult(result));
+ return this.inspectBarcode(params).then(barcodeOk => {
+ if (!barcodeOk) { return null; }
+ return this.net.request(
+ 'open-ils.circ', method,
+ this.auth.token(), this.apiParams(params)).toPromise()
+ .then(result => this.unpackCheckoutData(params, result))
+ .then(result => this.processCheckoutResult(result));
+ });
let method = 'open-ils.circ.checkin';
if (params._override) { method += '.override'; }
- return this.net.request(
- 'open-ils.circ', method,
- this.auth.token(), this.apiParams(params)).toPromise()
- .then(result => this.unpackCheckinData(params, result))
- .then(result => this.processCheckinResult(result));
+ return this.inspectBarcode(params).then(barcodeOk => {
+ if (!barcodeOk) { return null; }
+ return this.net.request(
+ 'open-ils.circ', method,
+ this.auth.token(), this.apiParams(params)).toPromise()
+ .then(result => this.unpackCheckinData(params, result))
+ .then(result => this.processCheckinResult(result));
+ });
fleshCommonData(result: CircResultCommon): Promise<CircResultCommon> {
{order_by : {circ : 'xact_start desc' }, limit : 1}
+ // Resolves to true if the barcode is OK or the user confirmed it or
+ // the user doesn't care to begin with
+ inspectBarcode(params: CheckoutParams | CheckinParams): Promise<boolean> {
+ if (!params._checkbarcode || !params.copy_barcode) {
+ return Promise.resolve(true);
+ }
+ if (this.checkBarcode(params.copy_barcode)) {
+ // Avoid prompting again on an override
+ params._checkbarcode = false;
+ return Promise.resolve(true);
+ }
+ this.components.badBarcodeDialog.barcode = params.copy_barcode;
+ return this.components.badBarcodeDialog.open().toPromise();
+ }
+ checkBarcode(barcode: string): boolean {
+ if (barcode !== Number(barcode).toString()) { return false; }
+ const bc = barcode.toString();
+ // "16.00" == Number("16.00"), but the . is bad.
+ // Throw out any barcode that isn't just digits
+ if (bc.search(/\D/) !== -1) { return false; }
+ const lastDigit = bc.substr(bc.length - 1);
+ const strippedBarcode = bc.substr(0, bc.length - 1);
+ return this.barcodeCheckdigit(strippedBarcode).toString() === lastDigit;
+ }
+ barcodeCheckdigit(bc: string): number {
+ let checkSum = 0;
+ let multiplier = 2;
+ const reverseBarcode = bc.toString().split('').reverse();
+ reverseBarcode.forEach(ch => {
+ let tempSum = 0;
+ const product = (Number(ch) * multiplier) + '';
+ product.split('').forEach(num => tempSum += Number(num));
+ checkSum += Number(tempSum);
+ multiplier = multiplier === 2 ? 1 : 2;
+ });
+ const cSumStr = checkSum.toString();
+ const nextMultipleOf10 =
+ (Number(cSumStr.match(/(\d*)\d$/)[1]) * 10) + 10;
+ let checkDigit = nextMultipleOf10 - Number(cSumStr);
+ if (checkDigit === 10) { checkDigit = 0; }
+ return checkDigit;
+ }