I also moved the STOPWORDS definition out of the function body, to save a few
CPU cycles.
git-svn-id: svn://svn.open-ils.org/ILS-Contrib/servres/trunk@1145
subtree element, or None if there is no match.
+ # TODO: internationalize the stopwords list.
+ STOPWORDS = set(['a', 'an', 'that', 'there', 'the', 'this'])
def sort_title(item):
"""First cut of a stop words routine."""
- # TODO: this needs to either be in its own file or in settings
- stopwords = '''
- a
- an
- that
- there
- the
- this
- '''.split()
- normal_text = [t for t in item.split() if t.lower() not in stopwords]
+ normal_text = [t for t in item.lower().split() if t not in STOPWORDS]
return " ".join(normal_text)
items = self.items()