use strict;
use Exporter;
+use Unix::Syslog qw(:macros :subs);
use base qw/OpenSRF Exporter/;
use FileHandle;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use OpenSRF::Utils::Config;
use Fcntl;
-# XXX Update documentation
-=head1 Description
-General purpose logging package. The logger searches $config->logs->$log_name for the
-actual file to log to. Any file in the config may be logged to. If the user attempts to
-log to a log file that does not exist within the config, then the messages will to
-There are also a set of predefined log levels. Currently they are
-NONE, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, INTERNAL, and ALL. You can select one of these log levels
-when you send messages to the logger. The message will be logged if it is of equal or greater
-'importance' than the global log level, found at $config->system->debug. If you don't specify
-a log level, a defaul will be provided. Current defaults are:
-error -> ERROR
-debug -> DEBUG
-transport -> INTERNAL
-message -> INFO
+Logger code
-method -> INFO
+my $logger = OpenSRF::Utils::Logger;
+$logger->error( $msg );
-All others are logged to INFO by default.
+For backwards compability, a log level may also be provided to each log
+function thereby overriding the level defined by the function.
-You write to a log by calling the log's method.
-use OpenSRF::Utils::Logger qw(:level);
-my $logger = "OpenSRF::Utils::Logger";
-$logger->debug( "degug message" );
-$logger->transport( "debug message", DEBUG );
-$logger->blahalb( "I'll likely end up at STDERR with a log level of INFO" );
-will only write the time, line number, and file that the method was called from.
-Note also that all messages with a log level of ERROR are written to the "error" log
-in addition to the intended log file.
+i.e. $logger->error( $msg, WARN ); # logs at log level WARN
-# Just set this first and not during every call to the logger
-# XXX this should be added to the sig{hup} handler once it exists.
-# 1. check config, if file exists write to that file locally
-# 2. If not in config and set to remote, send to socket. if not remote log to stderr
-my $config;
-my $file_hash;
-my $trace_active = 0;
-my $port;
-my $proto;
-my $peer;
-my $socket;
-my $remote_logging = 0;
-my $LEVEL = "OpenSRF::Utils::LogLevel";
-my $FILE = "OpenSRF::Utils::LogFile";
-# --- Log levels - values and names
-my $none = $LEVEL->new( 1, "NONE" );
-my $error = $LEVEL->new( 10, "ERRR" );
-my $warn = $LEVEL->new( 20, "WARN" );
-my $info = $LEVEL->new( 30, "INFO" );
-my $debug = $LEVEL->new( 40, "DEBG" );
-my $internal = $LEVEL->new( 50, "INTL" );
-my $all = $LEVEL->new( 100, "ALL " );
-sub NONE { return $none; }
-sub ERROR { return $error; }
-sub WARN { return $warn; }
-sub INFO { return $info; }
-sub DEBUG { return $debug; }
-sub INTERNAL { return $internal; }
-sub ALL { return $all; }
-# Known log files and their default log levels
-my $known_logs = [
- $FILE->new( "error", &ERROR ),
- $FILE->new( "debug", &DEBUG ),
- $FILE->new( "transport",&INTERNAL ),
- $FILE->new( "message", &INFO ),
- $FILE->new( "method", &INFO ),
- ];
-# ---------------------------------------------------------
- my $global_llevel;
- sub global_llevel { return $global_llevel; }
- sub set_config {
- $config = OpenSRF::Utils::Config->current;
- if( defined($config) ) {
- $global_llevel = $config->bootstrap->debug;
- $port = "";
- $proto = "";
- $peer = "";
- $remote_logging = 0;
- {
- no strict "refs";
- $global_llevel = &{$global_llevel};
- }
- build_file_hash();
- }
- else {
- $global_llevel = DEBUG;
- warn "*** Logger found no suitable config. Using STDERR ***\n";
- }
- }
-sub build_file_hash {
- $file_hash = {};
- my $path = $config->bootstrap->log_dir;
- $file_hash->{"error"} = join("/",$path,$config->logs->error);
- $file_hash->{"transport"} = join("/",$path,$config->logs->transport);
- $file_hash->{"debug"} = join("/",$path,$config->logs->debug);
-# ---------------------------------------------------------
- my( $self, $string, $llevel ) = @_;
- my $log = $AUTOLOAD;
- $log =~ s/.*://; # strip fully-qualified portion
- unless( defined($config) or global_llevel() ) {
- set_config();
+my $config; # config handle
+my $loglevel; # global log level
+my $logfile; # log file
+my $facility; # syslog facility
+my $actlog; # activity log syslog facility
+my $service = "osrf"; # default service name
+my $syslog_enabled = 0; # is syslog enabled?
+my $logfile_enabled = 1; # are we logging to a file?
+my $logdir; # log file directory
+# log levels
+sub ACTIVITY { return -1; }
+sub NONE { return 0; }
+sub ERROR { return 1; }
+sub WARN { return 2; }
+sub INFO { return 3; }
+sub DEBUG { return 4; }
+sub INTERNAL { return 5; }
+sub ALL { return 100; }
+# load up our config options
+sub set_config {
+ return if defined $config;
+ $config = OpenSRF::Utils::Config->current;
+ if( !defined($config) ) {
+ $loglevel = INFO();
+ warn "*** Logger found no config. Using STDERR ***\n";
- # Build the sub here so we can use the enclosed $log variable.
- # This is some weird Perl s*** that only satan could dream up.
- # We mangle the symbol table so that future calls to $logger->blah
- # will no longer require the autoload.
- # The $log variable (above) will contain the name of the log
- # log file the user is attempting to log to. This is true, however,
- # even though the above code is presumably run only the first time
- # the call to $logger->blah is made.
- no strict "refs";
- *{$log} = sub {
- if( global_llevel()->level == NONE->level ) { return; }
- my( $class, $string, $llevel ) = @_;
- # see if we can return
- if( $llevel ) {
- # if level is passed in as a string, cast it to a level object
- ref( $llevel ) || do{ $llevel = &{$llevel} };
- return if ($llevel->level > global_llevel()->level);
- }
- else { # see if there is a default llevel, set to INFO if not.
- my $log_obj;
- foreach my $l ( @$known_logs ) {
- if( $l->name eq $log ) { $log_obj = $l and last; }
- }
- if( $log_obj ) { $llevel = $log_obj->def_level; }
- else { $llevel = INFO; }
- }
+ $loglevel = $config->bootstrap->debug;
+ if($loglevel =~ /error/i){ $loglevel = ERROR(); }
+ elsif($loglevel =~ /warn/i){ $loglevel = WARN(); }
+ elsif($loglevel =~ /info/i){ $loglevel = INFO(); }
+ elsif($loglevel =~ /debug/i){ $loglevel = DEBUG(); }
+ elsif($loglevel =~ /internal/i){ $loglevel = INTERNAL(); }
+ else{$loglevel= INFO(); }
- # again, see if we can get out of this
- return if ($llevel->level > global_llevel()->level);
+ $logfile = $config->bootstrap->logfile;
- my @caller = caller();
- push( @caller, (caller(1))[3] );
- # In the absense of a config, we write to STDERR
- if( ! defined($config) ) {
- _write_stderr( $string, $llevel->name, @caller);
- return;
- }
- if( $remote_logging ) {
- _write_net( $log, $string, $llevel->name, @caller );
- } elsif ( my $file = $file_hash->{$log} ) {
- _write_local( $file, $string, $llevel->name, @caller );
- } else {
- _write_stderr( $string, $llevel->name, @caller);
- }
+ if($logfile =~ /^syslog:/) {
+ $syslog_enabled = 1;
+ $logfile_enabled = 0;
+ $logfile =~ s/^syslog://;
+ $facility = $logfile;
+ $facility = _fac_to_const($facility);
+ if(!$facility) { $facility = LOG_LOCAL0; }
+ $actlog = $config->bootstrap->actlog;
+ if(!$actlog) { $actlog = "local1"; }
+ $actlog = _fac_to_const($actlog);
+ } else {
+ my $logdir = $config->bootstrap->log_dir;
+ $logfile = "$logdir/$logfile";
+ }
- if( $llevel->name eq ERROR->name ) { # send all error to stderr
- _write_stderr( $string, $llevel->name, @caller);
- }
- if( $llevel->name eq ERROR->name and $log ne "error" ) {
- if( my $e_file = $file_hash->{"error"} ) {
- if( ! $remote_logging ) {
- _write_local( $e_file, $string, $llevel->name, @caller );
- }
- }
- }
- };
- $self->$log( $string, $llevel );
+ #warn "Level: $loglevel, Fac: $facility, Act: $actlog\n";
+sub _fac_to_const {
+ my $name = shift;
+ return LOG_LOCAL0 unless $name;
+ return LOG_LOCAL0 if $name =~ /local0/i;
+ return LOG_LOCAL1 if $name =~ /local1/i;
+ return LOG_LOCAL2 if $name =~ /local2/i;
+ return LOG_LOCAL3 if $name =~ /local3/i;
+ return LOG_LOCAL4 if $name =~ /local4/i;
+ return LOG_LOCAL5 if $name =~ /local5/i;
+ return LOG_LOCAL6 if $name =~ /local6/i;
+ return LOG_LOCAL7 if $name =~ /local7/i;
+ return LOG_LOCAL0;
-# write_net expects a log_type_name and not a log_file_name for the first parameter
-my $net_buffer = "";
-my $counter = 0;
-sub _write_net {
- my( $log, $string, $llevel, @caller ) = @_;
- my( $pack, $file, $line_no ) = @caller;
- my @lines = split( "\n", $string );
- my $message = "$log|"."-" x 33 .
- "\n$log|[$0 $llevel] $line_no $pack".
- "\n$log|[$0 $llevel] $file";
- foreach my $line (@lines) {
- $message .= "\n$log|[$0 $llevel] $line";
- }
- $net_buffer .= "$message\n";
+sub is_syslog {
+ set_config() unless defined($config);
+ return $syslog_enabled;
- # every 4th load is sent on the socket
- if( $counter++ % 4 ) { return; }
+sub is_filelog {
+ set_config() unless defined($config);
+ return $logfile_enabled;
- unless( $socket ) {
- $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
- PeerAddr => $peer,
- PeerPort => $port,
- Proto => $proto )
- or die "Unable to open socket to log server";
+sub set_service {
+ my( $self, $svc ) = @_;
+ $service = $svc;
+ if( is_syslog() ) {
+ closelog();
+ openlog($service, 0, $facility);
- $socket->send( $net_buffer );
- $net_buffer = "";
+sub error {
+ my( $self, $msg, $level ) = @_;
+ $level = ERROR() unless defined ($level);
+ _log_message( $msg, $level );
-sub _write_local {
+sub warn {
+ my( $self, $msg, $level ) = @_;
+ $level = WARN() unless defined ($level);
+ _log_message( $msg, $level );
- my( $log, $string, $llevel, @caller ) = @_;
- my( $pack, $file, $line_no ) = @caller;
- my @lines = split( "\n", $string );
- my $time = format_time();
- or die "Cannot sysopen $log: $!";
- binmode(SINK, ':utf8');
- print SINK "-" x 23 . "\n";
- print SINK "$time [$0 $llevel] $line_no $pack \n";
- print SINK "$time [$0 $llevel] $file\n";
- foreach my $line (@lines) {
- print SINK "$time [$0 $llevel] $line\n";
- }
- close( SINK );
+sub info {
+ my( $self, $msg, $level ) = @_;
+ $level = INFO() unless defined ($level);
+ _log_message( $msg, $level );
+sub debug {
+ my( $self, $msg, $level ) = @_;
+ $level = DEBUG() unless defined ($level);
+ _log_message( $msg, $level );
-sub _write_stderr {
- my( $string, $llevel, @caller ) = @_;
- my( $pack, $file, $line_no ) = @caller;
- my @lines = split( "\n", $string );
- my $time = format_time();
- print STDERR "-" x 23 . "\n";
- print STDERR "$time [$0 $llevel] $line_no $pack\n";
- print STDERR "$time [$0 $llevel] $file\n";
- foreach my $line (@lines) {
- print STDERR "$time [$0 $llevel] $line\n";
- }
+sub internal {
+ my( $self, $msg, $level ) = @_;
+ $level = INTERNAL() unless defined ($level);
+ _log_message( $msg, $level );
-sub format_time {
- my ($s, $ms) = gettimeofday();
- my @time = localtime( $s );
- $ms = substr( $ms, 0, 3 );
- my $year = $time[5] + 1900;
- my $mon = $time[4] + 1;
- my $day = $time[3];
- my $hour = $time[2];
- my $min = $time[1];
- my $sec = $time[0];
- $mon = "0" . "$mon" if ( length($mon) == 1 );
- $day = "0" . "$day" if ( length($day) == 1 );
- $hour = "0" . "$hour" if ( length($hour) == 1 );
- $min = "0" . "$min" if (length($min) == 1 );
- $sec = "0" . "$sec" if (length($sec) == 1 );
- my $proc = $$;
- while( length( $proc ) < 5 ) { $proc = "0" . "$proc"; }
- return "[$year-$mon-$day $hour:$min:$sec.$ms $proc]";
+sub activity {
+ my( $self, $msg ) = @_;
+ _log_message( $msg, ACTIVITY() );
+# for backwards compability
+sub transport {
+ my( $self, $msg, $level ) = @_;
+ $level = DEBUG() unless defined ($level);
+ _log_message( $msg, $level );
-# ----------------------------------------------
-# --- Models a log level
-package OpenSRF::Utils::LogLevel;
-sub new { return bless( [ $_[1], $_[2] ], $_[0] ); }
-sub level { return $_[0]->[0]; }
-sub name { return $_[0]->[1]; }
+sub _log_message {
+ my( $msg, $level ) = @_;
+ return if $level > $loglevel;
+ my $l; my $n;
+ my $fac = $facility;
-# ----------------------------------------------
+ if ($level == ERROR()) {$l = LOG_ERR, $n = "ERR "; }
+ elsif ($level == WARN()) {$l = LOG_WARNING, $n = "WARN"; }
+ elsif ($level == INFO()) {$l = LOG_INFO, $n = "INFO"; }
+ elsif ($level == DEBUG()) {$l = LOG_DEBUG, $n = "DEBG"; }
+ elsif ($level == INTERNAL()){$l = LOG_DEBUG, $n = "INTL"; }
+ elsif ($level == ACTIVITY()){$l = LOG_INFO, $n = "ACT"; $fac = $actlog}
-package OpenSRF::Utils::LogFile;
-use OpenSRF::Utils::Config;
+ #my( $pack, $file, $line_no ) = @caller;
+ if( is_syslog() ) { syslog( $fac | $l, $msg ); }
+ elsif( is_filelog() ) { _write_file($msg); }
-sub new{ return bless( [ $_[1], $_[2] ], $_[0] ); }
-sub name { return $_[0]->[0]; }
-sub def_level { return $_[0]->[1]; }
+sub _write_file {
+ my $msg = shift;
+ my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
+ $year += 1900; $mon += 1;
+ or die "Cannot sysopen $logfile: $!";
+ binmode(SINK, ':utf8');
+ print SINK "[$year-$mon-$mday $hour:$min:$sec] $service $msg\n";
+ close( SINK );
-# ----------------------------------------------