sub handle_patron_status {
my ($self, $server) = @_;
+ my $ils = $server->{ils};
my ($lang, $date);
my $fields;
my $patron;
($lang, $date) = @{$self->{fixed_fields}};
$fields = $self->{fields};
- if ($fields->{(FID_INST_ID)} ne $account->{institution}) {
- syslog("LOG_WARN", "handle_patron_status: Inst-ID from SC, %s, doesn't match account Inst-ID, %s",
- $fields->{(FID_INST_ID)}, $account->{institution});
- }
+ $ils->check_inst_id($fields->{(FID_INST_ID)}, "handle_patron_status");
$patron = new ILS::Patron $fields->{(FID_PATRON_ID)};
my ($self, $server) = @_;
my $account = $server->{account};
my $ils = $server->{ils};
- my $inst = $ils->institution;
my ($no_block, $trans_date, $return_date);
my $fields;
my ($current_loc, $inst_id, $item_id, $terminal_pwd, $item_props, $cancel);
$item_props = $fields->{(FID_ITEM_PROPS)};
$cancel = $fields->{(FID_CANCEL)};
- if ($inst_id ne $inst) {
- syslog("LOG_WARN", "handle_checkin: received institution id '%s' from terminal, expected '%s'", $inst_id, $inst);
- }
+ $ils->check_inst_id($inst_id, "handle_checkin");
if ($no_block eq 'Y') {
# Off-line transactions, ick.
# passwords, but I have no idea what to do with them. So,
# I'll just ignore them for now.
- if ($ils->institution ne $inst_id) {
- syslog("WARN", "block_patron: recieved message for institution '%s', expecting '%s'",
- $inst_id, $ils->institution);
- }
+ $ils->check_inst_id($inst_id, "block_patron");
$patron = $ils->block_patron($patron_id, $card_retained,
($trans_date) = @{$self->{fixed_fields}};
$fields = $self->{fields};
- if ($fields->{(FID_INST_ID)} ne $ils->institution) {
- syslog("WARNING", "handle_end_patron_session: received institution '%s', expected '%s'", $fields->{(FID_INST_ID)}, $ils->institution);
- }
+ $ils->check_inst_id($fields->{FID_INST_ID}, "handle_end_patron_session");
($status, $screen_msg, $print_line) = $ils->end_patron_session($fields->{(FID_PATRON_ID)});
sub handle_item_information {
my ($self, $server) = @_;
+ my $ils = $server->{ils};
my $trans_date;
- my $fields;
+ my $fields = $self->{fields};
+ my $resp = ITEM_INFO_RESP;
+ my $item;
+ my $i;
($trans_date) = @{$self->{fixed_fields}};
- printf("handle_item_information:\n");
- printf(" trans_date: %s\n", $trans_date);
+ $ils->check_inst_id($fields->{(FID_INST_ID)}, "handle_item_information");
- $fields = $self->{fields};
- foreach my $key (keys(%$fields)) {
- printf(" $key : %s\n",
- defined($fields->{$key}) ? $fields->{$key} : 'UNDEF' );
+ $item = new ILS::Item $fields->{(FID_ITEM_ID)};
+ if (!defined($item)) {
+ # Invalid Item ID
+ # "Other" circ stat, "Other" security marker, "Unknown" fee type
+ $resp .= "010101";
+ $resp .= Sip::timestamp;
+ # Just echo back the invalid item id
+ $resp .= add_field(FID_ITEM_ID, $fields->{(FID_ITEM_ID)});
+ # title id is required, but we don't have one
+ $resp .= add_field(FID_TITLE_ID, '');
+ } else {
+ # Valid Item ID, send the good stuff
+ $resp .= $item->sip_circulation_status;
+ $resp .= $item->sip_security_marker;
+ $resp .= $item->sip_fee_type;
+ $resp .= Sip::timestamp;
+ $resp .= add_field(FID_ITEM_ID, $item->id);
+ $resp .= add_field(FID_TITLE_ID, $item->title_id);
+ $resp .= maybe_add(FID_MEDIA_TYPE, $item->sip_media_type);
+ $resp .= maybe_add(FID_PERM_LOCN, $item->permanent_location);
+ $resp .= maybe_add(FID_CURRENT_LOCN, $item->current_location);
+ $resp .= maybe_add(FID_ITEM_PROPS, $item->sip_item_properties);
+ if (($i = $item->fee) != 0) {
+ $resp .= add_field(FID_CURRENCY, $item->fee_currency);
+ $resp .= add_field(FID_FEE_AMT, $i);
+ }
+ $resp .= maybe_add(FID_OWNER, $item->owner);
+ if (($i = $item->hold_queue_length) > 0) {
+ $resp .= add_field(FID_HOLD_QUEUE_LEN, $i);
+ }
+ if (($i = $item->due_date) != 0) {
+ $resp .= add_field(FID_DUE_DATE, Sip::timestamp($i));
+ }
+ if (($i = $item->recall_date) != 0) {
+ $resp .= add_field(FID_RECALL_DATE, Sip::timestamp($i));
+ }
+ if (($i = $item->hold_pickup_date) != 0) {
+ $resp .= add_field(FID_HOLD_PICKUP_DATE, Sip::timestamp($i));
+ }
+ $resp .= maybe_add(FID_SCREEN_MSG, $item->screen_msg);
+ $resp .= maybe_add(FID_PRINT_LINE, $item->print_line);
+ $self->write_msg($resp, $server);
sub handle_item_status_update {