. *The design may change significantly.* Initially, it will follow the design
of the current XUL-based staff client. But the browser framework provides more
-flexibility for design choices. Also, Evergreen has accepted an
-http://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=opw:ui_suggest:julialima[intern] to
-focus on a User Interface Style Guide from December 2014 through March 2015.
-Watch http://evergreen-ils.org/communicate/irc/[IRC] and the
+flexibility for design choices. Also, Evergreen hired an
+http://lima-julia.tumblr.com/EG-style-guide[intern] from December 2014 through
+March 2015 to create a
+Interface Style Guide]. Watch http://evergreen-ils.org/communicate/irc/[IRC] and the
email list] to follow the progress.
revised and moved to the full README for 2.7.1.
+Evergreen 2.9 includes the following improvements to the web client preview:
+The web staff client now includes additional functionality to support
+cataloging and item maintenance, including:
+- a new MARC editor
+- the service backing the authority headings chooser now has the ability
+ to filter the browse by subject thesaurus
+- Z39.50 search and record import
+- improvements to copy and record bucket functionality
+- embedding the link checker interface
+- embedding the MARC batch import/export interface
+- the web staff volume/copy editor
+Nearly all of the cataloging functionality available in the XUL staff client is
+now present in the web staff client with the exception of printing spine
+labels. Nonetheless, the web staff client remains a preview and is not
+recommended for production use.
Using the Web Client