--- /dev/null
+-- SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('TODO', :eg_version);
+-- NEW config.metabib_field entries
+INSERT INTO config.metabib_field (id, field_class, name,
+ label, xpath, display_field, search_field, browse_field)
+ 38, 'identifier', 'edition',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(38, 'Edition', 'cmf', 'label'),
+ $$//mods33:mods/mods33:originInfo//mods33:edition[1]$$,
+INSERT INTO config.metabib_field (id, field_class, name,
+ label, xpath, display_field, search_field, browse_field)
+ 39, 'identifier', 'physical_description',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(39, 'Physical Descrption', 'cmf', 'label'),
+ $$(//mods33:mods/mods33:physicalDescription/mods33:form|//mods33:mods/mods33:physicalDescription/mods33:extent|//mods33:mods/mods33:physicalDescription/mods33:reformattingQuality|//mods33:mods/mods33:physicalDescription/mods33:internetMediaType|//mods33:mods/mods33:physicalDescription/mods33:digitalOrigin)$$,
+INSERT INTO config.metabib_field (id, field_class, name,
+ label, xpath, display_field, search_field, browse_field)
+ 40, 'identifier', 'publisher',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(40, 'Publisher', 'cmf', 'label'),
+ $$//mods33:mods/mods33:originInfo//mods33:publisher[1]$$,
+INSERT INTO config.metabib_field (id, field_class, name,
+ label, xpath, display_field, search_field, browse_field)
+ 41, 'identifier', 'abstract',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(41, 'Abstract', 'cmf', 'label'),
+ $$//mods33:mods/mods33:abstract$$,
+INSERT INTO config.metabib_field (id, field_class, name,
+ label, xpath, display_field, search_field, browse_field)
+ 42, 'identifier', 'toc',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(42, 'Table of Contents', 'cmf', 'label'),
+ $$//mods33:tableOfContents$$,
+INSERT INTO config.metabib_field (id, field_class, name,
+ label, xpath, display_field, search_field, browse_field)
+ 43, 'identifier', 'type_of_resource',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(43, 'Type of Resource', 'cmf', 'label'),
+ $$//mods33:mods/mods33:typeOfResource$$,
+INSERT INTO config.metabib_field (id, field_class, name,
+ label, xpath, display_field, search_field, browse_field)
+ 44, 'identifier', 'pubdate',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(44, 'Publication Date', 'cmf', 'label'),
+ $$//mods33:mods/mods33:originInfo//mods33:dateIssued[@encoding="marc"]|//mods33:mods/mods33:originInfo//mods33:dateIssued[1]$$,
+-- Modify existing config.metabib_field entries
+UPDATE config.metabib_field SET display_field = TRUE WHERE id IN (
+ 1, -- seriestitle
+ 11, -- subject_geographic
+ 12, -- subject_name
+ 13, -- subject_temporal
+ 14, -- subject_topic
+ 19, -- ISSN
+ 20, -- UPC
+ 26 -- TCN
+-- Map display field names to config.metabib_field entries
+INSERT INTO config.display_field_map (name, field, multi) VALUES
+ ('series_title', 1, FALSE),
+ ('subject_geographic', 11, TRUE),
+ ('subject_name', 12, TRUE),
+ ('subject_temporal', 13, TRUE),
+ ('subject_topic', 14, TRUE),
+ ('issn', 19, TRUE),
+ ('upc', 20, TRUE),
+ ('tcn', 26, FALSE),
+ ('edition', 38, FALSE),
+ ('physical_description',39, TRUE),
+ ('publisher', 40, FALSE),
+ ('abstract', 41, FALSE),
+ ('toc', 42, FALSE),
+ ('type_of_resource', 43, FALSE),
+ ('pubdate', 44, FALSE)
+-- Add a column to wide-display-entry per well-known field
+DROP VIEW metabib.wide_display_entry;
+CREATE VIEW metabib.wide_display_entry AS
+ bre.id AS source,
+ COALESCE(mcde_title.value, 'null') AS title,
+ COALESCE(mcde_author.value, 'null') AS author,
+ COALESCE(mcde_subject_geographic.value, 'null') AS subject_geographic,
+ COALESCE(mcde_subject_name.value, 'null') AS subject_name,
+ COALESCE(mcde_subject_temporal.value, 'null') AS subject_temporal,
+ COALESCE(mcde_subject_topic.value, 'null') AS subject_topic,
+ COALESCE(mcde_creators.value, 'null') AS creators,
+ COALESCE(mcde_isbn.value, 'null') AS isbn,
+ COALESCE(mcde_issn.value, 'null') AS issn,
+ COALESCE(mcde_upc.value, 'null') AS upc,
+ COALESCE(mcde_tcn.value, 'null') AS tcn,
+ COALESCE(mcde_edition.value, 'null') AS edition,
+ COALESCE(mcde_physical_description.value, 'null') AS physical_description,
+ COALESCE(mcde_publisher.value, 'null') AS publisher,
+ COALESCE(mcde_series_title.value, 'null') AS series_title,
+ COALESCE(mcde_abstract.value, 'null') AS abstract,
+ COALESCE(mcde_toc.value, 'null') AS toc,
+ COALESCE(mcde_pubdate.value, 'null') AS pubdate,
+ COALESCE(mcde_type_of_resource.value, 'null') AS type_of_resource
+ FROM biblio.record_entry bre
+ LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_title
+ ON (bre.id = mcde_title.source AND mcde_title.name = 'title')
+ LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_author
+ ON (bre.id = mcde_author.source AND mcde_author.name = 'author')
+ LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_subject
+ ON (bre.id = mcde_subject.source AND mcde_subject.name = 'subject')
+ LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_subject_geographic
+ ON (bre.id = mcde_subject_geographic.source
+ AND mcde_subject_geographic.name = 'subject_geographic')
+ LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_subject_name
+ ON (bre.id = mcde_subject_name.source
+ AND mcde_subject_name.name = 'subject_name')
+ LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_subject_temporal
+ ON (bre.id = mcde_subject_temporal.source
+ AND mcde_subject_temporal.name = 'subject_temporal')
+ LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_subject_topic
+ ON (bre.id = mcde_subject_topic.source
+ AND mcde_subject_topic.name = 'subject_topic')
+ LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_creators
+ ON (bre.id = mcde_creators.source AND mcde_creators.name = 'creators')
+ LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_isbn
+ ON (bre.id = mcde_isbn.source AND mcde_isbn.name = 'isbn')
+ LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_issn
+ ON (bre.id = mcde_issn.source AND mcde_issn.name = 'issn')
+ LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_upc
+ ON (bre.id = mcde_upc.source AND mcde_upc.name = 'upc')
+ LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_tcn
+ ON (bre.id = mcde_tcn.source AND mcde_tcn.name = 'tcn')
+ LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_edition
+ ON (bre.id = mcde_edition.source AND mcde_edition.name = 'edition')
+ LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_physical_description
+ ON (bre.id = mcde_physical_description.source
+ AND mcde_physical_description.name = 'physical_description')
+ LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_publisher
+ ON (bre.id = mcde_publisher.source AND mcde_publisher.name = 'publisher')
+ LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_series_title
+ ON (bre.id = mcde_series_title.source AND mcde_series_title.name = 'series_title')
+ LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_abstract
+ ON (bre.id = mcde_abstract.source AND mcde_abstract.name = 'abstract')
+ LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_toc
+ ON (bre.id = mcde_toc.source AND mcde_toc.name = 'toc')
+ LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_pubdate
+ ON (bre.id = mcde_pubdate.source AND mcde_pubdate.name = 'pubdate')
+ LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_type_of_resource
+ ON (bre.id = mcde_type_of_resource.source
+ AND mcde_type_of_resource.name = 'type_of_resource')
+DELETE FROM metabib.display_entry WHERE field IN (1,11,12,13,14,19,20,26,38,39,40,41,42,43,44);
+DELETE FROM config.display_field_map WHERE field IN (1,11,12,13,14,19,20,26,38,39,40,41,42,43,44);
+DELETE FROM config.metabib_field WHERE id IN (38,39,40,41,42,43,44);
+-- Perform a full display field reingest, since we didn't do one during
+-- the 3.0 upgrade when display fields were introduced.
+\qecho Reingesting display field entries. This may take a while.
+\qecho This command can be stopped (control-c) and rerun later if needed:
+\qecho SELECT metabib.reingest_metabib_field_entries(id, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
+\qecho (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id)::INT[] FROM config.metabib_field WHERE display_field))
+\qecho FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE id > 0;
+-- avoid displaying a row per entry by selecting the total count.
+-- NOTE: extracting display data for deleted bibs because we occasionally
+-- display deleted bib records.
+SELECT COUNT(*) AS bib_count FROM (
+ SELECT metabib.reingest_metabib_field_entries(id, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
+ (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id)::INT[] FROM config.metabib_field WHERE display_field))
+ FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE id > 0
+) x;