use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor qw/:funcs/;
use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
use OpenILS::Application::AppUtils;
+use OpenSRF::EX qw/:try/;
use OpenILS::Event;
use OpenSRF::Utils::JSON;
use OpenSRF::Utils::Cache;
+use OpenILS::Utils::DateTime qw/:datetime/;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
# put the holds back into the original server sort order
my @sorted;
+ my %pickup_libs;
for my $id (@$hold_ids) {
push @sorted, grep { $_->{hold}->{hold}->id == $id } @holds;
+ my $h = $sorted[-1]->{hold}->{hold};
+ # if available, report the pickup lib in the list
+ $pickup_libs{$h->pickup_lib} = 1 if (
+ $h && $h->pickup_lib == $h->current_shelf_lib &&
+ $h->shelf_time && !$h->cancel_time && !$h->fulfillment_time
+ );
- return { holds => \@sorted, ids => $hold_ids, all_ids => $all_ids };
+ my $curbsides = [];
+ try { # if the service is not running, just let this fail silently
+ $curbsides = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.curbside',
+ 'open-ils.curbside.fetch_mine.atomic',
+ $e->authtoken
+ );
+ } catch Error with {};
+ my @pickup_libs = sort { $U->find_org($U->get_org_tree,$a)->name cmp $U->find_org($U->get_org_tree,$b)->name } keys %pickup_libs;
+ return { holds => \@sorted, ids => $hold_ids, all_ids => $all_ids, pickup_libs => \@pickup_libs, curbsides => $curbsides };
sub handle_hold_update {
my $action = shift;
my $hold_ids = shift;
my $e = $self->editor;
+ my $ctx = $self->ctx;
my $url;
my @hold_ids = ($hold_ids) ? @$hold_ids : $self->cgi->param('hold_id'); # for non-_all actions
$url .= ";$param=" . uri_escape_utf8($_) foreach @vals;
+ } elsif ($action eq 'curbside') { # we'll only work on one curbside slot per refresh
+ $circ->kill_me;
+ $circ = OpenSRF::AppSession->create('open-ils.curbside');
+ # see what we're doing with curbside here...
+ my $cs_action = $self->cgi->param("cs_action");
+ my $slot_id = $self->cgi->param("cs_slot_id");
+ # we have an id, let's grab it if we can
+ my $slot = $e->retrieve_action_curbside($slot_id);
+ $slot = undef if ($slot && $slot->patron != $e->requestor->id); # nice try!
+ my $org = $self->cgi->param("cs_org");
+ my $date = $self->cgi->param("cs_date");
+ my $time = $self->cgi->param("cs_time");
+ my $notes = $self->cgi->param("cs_notes");
+ if ($slot) {
+ $org ||= $slot->org;
+ $notes ||= $slot->notes;
+ if ($slot->slot) {
+ my $dt = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->new->parse_datetime(clean_ISO8601($slot->slot));
+ $date ||= $dt->strftime('%F');
+ $time ||= $dt->strftime('%T');
+ }
+ }
+ $ctx->{cs_org} = $org;
+ $ctx->{cs_date} = $date;
+ $ctx->{cs_time} = $time;
+ $ctx->{cs_notes} = $notes;
+ $ctx->{cs_slot_id} = $slot->id if ($slot);
+ $ctx->{cs_slot} = $slot;
+ if ($cs_action eq 'reset') {
+ $ctx->{cs_org} = $org = undef;
+ $ctx->{cs_date} = $date = undef;
+ $ctx->{cs_time} = $time = undef;
+ $ctx->{cs_notes} = $notes = undef;
+ $ctx->{cs_slot_id} = $slot_id = undef;
+ $ctx->{cs_slot} = $slot = undef;
+ } elsif ($cs_action eq 'save' && $org && $date && $time) {
+ my $mode = $slot ? 'update' : 'create';
+ $slot = $circ->request(
+ "open-ils.curbside.${mode}_appointment",
+ $e->authtoken, $e->requestor->id, $date, $time, $org, $notes
+ )->gather(1);
+ if (defined $U->event_code($slot)) {
+ $self->apache->log->warn(
+ "error attempting to $mode a curbside appointment for patron ".
+ $e->requestor->id . ", got event " . $slot->{textcode}
+ );
+ $ctx->{curbside_action_event} = $slot;
+ $ctx->{cs_slot} = undef;
+ } else {
+ $ctx->{cs_slot} = $slot;
+ }
+ $url = $self->ctx->{proto} . '://' . $self->ctx->{hostname} . $self->ctx->{opac_root} . '/myopac/holds_curbside';
+ } elsif ($cs_action eq 'cancel' && $slot) {
+ my $curbsides = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.curbside',
+ 'open-ils.curbside.delete_appointment',
+ $e->authtoken, $slot->id
+ );
+ $url = $self->ctx->{proto} . '://' . $self->ctx->{hostname} . $self->ctx->{opac_root} . '/myopac/holds_curbside';
+ } elsif ($cs_action eq 'arrive' && $slot) {
+ my $curbsides = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.curbside',
+ 'open-ils.curbside.mark_arrived',
+ $e->authtoken, $slot->id
+ );
+ } elsif ($cs_action eq 'deliver' && $slot) {
+ my $curbsides = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.curbside',
+ 'open-ils.curbside.mark_delivered',
+ $e->authtoken, $slot->id
+ );
+ }
+ if ($date and $org and !$ctx->{cs_times}{$date}) {
+ $ctx->{cs_times}{$date} = $circ->request(
+ 'open-ils.curbside.times_for_date.atomic',
+ $e->authtoken, $date, $org
+ )->gather(1);
+ }
if($holds_object->{holds}) {
$ctx->{holds} = $holds_object->{holds};
+ $ctx->{curbside_appointments} = {};
+ $logger->info('curbside: found '.scalar(@{$holds_object->{curbsides}}).' appointments');
+ for my $cs (@{$holds_object->{curbsides}}) {
+ if ($cs->slot) {
+ my $dt = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->new->parse_datetime(clean_ISO8601($cs->slot))->strftime('%F');
+ $ctx->{cs_times}{$dt} = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.curbside', 'open-ils.curbside.times_for_date.atomic',
+ $e->authtoken, $dt, $cs->org
+ );
+ }
+ $ctx->{curbside_appointments}{$cs->org} = $cs;
+ }
+ $ctx->{curbside_pickup_libs} = [];
+ for my $pul (@{$holds_object->{pickup_libs}}) {
+ push(@{$ctx->{curbside_pickup_libs}}, $pul) if $ctx->{get_org_setting}->($pul, 'circ.curbside');
+ }
$ctx->{holds_ids} = $holds_object->{all_ids};
$ctx->{holds_limit} = $limit;
where => {id => $e->requestor->id}
+ # This is used to detect whether we want to show the curbside tab
+ my $extant_holds_object = $self->fetch_user_holds();
+ if($extant_holds_object->{holds}) {
+ $ctx->{curbside_pickup_libs} = [];
+ for my $pul (@{$extant_holds_object->{pickup_libs}}) {
+ push(@{$ctx->{curbside_pickup_libs}}, $pul) if $ctx->{get_org_setting}->($pul, 'circ.curbside');
+ }
+ }
my $holds_object = $self->fetch_user_holds([map { $_->{id} } @$hold_ids], 0, 1, 0, $limit, $offset);
if($holds_object->{holds}) {
$ctx->{holds} = $holds_object->{holds};