--- /dev/null
+# Based on a script by Bill Erickson.
+# TODO:
+# ~ single-step mode that calls psql -f once per file
+# (but also prompts for password once per file).
+# ~ help/usage option
+function usage() {
+ cat <<END_OF_USAGE
+usage: $0 db_host db_user db_name
+Automtically update the DB with all numbered updates beyond the last installed one.
+ALL parameters are required to access the postgres database.
+ db_host - database host system (e.g. "localhost" or "")
+ db_user - database username
+ db_name - database name
+Run from your source repository Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg directory.
+You will be prompted for the postgres password if necessary.
+function die() {
+ echo "ERROR: $1" >&2;
+ exit 1;
+function usage_die() {
+ exec >&2;
+ echo;
+ echo "ERROR: $1";
+ echo;
+ usage;
+ exit 1;
+function feedback() {
+ #TODO: add a test and verbose mode that use this.
+ echo "Updating database $DB_NAME on $DB_HOST as user $DB_USER";
+[ -z "$DB_HOST" -o -z "$DB_USER" -o -z "$DB_NAME" ] && usage_die "Need all DB parameters";
+VERSION=$(psql -c "select max(version) from config.upgrade_log" -t $PSQL_ACCESS);
+[ $? -gt 0 ] && die "Database access failed.";
+# [ $VERBOSE ] && echo RAW VERSION: $VERSION # TODO: for verbose mode
+VERSION=$(echo $VERSION | sed -e 's/^ *0*//'); # This is a separate step so we can check $? above.
+[ -z "$VERSION" ] && usage_die "config.upgrade_log missing ANY installed version data!";
+echo "* Last installed version -> $VERSION";
+[ -d ./upgrade ] || usage_die "No ./upgrade directory found. Please run from Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg";
+declare -a FILES;
+while true; do
+ VERSION=$(($VERSION + 1));
+ PREFIX=$(printf "%0.4d" $VERSION);
+ FILE=$(ls upgrade/$PREFIX* 2>/dev/null);
+ [ ! -f "$FILE" ] && break;
+ FILES[${#FILES[@]}]=$FILE; # "push" onto FILES array
+ echo "* Pending $FILE";
+if [ $COUNT -gt 0 ] ; then
+ echo "* $COUNT update scripts to apply."
+ exec 3>&1; # our copy of STDOUT
+ for (( i=0; i<$COUNT; i++ )) ; do
+ echo "* Applying ${FILES[$i]}" >&3; # to the main script STDOUT
+ cat ${FILES[$i]}; # to the psql pipe
+ done | psql $PSQL_ACCESS ;
+ echo "* Nothing to update";