--- /dev/null
+-- Load the TAP functions.
+-- Plan the tests.
+SELECT plan(6);
+-- Run the tests.
+SELECT hasnt_column('money', 'credit_card_payment', 'cc_type',
+ 'Column "cc_type" on money.credit_card_payment should not exist');
+SELECT hasnt_column('money', 'credit_card_payment', 'expire_month',
+ 'Column "expire_month" on money.credit_card_payment should not exist');
+SELECT hasnt_column('money', 'credit_card_payment', 'expire_year',
+ 'Column "expire_year" on money.credit_card_payment should not exist');
+SELECT hasnt_column('money', 'credit_card_payment', 'cc_first_name',
+ 'Column "cc_first_name" on money.credit_card_payment should not exist');
+SELECT hasnt_column('money', 'credit_card_payment', 'cc_last_name',
+ 'Column "cc_last_name" on money.credit_card_payment should not exist');
+-- make sure at least one column does exist
+SELECT has_column('money', 'credit_card_payment', 'approval_code',
+ 'Column "approval_code" on money.credit_card_payment should exist');
+-- Finish the tests and clean up.
+SELECT * FROM finish();