use OpenILS::SIP::Transaction::Checkout;
use OpenILS::SIP::Transaction::Checkin;
use OpenILS::SIP::Transaction::Renew;
+use OpenILS::SIP::Transaction::FeePayment;
use OpenSRF::System;
use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
-#sub pay_fee {
-# my ($self, $patron_id, $patron_pwd, $fee_amt, $fee_type,
-# $pay_type, $fee_id, $trans_id, $currency) = @_;
-# my $trans;
-# my $patron;
-# $trans = new ILS::Transaction::FeePayment;
-# $patron = new ILS::Patron $patron_id;
-# $trans->transaction_id($trans_id);
-# $trans->patron($patron);
-# $trans->ok(1);
-# return $trans;
+sub pay_fee {
+ my ($self, $patron_id, $patron_pwd, $fee_amt, $fee_type,
+ $pay_type, $fee_id, $trans_id, $currency) = @_;
+ my $xact = OpenILS::SIP::Transaction::FeePayment->new(authtoken => $self->{authtoken});
+ my $patron = $self->find_patron($patron_id);
+ if (!$patron) {
+ $xact->screen_msg("Invalid Patron Barcode '$patron_id'");
+ $xact->ok(0);
+ return $xact;
+ }
+ $xact->patron($patron);
+ $xact->sip_currency($currency);
+ $xact->fee_amount($fee_amt);
+ $xact->sip_fee_type($fee_type);
+ $xact->transaction_id($trans_id);
+ $xact->fee_id($fee_id);
+ # We don't presently use these, but we might in the future.
+ $xact->patron_password($patron_pwd);
+ $xact->sip_payment_type($pay_type);
+ $xact->do_fee_payment();
+ return $xact;
#sub add_hold {
# my ($self, $patron_id, $patron_pwd, $item_id, $title_id,
# $expiry_date, $pickup_location, $hold_type, $fee_ack) = @_;
--- /dev/null
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2011 Merrimack Valley Library Consortium
+# Jason Stephenson <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# An object to handle fee payment
+package OpenILS::SIP::Transaction::FeePayment;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
+use OpenILS::SIP;
+use OpenILS::SIP::Transaction;
+use OpenILS::SIP::Msg qw/:const/;
+use Sys::Syslog qw(syslog);
+use OpenILS::Application::AppUtils;
+my $U = 'OpenILS::Application::AppUtils';
+our @ISA = qw(OpenILS::SIP::Transaction);
+# Most fields are handled by the Transaction superclass
+my %fields = (
+ sip_payment_type => undef,
+ fee_id => 0,
+ patron_password => undef,
+ );
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
+ foreach my $element (keys %fields) {
+ $self->{_permitted}->{$element} = $fields{$element};
+ }
+ @{$self}{keys %fields} = values %fields;
+ return bless $self, $class;
+sub do_fee_payment {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # Just in case something completely unexpected happens, we'll
+ # reject the payment to be 'safe.'
+ $self->ok(0);
+ # If the SC sends over a fee id, we try to pay that
+ # fee/transaction on the patron's record.
+ if ($self->fee_id) {
+ my $bill;
+ $bill = $U->simplereq('', '', $self->{authtoken}, $self->fee_id);
+ syslog('LOG_DEBUG', 'OILS: returned ' . OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->perl2JSON($bill));
+ # If we got an event or the bill belongs to another patron, set bill to undef.
+ $bill = undef if ($U->event_code($bill) || $bill->usr != $self->patron->internal_id);
+ # Attempt the payment here.
+ if ($bill && $bill->balance_owed >= $self->fee_amount) {
+ # We only attempt payment if the balance_owed on the bill
+ # is greater than or equal to the amount paid by the
+ # client.
+ my $payref = [ [$bill->id, $self->fee_amount] ];
+ my $resp = $self->pay_bills($payref);
+ syslog('LOG_INFO', 'OILS: pay_bills returned ' . OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->perl2JSON($resp));
+ if ($U->event_code($resp)) {
+ $self->ok(0);
+ $self->screen_msg($resp->{descr});
+ } else {
+ $self->ok(1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $self->ok(0);
+ if ($bill) {
+ # The payment had to be greater than the bill balance
+ # to end up here. We don't allow credits or
+ # overpayment.
+ $self->sreen_msg(OILS_SIP_MSG_OVERPAYMENT);
+ }
+ else {
+ # In this case, the bill was not found or did not
+ # belong to the patron.
+ $self->screen_msg(OILS_SIP_MSG_NO_BILL);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ # We attempt to pay as many of the patron's bills as possible with the payment provided.
+ my $results = $U->simplereq('', '', $self->{authtoken}, $self->patron->internal_id);
+ if ($results && ref($results) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ syslog('LOG_INFO', 'OILS: ' . scalar @$results . " bills found for " . $self->patron->internal_id);
+ # We fill an array with the payment information as
+ # expects it, i.e. an arrayref
+ # with the bill_id and payment amount of its members. To
+ # actually pay the bils, we pass the reference to this
+ # array to our pay_bils method.
+ my @payments = ();
+ # Pay each bill from the fee_amount provided until we
+ # either run out of bills or the input payment balance
+ # hits zero.
+ my $amount_paid = $self->fee_amount; # If this hits zero, we're done.
+ foreach my $bill (@{$results}) {
+ my $payment;
+ syslog('LOG_INFO', 'OILS: bill '. $bill->id . ' amount ' . $bill->balance_owed);
+ if ($bill->balance_owed >= $amount_paid) {
+ # We owe as much as or more than we have money
+ # left, so pay what we have left.
+ $payment = $amount_paid;
+ $amount_paid = 0;
+ } else {
+ # This bill is for less than the amount we have
+ # left, so pay the full bill amount.
+ $payment = $bill->balance_owed;
+ $amount_paid -= $bill->balance_owed;
+ }
+ # Add the payment to our array.
+ push(@payments, [$bill->id, $payment]);
+ # Leave if we ran out of money.
+ last if ($amount_paid == 0);
+ }
+ if (@payments && $amount_paid == 0) {
+ # pay the bills with a reference to our payments
+ # array.
+ my $resp = $self->pay_bills(\@payments);
+ syslog('LOG_INFO', 'OILS: pay_bills returned ' . OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->perl2JSON($resp));
+ if ($U->event_code($resp)) {
+ $self->ok(0);
+ $self->screen_msg($resp->{descr});
+ } else {
+ $self->ok(1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $self->ok(0);
+ if (scalar(@payments) == 0) {
+ # We didn't find any bills for the patron.
+ $self->screen_msg(OILS_SIP_MSG_NO_BILL);
+ } else {
+ # We have an overpayment
+ $self->screen_msg(OILS_SIP_MSG_OVERPAYMENT);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $self->ok(0);
+ if ($results && $U->event_code($results)) {
+ $self->screen_msg($results->{descr});
+ } else {
+ $self->screen_msg(OILS_SIP_MSG_NO_BILL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->ok;
+# Takes array ref of array ref of [billid, payment_amount] to pay in
+# batch.
+sub pay_bills {
+ my ($self, $paymentref) = @_;
+ my $user = $self->patron->{user};
+ return $U->simplereq('open-ils.circ', '', $self->{authtoken},
+ { payment_type => "cash_payment", userid => $user->id, note => "via SIP2",
+ payments => $paymentref}, $user->last_xact_id);