bump up monolithic schema upgrade script for 3.0.0
authorGalen Charlton <gmc@equinoxinitiative.org>
Mon, 2 Oct 2017 20:06:31 +0000 (16:06 -0400)
committerGalen Charlton <gmc@equinoxinitiative.org>
Mon, 2 Oct 2017 20:06:31 +0000 (16:06 -0400)
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@equinoxinitiative.org>
Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/2.12.6-3.0-rc-upgrade-db.sql [deleted file]
Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/2.12.6-3.0.0-upgrade-db.sql [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/2.12.6-3.0-rc-upgrade-db.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/2.12.6-3.0-rc-upgrade-db.sql
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8ed1d89..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6852 +0,0 @@
---Upgrade Script for 2.12.5 to 3.0-rc
-\set eg_version '''3.0-rc'''
--- verify that we're running a recent enough version of Pg
-\set ON_ERROR_STOP on
-DO $$
-      SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver;
-      IF (ver < 90400) THEN
-         RAISE EXCEPTION 'Not running a new enough version of PostgreSQL. Minimum required is 9.4; you have %', ver;
-      END IF;
-   END;
-\set ON_ERROR_STOP off
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('3.0-beta1', :eg_version);
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1032', :eg_version); -- Bmagic/csharp/gmcharlt
-CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW action.all_circulation_combined_types AS 
- SELECT acirc.id AS id,
-    acirc.xact_start,
-    acirc.circ_lib,
-    acirc.circ_staff,
-    acirc.create_time,
-    ac_acirc.circ_modifier AS item_type,
-    'regular_circ'::text AS circ_type
-   FROM action.circulation acirc,
-    asset.copy ac_acirc
-  WHERE acirc.target_copy = ac_acirc.id
- SELECT ancc.id::BIGINT AS id,
-    ancc.circ_time AS xact_start,
-    ancc.circ_lib,
-    ancc.staff AS circ_staff,
-    ancc.circ_time AS create_time,
-    cnct_ancc.name AS item_type,
-    'non-cat_circ'::text AS circ_type
-   FROM action.non_cataloged_circulation ancc,
-    config.non_cataloged_type cnct_ancc
-  WHERE ancc.item_type = cnct_ancc.id
- SELECT aihu.id::BIGINT AS id,
-    aihu.use_time AS xact_start,
-    aihu.org_unit AS circ_lib,
-    aihu.staff AS circ_staff,
-    aihu.use_time AS create_time,
-    ac_aihu.circ_modifier AS item_type,
-    'in-house_use'::text AS circ_type
-   FROM action.in_house_use aihu,
-    asset.copy ac_aihu
-  WHERE aihu.item = ac_aihu.id
- SELECT ancihu.id::BIGINT AS id,
-    ancihu.use_time AS xact_start,
-    ancihu.org_unit AS circ_lib,
-    ancihu.staff AS circ_staff,
-    ancihu.use_time AS create_time,
-    cnct_ancihu.name AS item_type,
-    'non-cat_circ'::text AS circ_type
-   FROM action.non_cat_in_house_use ancihu,
-    config.non_cataloged_type cnct_ancihu
-  WHERE ancihu.item_type = cnct_ancihu.id
- SELECT aacirc.id AS id,
-    aacirc.xact_start,
-    aacirc.circ_lib,
-    aacirc.circ_staff,
-    aacirc.create_time,
-    ac_aacirc.circ_modifier AS item_type,
-    'aged_circ'::text AS circ_type
-   FROM action.aged_circulation aacirc,
-    asset.copy ac_aacirc
-  WHERE aacirc.target_copy = ac_aacirc.id;
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1034', :eg_version);
-ALTER TABLE config.hold_matrix_matchpoint
-    ADD COLUMN description TEXT;
-ALTER TABLE config.circ_matrix_matchpoint
-    ADD COLUMN description TEXT;
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('1035', :eg_version); -- dyrcona/gmcharlt
--- Per Lp bug 1684984, the config.internal_flag,
--- ingest.disable_metabib_field_entry, was made obsolete by the
--- addition of the ingest.skip_browse_indexing,
--- ingest.skip_search_indexing, and ingest.skip_facet_indexing flags.
--- Since it is not used in the database, we delete it.
-DELETE FROM config.internal_flag
-WHERE name = 'ingest.disable_metabib_field_entry';
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1036', :eg_version);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION config.update_hard_due_dates () RETURNS INT AS $func$
-    temp_value  config.hard_due_date_values%ROWTYPE;
-    updated     INT := 0;
-    FOR temp_value IN
-      SELECT  DISTINCT ON (hard_due_date) *
-        FROM  config.hard_due_date_values
-        WHERE active_date <= NOW() -- We've passed (or are at) the rollover time
-        ORDER BY hard_due_date, active_date DESC -- Latest (nearest to us) active time
-   LOOP
-        UPDATE  config.hard_due_date
-          SET   ceiling_date = temp_value.ceiling_date
-          WHERE id = temp_value.hard_due_date
-                AND ceiling_date <> temp_value.ceiling_date -- Time is equal if we've already updated the chdd
-                AND temp_value.ceiling_date >= NOW(); -- Don't update ceiling dates to the past
-        IF FOUND THEN
-            updated := updated + 1;
-        END IF;
-    END LOOP;
-    RETURN updated;
-$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('1041', :eg_version); -- stompro/csharp/gmcharlt
---delete all instances from permission.grp_perm_map first
-DELETE FROM permission.grp_perm_map where perm in 
-(select id from permission.perm_list where code='SET_CIRC_MISSING');
---delete all instances from permission.usr_perm_map too
-DELETE FROM permission.usr_perm_map where perm in
-(select id from permission.perm_list where code='SET_CIRC_MISSING');
---delete from permission.perm_list
-DELETE FROM permission.perm_list where code='SET_CIRC_MISSING';
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('1042', :eg_version); -- mmorgan/gmcharlt
-ALTER TABLE asset.copy_location
-          ADD COLUMN url TEXT;
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1043', :eg_version);
-ALTER TABLE action_trigger.event_definition
-    ADD COLUMN retention_interval INTERVAL;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action_trigger.check_valid_retention_interval() 
-    /*
-     * 1. Retention intervals are alwyas allowed on active hooks.
-     * 2. On passive hooks, retention intervals are only allowed
-     *    when the event definition has a max_delay value and the
-     *    retention_interval value is greater than the difference 
-     *    beteween the delay and max_delay values.
-     */ 
-    PERFORM TRUE FROM action_trigger.hook 
-        WHERE key = NEW.hook AND NOT passive;
-        RETURN NEW;
-    END IF;
-    IF NEW.max_delay IS NOT NULL THEN
-        IF EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM NEW.retention_interval) > 
-            ABS(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (NEW.max_delay - NEW.delay))) THEN
-            RETURN NEW; -- all good
-        ELSE
-            RAISE EXCEPTION 'retention_interval is too short';
-        END IF;
-    ELSE
-        RAISE EXCEPTION 'retention_interval requires max_delay';
-    END IF;
-CREATE TRIGGER is_valid_retention_interval 
-    BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON action_trigger.event_definition
-    FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW.retention_interval IS NOT NULL)
-    EXECUTE PROCEDURE action_trigger.check_valid_retention_interval();
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action_trigger.purge_events() RETURNS VOID AS $_$
-  * Deleting expired events without simultaneously deleting their outputs
-  * creates orphaned outputs.  Deleting their outputs and all of the events 
-  * linking back to them, plus any outputs those events link to is messy and 
-  * inefficient.  It's simpler to handle them in 2 sweeping steps.
-  *
-  * 1. Delete expired events.
-  * 2. Delete orphaned event outputs.
-  *
-  * This has the added benefit of removing outputs that may have been
-  * orphaned by some other process.  Such outputs are not usuable by
-  * the system.
-  *
-  * This does not guarantee that all events within an event group are
-  * purged at the same time.  In such cases, the remaining events will
-  * be purged with the next instance of the purge (or soon thereafter).
-  * This is another nod toward efficiency over completeness of old 
-  * data that's circling the bit bucket anyway.
-  */
-    DELETE FROM action_trigger.event WHERE id IN (
-        SELECT evt.id
-        FROM action_trigger.event evt
-        JOIN action_trigger.event_definition def ON (def.id = evt.event_def)
-        WHERE def.retention_interval IS NOT NULL 
-            AND evt.state <> 'pending'
-            AND evt.update_time < (NOW() - def.retention_interval)
-    );
-    WITH linked_outputs AS (
-        SELECT templates.id AS id FROM (
-            SELECT DISTINCT(template_output) AS id
-                FROM action_trigger.event WHERE template_output IS NOT NULL
-            UNION
-            SELECT DISTINCT(error_output) AS id
-                FROM action_trigger.event WHERE error_output IS NOT NULL
-            UNION
-            SELECT DISTINCT(async_output) AS id
-                FROM action_trigger.event WHERE async_output IS NOT NULL
-        ) templates
-    ) DELETE FROM action_trigger.event_output
-        WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM linked_outputs);
-/* -- UNDO --
-DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS action_trigger.purge_events();
-DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS is_valid_retention_interval ON action_trigger.event_definition;
-DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS action_trigger.check_valid_retention_interval();
-ALTER TABLE action_trigger.event_definition DROP COLUMN retention_interval;
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1044', :eg_version);
-UPDATE action_trigger.hook SET passive = FALSE WHERE key IN (
-    'format.po.html',
-    'format.po.pdf',
-    'format.selfcheck.checkout',
-    'format.selfcheck.items_out',
-    'format.selfcheck.holds',
-    'format.selfcheck.fines',
-    'format.acqcle.html',
-    'format.acqinv.html',
-    'format.acqli.html',
-    'aur.ordered',
-    'aur.received',
-    'aur.cancelled',
-    'aur.created',
-    'aur.rejected'
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('1045', :eg_version); -- csharp/berick/gmcharlt
-ALTER TABLE action.transit_copy
-       ADD COLUMN cancel_time TIMESTAMPTZ;
--- change "abort" to "cancel" in stock perm descriptions
-UPDATE permission.perm_list 
-       SET description = 'Allow a user to cancel a copy transit if the user is at the transit destination or source' 
-       WHERE code = 'ABORT_TRANSIT'
-       AND description = 'Allow a user to abort a copy transit if the user is at the transit destination or source';
-UPDATE permission.perm_list 
-       SET description = 'Allow a user to cancel a copy transit if the user is not at the transit source or dest' 
-       AND description = 'Allow a user to abort a copy transit if the user is not at the transit source or dest';
-UPDATE permission.perm_list 
-       SET description = 'Allows a user to cancel a transit on a copy with status of LOST' 
-       AND description = 'Allows a user to abort a transit on a copy with status of LOST';
-UPDATE permission.perm_list 
-       SET description = 'Allows a user to cancel a transit on a copy with status of MISSING' 
-       AND description = 'Allows a user to abort a transit on a copy with status of MISSING';
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1046', :eg_version); -- phasefx/berick/gmcharlt
-INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type (
-     name
-    ,grp
-    ,label
-    ,description
-    ,datatype
-) VALUES ( ----------------------------------------
-     'webstaff.format.dates'
-    ,'gui'
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.format.dates'
-        ,'Format Dates with this pattern'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'label'
-    )
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.format.dates'
-        ,'Format Dates with this pattern (examples: "yyyy-MM-dd" for "2010-04-26", "MMM d, yyyy" for "Apr 26, 2010").  This will be used in areas where a date without a timestamp is sufficient, like Date of Birth.'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'description'
-    )
-    ,'string'
-), ( ----------------------------------------
-     'webstaff.format.date_and_time'
-    ,'gui'
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.format.date_and_time'
-        ,'Format Date+Time with this pattern'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'label'
-    )
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.format.date_and_time'
-        ,'Format Date+Time with this pattern (examples: "yy-MM-dd h:m:s.SSS a" for "16-04-05 2:07:20.666 PM", "yyyy-dd-MMM HH:mm" for "2016-05-Apr 14:07").  This will be used in areas of the client where a date with a timestamp is needed, like Checkout, Due Date, or Record Created.'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'description'
-    )
-    ,'string'
-    config.org_unit_setting_type
-    label = 'Deprecated: ' || label -- FIXME: Is this okay?
-    name IN ('format.date','format.time')
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1047', :eg_version); -- gmcharlt/stompro
-CREATE TABLE config.copy_tag_type (
-    code            TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
-    label           TEXT NOT NULL,
-CREATE INDEX config_copy_tag_type_owner_idx
-    ON config.copy_tag_type (owner);
-CREATE TABLE asset.copy_tag (
-    id              SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
-    tag_type        TEXT REFERENCES config.copy_tag_type (code)
-    label           TEXT NOT NULL,
-    value           TEXT NOT NULL,
-    index_vector    tsvector NOT NULL,
-    staff_note      TEXT,
-    pub             BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE,
-    owner           INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id)
-CREATE INDEX asset_copy_tag_label_idx
-    ON asset.copy_tag (label);
-CREATE INDEX asset_copy_tag_label_lower_idx
-    ON asset.copy_tag (evergreen.lowercase(label));
-CREATE INDEX asset_copy_tag_index_vector_idx
-    ON asset.copy_tag
-    USING GIN(index_vector);
-CREATE INDEX asset_copy_tag_tag_type_idx
-    ON asset.copy_tag (tag_type);
-CREATE INDEX asset_copy_tag_owner_idx
-    ON asset.copy_tag (owner);
-    IF NEW.value IS NULL THEN
-        NEW.value = NEW.label;        
-    END IF;
-$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
--- name of following trigger chosen to ensure it runs first
-CREATE TRIGGER asset_copy_tag_do_value
-    BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON asset.copy_tag
-    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE asset.set_copy_tag_value();
-CREATE TRIGGER asset_copy_tag_fti_trigger
-    BEFORE UPDATE OR INSERT ON asset.copy_tag
-    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE oils_tsearch2('default');
-CREATE TABLE asset.copy_tag_copy_map (
-    id              BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
-    copy            BIGINT REFERENCES asset.copy (id)
-    tag             INTEGER REFERENCES asset.copy_tag (id)
-CREATE INDEX asset_copy_tag_copy_map_copy_idx
-    ON asset.copy_tag_copy_map (copy);
-CREATE INDEX asset_copy_tag_copy_map_tag_idx
-    ON asset.copy_tag_copy_map (tag);
-INSERT INTO config.copy_tag_type (code, label, owner) VALUES ('bookplate', 'Digital Bookplate', 1);
-INSERT INTO permission.perm_list ( id, code, description ) VALUES
- ( 590, 'ADMIN_COPY_TAG_TYPES', oils_i18n_gettext( 590,
-    'Administer copy tag types', 'ppl', 'description' )),
- ( 591, 'ADMIN_COPY_TAG', oils_i18n_gettext( 591,
-    'Administer copy tag', 'ppl', 'description' ))
-INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type
-    (name, label, description, grp, datatype)
-    'opac.search.enable_bookplate_search',
-    oils_i18n_gettext(
-        'opac.search.enable_bookplate_search',
-        'Enable Digital Bookplate Search',
-        'coust',
-        'label'
-    ),
-    oils_i18n_gettext(
-        'opac.search.enable_bookplate_search',
-        'If enabled, adds a "Digital Bookplate" option to the query type selectors in the public catalog for search on copy tags.',   
-        'coust',
-        'description'
-    ),
-    'opac',
-    'bool'
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1048', :eg_version);
-INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type (
-     name
-    ,grp
-    ,label
-    ,description
-    ,datatype
-) VALUES ( ----------------------------------------
-     'webstaff.cat.label.font.family'
-    ,'cat'
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.font.family'
-        ,'Item Print Label Font Family'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'label'
-    )
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.font.family'
-        ,'Set the preferred font family for item print labels. You can specify a list of CSS fonts, separated by commas, in order of preference; the system will use the first font it finds with a matching name. For example, "Arial, Helvetica, serif"'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'description'
-    )
-    ,'string'
-), ( ----------------------------------------
-     'webstaff.cat.label.font.size'
-    ,'cat'
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.font.size'
-        ,'Item Print Label Font Size'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'label'
-    )
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.font.size'
-        ,'Set the default font size for item print labels. Please include a unit of measurement that is valid CSS. For example, "12pt" or "16px" or "1em"'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'description'
-    )
-    ,'string'
-), ( ----------------------------------------
-     'webstaff.cat.label.font.weight'
-    ,'cat'
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.font.weight'
-        ,'Item Print Label Font Weight'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'label'
-    )
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.font.weight'
-        ,'Set the default font weight for item print labels. Please use the CSS specification for values for font-weight.  For example, "normal", "bold", "bolder", or "lighter"'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'description'
-    )
-    ,'string'
-), ( ----------------------------------------
-     'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.left_margin'
-    ,'cat'
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.left_margin'
-        ,'Item Print Label - Left Margin for Left Label'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'label'
-    )
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.left_margin'
-        ,'Set the default left margin for the leftmost item print Label. Please include a unit of measurement that is valid CSS. For example, "1in" or "2.5cm"'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'description'
-    )
-    ,'string'
-), ( ----------------------------------------
-     'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.left_margin'
-    ,'cat'
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.left_margin'
-        ,'Item Print Label - Left Margin for Right Label'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'label'
-    )
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.left_margin'
-        ,'Set the default left margin for the rightmost item print label (or in other words, the desired space between the two labels). Please include a unit of measurement that is valid CSS. For example, "1in" or "2.5cm"'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'description'
-    )
-    ,'string'
-), ( ----------------------------------------
-     'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.height'
-    ,'cat'
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.height'
-        ,'Item Print Label - Height for Left Label'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'label'
-    )
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.height'
-        ,'Set the default height for the leftmost item print label. Please include a unit of measurement that is valid CSS. For example, "1in" or "2.5cm"'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'description'
-    )
-    ,'string'
-), ( ----------------------------------------
-     'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.width'
-    ,'cat'
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.width'
-        ,'Item Print Label - Width for Left Label'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'label'
-    )
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.width'
-        ,'Set the default width for the leftmost item print label. Please include a unit of measurement that is valid CSS. For example, "1in" or "2.5cm"'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'description'
-    )
-    ,'string'
-), ( ----------------------------------------
-     'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.height'
-    ,'cat'
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.height'
-        ,'Item Print Label - Height for Right Label'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'label'
-    )
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.height'
-        ,'Set the default height for the rightmost item print label. Please include a unit of measurement that is valid CSS. For example, "1in" or "2.5cm"'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'description'
-    )
-    ,'string'
-), ( ----------------------------------------
-     'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.width'
-    ,'cat'
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.width'
-        ,'Item Print Label - Width for Right Label'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'label'
-    )
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.width'
-        ,'Set the default width for the rightmost item print label. Please include a unit of measurement that is valid CSS. For example, "1in" or "2.5cm"'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'description'
-    )
-    ,'string'
-), (
-     'webstaff.cat.label.inline_css'
-    ,'cat'
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.inline_css'
-        ,'Item Print Label - Inline CSS'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'label'
-    )
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.inline_css'
-        ,'This setting allows you to inject arbitrary CSS into the item print label template.  For example, ".printlabel { text-transform: uppercase; }"'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'description'
-    )
-    ,'string'
-), (
-     'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_height'
-    ,'cat'
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_height'
-        ,'Item Print Label - Call Number Wrap Filter Height'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'label'
-    )
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_height'
-        ,'This setting is used to set the default height (in number of lines) to use for call number wrapping in the left print label.'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'description'
-    )
-    ,'integer'
-), (
-     'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_width'
-    ,'cat'
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_width'
-        ,'Item Print Label - Call Number Wrap Filter Width'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'label'
-    )
-    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
-         'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_width'
-        ,'This setting is used to set the default width (in number of characters) to use for call number wrapping in the left print label.'
-        ,'coust'
-        ,'description'
-    )
-    ,'integer'
--- for testing, setting removal:
---DELETE FROM actor.org_unit_setting WHERE name IN (
---     'webstaff.cat.label.font.family'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.font.size'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.font.weight'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.height'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.width'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.left_margin'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.height'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.width'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.left_margin'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.inline_css'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_height'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_width'
---DELETE FROM config.org_unit_setting_type_log WHERE field_name IN (
---     'webstaff.cat.label.font.family'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.font.size'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.font.weight'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.height'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.width'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.left_margin'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.height'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.width'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.left_margin'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.inline_css'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_height'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_width'
---DELETE FROM config.org_unit_setting_type WHERE name IN (
---     'webstaff.cat.label.font.family'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.font.size'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.font.weight'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.height'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.width'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.left_margin'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.height'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.width'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.left_margin'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.inline_css'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_height'
---    ,'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_width'
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1049', :eg_version); -- mmorgan/stompro/gmcharlt
-\echo -----------------------------------------------------------
-\echo Setting invalid age_protect and circ_as_type entries to NULL,
-\echo otherwise they will break the Serial Copy Templates editor.
-\echo Please review any Serial Copy Templates listed below.
-UPDATE asset.copy_template act
-SET age_protect = NULL
-FROM actor.org_unit aou
-WHERE aou.id=act.owning_lib
-   AND act.age_protect NOT IN
-   (
-   SELECT id FROM config.rule_age_hold_protect
-   )
-RETURNING act.id "Template ID", act.name "Template Name",
-          aou.shortname "Owning Lib",
-          'Age Protection value reset to null.' "Description";
-UPDATE asset.copy_template act
-SET circ_as_type = NULL
-FROM actor.org_unit aou
-WHERE aou.id=act.owning_lib
-   AND act.circ_as_type NOT IN
-   (
-   SELECT code FROM config.item_type_map
-   )
-RETURNING act.id "Template ID", act.name "Template Name",
-          aou.shortname "Owning Lib",
-          'Circ as Type value reset to null.' as "Description";
-\echo -----------End Serial Template Fix----------------
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1050', :eg_version); -- mmorgan/cesardv/gmcharlt
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION permission.usr_perms ( INT ) RETURNS SETOF permission.usr_perm_map AS $$
-    SELECT     DISTINCT ON (usr,perm) *
-         FROM  (
-                       (SELECT * FROM permission.usr_perm_map WHERE usr = $1)
-            UNION ALL
-                       (SELECT -p.id, $1 AS usr, p.perm, p.depth, p.grantable
-                         FROM  permission.grp_perm_map p
-                         WHERE p.grp IN (
-      SELECT   (permission.grp_ancestors(
-      (SELECT profile FROM actor.usr WHERE id = $1)
-                                       )).id
-                               )
-                       )
-            UNION ALL
-                       (SELECT -p.id, $1 AS usr, p.perm, p.depth, p.grantable
-                         FROM  permission.grp_perm_map p
-                         WHERE p.grp IN (SELECT (permission.grp_ancestors(m.grp)).id FROM permission.usr_grp_map m WHERE usr = $1))
-               ) AS x
-         ORDER BY 2, 3, 4 ASC, 5 DESC ;
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1051', :eg_version);
-CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW action.all_circulation_slim AS
-        id,
-        usr,
-        xact_start,
-        xact_finish,
-        unrecovered,
-        target_copy,
-        circ_lib,
-        circ_staff,
-        checkin_staff,
-        checkin_lib,
-        renewal_remaining,
-        grace_period,
-        due_date,
-        stop_fines_time,
-        checkin_time,
-        create_time,
-        duration,
-        fine_interval,
-        recurring_fine,
-        max_fine,
-        phone_renewal,
-        desk_renewal,
-        opac_renewal,
-        duration_rule,
-        recurring_fine_rule,
-        max_fine_rule,
-        stop_fines,
-        workstation,
-        checkin_workstation,
-        copy_location,
-        checkin_scan_time,
-        parent_circ
-    FROM action.circulation
-        id,
-        NULL AS usr,
-        xact_start,
-        xact_finish,
-        unrecovered,
-        target_copy,
-        circ_lib,
-        circ_staff,
-        checkin_staff,
-        checkin_lib,
-        renewal_remaining,
-        grace_period,
-        due_date,
-        stop_fines_time,
-        checkin_time,
-        create_time,
-        duration,
-        fine_interval,
-        recurring_fine,
-        max_fine,
-        phone_renewal,
-        desk_renewal,
-        opac_renewal,
-        duration_rule,
-        recurring_fine_rule,
-        max_fine_rule,
-        stop_fines,
-        workstation,
-        checkin_workstation,
-        copy_location,
-        checkin_scan_time,
-        parent_circ
-    FROM action.aged_circulation
-DROP FUNCTION action.summarize_all_circ_chain(INTEGER);
-DROP FUNCTION action.all_circ_chain(INTEGER);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.all_circ_chain (ctx_circ_id INTEGER) 
-    RETURNS SETOF action.all_circulation_slim AS $$
-    tmp_circ action.all_circulation_slim%ROWTYPE;
-    circ_0 action.all_circulation_slim%ROWTYPE;
-    SELECT INTO tmp_circ * FROM action.all_circulation_slim WHERE id = ctx_circ_id;
-    IF tmp_circ IS NULL THEN
-        RETURN NEXT tmp_circ;
-    END IF;
-    circ_0 := tmp_circ;
-    -- find the front of the chain
-        SELECT INTO tmp_circ * FROM action.all_circulation_slim 
-            WHERE id = tmp_circ.parent_circ;
-        IF tmp_circ IS NULL THEN
-            EXIT;
-        END IF;
-        circ_0 := tmp_circ;
-    END LOOP;
-    -- now send the circs to the caller, oldest to newest
-    tmp_circ := circ_0;
-        IF tmp_circ IS NULL THEN
-            EXIT;
-        END IF;
-        RETURN NEXT tmp_circ;
-        SELECT INTO tmp_circ * FROM action.all_circulation_slim 
-            WHERE parent_circ = tmp_circ.id;
-    END LOOP;
-$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.summarize_all_circ_chain 
-    (ctx_circ_id INTEGER) RETURNS action.circ_chain_summary AS $$
-    -- first circ in the chain
-    circ_0 action.all_circulation_slim%ROWTYPE;
-    -- last circ in the chain
-    circ_n action.all_circulation_slim%ROWTYPE;
-    -- circ chain under construction
-    chain action.circ_chain_summary;
-    tmp_circ action.all_circulation_slim%ROWTYPE;
-    chain.num_circs := 0;
-    FOR tmp_circ IN SELECT * FROM action.all_circ_chain(ctx_circ_id) LOOP
-        IF chain.num_circs = 0 THEN
-            circ_0 := tmp_circ;
-        END IF;
-        chain.num_circs := chain.num_circs + 1;
-        circ_n := tmp_circ;
-    END LOOP;
-    chain.start_time := circ_0.xact_start;
-    chain.last_stop_fines := circ_n.stop_fines;
-    chain.last_stop_fines_time := circ_n.stop_fines_time;
-    chain.last_checkin_time := circ_n.checkin_time;
-    chain.last_checkin_scan_time := circ_n.checkin_scan_time;
-    SELECT INTO chain.checkout_workstation name FROM actor.workstation WHERE id = circ_0.workstation;
-    SELECT INTO chain.last_checkin_workstation name FROM actor.workstation WHERE id = circ_n.checkin_workstation;
-    IF chain.num_circs > 1 THEN
-        chain.last_renewal_time := circ_n.xact_start;
-        SELECT INTO chain.last_renewal_workstation name FROM actor.workstation WHERE id = circ_n.workstation;
-    END IF;
-    RETURN chain;
-$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rating.percent_time_circulating(badge_id INT)
-    RETURNS TABLE (record BIGINT, value NUMERIC) AS $f$
-    badge   rating.badge_with_orgs%ROWTYPE;
-    SELECT * INTO badge FROM rating.badge_with_orgs WHERE id = badge_id;
-    PERFORM rating.precalc_bibs_by_copy(badge_id);
-    DELETE FROM precalc_copy_filter_bib_list WHERE id NOT IN (
-        SELECT id FROM precalc_filter_bib_list
-            INTERSECT
-        SELECT id FROM precalc_bibs_by_copy_list
-    );
-    ANALYZE precalc_copy_filter_bib_list;
-     SELECT bib,
-            SUM(COALESCE(circ_time,0))::NUMERIC / SUM(age)::NUMERIC
-      FROM  (SELECT cn.record AS bib,
-                    cp.id,
-                    EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM AGE(cp.active_date) ) + 1 AS age,
-                    SUM(  -- time copy spent circulating
-                        EXTRACT(
-                            EPOCH FROM
-                            AGE(
-                                COALESCE(circ.checkin_time, circ.stop_fines_time, NOW()),
-                                circ.xact_start
-                            )
-                        )
-                    )::NUMERIC AS circ_time
-              FROM  asset.copy cp
-                    JOIN precalc_copy_filter_bib_list c ON (cp.id = c.copy)
-                    JOIN asset.call_number cn ON (cn.id = cp.call_number)
-                    LEFT JOIN action.all_circulation_slim circ ON (
-                        circ.target_copy = cp.id
-                        AND stop_fines NOT IN (
-                            'LOST',
-                            'LONGOVERDUE',
-                            'CLAIMSRETURNED',
-                            'LONGOVERDUE'
-                        )
-                        AND NOT (
-                            checkin_time IS NULL AND
-                            stop_fines = 'MAXFINES'
-                        )
-                    )
-              WHERE cn.owning_lib = ANY (badge.orgs)
-                    AND cp.active_date IS NOT NULL
-                    -- Next line requires that copies with no circs (circ.id IS NULL) also not be deleted
-                    AND ((circ.id IS NULL AND NOT cp.deleted) OR circ.id IS NOT NULL)
-              GROUP BY 1,2,3
-            ) x
-      GROUP BY 1;
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1052', :eg_version);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rating.inhouse_over_time(badge_id INT)
-    RETURNS TABLE (record BIGINT, value NUMERIC) AS $f$
-    badge   rating.badge_with_orgs%ROWTYPE;
-    iage    INT     := 1;
-    iint    INT     := NULL;
-    iscale  NUMERIC := NULL;
-    SELECT * INTO badge FROM rating.badge_with_orgs WHERE id = badge_id;
-    IF badge.horizon_age IS NULL THEN
-        RAISE EXCEPTION 'Badge "%" with id % requires a horizon age but has none.',
-            badge.name,
-            badge.id;
-    END IF;
-    PERFORM rating.precalc_bibs_by_copy(badge_id);
-    DELETE FROM precalc_copy_filter_bib_list WHERE id NOT IN (
-        SELECT id FROM precalc_filter_bib_list
-            INTERSECT
-        SELECT id FROM precalc_bibs_by_copy_list
-    );
-    ANALYZE precalc_copy_filter_bib_list;
-    iint := EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM badge.importance_interval);
-    IF badge.importance_age IS NOT NULL THEN
-        iage := (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM badge.importance_age) / iint)::INT;
-    END IF;
-    -- if iscale is smaller than 1, scaling slope will be shallow ... BEWARE!
-    iscale := COALESCE(badge.importance_scale, 1.0);
-     SELECT bib,
-            SUM( uses * GREATEST( iscale * (iage - cage), 1.0 ))
-      FROM (
-         SELECT cn.record AS bib,
-                (1 + EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM AGE(u.use_time)) / iint)::INT AS cage,
-                COUNT(u.id)::INT AS uses
-          FROM  action.in_house_use u
-                JOIN precalc_copy_filter_bib_list cf ON (u.item = cf.copy)
-                JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = u.item)
-                JOIN asset.call_number cn ON (cn.id = cp.call_number)
-          WHERE u.use_time >= NOW() - badge.horizon_age
-                AND cn.owning_lib = ANY (badge.orgs)
-          GROUP BY 1, 2
-      ) x
-      GROUP BY 1;
-INSERT INTO rating.popularity_parameter (id, name, func, require_horizon,require_percentile) VALUES
-    (18,'In-House Use Over Time', 'rating.inhouse_over_time', TRUE, TRUE);
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1053', :eg_version);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rating.org_unit_count(badge_id INT)
-    RETURNS TABLE (record INT, value NUMERIC) AS $f$
-    badge   rating.badge_with_orgs%ROWTYPE;
-    SELECT * INTO badge FROM rating.badge_with_orgs WHERE id = badge_id;
-    PERFORM rating.precalc_bibs_by_copy(badge_id);
-    DELETE FROM precalc_copy_filter_bib_list WHERE id NOT IN (
-        SELECT id FROM precalc_filter_bib_list
-            INTERSECT
-        SELECT id FROM precalc_bibs_by_copy_list
-    );
-    ANALYZE precalc_copy_filter_bib_list;
-    -- Use circ rather than owning lib here as that means "on the shelf at..."
-     SELECT f.id::INT AS bib,
-            COUNT(DISTINCT cp.circ_lib)::NUMERIC
-     FROM asset.copy cp
-          JOIN precalc_copy_filter_bib_list f ON (cp.id = f.copy)
-     WHERE cp.circ_lib = ANY (badge.orgs) GROUP BY 1;
-INSERT INTO rating.popularity_parameter (id, name, func, require_percentile) VALUES
-    (17,'Circulation Library Count', 'rating.org_unit_count', TRUE);
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1054', :eg_version);
-INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type
-( name, grp, label, description, datatype ) VALUES
-( 'lib.timezone', 'lib',
-    oils_i18n_gettext('lib.timezone',
-        'Library time zone',
-        'coust', 'label'),
-    oils_i18n_gettext('lib.timezone',
-        'Define the time zone in which a library physically resides',
-        'coust', 'description'),
-    'string');
-ALTER TABLE actor.org_unit_closed ADD COLUMN full_day BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE;
-ALTER TABLE actor.org_unit_closed ADD COLUMN multi_day BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE;
-UPDATE actor.org_unit_closed SET multi_day = TRUE
-  WHERE close_start::DATE <> close_end::DATE;
-UPDATE actor.org_unit_closed SET full_day = TRUE
-  WHERE close_start::DATE = close_end::DATE
-        AND SUBSTRING(close_start::time::text FROM 1 FOR 8) = '00:00:00'
-        AND SUBSTRING(close_end::time::text FROM 1 FOR 8) = '23:59:59';
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.push_circ_due_time () RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$
-    proper_tz TEXT := COALESCE(
-        oils_json_to_text((
-            SELECT value
-              FROM  actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting('lib.timezone',NEW.circ_lib)
-              LIMIT 1
-        )),
-        CURRENT_SETTING('timezone')
-    );
-    IF (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM NEW.duration)::INT % EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM '1 day'::INTERVAL)::INT) = 0 -- day-granular duration
-        AND SUBSTRING((NEW.due_date AT TIME ZONE proper_tz)::TIME::TEXT FROM 1 FOR 8) <> '23:59:59' THEN -- has not yet been pushed
-        NEW.due_date = ((NEW.due_date AT TIME ZONE proper_tz)::DATE + '1 day'::INTERVAL - '1 second'::INTERVAL) || ' ' || proper_tz;
-    END IF;
-\qecho The following query will adjust all historical, unaged circulations so
-\qecho that if their due date field is pushed to the end of the day, it is done
-\qecho in the circulating library''''s time zone, and not the server time zone.
-\qecho It is safe to run this after any change to library time zones.
-\qecho Running this is not required, as no code before this change has
-\qecho depended on the time string of '''23:59:59'''.  It is also not necessary
-\qecho if all of your libraries are in the same time zone, and that time zone
-\qecho is the same as the database''''s configured time zone.
-\qecho 'DO $$'
-\qecho 'declare'
-\qecho '    new_tz  text;'
-\qecho '    ou_id   int;'
-\qecho 'begin'
-\qecho '    for ou_id in select id from actor.org_unit loop'
-\qecho '        for new_tz in select oils_json_to_text(value) from actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting('''lib.timezone''',ou_id) loop'
-\qecho '            if new_tz is not null then'
-\qecho '                update  action.circulation'
-\qecho '                  set   due_date = (due_date::timestamp || ''' ''' || new_tz)::timestamptz'
-\qecho '                  where circ_lib = ou_id'
-\qecho '                        and substring((due_date at time zone new_tz)::time::text from 1 for 8) <> '''23:59:59''';'
-\qecho '            end if;'
-\qecho '        end loop;'
-\qecho '    end loop;'
-\qecho 'end;'
-\qecho '$$;'
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('1056', :eg_version); -- miker/gmcharlt
-INSERT INTO permission.perm_list (id,code,description) VALUES (592,'CONTAINER_BATCH_UPDATE','Allow batch update via buckets');
-INSERT INTO container.user_bucket_type (code,label) SELECT code,label FROM container.copy_bucket_type where code = 'staff_client';
-CREATE TABLE action.fieldset_group (
-    id              SERIAL  PRIMARY KEY,
-    name            TEXT        NOT NULL,
-    create_time     TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(),
-    complete_time   TIMESTAMPTZ,
-    container       INT,        -- Points to a container of some type ...
-    container_type  TEXT,       -- One of 'biblio_record_entry', 'user', 'call_number', 'copy'
-    can_rollback    BOOL        DEFAULT TRUE,
-    rollback_group  INT         REFERENCES action.fieldset_group (id) ON DELETE CASCADE DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
-    rollback_time   TIMESTAMPTZ,
-ALTER TABLE action.fieldset ADD COLUMN error_msg TEXT;
-ALTER TABLE container.biblio_record_entry_bucket ADD COLUMN owning_lib INT REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id) ON DELETE CASCADE DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
-UPDATE query.stored_query SET id = id + 1000 WHERE id < 1000;
-UPDATE query.from_relation SET id = id + 1000 WHERE id < 1000;
-UPDATE query.expression SET id = id + 1000 WHERE id < 1000;
-SELECT SETVAL('query.stored_query_id_seq', 1, FALSE);
-SELECT SETVAL('query.from_relation_id_seq', 1, FALSE);
-SELECT SETVAL('query.expression_id_seq', 1, FALSE);
-INSERT INTO query.bind_variable (name,type,description,label)
-    SELECT  'bucket','number','ID of the bucket to pull items from','Bucket ID'
-      WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM query.bind_variable WHERE name = 'bucket');
--- Assumes completely empty 'query' schema
-INSERT INTO query.stored_query (type, use_distinct) VALUES ('SELECT', TRUE); -- 1
-INSERT INTO query.from_relation (type, table_name, class_name, table_alias) VALUES ('RELATION', 'container.user_bucket_item', 'cubi', 'cubi'); -- 1
-UPDATE query.stored_query SET from_clause = 1;
-INSERT INTO query.expr_xcol (table_alias, column_name) VALUES ('cubi', 'target_user'); -- 1
-INSERT INTO query.select_item (stored_query,seq_no,expression) VALUES (1,1,1);
-INSERT INTO query.expr_xcol (table_alias, column_name) VALUES ('cubi', 'bucket'); -- 2
-INSERT INTO query.expr_xbind (bind_variable) VALUES ('bucket'); -- 3
-INSERT INTO query.expr_xop (left_operand, operator, right_operand) VALUES (2, '=', 3); -- 4
-UPDATE query.stored_query SET where_clause = 4;
-SELECT SETVAL('query.stored_query_id_seq', 1000, TRUE) FROM query.stored_query;
-SELECT SETVAL('query.from_relation_id_seq', 1000, TRUE) FROM query.from_relation;
-SELECT SETVAL('query.expression_id_seq', 10000, TRUE) FROM query.expression;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.apply_fieldset(
-    fieldset_id IN INT,        -- id from action.fieldset
-    table_name  IN TEXT,       -- table to be updated
-    pkey_name   IN TEXT,       -- name of primary key column in that table
-    query       IN TEXT        -- query constructed by qstore (for query-based
-                               --    fieldsets only; otherwise null
-    statement TEXT;
-    where_clause TEXT;
-    fs_status TEXT;
-    fs_pkey_value TEXT;
-    fs_query TEXT;
-    sep CHAR;
-    status_code TEXT;
-    msg TEXT;
-    fs_id INT;
-    fsg_id INT;
-    update_count INT;
-    cv RECORD;
-    fs_obj action.fieldset%ROWTYPE;
-    fs_group action.fieldset_group%ROWTYPE;
-    rb_row RECORD;
-    -- Sanity checks
-    IF fieldset_id IS NULL THEN
-        RETURN 'Fieldset ID parameter is NULL';
-    END IF;
-    IF table_name IS NULL THEN
-        RETURN 'Table name parameter is NULL';
-    END IF;
-    IF pkey_name IS NULL THEN
-        RETURN 'Primary key name parameter is NULL';
-    END IF;
-        status,
-        quote_literal( pkey_value )
-    INTO
-        fs_status,
-        fs_pkey_value
-    FROM
-        action.fieldset
-    WHERE
-        id = fieldset_id;
-    --
-    -- Build the WHERE clause.  This differs according to whether it's a
-    -- single-row fieldset or a query-based fieldset.
-    --
-    IF query IS NULL        AND fs_pkey_value IS NULL THEN
-        RETURN 'Incomplete fieldset: neither a primary key nor a query available';
-    ELSIF query IS NOT NULL AND fs_pkey_value IS NULL THEN
-        fs_query := rtrim( query, ';' );
-        where_clause := 'WHERE ' || pkey_name || ' IN ( '
-                     || fs_query || ' )';
-    ELSIF query IS NULL     AND fs_pkey_value IS NOT NULL THEN
-        where_clause := 'WHERE ' || pkey_name || ' = ';
-        IF pkey_name = 'id' THEN
-            where_clause := where_clause || fs_pkey_value;
-        ELSIF pkey_name = 'code' THEN
-            where_clause := where_clause || quote_literal(fs_pkey_value);
-        ELSE
-            RETURN 'Only know how to handle "id" and "code" pkeys currently, received ' || pkey_name;
-        END IF;
-    ELSE  -- both are not null
-        RETURN 'Ambiguous fieldset: both a primary key and a query provided';
-    END IF;
-    IF fs_status IS NULL THEN
-        RETURN 'No fieldset found for id = ' || fieldset_id;
-    ELSIF fs_status = 'APPLIED' THEN
-        RETURN 'Fieldset ' || fieldset_id || ' has already been applied';
-    END IF;
-    SELECT * INTO fs_obj FROM action.fieldset WHERE id = fieldset_id;
-    SELECT * INTO fs_group FROM action.fieldset_group WHERE id = fs_obj.fieldset_group;
-    IF fs_group.can_rollback THEN
-        -- This is part of a non-rollback group.  We need to record the current values for future rollback.
-        INSERT INTO action.fieldset_group (can_rollback, name, creator, owning_lib, container, container_type)
-            VALUES (FALSE, 'ROLLBACK: '|| fs_group.name, fs_group.creator, fs_group.owning_lib, fs_group.container, fs_group.container_type);
-        fsg_id := CURRVAL('action.fieldset_group_id_seq');
-        FOR rb_row IN EXECUTE 'SELECT * FROM ' || table_name || ' ' || where_clause LOOP
-            IF pkey_name = 'id' THEN
-                fs_pkey_value := rb_row.id;
-            ELSIF pkey_name = 'code' THEN
-                fs_pkey_value := rb_row.code;
-            ELSE
-                RETURN 'Only know how to handle "id" and "code" pkeys currently, received ' || pkey_name;
-            END IF;
-            INSERT INTO action.fieldset (fieldset_group,owner,owning_lib,status,classname,name,pkey_value)
-                VALUES (fsg_id, fs_obj.owner, fs_obj.owning_lib, 'PENDING', fs_obj.classname, fs_obj.name || ' ROLLBACK FOR ' || fs_pkey_value, fs_pkey_value);
-            fs_id := CURRVAL('action.fieldset_id_seq');
-            sep := '';
-            FOR cv IN
-                SELECT  DISTINCT col
-                FROM    action.fieldset_col_val
-                WHERE   fieldset = fieldset_id
-            LOOP
-                EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO action.fieldset_col_val (fieldset, col, val) ' || 
-                    'SELECT '|| fs_id || ', '||quote_literal(cv.col)||', '||cv.col||' FROM '||table_name||' WHERE '||pkey_name||' = '||fs_pkey_value;
-            END LOOP;
-        END LOOP;
-    END IF;
-    statement := 'UPDATE ' || table_name || ' SET';
-    sep := '';
-    FOR cv IN
-        SELECT  col,
-                val
-        FROM    action.fieldset_col_val
-        WHERE   fieldset = fieldset_id
-    LOOP
-        statement := statement || sep || ' ' || cv.col
-                     || ' = ' || coalesce( quote_literal( cv.val ), 'NULL' );
-        sep := ',';
-    END LOOP;
-    IF sep = '' THEN
-        RETURN 'Fieldset ' || fieldset_id || ' has no column values defined';
-    END IF;
-    statement := statement || ' ' || where_clause;
-    --
-    -- Execute the update
-    --
-    BEGIN
-        EXECUTE statement;
-        GET DIAGNOSTICS update_count = ROW_COUNT;
-        IF update_count = 0 THEN
-            RAISE data_exception;
-        END IF;
-        IF fsg_id IS NOT NULL THEN
-            UPDATE action.fieldset_group SET rollback_group = fsg_id WHERE id = fs_group.id;
-        END IF;
-        IF fs_group.id IS NOT NULL THEN
-            UPDATE action.fieldset_group SET complete_time = now() WHERE id = fs_group.id;
-        END IF;
-        UPDATE action.fieldset SET status = 'APPLIED', applied_time = now() WHERE id = fieldset_id;
-    EXCEPTION WHEN data_exception THEN
-        msg := 'No eligible rows found for fieldset ' || fieldset_id;
-        UPDATE action.fieldset SET status = 'ERROR', applied_time = now() WHERE id = fieldset_id;
-        RETURN msg;
-    END;
-    RETURN msg;
-    msg := 'Unable to apply fieldset ' || fieldset_id || ': ' || sqlerrm;
-    UPDATE action.fieldset SET status = 'ERROR', applied_time = now() WHERE id = fieldset_id;
-    RETURN msg;
-$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('1057', :eg_version); -- miker/gmcharlt/kmlussier
--- Thist change drops a needless join and saves 10-15% in time cost
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.facets_for_record_set(ignore_facet_classes text[], hits bigint[]) RETURNS TABLE(id integer, value text, count bigint)
-AS $f$
-    SELECT id, value, count
-      FROM (
-        SELECT  mfae.field AS id,
-                mfae.value,
-                COUNT(DISTINCT mfae.source),
-                row_number() OVER (
-                    PARTITION BY mfae.field ORDER BY COUNT(DISTINCT mfae.source) DESC
-                ) AS rownum
-          FROM  metabib.facet_entry mfae
-                JOIN config.metabib_field cmf ON (cmf.id = mfae.field)
-          WHERE mfae.source = ANY ($2)
-                AND cmf.facet_field
-                AND cmf.field_class NOT IN (SELECT * FROM unnest($1))
-          GROUP by 1, 2
-      ) all_facets
-      WHERE rownum <= (
-            (SELECT value::INT FROM config.global_flag WHERE name = 'search.max_facets_per_field' AND enabled),
-            1000
-        )
-      );
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION unapi.metabib_virtual_record_feed ( id_list BIGINT[], format TEXT, includes TEXT[], org TEXT, depth INT DEFAULT NULL, slimit HSTORE DEFAULT NULL, soffset HSTORE DEFAULT NULL, include_xmlns BOOL DEFAULT TRUE, title TEXT DEFAULT NULL, description TEXT DEFAULT NULL, creator TEXT DEFAULT NULL, update_ts TEXT DEFAULT NULL, unapi_url TEXT DEFAULT NULL, header_xml XML DEFAULT NULL ) RETURNS XML AS $F$
-    layout          unapi.bre_output_layout%ROWTYPE;
-    transform       config.xml_transform%ROWTYPE;
-    item_format     TEXT;
-    tmp_xml         TEXT;
-    xmlns_uri       TEXT := 'http://open-ils.org/spec/feed-xml/v1';
-    ouid            INT;
-    element_list    TEXT[];
-    IF org = '-' OR org IS NULL THEN
-        SELECT shortname INTO org FROM evergreen.org_top();
-    END IF;
-    SELECT id INTO ouid FROM actor.org_unit WHERE shortname = org;
-    SELECT * INTO layout FROM unapi.bre_output_layout WHERE name = format;
-    IF layout.name IS NULL THEN
-        RETURN NULL::XML;
-    END IF;
-    SELECT * INTO transform FROM config.xml_transform WHERE name = layout.transform;
-    xmlns_uri := COALESCE(transform.namespace_uri,xmlns_uri);
-    -- Gather the bib xml
-    SELECT XMLAGG( unapi.mmr(i, format, '', includes, org, depth, slimit, soffset, include_xmlns)) INTO tmp_xml FROM UNNEST( id_list ) i;
-    IF layout.title_element IS NOT NULL THEN
-        EXECUTE 'SELECT XMLCONCAT( XMLELEMENT( name '|| layout.title_element ||', XMLATTRIBUTES( $1 AS xmlns), $3), $2)' INTO tmp_xml USING xmlns_uri, tmp_xml::XML, title;
-    END IF;
-    IF layout.description_element IS NOT NULL THEN
-        EXECUTE 'SELECT XMLCONCAT( XMLELEMENT( name '|| layout.description_element ||', XMLATTRIBUTES( $1 AS xmlns), $3), $2)' INTO tmp_xml USING xmlns_uri, tmp_xml::XML, description;
-    END IF;
-    IF layout.creator_element IS NOT NULL THEN
-        EXECUTE 'SELECT XMLCONCAT( XMLELEMENT( name '|| layout.creator_element ||', XMLATTRIBUTES( $1 AS xmlns), $3), $2)' INTO tmp_xml USING xmlns_uri, tmp_xml::XML, creator;
-    END IF;
-    IF layout.update_ts_element IS NOT NULL THEN
-        EXECUTE 'SELECT XMLCONCAT( XMLELEMENT( name '|| layout.update_ts_element ||', XMLATTRIBUTES( $1 AS xmlns), $3), $2)' INTO tmp_xml USING xmlns_uri, tmp_xml::XML, update_ts;
-    END IF;
-    IF unapi_url IS NOT NULL THEN
-        EXECUTE $$SELECT XMLCONCAT( XMLELEMENT( name link, XMLATTRIBUTES( 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' AS xmlns, 'unapi-server' AS rel, $1 AS href, 'unapi' AS title)), $2)$$ INTO tmp_xml USING unapi_url, tmp_xml::XML;
-    END IF;
-    IF header_xml IS NOT NULL THEN tmp_xml := XMLCONCAT(header_xml,tmp_xml::XML); END IF;
-    element_list := regexp_split_to_array(layout.feed_top,E'\\.');
-    FOR i IN REVERSE ARRAY_UPPER(element_list, 1) .. 1 LOOP
-        EXECUTE 'SELECT XMLELEMENT( name '|| quote_ident(element_list[i]) ||', XMLATTRIBUTES( $1 AS xmlns), $2)' INTO tmp_xml USING xmlns_uri, tmp_xml::XML;
-    END LOOP;
-    RETURN tmp_xml::XML;
-CREATE TABLE asset.copy_vis_attr_cache (
-    id              BIGSERIAL   PRIMARY KEY,
-    record          BIGINT      NOT NULL, -- No FKEYs, managed by user triggers.
-    target_copy     BIGINT      NOT NULL,
-    vis_attr_vector INT[]
-CREATE INDEX copy_vis_attr_cache_record_idx ON asset.copy_vis_attr_cache (record);
-CREATE INDEX copy_vis_attr_cache_copy_idx ON asset.copy_vis_attr_cache (target_copy);
-ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry ADD COLUMN vis_attr_vector INT[];
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.calculate_visibility_attribute ( value INT, attr TEXT ) RETURNS INT AS $f$
-            WHEN 'luri_org'         THEN 0 -- "b" attr
-            WHEN 'bib_source'       THEN 1 -- "b" attr
-            WHEN 'copy_flags'       THEN 0 -- "c" attr
-            WHEN 'owning_lib'       THEN 1 -- "c" attr
-            WHEN 'circ_lib'         THEN 2 -- "c" attr
-            WHEN 'status'           THEN 3 -- "c" attr
-            WHEN 'location'         THEN 4 -- "c" attr
-            WHEN 'location_group'   THEN 5 -- "c" attr
-        END) << 28 ) | $1;
-/* copy_flags bit positions, LSB-first:
- 0: asset.copy.opac_visible
-   When adding flags, you must update asset.all_visible_flags()
-   Because bib and copy values are stored separately, we can reuse
-   shifts, saving us some space. We could probably take back a bit
-   too, but I'm not sure its worth squeezing that last one out. We'd
-   be left with just 2 slots for copy attrs, rather than 10.
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.calculate_visibility_attribute_list ( attr TEXT, value INT[] ) RETURNS INT[] AS $f$
-    SELECT ARRAY_AGG(search.calculate_visibility_attribute(x, $1)) FROM UNNEST($2) AS X;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test ( attr TEXT, value INT[], negate BOOL DEFAULT FALSE ) RETURNS TEXT AS $f$
-    SELECT  CASE WHEN $3 THEN '!' ELSE '' END || '(' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(search.calculate_visibility_attribute_list($1,$2),'|') || ')';
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.calculate_copy_visibility_attribute_set ( copy_id BIGINT ) RETURNS INT[] AS $f$
-    copy_row    asset.copy%ROWTYPE;
-    lgroup_map  asset.copy_location_group_map%ROWTYPE;
-    attr_set    INT[];
-    SELECT * INTO copy_row FROM asset.copy WHERE id = copy_id;
-    attr_set := attr_set || search.calculate_visibility_attribute(copy_row.opac_visible::INT, 'copy_flags');
-    attr_set := attr_set || search.calculate_visibility_attribute(copy_row.circ_lib, 'circ_lib');
-    attr_set := attr_set || search.calculate_visibility_attribute(copy_row.status, 'status');
-    attr_set := attr_set || search.calculate_visibility_attribute(copy_row.location, 'location');
-                attr_set,
-                search.calculate_visibility_attribute(owning_lib, 'owning_lib')
-            ) INTO attr_set
-      FROM  asset.call_number
-      WHERE id = copy_row.call_number;
-    FOR lgroup_map IN SELECT * FROM asset.copy_location_group_map WHERE location = copy_row.location LOOP
-        attr_set := attr_set || search.calculate_visibility_attribute(lgroup_map.lgroup, 'location_group');
-    END LOOP;
-    RETURN attr_set;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION biblio.calculate_bib_visibility_attribute_set ( bib_id BIGINT ) RETURNS INT[] AS $f$
-    bib_row     biblio.record_entry%ROWTYPE;
-    cn_row      asset.call_number%ROWTYPE;
-    attr_set    INT[];
-    SELECT * INTO bib_row FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE id = bib_id;
-    IF bib_row.source IS NOT NULL THEN
-        attr_set := attr_set || search.calculate_visibility_attribute(bib_row.source, 'bib_source');
-    END IF;
-    FOR cn_row IN
-        SELECT  cn.*
-          FROM  asset.call_number cn
-                JOIN asset.uri_call_number_map m ON (cn.id = m.call_number)
-                JOIN asset.uri u ON (u.id = m.uri)
-          WHERE cn.record = bib_id
-                AND cn.label = '##URI##'
-                AND u.active
-    LOOP
-        attr_set := attr_set || search.calculate_visibility_attribute(cn_row.owning_lib, 'luri_org');
-    END LOOP;
-    RETURN attr_set;
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1076', :eg_version); -- miker/gmcharlt
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.cache_copy_visibility () RETURNS TRIGGER as $func$
-    ocn     asset.call_number%ROWTYPE;
-    ncn     asset.call_number%ROWTYPE;
-    cid     BIGINT;
-    IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'peer_bib_copy_map' THEN -- Only needs ON INSERT OR DELETE, so handle separately
-        IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN
-            INSERT INTO asset.copy_vis_attr_cache (record, target_copy, vis_attr_vector) VALUES (
-                NEW.peer_record,
-                NEW.target_copy,
-                asset.calculate_copy_visibility_attribute_set(NEW.target_copy)
-            );
-            RETURN NEW;
-            DELETE FROM asset.copy_vis_attr_cache
-              WHERE record = NEW.peer_record AND target_copy = NEW.target_copy;
-            RETURN OLD;
-        END IF;
-    END IF;
-    IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN -- Handles ON INSERT. ON UPDATE is below.
-        IF TG_TABLE_NAME IN ('copy', 'unit') THEN
-            SELECT * INTO ncn FROM asset.call_number cn WHERE id = NEW.call_number;
-            INSERT INTO asset.copy_vis_attr_cache (record, target_copy, vis_attr_vector) VALUES (
-                ncn.record,
-                NEW.id,
-                asset.calculate_copy_visibility_attribute_set(NEW.id)
-            );
-        ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'record_entry' THEN
-            NEW.vis_attr_vector := biblio.calculate_bib_visibility_attribute_set(NEW.id);
-        END IF;
-        RETURN NEW;
-    END IF;
-    -- handle items first, since with circulation activity
-    -- their statuses change frequently
-    IF TG_TABLE_NAME IN ('copy', 'unit') THEN -- This handles ON UPDATE OR DELETE. ON INSERT above
-        IF TG_OP = 'DELETE' THEN -- Shouldn't get here, normally
-            DELETE FROM asset.copy_vis_attr_cache WHERE target_copy = OLD.id;
-            RETURN OLD;
-        END IF;
-        SELECT * INTO ncn FROM asset.call_number cn WHERE id = NEW.call_number;
-        IF OLD.deleted <> NEW.deleted THEN
-            IF NEW.deleted THEN
-                DELETE FROM asset.copy_vis_attr_cache WHERE target_copy = OLD.id;
-            ELSE
-                INSERT INTO asset.copy_vis_attr_cache (record, target_copy, vis_attr_vector) VALUES (
-                    ncn.record,
-                    NEW.id,
-                    asset.calculate_copy_visibility_attribute_set(NEW.id)
-                );
-            END IF;
-            RETURN NEW;
-        ELSIF OLD.call_number  <> NEW.call_number THEN
-            SELECT * INTO ocn FROM asset.call_number cn WHERE id = OLD.call_number;
-            IF ncn.record <> ocn.record THEN
-                UPDATE  biblio.record_entry
-                  SET   vis_attr_vector = biblio.calculate_bib_visibility_attribute_set(ncn.record)
-                  WHERE id = ocn.record;
-                -- We have to use a record-specific WHERE clause
-                -- to avoid modifying the entries for peer-bib copies.
-                UPDATE  asset.copy_vis_attr_cache
-                  SET   target_copy = NEW.id,
-                        record = ncn.record
-                  WHERE target_copy = OLD.id
-                        AND record = ocn.record;
-            END IF;
-        END IF;
-        IF OLD.location     <> NEW.location OR
-           OLD.status       <> NEW.status OR
-           OLD.opac_visible <> NEW.opac_visible OR
-           OLD.circ_lib     <> NEW.circ_lib
-        THEN
-            -- Any of these could change visibility, but
-            -- we'll save some queries and not try to calculate
-            -- the change directly.  We want to update peer-bib
-            -- entries in this case, unlike above.
-            UPDATE  asset.copy_vis_attr_cache
-              SET   target_copy = NEW.id,
-                    vis_attr_vector = asset.calculate_copy_visibility_attribute_set(NEW.id)
-              WHERE target_copy = OLD.id;
-        END IF;
-    ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'call_number' THEN -- Only ON UPDATE. Copy handler will deal with ON INSERT OR DELETE.
-        IF OLD.record <> NEW.record THEN
-            IF NEW.label = '##URI##' THEN
-                UPDATE  biblio.record_entry
-                  SET   vis_attr_vector = biblio.calculate_bib_visibility_attribute_set(OLD.record)
-                  WHERE id = OLD.record;
-                UPDATE  biblio.record_entry
-                  SET   vis_attr_vector = biblio.calculate_bib_visibility_attribute_set(NEW.record)
-                  WHERE id = NEW.record;
-            END IF;
-            UPDATE  asset.copy_vis_attr_cache
-              SET   record = NEW.record,
-                    vis_attr_vector = asset.calculate_copy_visibility_attribute_set(target_copy)
-              WHERE target_copy IN (SELECT id FROM asset.copy WHERE call_number = NEW.id)
-                    AND record = OLD.record;
-        ELSIF OLD.owning_lib <> NEW.owning_lib THEN
-            UPDATE  asset.copy_vis_attr_cache
-              SET   vis_attr_vector = asset.calculate_copy_visibility_attribute_set(target_copy)
-              WHERE target_copy IN (SELECT id FROM asset.copy WHERE call_number = NEW.id)
-                    AND record = NEW.record;
-            IF NEW.label = '##URI##' THEN
-                UPDATE  biblio.record_entry
-                  SET   vis_attr_vector = biblio.calculate_bib_visibility_attribute_set(OLD.record)
-                  WHERE id = OLD.record;
-            END IF;
-        END IF;
-    ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'record_entry' THEN -- Only handles ON UPDATE OR DELETE
-        IF TG_OP = 'DELETE' THEN -- Shouldn't get here, normally
-            DELETE FROM asset.copy_vis_attr_cache WHERE record = OLD.id;
-            RETURN OLD;
-        ELSIF OLD.source <> NEW.source THEN
-            NEW.vis_attr_vector := biblio.calculate_bib_visibility_attribute_set(NEW.id);
-        END IF;
-    END IF;
--- Helper functions for use in constructing searches --
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.all_visible_flags () RETURNS TEXT AS $f$
-    SELECT  '(' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(search.calculate_visibility_attribute(1 << x, 'copy_flags')),'&') || ')'
-      FROM  GENERATE_SERIES(0,0) AS x; -- increment as new flags are added.
-    SELECT  '(' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(search.calculate_visibility_attribute(id, $1)),'|') || ')'
-      FROM  actor.org_unit
-      WHERE opac_visible;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.invisible_orgs (otype TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $f$
-    SELECT  '!(' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(search.calculate_visibility_attribute(id, $1)),'|') || ')'
-      FROM  actor.org_unit
-      WHERE NOT opac_visible;
--- Bib-oriented defaults for search
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.bib_source_default () RETURNS TEXT AS $f$
-    SELECT  '(' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(search.calculate_visibility_attribute(id, 'bib_source')),'|') || ')'
-      FROM  config.bib_source
-      WHERE transcendant;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.luri_org_default () RETURNS TEXT AS $f$
-    SELECT  * FROM asset.invisible_orgs('luri_org');
--- Copy-oriented defaults for search
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.location_group_default () RETURNS TEXT AS $f$
-    SELECT  '!(' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(search.calculate_visibility_attribute(id, 'location_group')),'|') || ')'
-      FROM  asset.copy_location_group
-      WHERE NOT opac_visible;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.location_default () RETURNS TEXT AS $f$
-    SELECT  '!(' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(search.calculate_visibility_attribute(id, 'location')),'|') || ')'
-      FROM  asset.copy_location
-      WHERE NOT opac_visible;
-    SELECT  '!(' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(search.calculate_visibility_attribute(id, 'status')),'|') || ')'
-      FROM  config.copy_status
-      WHERE NOT opac_visible;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.owning_lib_default () RETURNS TEXT AS $f$
-    SELECT  * FROM asset.invisible_orgs('owning_lib');
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.circ_lib_default () RETURNS TEXT AS $f$
-    SELECT  * FROM asset.invisible_orgs('circ_lib');
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.patron_default_visibility_mask () RETURNS TABLE (b_attrs TEXT, c_attrs TEXT)  AS $f$
-    copy_flags      TEXT; -- "c" attr
-    owning_lib      TEXT; -- "c" attr
-    circ_lib        TEXT; -- "c" attr
-    status          TEXT; -- "c" attr
-    location        TEXT; -- "c" attr
-    location_group  TEXT; -- "c" attr
-    luri_org        TEXT; -- "b" attr
-    bib_sources     TEXT; -- "b" attr
-    copy_flags      := asset.all_visible_flags(); -- Will always have at least one
-    owning_lib      := NULLIF(asset.owning_lib_default(),'!()');
-    circ_lib        := NULLIF(asset.circ_lib_default(),'!()');
-    status          := NULLIF(asset.status_default(),'!()');
-    location        := NULLIF(asset.location_default(),'!()');
-    location_group  := NULLIF(asset.location_group_default(),'!()');
-    luri_org        := NULLIF(asset.luri_org_default(),'!()');
-    bib_sources     := NULLIF(asset.bib_source_default(),'()');
-        '('||ARRAY_TO_STRING(
-            ARRAY[luri_org,bib_sources],
-            '|'
-        )||')',
-        '('||ARRAY_TO_STRING(
-            ARRAY[copy_flags,owning_lib,circ_lib,status,location,location_group]::TEXT[],
-            '&'
-        )||')';
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION metabib.suggest_browse_entries(raw_query_text text, search_class text, headline_opts text, visibility_org integer, query_limit integer, normalization integer)
- RETURNS TABLE(value text, field integer, buoyant_and_class_match boolean, field_match boolean, field_weight integer, rank real, buoyant boolean, match text)
-AS $f$
-    prepared_query_texts    TEXT[];
-    query                   TSQUERY;
-    plain_query             TSQUERY;
-    opac_visibility_join    TEXT;
-    search_class_join       TEXT;
-    r_fields                RECORD;
-    prepared_query_texts := metabib.autosuggest_prepare_tsquery(raw_query_text);
-    query := TO_TSQUERY('keyword', prepared_query_texts[1]);
-    plain_query := TO_TSQUERY('keyword', prepared_query_texts[2]);
-    visibility_org := NULLIF(visibility_org,-1);
-    IF visibility_org IS NOT NULL THEN
-        PERFORM FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = visibility_org AND parent_ou IS NULL;
-        IF FOUND THEN
-            opac_visibility_join := '';
-        ELSE
-            opac_visibility_join := '
-    JOIN asset.copy_vis_attr_cache acvac ON (acvac.record = x.source)
-    JOIN vm ON (acvac.vis_attr_vector @@
-            (vm.c_attrs || $$&$$ ||
-                search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test(
-                    $$circ_lib$$,
-                    (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) FROM actor.org_unit_descendants($4))
-                )
-            )::query_int
-         )
-        END IF;
-    ELSE
-        opac_visibility_join := '';
-    END IF;
-    -- The following determines whether we only provide suggestsons matching
-    -- the user's selected search_class, or whether we show other suggestions
-    -- too. The reason for MIN() is that for search_classes like
-    -- 'title|proper|uniform' you would otherwise get multiple rows.  The
-    -- implication is that if title as a class doesn't have restrict,
-    -- nor does the proper field, but the uniform field does, you're going
-    -- to get 'false' for your overall evaluation of 'should we restrict?'
-    -- To invert that, change from MIN() to MAX().
-        INTO r_fields
-            MIN(cmc.restrict::INT) AS restrict_class,
-            MIN(cmf.restrict::INT) AS restrict_field
-        FROM metabib.search_class_to_registered_components(search_class)
-            AS _registered (field_class TEXT, field INT)
-        JOIN
-            config.metabib_class cmc ON (cmc.name = _registered.field_class)
-        LEFT JOIN
-            config.metabib_field cmf ON (cmf.id = _registered.field);
-    -- evaluate 'should we restrict?'
-    IF r_fields.restrict_field::BOOL OR r_fields.restrict_class::BOOL THEN
-        search_class_join := '
-    JOIN
-        metabib.search_class_to_registered_components($2)
-        AS _registered (field_class TEXT, field INT) ON (
-            (_registered.field IS NULL AND
-                _registered.field_class = cmf.field_class) OR
-            (_registered.field = cmf.id)
-        )
-    ';
-    ELSE
-        search_class_join := '
-        metabib.search_class_to_registered_components($2)
-        AS _registered (field_class TEXT, field INT) ON (
-            _registered.field_class = cmc.name
-        )
-    ';
-    END IF;
-WITH vm AS ( SELECT * FROM asset.patron_default_visibility_mask() ),
-     mbe AS (SELECT * FROM metabib.browse_entry WHERE index_vector @@ $1 LIMIT 10000)
-        x.value,
-        x.id,
-        x.push,
-        x.restrict,
-        x.weight,
-        x.ts_rank_cd,
-        x.buoyant,
-        TS_HEADLINE(value, $7, $3)
-                mbe.value,
-                cmf.id,
-                cmc.buoyant AND _registered.field_class IS NOT NULL AS push,
-                _registered.field = cmf.id AS restrict,
-                cmf.weight,
-                TS_RANK_CD(mbe.index_vector, $1, $6),
-                cmc.buoyant,
-                mbedm.source
-          FROM  metabib.browse_entry_def_map mbedm
-                JOIN mbe ON (mbe.id = mbedm.entry)
-                JOIN config.metabib_field cmf ON (cmf.id = mbedm.def)
-                JOIN config.metabib_class cmc ON (cmf.field_class = cmc.name)
-                '  || search_class_join || '
-          LIMIT 1000) AS x
-        ' || opac_visibility_join || '
-  LIMIT $5
-'   -- sic, repeat the order by clause in the outer select too
-    USING
-        query, search_class, headline_opts,
-        visibility_org, query_limit, normalization, plain_query
-        ;
-    -- sort order:
-    --  buoyant AND chosen class = match class
-    --  chosen field = match field
-    --  field weight
-    --  rank
-    --  buoyancy
-    --  value itself
-$f$ LANGUAGE plpgsql ROWS 10;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION metabib.browse(search_field integer[], browse_term text, context_org integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, context_loc_group integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, staff boolean DEFAULT false, pivot_id bigint DEFAULT NULL::bigint, result_limit integer DEFAULT 10)
- RETURNS SETOF metabib.flat_browse_entry_appearance
-AS $f$
-    core_query              TEXT;
-    back_query              TEXT;
-    forward_query           TEXT;
-    pivot_sort_value        TEXT;
-    pivot_sort_fallback     TEXT;
-    context_locations       INT[];
-    browse_superpage_size   INT;
-    results_skipped         INT := 0;
-    back_limit              INT;
-    back_to_pivot           INT;
-    forward_limit           INT;
-    forward_to_pivot        INT;
-    -- First, find the pivot if we were given a browse term but not a pivot.
-    IF pivot_id IS NULL THEN
-        pivot_id := metabib.browse_pivot(search_field, browse_term);
-    END IF;
-    SELECT INTO pivot_sort_value, pivot_sort_fallback
-        sort_value, value FROM metabib.browse_entry WHERE id = pivot_id;
-    -- Bail if we couldn't find a pivot.
-    IF pivot_sort_value IS NULL THEN
-        RETURN;
-    END IF;
-    -- Transform the context_loc_group argument (if any) (logc at the
-    -- TPAC layer) into a form we'll be able to use.
-    IF context_loc_group IS NOT NULL THEN
-        SELECT INTO context_locations ARRAY_AGG(location)
-            FROM asset.copy_location_group_map
-            WHERE lgroup = context_loc_group;
-    END IF;
-    -- Get the configured size of browse superpages.
-    SELECT INTO browse_superpage_size COALESCE(value::INT,100)     -- NULL ok
-        FROM config.global_flag
-        WHERE enabled AND name = 'opac.browse.holdings_visibility_test_limit';
-    -- First we're going to search backward from the pivot, then we're going
-    -- to search forward.  In each direction, we need two limits.  At the
-    -- lesser of the two limits, we delineate the edge of the result set
-    -- we're going to return.  At the greater of the two limits, we find the
-    -- pivot value that would represent an offset from the current pivot
-    -- at a distance of one "page" in either direction, where a "page" is a
-    -- result set of the size specified in the "result_limit" argument.
-    --
-    -- The two limits in each direction make four derived values in total,
-    -- and we calculate them now.
-    back_limit := CEIL(result_limit::FLOAT / 2);
-    back_to_pivot := result_limit;
-    forward_limit := result_limit / 2;
-    forward_to_pivot := result_limit - 1;
-    -- This is the meat of the SQL query that finds browse entries.  We'll
-    -- pass this to a function which uses it with a cursor, so that individual
-    -- rows may be fetched in a loop until some condition is satisfied, without
-    -- waiting for a result set of fixed size to be collected all at once.
-    core_query := '
-SELECT  mbe.id,
-        mbe.value,
-        mbe.sort_value
-  FROM  metabib.browse_entry mbe
-  WHERE (
-            EXISTS ( -- are there any bibs using this mbe via the requested fields?
-                SELECT  1
-                  FROM  metabib.browse_entry_def_map mbedm
-                  WHERE mbedm.entry = mbe.id AND mbedm.def = ANY(' || quote_literal(search_field) || ')
-            ) OR EXISTS ( -- are there any authorities using this mbe via the requested fields?
-                SELECT  1
-                  FROM  metabib.browse_entry_simple_heading_map mbeshm
-                        JOIN authority.simple_heading ash ON ( mbeshm.simple_heading = ash.id )
-                        JOIN authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs map ON (
-                            ash.atag = map.authority_field
-                            AND map.metabib_field = ANY(' || quote_literal(search_field) || ')
-                        )
-                  WHERE mbeshm.entry = mbe.id
-            )
-        ) AND ';
-    -- This is the variant of the query for browsing backward.
-    back_query := core_query ||
-        ' mbe.sort_value <= ' || quote_literal(pivot_sort_value) ||
-    ' ORDER BY mbe.sort_value DESC, mbe.value DESC LIMIT 1000';
-    -- This variant browses forward.
-    forward_query := core_query ||
-        ' mbe.sort_value > ' || quote_literal(pivot_sort_value) ||
-    ' ORDER BY mbe.sort_value, mbe.value LIMIT 1000';
-    -- We now call the function which applies a cursor to the provided
-    -- queries, stopping at the appropriate limits and also giving us
-    -- the next page's pivot.
-        SELECT * FROM metabib.staged_browse(
-            back_query, search_field, context_org, context_locations,
-            staff, browse_superpage_size, TRUE, back_limit, back_to_pivot
-        ) UNION
-        SELECT * FROM metabib.staged_browse(
-            forward_query, search_field, context_org, context_locations,
-            staff, browse_superpage_size, FALSE, forward_limit, forward_to_pivot
-        ) ORDER BY row_number DESC;
-$f$ LANGUAGE plpgsql ROWS 10;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION metabib.staged_browse(query text, fields integer[], context_org integer, context_locations integer[], staff boolean, browse_superpage_size integer, count_up_from_zero boolean, result_limit integer, next_pivot_pos integer)
- RETURNS SETOF metabib.flat_browse_entry_appearance
-AS $f$
-    curs                    REFCURSOR;
-    rec                     RECORD;
-    qpfts_query             TEXT;
-    aqpfts_query            TEXT;
-    afields                 INT[];
-    bfields                 INT[];
-    result_row              metabib.flat_browse_entry_appearance%ROWTYPE;
-    results_skipped         INT := 0;
-    row_counter             INT := 0;
-    row_number              INT;
-    slice_start             INT;
-    slice_end               INT;
-    full_end                INT;
-    all_records             BIGINT[];
-    all_brecords             BIGINT[];
-    all_arecords            BIGINT[];
-    superpage_of_records    BIGINT[];
-    superpage_size          INT;
-    c_tests                 TEXT := '';
-    b_tests                 TEXT := '';
-    c_orgs                  INT[];
-    IF count_up_from_zero THEN
-        row_number := 0;
-    ELSE
-        row_number := -1;
-    END IF;
-    IF NOT staff THEN
-        SELECT x.c_attrs, x.b_attrs INTO c_tests, b_tests FROM asset.patron_default_visibility_mask() x;
-    END IF;
-    IF c_tests <> '' THEN c_tests := c_tests || '&'; END IF;
-    IF b_tests <> '' THEN b_tests := b_tests || '&'; END IF;
-    SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) INTO c_orgs FROM actor.org_unit_descendants(context_org);
-    c_tests := c_tests || search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test('circ_lib',c_orgs)
-               || '&' || search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test('owning_lib',c_orgs);
-    PERFORM 1 FROM config.internal_flag WHERE enabled AND name = 'opac.located_uri.act_as_copy';
-        b_tests := b_tests || search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test(
-            'luri_org',
-            (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) FROM actor.org_unit_full_path(context_org) x)
-        );
-    ELSE
-        b_tests := b_tests || search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test(
-            'luri_org',
-            (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) FROM actor.org_unit_ancestors(context_org) x)
-        );
-    END IF;
-    IF context_locations THEN
-        IF c_tests <> '' THEN c_tests := c_tests || '&'; END IF;
-        c_tests := c_tests || search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test('location',context_locations);
-    END IF;
-    LOOP
-        FETCH curs INTO rec;
-            IF result_row.pivot_point IS NOT NULL THEN
-                RETURN NEXT result_row;
-            END IF;
-            RETURN;
-        END IF;
-        -- Gather aggregate data based on the MBE row we're looking at now, authority axis
-        SELECT INTO all_arecords, result_row.sees, afields
-                ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT abl.bib), -- bibs to check for visibility
-                STRING_AGG(DISTINCT aal.source::TEXT, $$,$$), -- authority record ids
-                ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT map.metabib_field) -- authority-tag-linked CMF rows
-          FROM  metabib.browse_entry_simple_heading_map mbeshm
-                JOIN authority.simple_heading ash ON ( mbeshm.simple_heading = ash.id )
-                JOIN authority.authority_linking aal ON ( ash.record = aal.source )
-                JOIN authority.bib_linking abl ON ( aal.target = abl.authority )
-                JOIN authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs map ON (
-                    ash.atag = map.authority_field
-                    AND map.metabib_field = ANY(fields)
-                )
-          WHERE mbeshm.entry = rec.id;
-        -- Gather aggregate data based on the MBE row we're looking at now, bib axis
-        SELECT INTO all_brecords, result_row.authorities, bfields
-                ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT source),
-                STRING_AGG(DISTINCT authority::TEXT, $$,$$),
-                ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT def)
-          FROM  metabib.browse_entry_def_map
-          WHERE entry = rec.id
-                AND def = ANY(fields);
-        SELECT INTO result_row.fields STRING_AGG(DISTINCT x::TEXT, $$,$$) FROM UNNEST(afields || bfields) x;
-        result_row.sources := 0;
-        result_row.asources := 0;
-        -- Bib-linked vis checking
-        IF ARRAY_UPPER(all_brecords,1) IS NOT NULL THEN
-            SELECT  INTO result_row.sources COUNT(DISTINCT b.id)
-              FROM  biblio.record_entry b
-                    JOIN asset.copy_vis_attr_cache acvac ON (acvac.record = b.id)
-              WHERE b.id = ANY(all_brecords[1:browse_superpage_size])
-                    AND (
-                        acvac.vis_attr_vector @@ c_tests::query_int
-                        OR b.vis_attr_vector @@ b_tests::query_int
-                    );
-            result_row.accurate := TRUE;
-        END IF;
-        -- Authority-linked vis checking
-        IF ARRAY_UPPER(all_arecords,1) IS NOT NULL THEN
-            SELECT  INTO result_row.asources COUNT(DISTINCT b.id)
-              FROM  biblio.record_entry b
-                    JOIN asset.copy_vis_attr_cache acvac ON (acvac.record = b.id)
-              WHERE b.id = ANY(all_arecords[1:browse_superpage_size])
-                    AND (
-                        acvac.vis_attr_vector @@ c_tests::query_int
-                        OR b.vis_attr_vector @@ b_tests::query_int
-                    );
-            result_row.aaccurate := TRUE;
-        END IF;
-        IF result_row.sources > 0 OR result_row.asources > 0 THEN
-            -- The function that calls this function needs row_number in order
-            -- to correctly order results from two different runs of this
-            -- functions.
-            result_row.row_number := row_number;
-            -- Now, if row_counter is still less than limit, return a row.  If
-            -- not, but it is less than next_pivot_pos, continue on without
-            -- returning actual result rows until we find
-            -- that next pivot, and return it.
-            IF row_counter < result_limit THEN
-                result_row.browse_entry := rec.id;
-                result_row.value := rec.value;
-                RETURN NEXT result_row;
-            ELSE
-                result_row.browse_entry := NULL;
-                result_row.authorities := NULL;
-                result_row.fields := NULL;
-                result_row.value := NULL;
-                result_row.sources := NULL;
-                result_row.sees := NULL;
-                result_row.accurate := NULL;
-                result_row.aaccurate := NULL;
-                result_row.pivot_point := rec.id;
-                IF row_counter >= next_pivot_pos THEN
-                    RETURN NEXT result_row;
-                    RETURN;
-                END IF;
-            END IF;
-            IF count_up_from_zero THEN
-                row_number := row_number + 1;
-            ELSE
-                row_number := row_number - 1;
-            END IF;
-            -- row_counter is different from row_number.
-            -- It simply counts up from zero so that we know when
-            -- we've reached our limit.
-            row_counter := row_counter + 1;
-        END IF;
-    END LOOP;
-$f$ LANGUAGE plpgsql ROWS 10;
-DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS a_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr ON biblio.peer_bib_copy_map;
-DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS a_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr ON biblio.record_entry;
-DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS a_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr ON asset.copy;
-DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS a_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr ON asset.call_number;
-DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS a_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr ON asset.copy_location;
-DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS a_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr ON serial.unit;
-DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS a_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr ON config.copy_status;
-DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS a_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr ON actor.org_unit;
--- Upgrade the data!
-INSERT INTO asset.copy_vis_attr_cache (target_copy, record, vis_attr_vector)
-    SELECT  cp.id,
-            cn.record,
-            asset.calculate_copy_visibility_attribute_set(cp.id)
-      FROM  asset.copy cp
-            JOIN asset.call_number cn ON (cp.call_number = cn.id);
--- updating vis cache for biblio.record_entry deferred to end
-CREATE TRIGGER z_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON biblio.record_entry FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE asset.cache_copy_visibility();
-CREATE TRIGGER z_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr AFTER INSERT OR DELETE ON biblio.peer_bib_copy_map FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE asset.cache_copy_visibility();
-CREATE TRIGGER z_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr AFTER UPDATE ON asset.call_number FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE asset.cache_copy_visibility();
-CREATE TRIGGER z_opac_vis_mat_view_del_tgr BEFORE DELETE ON asset.copy FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE asset.cache_copy_visibility();
-CREATE TRIGGER z_opac_vis_mat_view_del_tgr BEFORE DELETE ON serial.unit FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE asset.cache_copy_visibility();
-CREATE TRIGGER z_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON asset.copy FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE asset.cache_copy_visibility();
-CREATE TRIGGER z_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON serial.unit FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE asset.cache_copy_visibility();
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.opac_ou_record_copy_count (org INT, rid BIGINT) RETURNS TABLE (depth INT, org_unit INT, visible BIGINT, available BIGINT, unshadow BIGINT, transcendant INT) AS $f$
-    ans RECORD;
-    trans INT;
-    SELECT 1 INTO trans FROM biblio.record_entry b JOIN config.bib_source src ON (b.source = src.id) WHERE src.transcendant AND b.id = rid;
-    FOR ans IN SELECT u.id, t.depth FROM actor.org_unit_ancestors(org) AS u JOIN actor.org_unit_type t ON (u.ou_type = t.id) LOOP
-        WITH org_list AS (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id)::BIGINT[] AS orgs FROM actor.org_unit_descendants(ans.id) x),
-             available_statuses AS (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) AS ids FROM config.copy_status WHERE is_available),
-             mask AS (SELECT c_attrs FROM asset.patron_default_visibility_mask() x)
-        SELECT  ans.depth,
-                ans.id,
-                COUNT( av.id ),
-                SUM( (cp.status = ANY (available_statuses.ids))::INT ),
-                COUNT( av.id ),
-                trans
-          FROM  mask,
-                available_statuses,
-                org_list,
-                asset.copy_vis_attr_cache av
-                JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = av.target_copy AND av.record = rid)
-          WHERE cp.circ_lib = ANY (org_list.orgs) AND av.vis_attr_vector @@ mask.c_attrs::query_int
-          GROUP BY 1,2,6;
-            RETURN QUERY SELECT ans.depth, ans.id, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, trans;
-        END IF;
-    END LOOP;
-    RETURN;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.opac_lasso_record_copy_count (i_lasso INT, rid BIGINT) RETURNS TABLE (depth INT, org_unit INT, visible BIGINT, available BIGINT, unshadow BIGINT, transcendant INT) AS $f$
-    ans RECORD;
-    trans INT;
-    SELECT 1 INTO trans FROM biblio.record_entry b JOIN config.bib_source src ON (b.source = src.id) WHERE src.transcendant AND b.id = rid;
-    FOR ans IN SELECT u.org_unit AS id FROM actor.org_lasso_map AS u WHERE lasso = i_lasso LOOP
-        WITH org_list AS (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id)::BIGINT[] AS orgs FROM actor.org_unit_descendants(ans.id) x),
-             available_statuses AS (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) AS ids FROM config.copy_status WHERE is_available),
-             mask AS (SELECT c_attrs FROM asset.patron_default_visibility_mask() x)
-        SELECT  -1,
-                ans.id,
-                COUNT( av.id ),
-                SUM( (cp.status = ANY (available_statuses.ids))::INT ),
-                COUNT( av.id ),
-                trans
-          FROM  mask,
-                org_list,
-                asset.copy_vis_attr_cache av
-                JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = av.target_copy AND av.record = rid)
-          WHERE cp.circ_lib = ANY (org_list.orgs) AND av.vis_attr_vector @@ mask.c_attrs::query_int
-          GROUP BY 1,2,6;
-            RETURN QUERY SELECT -1, ans.id, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, trans;
-        END IF;
-    END LOOP;
-    RETURN;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.opac_ou_metarecord_copy_count (org INT, rid BIGINT) RETURNS TABLE (depth INT, org_unit INT, visible BIGINT, available BIGINT, unshadow BIGINT, transcendant INT) AS $f$
-    ans RECORD;
-    trans INT;
-    SELECT 1 INTO trans FROM biblio.record_entry b JOIN config.bib_source src ON (b.source = src.id) JOIN metabib.metarecord_source_map m ON (m.source = b.id) WHERE src.transcendant AND m.metarecord = rid;
-    FOR ans IN SELECT u.id, t.depth FROM actor.org_unit_ancestors(org) AS u JOIN actor.org_unit_type t ON (u.ou_type = t.id) LOOP
-        WITH org_list AS (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id)::BIGINT[] AS orgs FROM actor.org_unit_descendants(ans.id) x),
-             available_statuses AS (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) AS ids FROM config.copy_status WHERE is_available),
-             mask AS (SELECT c_attrs FROM asset.patron_default_visibility_mask() x)
-        SELECT  ans.depth,
-                ans.id,
-                COUNT( av.id ),
-                SUM( (cp.status = ANY (available_statuses.ids))::INT ),
-                COUNT( av.id ),
-                trans
-          FROM  mask,
-                org_list,
-                available_statuses,
-                asset.copy_vis_attr_cache av
-                JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = av.target_copy)
-                JOIN metabib.metarecord_source_map m ON (m.metarecord = rid AND m.source = av.record)
-          WHERE cp.circ_lib = ANY (org_list.orgs) AND av.vis_attr_vector @@ mask.c_attrs::query_int
-          GROUP BY 1,2,6;
-            RETURN QUERY SELECT ans.depth, ans.id, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, trans;
-        END IF;
-    END LOOP;
-    RETURN;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.opac_lasso_metarecord_copy_count (i_lasso INT, rid BIGINT) RETURNS TABLE (depth INT, org_unit INT, visible BIGINT, available BIGINT, unshadow BIGINT, transcendant INT) AS $f$
-    ans RECORD;
-    trans INT;
-    SELECT 1 INTO trans FROM biblio.record_entry b JOIN config.bib_source src ON (b.source = src.id) JOIN metabib.metarecord_source_map m ON (m.source = b.id) WHERE src.transcendant AND m.metarecord = rid;
-    FOR ans IN SELECT u.org_unit AS id FROM actor.org_lasso_map AS u WHERE lasso = i_lasso LOOP
-        WITH org_list AS (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id)::BIGINT[] AS orgs FROM actor.org_unit_descendants(ans.id) x),
-             available_statuses AS (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) AS ids FROM config.copy_status WHERE is_available),
-             mask AS (SELECT c_attrs FROM asset.patron_default_visibility_mask() x)
-        SELECT  -1,
-                ans.id,
-                COUNT( av.id ),
-                SUM( (cp.status = ANY (available_statuses.ids))::INT ),
-                COUNT( av.id ),
-                trans
-          FROM  mask,
-                org_list,
-                available_statuses,
-                asset.copy_vis_attr_cache av
-                JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = av.target_copy)
-                JOIN metabib.metarecord_source_map m ON (m.metarecord = rid AND m.source = av.record)
-          WHERE cp.circ_lib = ANY (org_list.orgs) AND av.vis_attr_vector @@ mask.c_attrs::query_int
-          GROUP BY 1,2,6;
-            RETURN QUERY SELECT ans.depth, ans.id, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, trans;
-        END IF;
-    END LOOP;
-    RETURN;
-    obj_id BIGINT,
-    format TEXT,
-    ename TEXT,
-    includes TEXT[],
-    org TEXT,
-    depth INT DEFAULT NULL,
-    include_xmlns BOOL DEFAULT TRUE,
-    pref_lib INT DEFAULT NULL
-        name attributes,
-            CASE WHEN $9 THEN 'http://open-ils.org/spec/indexing/v1' ELSE NULL END AS xmlns,
-            'tag:open-ils.org:U2@mmr/' || $1 AS metarecord
-        ),
-        (SELECT XMLAGG(foo.y)
-          FROM (
-            WITH sourcelist AS (
-                WITH aou AS (SELECT COALESCE(id, (evergreen.org_top()).id) AS id FROM actor.org_unit WHERE shortname = $5 LIMIT 1),
-                     basevm AS (SELECT c_attrs FROM  asset.patron_default_visibility_mask()),
-                     circvm AS (SELECT search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test('circ_lib', ARRAY_AGG(aoud.id)) AS mask
-                                  FROM aou, LATERAL actor.org_unit_descendants(aou.id, $6) aoud)
-                SELECT  source
-                  FROM  aou, circvm, basevm, metabib.metarecord_source_map mmsm
-                  WHERE mmsm.metarecord = $1 AND (
-                    EXISTS (
-                        SELECT  1
-                          FROM  circvm, basevm, asset.copy_vis_attr_cache acvac
-                          WHERE acvac.vis_attr_vector @@ (basevm.c_attrs || '&' || circvm.mask)::query_int
-                                AND acvac.record = mmsm.source
-                    )
-                    OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM evergreen.located_uris(source, aou.id, $10) LIMIT 1)
-                    OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM biblio.record_entry b JOIN config.bib_source src ON (b.source = src.id) WHERE src.transcendant AND b.id = mmsm.source)
-                )
-            )
-            SELECT  cmra.aid,
-                    XMLELEMENT(
-                        name field,
-                        XMLATTRIBUTES(
-                            cmra.attr AS name,
-                            cmra.value AS "coded-value",
-                            cmra.aid AS "cvmid",
-                            rad.composite,
-                            rad.multi,
-                            rad.filter,
-                            rad.sorter,
-                            cmra.source_list
-                        ),
-                        cmra.value
-                    )
-              FROM  (
-                SELECT DISTINCT aid, attr, value, STRING_AGG(x.id::TEXT, ',') AS source_list
-                  FROM (
-                    SELECT  v.source AS id,
-                            c.id AS aid,
-                            c.ctype AS attr,
-                            c.code AS value
-                      FROM  metabib.record_attr_vector_list v
-                            JOIN config.coded_value_map c ON ( c.id = ANY( v.vlist ) )
-                    ) AS x
-                    JOIN sourcelist ON (x.id = sourcelist.source)
-                    GROUP BY 1, 2, 3
-                ) AS cmra
-                JOIN config.record_attr_definition rad ON (cmra.attr = rad.name)
-                UNION ALL
-            SELECT  umra.aid,
-                    XMLELEMENT(
-                        name field,
-                        XMLATTRIBUTES(
-                            umra.attr AS name,
-                            rad.composite,
-                            rad.multi,
-                            rad.filter,
-                            rad.sorter
-                        ),
-                        umra.value
-                    )
-              FROM  (
-                SELECT DISTINCT aid, attr, value
-                  FROM (
-                    SELECT  v.source AS id,
-                            m.id AS aid,
-                            m.attr AS attr,
-                            m.value AS value
-                      FROM  metabib.record_attr_vector_list v
-                            JOIN metabib.uncontrolled_record_attr_value m ON ( m.id = ANY( v.vlist ) )
-                    ) AS x
-                    JOIN sourcelist ON (x.id = sourcelist.source)
-                ) AS umra
-                JOIN config.record_attr_definition rad ON (umra.attr = rad.name)
-                ORDER BY 1
-            )foo(id,y)
-        )
-    )
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.ranked_volumes(
-    bibid BIGINT[],
-    ouid INT,
-    depth INT DEFAULT NULL,
-    pref_lib INT DEFAULT NULL,
-    includes TEXT[] DEFAULT NULL::TEXT[]
-) RETURNS TABLE(id BIGINT, name TEXT, label_sortkey TEXT, rank BIGINT) AS $$
-    WITH RECURSIVE ou_depth AS (
-            $3,
-            (
-                SELECT depth
-                FROM actor.org_unit_type aout
-                    INNER JOIN actor.org_unit ou ON ou_type = aout.id
-                WHERE ou.id = $2
-            )
-        ) AS depth
-    ), descendant_depth AS (
-        SELECT  ou.id,
-                ou.parent_ou,
-                out.depth
-        FROM  actor.org_unit ou
-                JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type)
-                JOIN anscestor_depth ad ON (ad.id = ou.id),
-                ou_depth
-        WHERE ad.depth = ou_depth.depth
-            UNION ALL
-        SELECT  ou.id,
-                ou.parent_ou,
-                out.depth
-        FROM  actor.org_unit ou
-                JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type)
-                JOIN descendant_depth ot ON (ot.id = ou.parent_ou)
-    ), anscestor_depth AS (
-        SELECT  ou.id,
-                ou.parent_ou,
-                out.depth
-        FROM  actor.org_unit ou
-                JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type)
-        WHERE ou.id = $2
-            UNION ALL
-        SELECT  ou.id,
-                ou.parent_ou,
-                out.depth
-        FROM  actor.org_unit ou
-                JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type)
-                JOIN anscestor_depth ot ON (ot.parent_ou = ou.id)
-    ), descendants as (
-        SELECT ou.* FROM actor.org_unit ou JOIN descendant_depth USING (id)
-    )
-    SELECT ua.id, ua.name, ua.label_sortkey, MIN(ua.rank) AS rank FROM (
-        SELECT acn.id, owning_lib.name, acn.label_sortkey,
-            evergreen.rank_cp(acp),
-            RANK() OVER w
-        FROM asset.call_number acn
-            JOIN asset.copy acp ON (acn.id = acp.call_number)
-            JOIN descendants AS aou ON (acp.circ_lib = aou.id)
-            JOIN actor.org_unit AS owning_lib ON (acn.owning_lib = owning_lib.id)
-        WHERE acn.record = ANY ($1)
-            AND acn.deleted IS FALSE
-            AND acp.deleted IS FALSE
-            AND CASE WHEN ('exclude_invisible_acn' = ANY($7)) THEN
-                EXISTS (
-                    WITH basevm AS (SELECT c_attrs FROM  asset.patron_default_visibility_mask()),
-                         circvm AS (SELECT search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test('circ_lib', ARRAY[acp.circ_lib]) AS mask)
-                    SELECT  1
-                      FROM  basevm, circvm, asset.copy_vis_attr_cache acvac
-                      WHERE acvac.vis_attr_vector @@ (basevm.c_attrs || '&' || circvm.mask)::query_int
-                            AND acvac.target_copy = acp.id
-                            AND acvac.record = acn.record
-                ) ELSE TRUE END
-        GROUP BY acn.id, evergreen.rank_cp(acp), owning_lib.name, acn.label_sortkey, aou.id
-        WINDOW w AS (
-            ORDER BY
-                COALESCE(
-                    CASE WHEN aou.id = $2 THEN -20000 END,
-                    CASE WHEN aou.id = $6 THEN -10000 END,
-                    (SELECT distance - 5000
-                        FROM actor.org_unit_descendants_distance($6) as x
-                        WHERE x.id = aou.id AND $6 IN (
-                            SELECT q.id FROM actor.org_unit_descendants($2) as q)),
-                    (SELECT e.distance FROM actor.org_unit_descendants_distance($2) as e WHERE e.id = aou.id),
-                    1000
-                ),
-                evergreen.rank_cp(acp)
-        )
-    ) AS ua
-    GROUP BY ua.id, ua.name, ua.label_sortkey
-    ORDER BY rank, ua.name, ua.label_sortkey
-    LIMIT ($4 -> 'acn')::INT
-    OFFSET ($5 -> 'acn')::INT;
--- Evergreen DB patch XXXX.schema.action-trigger.event_definition.sms_preminder.sql
--- New action trigger event definition: 3 Day Courtesy Notice by SMS
--- check whether patch can be applied
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1058', :eg_version); -- mccanna/csharp/gmcharlt
-INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_definition (id, active, owner, name, hook,
-        validator, reactor, delay, max_delay, delay_field, group_field, template)
-    VALUES (54, FALSE, 1,
-        '3 Day Courtesy Notice by SMS',
-        'checkout.due',
-        'CircIsOpen', 'SendSMS', '-3 days', '-2 days', 'due_date', 'usr',
-[%- USE date -%]
-[%- user = target.0.usr -%]
-[%- homelib = user.home_ou -%]
-[%- sms_number = helpers.get_user_setting(user.id, 'opac.default_sms_notify') -%]
-[%- sms_carrier = helpers.get_user_setting(user.id, 'opac.default_sms_carrier') -%]
-From: [%- helpers.get_org_setting(homelib.id, 'org.bounced_emails') || homelib.email || params.sender_email || default_sender %]
-To: [%- helpers.get_sms_gateway_email(sms_carrier,sms_number) %]
-Subject: Library Materials Due Soon
-You have items due soon:
-[% FOR circ IN target %]
-[%- copy_details = helpers.get_copy_bib_basics(circ.target_copy.id) -%]
-[% copy_details.title FILTER ucfirst %] by [% copy_details.author FILTER ucfirst %] due on [% date.format(helpers.format_date(circ.due_date), '%m-%d-%Y') %]
-[% END %]
-INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment (event_def, path) VALUES
-    (54, 'circ_lib.billing_address'),
-    (54, 'target_copy.call_number'),
-    (54, 'usr'),
-    (54, 'usr.home_ou');
--- check whether patch can be applied
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1059', :eg_version); --Stompro/DPearl/kmlussier
-CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW reporter.old_super_simple_record AS
-SELECT  r.id,
-    r.fingerprint,
-    r.quality,
-    r.tcn_source,
-    r.tcn_value,
-    CONCAT_WS(' ', FIRST(title.value),FIRST(title_np.val)) AS title,
-    FIRST(author.value) AS author,
-    STRING_AGG(DISTINCT publisher.value, ', ') AS publisher,
-    STRING_AGG(DISTINCT SUBSTRING(pubdate.value FROM $$\d+$$), ', ') AS pubdate,
-    CASE WHEN ARRAY_AGG( DISTINCT REPLACE(SUBSTRING(isbn.value FROM $$^\S+$$), '-', '') ) = '{NULL}'
-        THEN NULL
-        ELSE ARRAY_AGG( DISTINCT REPLACE(SUBSTRING(isbn.value FROM $$^\S+$$), '-', '') )
-    END AS isbn,
-    CASE WHEN ARRAY_AGG( DISTINCT REGEXP_REPLACE(issn.value, E'^\\S*(\\d{4})[-\\s](\\d{3,4}x?)', E'\\1 \\2') ) = '{NULL}'
-        THEN NULL
-        ELSE ARRAY_AGG( DISTINCT REGEXP_REPLACE(issn.value, E'^\\S*(\\d{4})[-\\s](\\d{3,4}x?)', E'\\1 \\2') )
-    END AS issn
-  FROM  biblio.record_entry r
-    LEFT JOIN metabib.full_rec title ON (r.id = title.record AND title.tag = '245' AND title.subfield = 'a')
-    LEFT JOIN ( -- Grab 245 N and P subfields in the order that they appear.
-      SELECT b.record, string_agg(val, ' ') AS val FROM (
-            SELECT title_np.record, title_np.value AS val
-             FROM metabib.full_rec title_np
-             WHERE
-             title_np.tag = '245'
-                       AND title_np.subfield IN ('p','n')                      
-                       ORDER BY title_np.id
-               ) b
-               GROUP BY 1
-        ) title_np ON (title_np.record=r.id) 
-    LEFT JOIN metabib.full_rec author ON (r.id = author.record AND author.tag IN ('100','110','111') AND author.subfield = 'a')
-    LEFT JOIN metabib.full_rec publisher ON (r.id = publisher.record AND (publisher.tag = '260' OR (publisher.tag = '264' AND publisher.ind2 = '1')) AND publisher.subfield = 'b')
-    LEFT JOIN metabib.full_rec pubdate ON (r.id = pubdate.record AND (pubdate.tag = '260' OR (pubdate.tag = '264' AND pubdate.ind2 = '1')) AND pubdate.subfield = 'c')
-    LEFT JOIN metabib.full_rec isbn ON (r.id = isbn.record AND isbn.tag IN ('024', '020') AND isbn.subfield IN ('a','z'))
-    LEFT JOIN metabib.full_rec issn ON (r.id = issn.record AND issn.tag = '022' AND issn.subfield = 'a')
-  GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5;
-  -- Remove trigger on biblio.record_entry
-  SELECT reporter.disable_materialized_simple_record_trigger();
-  -- Rebuild reporter.materialized_simple_record
-  SELECT reporter.enable_materialized_simple_record_trigger();
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1060', :eg_version);
-DROP VIEW IF EXISTS extend_reporter.copy_count_per_org;
-CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW extend_reporter.copy_count_per_org AS
- SELECT acn.record AS bibid,
-    ac.circ_lib,
-    acn.owning_lib,
-    max(ac.edit_date) AS last_edit_time,
-    min(ac.deleted::integer) AS has_only_deleted_copies,
-    count(
-        CASE
-            WHEN ac.deleted THEN ac.id
-            ELSE NULL::bigint
-        END) AS deleted_count,
-    count(
-        CASE
-            WHEN NOT ac.deleted THEN ac.id
-            ELSE NULL::bigint
-        END) AS visible_count,
-    count(*) AS total_count
-   FROM asset.call_number acn,
-    asset.copy ac
-  WHERE ac.call_number = acn.id
-  GROUP BY acn.record, acn.owning_lib, ac.circ_lib;
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1061', :eg_version);
-INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type
-    (name, label, description, grp, datatype)
-    'ui.staff.max_recent_patrons',
-    oils_i18n_gettext(
-        'ui.staff.max_recent_patrons',
-        'Number of Retrievable Recent Patrons',
-        'coust',
-        'label'
-    ),
-    oils_i18n_gettext(
-        'ui.staff.max_recent_patrons',
-        'Number of most recently accessed patrons that can be re-retrieved ' ||
-        'in the staff client.  A value of 0 or less disables the feature. Defaults to 1.',
-        'coust',
-        'description'
-    ),
-    'circ',
-    'integer'
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1062', :eg_version);
-CREATE TABLE acq.edi_attr (
-    key     TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
-CREATE TABLE acq.edi_attr_set (
-    id      SERIAL  PRIMARY KEY,
-CREATE TABLE acq.edi_attr_set_map (
-    id          SERIAL  PRIMARY KEY,
-    attr_set    INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.edi_attr_set(id) 
-    attr        TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.edi_attr(key) 
-    CONSTRAINT edi_attr_set_map_attr_once UNIQUE (attr_set, attr)
--- An attr_set is not strictly required, since some edi_accounts/vendors 
--- may not need to apply any attributes.
-ALTER TABLE acq.edi_account 
-    ADD COLUMN attr_set INTEGER REFERENCES acq.edi_attr_set(id),
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1063', :eg_version);
-DO $temp$
-       r RECORD;
-       FOR r IN SELECT t.table_schema AS sname,
-                       t.table_name AS tname,
-                       t.column_name AS colname,
-                       t.constraint_name
-                 FROM  information_schema.referential_constraints ref
-                       JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage t USING (constraint_schema,constraint_name)
-                 WHERE ref.unique_constraint_schema = 'asset'
-                       AND ref.unique_constraint_name = 'copy_pkey'
-       LOOP
-               EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE '||r.sname||'.'||r.tname||' DROP CONSTRAINT '||r.constraint_name||';';
-               EXECUTE '
-                       CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.'||r.sname||'_'||r.tname||'_'||r.colname||'_inh_fkey() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $f$
-                       BEGIN
-                               PERFORM 1 FROM asset.copy WHERE id = NEW.'||r.colname||';
-                               IF NOT FOUND THEN
-                                       RAISE foreign_key_violation USING MESSAGE = FORMAT(
-                                               $$Referenced asset.copy id not found, '||r.colname||':%s$$, NEW.'||r.colname||'
-                                       );
-                               END IF;
-                               RETURN NEW;
-                       END;
-                       $f$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL VOLATILE COST 50;
-               ';
-               EXECUTE '
-                       CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER inherit_'||r.constraint_name||'
-                               AFTER UPDATE OR INSERT OR DELETE ON '||r.sname||'.'||r.tname||'
-                               DEFERRABLE FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE evergreen.'||r.sname||'_'||r.tname||'_'||r.colname||'_inh_fkey();
-               ';
-       END LOOP;
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1064', :eg_version);
-ALTER TABLE serial.issuance DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS issuance_caption_and_pattern_fkey;
--- Using NOT VALID and VALIDATE CONSTRAINT limits the impact to concurrent work.
--- For details, see: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-altertable.html
-ALTER TABLE serial.issuance ADD CONSTRAINT issuance_caption_and_pattern_fkey
-    FOREIGN KEY (caption_and_pattern)
-    REFERENCES serial.caption_and_pattern (id)
-ALTER TABLE serial.issuance VALIDATE CONSTRAINT issuance_caption_and_pattern_fkey;
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1065', :eg_version);
-CREATE TABLE serial.pattern_template (
-    id            SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
-    name          TEXT NOT NULL,
-    pattern_code  TEXT NOT NULL,
-    share_depth   INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
-CREATE INDEX serial_pattern_template_name_idx ON serial.pattern_template (evergreen.lowercase(name));
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION serial.pattern_templates_visible_to(org_unit INT) RETURNS SETOF serial.pattern_template AS $func$
-           FROM serial.pattern_template spt
-           WHERE (
-             SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id)
-             FROM actor.org_unit_descendants(spt.owning_lib, spt.share_depth)
-           ) @@ org_unit::TEXT::QUERY_INT;
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1066', :eg_version);
-INSERT INTO permission.perm_list ( id, code, description ) VALUES
- ( 593, 'ADMIN_SERIAL_PATTERN_TEMPLATE', oils_i18n_gettext( 593,
-    'Administer serial prediction pattern templates', 'ppl', 'description' ))
-INSERT INTO permission.grp_perm_map (grp, perm, depth, grantable)
-        pgt.id, perm.id, aout.depth, FALSE
-    FROM
-        permission.grp_tree pgt,
-        permission.perm_list perm,
-        actor.org_unit_type aout
-    WHERE
-        pgt.name = 'Serials' AND
-        aout.name = 'System' AND
-        perm.code IN (
-        );
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1067', :eg_version);
-INSERT INTO acq.edi_attr (key, label) VALUES
-        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_PO_NAME', 
-        'Orders Include PO Name', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_COPIES', 
-        'Orders Include Copy Data', 'aea', 'label')),
-    ('INCLUDE_FUND', 
-        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_FUND', 
-        'Orders Include Copy Funds', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_CALL_NUMBER', 
-        'Orders Include Copy Call Numbers', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_ITEM_TYPE', 
-        'Orders Include Copy Item Types', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_ITEM_BARCODE',
-        'Orders Include Copy Barcodes', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_LOCATION', 
-        'Orders Include Copy Locations', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_COLLECTION_CODE', 
-        'Orders Include Copy Collection Codes', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_OWNING_LIB', 
-        'Orders Include Copy Owning Library', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('USE_ID_FOR_OWNING_LIB',
-        'Emit Owning Library ID Rather Than Short Name. Takes effect only if INCLUDE_OWNING_LIB is in use', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_QUANTITY', 
-        'Orders Include Copy Quantities', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_COPY_ID', 
-        'Orders Include Copy IDs', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('BUYER_ID_INCLUDE_VENDCODE', 
-        'Buyer ID Qualifier Includes Vendcode', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('BUYER_ID_ONLY_VENDCODE', 
-        'Buyer ID Qualifier Only Contains Vendcode', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_BIB_EDITION', 
-        'Order Lineitems Include Edition Info', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_BIB_AUTHOR', 
-        'Order Lineitems Include Author Info', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_BIB_PAGINATION', 
-        'Order Lineitems Include Pagination Info', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('COPY_SPEC_CODES', 
-        'Order Lineitem Notes Include Copy Spec Codes', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_EMPTY_IMD_VALUES',
-        'Lineitem Title, Author, etc. Fields Are Present Even if Empty', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_EMPTY_LI_NOTE', 
-        'Order Lineitem Notes Always Present (Even if Empty)', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_EMPTY_CALL_NUMBER', 
-        'Order Copies Always Include Call Number (Even if Empty)', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_EMPTY_ITEM_TYPE', 
-        'Order Copies Always Include Item Type (Even if Empty)', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_EMPTY_LOCATION', 
-        'Order Copies Always Include Location (Even if Empty)', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_EMPTY_COLLECTION_CODE', 
-        'Order Copies Always Include Collection Code (Even if Empty)', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('LINEITEM_IDENT_VENDOR_NUMBER',
-        'Lineitem Identifier Fields (LIN/PIA) Use Vendor-Encoded ID Value When Available', 'aea', 'label')),
-        oils_i18n_gettext('LINEITEM_REF_ID_ONLY',
-        'Lineitem Reference Field (RFF) Uses Lineitem ID Only', 'aea', 'label'))
-INSERT INTO acq.edi_attr_set (id, label) VALUES (1, 'Ingram Default');
-INSERT INTO acq.edi_attr_set (id, label) VALUES (2, 'Baker & Taylor Default');
-INSERT INTO acq.edi_attr_set (id, label) VALUES (3, 'Brodart Default');
-INSERT INTO acq.edi_attr_set (id, label) VALUES (4, 'Midwest Tape Default');
-INSERT INTO acq.edi_attr_set (id, label) VALUES (5, 'ULS Default');
-INSERT INTO acq.edi_attr_set (id, label) VALUES (6, 'Recorded Books Default');
-INSERT INTO acq.edi_attr_set (id, label) VALUES (7, 'Midwest Library Service');
--- carve out space for mucho defaults
-SELECT SETVAL('acq.edi_attr_set_id_seq'::TEXT, 1000);
-INSERT INTO acq.edi_attr_set_map (attr_set, attr) VALUES
-    -- Ingram
-    (1, 'INCLUDE_PO_NAME'),
-    (1, 'INCLUDE_COPIES'),
-    (1, 'INCLUDE_ITEM_TYPE'),
-    -- B&T
-    (2, 'INCLUDE_COPIES'),
-    (2, 'INCLUDE_ITEM_TYPE'),
-    -- Brodart
-    (3, 'INCLUDE_COPIES'),
-    (3, 'INCLUDE_FUND'),
-    (3, 'INCLUDE_ITEM_TYPE'),
-    (3, 'COPY_SPEC_CODES'),
-    -- Midwest
-    (4, 'INCLUDE_COPIES'),
-    (4, 'INCLUDE_FUND'),
-    -- ULS
-    (5, 'INCLUDE_COPIES'),
-    (5, 'INCLUDE_ITEM_TYPE'),
-    -- Recorded Books
-    (6, 'INCLUDE_COPIES'),
-    (6, 'INCLUDE_ITEM_TYPE'),
-    -- Midwest Library Service
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1068', :eg_version); --miker/gmcharlt/kmlussier
-INSERT INTO config.xml_transform (name,namespace_uri,prefix,xslt) VALUES ('mads21','http://www.loc.gov/mads/v2','mads21',$XSLT$<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:mads="http://www.loc.gov/mads/v2"
-       xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:marc="http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim"
-       xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" exclude-result-prefixes="marc">
-       <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" encoding="UTF-8"/>
-       <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
-       <xsl:variable name="ascii">
-               <xsl:text> !"#$%&amp;'()*+,-./0123456789:;&lt;=&gt;?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~</xsl:text>
-       </xsl:variable>
-       <xsl:variable name="latin1">
-               <xsl:text> ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ</xsl:text>
-       </xsl:variable>
-       <!-- Characters that usually don't need to be escaped -->
-       <xsl:variable name="safe">
-               <xsl:text>!'()*-.0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~</xsl:text>
-       </xsl:variable>
-       <xsl:variable name="hex">0123456789ABCDEF</xsl:variable>
-       <xsl:template name="datafield">
-               <xsl:param name="tag"/>
-               <xsl:param name="ind1">
-                       <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
-               </xsl:param>
-               <xsl:param name="ind2">
-                       <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
-               </xsl:param>
-               <xsl:param name="subfields"/>
-               <xsl:element name="marc:datafield">
-                       <xsl:attribute name="tag">
-                               <xsl:value-of select="$tag"/>
-                       </xsl:attribute>
-                       <xsl:attribute name="ind1">
-                               <xsl:value-of select="$ind1"/>
-                       </xsl:attribute>
-                       <xsl:attribute name="ind2">
-                               <xsl:value-of select="$ind2"/>
-                       </xsl:attribute>
-                       <xsl:copy-of select="$subfields"/>
-               </xsl:element>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="subfieldSelect">
-               <xsl:param name="codes">abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz</xsl:param>
-               <xsl:param name="delimeter">
-                       <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
-               </xsl:param>
-               <xsl:variable name="str">
-                       <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield">
-                               <xsl:if test="contains($codes, @code)">
-                                       <xsl:value-of select="text()"/>
-                                       <xsl:value-of select="$delimeter"/>
-                               </xsl:if>
-                       </xsl:for-each>
-               </xsl:variable>
-               <xsl:value-of select="substring($str,1,string-length($str)-string-length($delimeter))"/>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="buildSpaces">
-               <xsl:param name="spaces"/>
-               <xsl:param name="char">
-                       <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
-               </xsl:param>
-               <xsl:if test="$spaces>0">
-                       <xsl:value-of select="$char"/>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="buildSpaces">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="spaces" select="$spaces - 1"/>
-                               <xsl:with-param name="char" select="$char"/>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </xsl:if>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="chopPunctuation">
-               <xsl:param name="chopString"/>
-               <xsl:param name="punctuation">
-                       <xsl:text>.:,;/ </xsl:text>
-               </xsl:param>
-               <xsl:variable name="length" select="string-length($chopString)"/>
-               <xsl:choose>
-                       <xsl:when test="$length=0"/>
-                       <xsl:when test="contains($punctuation, substring($chopString,$length,1))">
-                               <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
-                                       <xsl:with-param name="chopString" select="substring($chopString,1,$length - 1)"/>
-                                       <xsl:with-param name="punctuation" select="$punctuation"/>
-                               </xsl:call-template>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when test="not($chopString)"/>
-                       <xsl:otherwise>
-                               <xsl:value-of select="$chopString"/>
-                       </xsl:otherwise>
-               </xsl:choose>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="chopPunctuationFront">
-               <xsl:param name="chopString"/>
-               <xsl:variable name="length" select="string-length($chopString)"/>
-               <xsl:choose>
-                       <xsl:when test="$length=0"/>
-                       <xsl:when test="contains('.:,;/[ ', substring($chopString,1,1))">
-                               <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuationFront">
-                                       <xsl:with-param name="chopString" select="substring($chopString,2,$length - 1)"
-                                       />
-                               </xsl:call-template>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when test="not($chopString)"/>
-                       <xsl:otherwise>
-                               <xsl:value-of select="$chopString"/>
-                       </xsl:otherwise>
-               </xsl:choose>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="chopPunctuationBack">
-               <xsl:param name="chopString"/>
-               <xsl:param name="punctuation">
-                       <xsl:text>.:,;/] </xsl:text>
-               </xsl:param>
-               <xsl:variable name="length" select="string-length($chopString)"/>
-               <xsl:choose>
-                       <xsl:when test="$length=0"/>
-                       <xsl:when test="contains($punctuation, substring($chopString,$length,1))">
-                               <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
-                                       <xsl:with-param name="chopString" select="substring($chopString,1,$length - 1)"/>
-                                       <xsl:with-param name="punctuation" select="$punctuation"/>
-                               </xsl:call-template>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when test="not($chopString)"/>
-                       <xsl:otherwise>
-                               <xsl:value-of select="$chopString"/>
-                       </xsl:otherwise>
-               </xsl:choose>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <!-- nate added 12/14/2007 for lccn.loc.gov: url encode ampersand, etc. -->
-       <xsl:template name="url-encode">
-               <xsl:param name="str"/>
-               <xsl:if test="$str">
-                       <xsl:variable name="first-char" select="substring($str,1,1)"/>
-                       <xsl:choose>
-                               <xsl:when test="contains($safe,$first-char)">
-                                       <xsl:value-of select="$first-char"/>
-                               </xsl:when>
-                               <xsl:otherwise>
-                                       <xsl:variable name="codepoint">
-                                               <xsl:choose>
-                                                       <xsl:when test="contains($ascii,$first-char)">
-                                                               <xsl:value-of
-                                                                       select="string-length(substring-before($ascii,$first-char)) + 32"
-                                                               />
-                                                       </xsl:when>
-                                                       <xsl:when test="contains($latin1,$first-char)">
-                                                               <xsl:value-of
-                                                                       select="string-length(substring-before($latin1,$first-char)) + 160"/>
-                                                               <!-- was 160 -->
-                                                       </xsl:when>
-                                                       <xsl:otherwise>
-                                                               <xsl:message terminate="no">Warning: string contains a character
-                                                                       that is out of range! Substituting "?".</xsl:message>
-                                                               <xsl:text>63</xsl:text>
-                                                       </xsl:otherwise>
-                                               </xsl:choose>
-                                       </xsl:variable>
-                                       <xsl:variable name="hex-digit1"
-                                               select="substring($hex,floor($codepoint div 16) + 1,1)"/>
-                                       <xsl:variable name="hex-digit2" select="substring($hex,$codepoint mod 16 + 1,1)"/>
-                                       <!-- <xsl:value-of select="concat('%',$hex-digit2)"/> -->
-                                       <xsl:value-of select="concat('%',$hex-digit1,$hex-digit2)"/>
-                               </xsl:otherwise>
-                       </xsl:choose>
-                       <xsl:if test="string-length($str) &gt; 1">
-                               <xsl:call-template name="url-encode">
-                                       <xsl:with-param name="str" select="substring($str,2)"/>
-                               </xsl:call-template>
-                       </xsl:if>
-               </xsl:if>
-       </xsl:template>
-2.14    Fixed bug in mads:geographic attributes syntax                                      ws   05/04/2016            
-2.13   fixed repeating <geographic>                                                                                                            tmee 01/31/2014
-2.12   added $2 authority for <classification>                                                                                         tmee 09/18/2012
-2.11   added delimiters between <classification> subfields                                                                     tmee 09/18/2012
-2.10   fixed type="other" and type="otherType" for mads:related                                                        tmee 09/16/2011
-2.09   fixed professionTerm and genreTerm empty tag error                                                                      tmee 09/16/2011
-2.08   fixed marc:subfield @code='i' matching error                                                                            tmee 09/16/2011
-2.07   fixed 555 duplication error                                                                                                                     tmee 08/10/2011 
-2.06   fixed topic subfield error                                                                                                                      tmee 08/10/2011 
-2.05   fixed title subfield error                                                                                                                      tmee 06/20/2011 
-2.04   fixed geographicSubdivision mapping for authority element                                                       tmee 06/16/2011
-2.03   added classification for 053, 055, 060, 065, 070, 080, 082, 083, 086, 087                       tmee 06/03/2011         
-2.02   added descriptionStandard for 008/10                                                                                            tmee 04/27/2011
-2.01   added extensions for 046, 336, 370, 374, 375, 376                                                                       tmee 04/08/2011
-2.00   redefined imported MODS elements in version 1.0 to MADS elements in version 2.0         tmee 02/08/2011
-1.08   added 372 subfields $a $s $t for <fieldOfActivity>                                                                      tmee 06/24/2010
-1.07   removed role/roleTerm 100, 110, 111, 400, 410, 411, 500, 510, 511, 700, 710, 711        tmee 06/24/2010
-1.06   added strip-space                                                                                                                                       tmee 06/24/2010
-1.05   added subfield $a for 130, 430, 530                                                                                                     tmee 06/21/2010
-1.04   fixed 550 z omission                                                                                                                            ntra 08/11/2008
-1.03   removed duplication of 550 $a text                                                                                                      tmee 11/01/2006
-1.02   fixed namespace references between mads and mods                                                                        ntra 10/06/2006
-1.01   revised                                                                                                                                                         rgue/jrad 11/29/05
-1.00   adapted from MARC21Slim2MODS3.xsl                                                                                                       ntra 07/06/05
-       <!-- authority attribute defaults to 'naf' if not set using this authority parameter, for <authority> descriptors: name, titleInfo, geographic -->
-       <xsl:param name="authority"/>
-       <xsl:variable name="auth">
-               <xsl:choose>
-                       <xsl:when test="$authority">
-                               <xsl:value-of select="$authority"/>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:otherwise>naf</xsl:otherwise>
-               </xsl:choose>
-       </xsl:variable>
-       <xsl:variable name="controlField008" select="marc:controlfield[@tag='008']"/>
-       <xsl:variable name="controlField008-06"
-               select="substring(descendant-or-self::marc:controlfield[@tag=008],7,1)"/>
-       <xsl:variable name="controlField008-11"
-               select="substring(descendant-or-self::marc:controlfield[@tag=008],12,1)"/>
-       <xsl:variable name="controlField008-14"
-               select="substring(descendant-or-self::marc:controlfield[@tag=008],15,1)"/>
-       <xsl:template match="/">
-               <xsl:choose>
-                       <xsl:when test="descendant-or-self::marc:collection">
-                               <mads:madsCollection xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
-                                       xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/mads/v2 http://www.loc.gov/standards/mads/v2/mads-2-0.xsd">
-                                       <xsl:for-each select="descendant-or-self::marc:collection/marc:record">
-                                               <mads:mads version="2.0">
-                                                       <xsl:call-template name="marcRecord"/>
-                                               </mads:mads>
-                                       </xsl:for-each>
-                               </mads:madsCollection>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:otherwise>
-                               <mads:mads version="2.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
-                                       xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/mads/v2 http://www.loc.gov/standards/mads/mads-2-0.xsd">
-                                       <xsl:for-each select="descendant-or-self::marc:record">
-                                               <xsl:call-template name="marcRecord"/>
-                                       </xsl:for-each>
-                               </mads:mads>
-                       </xsl:otherwise>
-               </xsl:choose>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="marcRecord">
-               <mads:authority>
-                       <!-- 2.04 -->
-                       <xsl:choose>
-                               <xsl:when test="$controlField008-06='d'">
-                                       <xsl:attribute name="geographicSubdivision">
-                                               <xsl:text>direct</xsl:text>
-                                       </xsl:attribute>
-                               </xsl:when>
-                               <xsl:when test="$controlField008-06='i'">
-                                       <xsl:attribute name="geographicSubdivision">
-                                               <xsl:text>indirect</xsl:text>
-                                       </xsl:attribute>
-                               </xsl:when>
-                               <xsl:when test="$controlField008-06='n'">
-                                       <xsl:attribute name="geographicSubdivision">
-                                               <xsl:text>not applicable</xsl:text>
-                                       </xsl:attribute>
-                               </xsl:when>
-                       </xsl:choose>
-                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[100 &lt;= @tag  and @tag &lt; 200]"/>               
-               </mads:authority>
-               <!-- related -->
-               <xsl:apply-templates
-                       select="marc:datafield[500 &lt;= @tag and @tag &lt;= 585]|marc:datafield[700 &lt;= @tag and @tag &lt;= 785]"/>
-               <!-- variant -->
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[400 &lt;= @tag and @tag &lt;= 485]"/>
-               <!-- notes -->
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[667 &lt;= @tag and @tag &lt;= 688]"/>
-               <!-- url -->
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=856]"/>
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=010]"/>
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=024]"/>
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=372]"/>
-               <!-- classification -->
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=053]"/>
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=055]"/>
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=060]"/>
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=065]"/>
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=070]"/>
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=080]"/>
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=082]"/>
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=083]"/>
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=086]"/>
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=087]"/>
-               <!-- affiliation-->
-               <xsl:for-each select="marc:datafield[@tag=373]">
-                       <mads:affiliation>
-                               <mads:position>
-                                       <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
-                               </mads:position>
-                               <mads:dateValid point="start">
-                                       <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='s']"/>
-                               </mads:dateValid>
-                               <mads:dateValid point="end">
-                                       <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='t']"/>
-                               </mads:dateValid>
-                       </mads:affiliation>
-               </xsl:for-each>
-               <xsl:for-each select="marc:datafield[@tag=371]">
-                       <mads:affiliation>
-                               <mads:address>
-                                       <mads:street>
-                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
-                                       </mads:street>
-                                       <mads:city>
-                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='b']"/>
-                                       </mads:city>
-                                       <mads:state>
-                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='c']"/>
-                                       </mads:state>
-                                       <mads:country>
-                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='d']"/>
-                                       </mads:country>
-                                       <mads:postcode>
-                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='e']"/>
-                                       </mads:postcode>
-                               </mads:address>
-                               <mads:email>
-                                       <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='m']"/>
-                               </mads:email>
-                       </mads:affiliation>
-               </xsl:for-each>
-               <!-- extension-->
-               <xsl:for-each select="marc:datafield[@tag=336]">
-                       <mads:extension>
-                               <mads:contentType>
-                                       <mads:contentType type="text">
-                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
-                                       </mads:contentType>
-                                       <mads:contentType type="code">
-                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='b']"/>
-                                       </mads:contentType>
-                               </mads:contentType>
-                       </mads:extension>
-               </xsl:for-each>
-               <xsl:for-each select="marc:datafield[@tag=374]">
-                       <mads:extension>
-                               <mads:profession>
-                                       <xsl:choose>
-                                               <xsl:when test="marc:subfield[@code='a']">
-                                                       <mads:professionTerm>
-                                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
-                                                       </mads:professionTerm>
-                                               </xsl:when>
-                                               <xsl:when test="marc:subfield[@code='s']">
-                                                       <mads:dateValid point="start">
-                                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='s']"/>
-                                                       </mads:dateValid>
-                                               </xsl:when>
-                                               <xsl:when test="marc:subfield[@code='t']">
-                                                       <mads:dateValid point="end">
-                                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='t']"/>
-                                                       </mads:dateValid>
-                                               </xsl:when>
-                                       </xsl:choose>
-                               </mads:profession>
-                       </mads:extension>
-               </xsl:for-each>
-               <xsl:for-each select="marc:datafield[@tag=375]">
-                       <mads:extension>
-                               <mads:gender>
-                                       <xsl:choose>
-                                               <xsl:when test="marc:subfield[@code='a']">
-                                                       <mads:genderTerm>
-                                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
-                                                       </mads:genderTerm>
-                                               </xsl:when>
-                                               <xsl:when test="marc:subfield[@code='s']">
-                                                       <mads:dateValid point="start">
-                                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='s']"/>
-                                                       </mads:dateValid>
-                                               </xsl:when>
-                                               <xsl:when test="marc:subfield[@code='t']">
-                                                       <mads:dateValid point="end">
-                                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='t']"/>
-                                                       </mads:dateValid>
-                                               </xsl:when>
-                                       </xsl:choose>
-                               </mads:gender>
-                       </mads:extension>
-               </xsl:for-each>
-               <xsl:for-each select="marc:datafield[@tag=376]">
-                       <mads:extension>
-                               <mads:familyInformation>
-                                       <mads:typeOfFamily>
-                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
-                                       </mads:typeOfFamily>
-                                       <mads:nameOfProminentMember>
-                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='b']"/>
-                                       </mads:nameOfProminentMember>
-                                       <mads:hereditaryTitle>
-                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='c']"/>
-                                       </mads:hereditaryTitle>
-                                       <mads:dateValid point="start">
-                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='s']"/>
-                                       </mads:dateValid>
-                                       <mads:dateValid point="end">
-                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='t']"/>
-                                       </mads:dateValid>
-                               </mads:familyInformation>
-                       </mads:extension>
-               </xsl:for-each>
-               <mads:recordInfo>
-                       <mads:recordOrigin>Converted from MARCXML to MADS version 2.0 (Revision 2.13)</mads:recordOrigin>
-                       <!-- <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=024]"/> -->
-                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=040]/marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
-                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:controlfield[@tag=005]"/>
-                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:controlfield[@tag=001]"/>
-                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=040]/marc:subfield[@code='b']"/>
-                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=040]/marc:subfield[@code='e']"/>
-                       <xsl:for-each select="marc:controlfield[@tag=008]">
-                               <xsl:if test="substring(.,11,1)='a'">
-                                       <mads:descriptionStandard>
-                                               <xsl:text>earlier rules</xsl:text>
-                                       </mads:descriptionStandard>
-                               </xsl:if>
-                               <xsl:if test="substring(.,11,1)='b'">
-                                       <mads:descriptionStandard>
-                                               <xsl:text>aacr1</xsl:text>
-                                       </mads:descriptionStandard>
-                               </xsl:if>
-                               <xsl:if test="substring(.,11,1)='c'">
-                                       <mads:descriptionStandard>
-                                               <xsl:text>aacr2</xsl:text>
-                                       </mads:descriptionStandard>
-                               </xsl:if>
-                               <xsl:if test="substring(.,11,1)='d'">
-                                       <mads:descriptionStandard>
-                                               <xsl:text>aacr2 compatible</xsl:text>
-                                       </mads:descriptionStandard>
-                               </xsl:if>
-                               <xsl:if test="substring(.,11,1)='z'">
-                                       <mads:descriptionStandard>
-                                               <xsl:text>other rules</xsl:text>
-                                       </mads:descriptionStandard>
-                               </xsl:if>
-                       </xsl:for-each>
-               </mads:recordInfo>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <!-- start of secondary templates -->
-       <!-- ======== xlink ======== -->
-       <!-- <xsl:template name="uri"> 
-    <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield[@code='0']">
-      <xsl:attribute name="xlink:href">
-       <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-      </xsl:attribute>
-    </xsl:for-each>
-     </xsl:template> 
-   -->
-       <xsl:template match="marc:subfield[@code='i']">
-               <xsl:attribute name="otherType">
-                       <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-               </xsl:attribute>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <!-- No role/roleTerm mapped in MADS 06/24/2010
-       <xsl:template name="role">
-               <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield[@code='e']">
-                       <mads:role>
-                               <mads:roleTerm type="text">
-                                       <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-                               </mads:roleTerm>
-                       </mads:role>
-               </xsl:for-each>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="part">
-               <xsl:variable name="partNumber">
-                       <xsl:call-template name="specialSubfieldSelect">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="axis">n</xsl:with-param>
-                               <xsl:with-param name="anyCodes">n</xsl:with-param>
-                               <xsl:with-param name="afterCodes">fghkdlmor</xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </xsl:variable>
-               <xsl:variable name="partName">
-                       <xsl:call-template name="specialSubfieldSelect">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="axis">p</xsl:with-param>
-                               <xsl:with-param name="anyCodes">p</xsl:with-param>
-                               <xsl:with-param name="afterCodes">fghkdlmor</xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </xsl:variable>
-               <xsl:if test="string-length(normalize-space($partNumber))">
-                       <mads:partNumber>
-                               <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
-                                       <xsl:with-param name="chopString" select="$partNumber"/>
-                               </xsl:call-template>
-                       </mads:partNumber>
-               </xsl:if>
-               <xsl:if test="string-length(normalize-space($partName))">
-                       <mads:partName>
-                               <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
-                                       <xsl:with-param name="chopString" select="$partName"/>
-                               </xsl:call-template>
-                       </mads:partName>
-               </xsl:if>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="nameABCDN">
-               <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield[@code='a']">
-                       <mads:namePart>
-                               <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
-                                       <xsl:with-param name="chopString" select="."/>
-                               </xsl:call-template>
-                       </mads:namePart>
-               </xsl:for-each>
-               <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield[@code='b']">
-                       <mads:namePart>
-                               <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-                       </mads:namePart>
-               </xsl:for-each>
-               <xsl:if
-                       test="marc:subfield[@code='c'] or marc:subfield[@code='d'] or marc:subfield[@code='n']">
-                       <mads:namePart>
-                               <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
-                                       <xsl:with-param name="codes">cdn</xsl:with-param>
-                               </xsl:call-template>
-                       </mads:namePart>
-               </xsl:if>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="nameABCDQ">
-               <mads:namePart>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
-                                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
-                                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">aq</xsl:with-param>
-                                       </xsl:call-template>
-                               </xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </mads:namePart>
-               <xsl:call-template name="termsOfAddress"/>
-               <xsl:call-template name="nameDate"/>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="nameACDENQ">
-               <mads:namePart>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">acdenq</xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </mads:namePart>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="nameDate">
-               <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield[@code='d']">
-                       <mads:namePart type="date">
-                               <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
-                                       <xsl:with-param name="chopString" select="."/>
-                               </xsl:call-template>
-                       </mads:namePart>
-               </xsl:for-each>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="specialSubfieldSelect">
-               <xsl:param name="anyCodes"/>
-               <xsl:param name="axis"/>
-               <xsl:param name="beforeCodes"/>
-               <xsl:param name="afterCodes"/>
-               <xsl:variable name="str">
-                       <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield">
-                               <xsl:if
-                                       test="contains($anyCodes, @code) or (contains($beforeCodes,@code) and following-sibling::marc:subfield[@code=$axis]) or (contains($afterCodes,@code) and preceding-sibling::marc:subfield[@code=$axis])">
-                                       <xsl:value-of select="text()"/>
-                                       <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
-                               </xsl:if>
-                       </xsl:for-each>
-               </xsl:variable>
-               <xsl:value-of select="substring($str,1,string-length($str)-1)"/>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="termsOfAddress">
-               <xsl:if test="marc:subfield[@code='b' or @code='c']">
-                       <mads:namePart type="termsOfAddress">
-                               <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
-                                       <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
-                                               <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
-                                                       <xsl:with-param name="codes">bc</xsl:with-param>
-                                               </xsl:call-template>
-                                       </xsl:with-param>
-                               </xsl:call-template>
-                       </mads:namePart>
-               </xsl:if>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="displayLabel">
-               <xsl:if test="marc:subfield[@code='z']">
-                       <xsl:attribute name="displayLabel">
-                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='z']"/>
-                       </xsl:attribute>
-               </xsl:if>
-               <xsl:if test="marc:subfield[@code='3']">
-                       <xsl:attribute name="displayLabel">
-                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='3']"/>
-                       </xsl:attribute>
-               </xsl:if>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="isInvalid">
-               <xsl:if test="@code='z'">
-                       <xsl:attribute name="invalid">yes</xsl:attribute>
-               </xsl:if>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="sub2Attribute">
-               <!-- 024 -->
-               <xsl:if test="../marc:subfield[@code='2']">
-                       <xsl:attribute name="type">
-                               <xsl:value-of select="../marc:subfield[@code='2']"/>
-                       </xsl:attribute>
-               </xsl:if>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:controlfield[@tag=001]">
-               <mads:recordIdentifier>
-                       <xsl:if test="../marc:controlfield[@tag=003]">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="source">
-                                       <xsl:value-of select="../marc:controlfield[@tag=003]"/>
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:if>
-                       <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-               </mads:recordIdentifier>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:controlfield[@tag=005]">
-               <mads:recordChangeDate encoding="iso8601">
-                       <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-               </mads:recordChangeDate>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:controlfield[@tag=008]">
-               <mads:recordCreationDate encoding="marc">
-                       <xsl:value-of select="substring(.,1,6)"/>
-               </mads:recordCreationDate>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=010]">
-               <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield">
-                       <mads:identifier type="lccn">
-                               <xsl:call-template name="isInvalid"/>
-                               <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-                       </mads:identifier>
-               </xsl:for-each>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=024]">
-               <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield[not(@code=2)]">
-                       <mads:identifier>
-                               <xsl:call-template name="isInvalid"/>
-                               <xsl:call-template name="sub2Attribute"/>
-                               <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-                       </mads:identifier>
-               </xsl:for-each>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <!-- ========== 372 ========== -->
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=372]">
-               <mads:fieldOfActivity>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">a</xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-                       <xsl:text>-</xsl:text>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">st</xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </mads:fieldOfActivity>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <!-- ========== 040 ========== -->
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=040]/marc:subfield[@code='a']">
-               <mads:recordContentSource authority="marcorg">
-                       <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-               </mads:recordContentSource>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=040]/marc:subfield[@code='b']">
-               <mads:languageOfCataloging>
-                       <mads:languageTerm authority="iso639-2b" type="code">
-                               <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-                       </mads:languageTerm>
-               </mads:languageOfCataloging>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=040]/marc:subfield[@code='e']">
-               <mads:descriptionStandard>
-                       <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-               </mads:descriptionStandard>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <!-- ========== classification 2.03 ========== -->
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=053]">
-               <mads:classification>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">abcdxyz</xsl:with-param>
-                               <xsl:with-param name="delimeter">-</xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </mads:classification>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=055]">
-               <mads:classification>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">abcdxyz</xsl:with-param>
-                               <xsl:with-param name="delimeter">-</xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </mads:classification>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=060]">
-               <mads:classification>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">abcdxyz</xsl:with-param>
-                               <xsl:with-param name="delimeter">-</xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </mads:classification>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=065]">
-               <mads:classification>
-                       <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='2']"/>
-                       </xsl:attribute>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">abcdxyz</xsl:with-param>
-                               <xsl:with-param name="delimeter">-</xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </mads:classification>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=070]">
-               <mads:classification>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">abcdxyz5</xsl:with-param>
-                               <xsl:with-param name="delimeter">-</xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </mads:classification>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=080]">
-               <mads:classification>
-                       <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='2']"/>
-                       </xsl:attribute>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">abcdxyz5</xsl:with-param>
-                               <xsl:with-param name="delimeter">-</xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </mads:classification>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=082]">
-               <mads:classification>
-                       <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='2']"/>
-                       </xsl:attribute>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">abcdxyz5</xsl:with-param>
-                               <xsl:with-param name="delimeter">-</xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </mads:classification>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=083]">
-               <mads:classification>
-                       <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='2']"/>
-                       </xsl:attribute>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">abcdxyz5</xsl:with-param>
-                               <xsl:with-param name="delimeter">-</xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </mads:classification>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=086]">
-               <mads:classification>
-                       <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='2']"/>
-                       </xsl:attribute>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">abcdxyz5</xsl:with-param>
-                               <xsl:with-param name="delimeter">-</xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </mads:classification>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=087]">
-               <mads:classification>
-                       <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='2']"/>
-                       </xsl:attribute>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">abcdxyz5</xsl:with-param>
-                               <xsl:with-param name="delimeter">-</xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </mads:classification>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <!-- ========== names  ========== -->
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=100]">
-               <mads:name type="personal">
-                       <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="nameABCDQ"/>
-               </mads:name>
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="*[marc:subfield[not(contains('abcdeq',@code))]]"/>
-               <xsl:call-template name="title"/>
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=110]">
-               <mads:name type="corporate">
-                       <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="nameABCDN"/>
-               </mads:name>
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=111]">
-               <mads:name type="conference">
-                       <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="nameACDENQ"/>
-               </mads:name>
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=400]">
-               <mads:variant>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="variantTypeAttribute"/>
-                       <mads:name type="personal">
-                               <xsl:call-template name="nameABCDQ"/>
-                       </mads:name>
-                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="title"/>
-               </mads:variant>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=410]">
-               <mads:variant>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="variantTypeAttribute"/>
-                       <mads:name type="corporate">
-                               <xsl:call-template name="nameABCDN"/>
-                       </mads:name>
-                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
-               </mads:variant>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=411]">
-               <mads:variant>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="variantTypeAttribute"/>
-                       <mads:name type="conference">
-                               <xsl:call-template name="nameACDENQ"/>
-                       </mads:name>
-                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
-               </mads:variant>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=500]|marc:datafield[@tag=700]">
-               <mads:related>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
-                       <!-- <xsl:call-template name="uri"/> -->
-                       <mads:name type="personal">
-                               <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
-                               <xsl:call-template name="nameABCDQ"/>
-                       </mads:name>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="title"/>
-                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
-               </mads:related>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=510]|marc:datafield[@tag=710]">
-               <mads:related>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
-                       <!-- <xsl:call-template name="uri"/> -->
-                       <mads:name type="corporate">
-                               <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
-                               <xsl:call-template name="nameABCDN"/>
-                       </mads:name>
-                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
-               </mads:related>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=511]|marc:datafield[@tag=711]">
-               <mads:related>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
-                       <!-- <xsl:call-template name="uri"/> -->
-                       <mads:name type="conference">
-                               <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
-                               <xsl:call-template name="nameACDENQ"/>
-                       </mads:name>
-                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
-               </mads:related>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <!-- ========== titles  ========== -->
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=130]">
-               <xsl:call-template name="uniform-title"/>
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=430]">
-               <mads:variant>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="variantTypeAttribute"/>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="uniform-title"/>
-                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
-               </mads:variant>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=530]|marc:datafield[@tag=730]">
-               <mads:related>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="uniform-title"/>
-                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
-               </mads:related>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="title">
-               <xsl:variable name="hasTitle">
-                       <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield">
-                               <xsl:if test="(contains('tfghklmors',@code) )">
-                                       <xsl:value-of select="@code"/>
-                               </xsl:if>
-                       </xsl:for-each>
-               </xsl:variable>
-               <xsl:if test="string-length($hasTitle) &gt; 0 ">
-                       <mads:titleInfo>
-                               <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
-                               <mads:title>
-                                       <xsl:variable name="str">
-                                               <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield">
-                                                       <xsl:if test="(contains('atfghklmors',@code) )">
-                                                               <xsl:value-of select="text()"/>
-                                                               <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
-                                                       </xsl:if>
-                                               </xsl:for-each>
-                                       </xsl:variable>
-                                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
-                                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
-                                                       <xsl:value-of select="substring($str,1,string-length($str)-1)"/>
-                                               </xsl:with-param>
-                                       </xsl:call-template>
-                               </mads:title>
-                               <xsl:call-template name="part"/>
-                               <!-- <xsl:call-template name="uri"/> -->
-                       </mads:titleInfo>
-               </xsl:if>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="uniform-title">
-               <xsl:variable name="hasTitle">
-                       <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield">
-                               <xsl:if test="(contains('atfghklmors',@code) )">
-                                       <xsl:value-of select="@code"/>
-                               </xsl:if>
-                       </xsl:for-each>
-               </xsl:variable>
-               <xsl:if test="string-length($hasTitle) &gt; 0 ">
-                       <mads:titleInfo>
-                               <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
-                               <mads:title>
-                                       <xsl:variable name="str">
-                                               <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield">
-                                                       <xsl:if test="(contains('adfghklmors',@code) )">
-                                                               <xsl:value-of select="text()"/>
-                                                               <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
-                                                       </xsl:if>
-                                               </xsl:for-each>
-                                       </xsl:variable>
-                                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
-                                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
-                                                       <xsl:value-of select="substring($str,1,string-length($str)-1)"/>
-                                               </xsl:with-param>
-                                       </xsl:call-template>
-                               </mads:title>
-                               <xsl:call-template name="part"/>
-                               <!-- <xsl:call-template name="uri"/> -->
-                       </mads:titleInfo>
-               </xsl:if>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <!-- ========== topics  ========== -->
-       <xsl:template match="marc:subfield[@code='x']">
-               <mads:topic>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
-                                       <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-                               </xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </mads:topic>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <!-- 2.06 fix -->
-       <xsl:template
-               match="marc:datafield[@tag=150][marc:subfield[@code='a' or @code='b']]|marc:datafield[@tag=180][marc:subfield[@code='x']]">
-               <xsl:call-template name="topic"/>
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template
-               match="marc:datafield[@tag=450][marc:subfield[@code='a' or @code='b']]|marc:datafield[@tag=480][marc:subfield[@code='x']]">
-               <mads:variant>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="variantTypeAttribute"/>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="topic"/>
-               </mads:variant>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template
-               match="marc:datafield[@tag=550 or @tag=750][marc:subfield[@code='a' or @code='b']]">
-               <mads:related>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
-                       <!-- <xsl:call-template name="uri"/> -->
-                       <xsl:call-template name="topic"/>
-                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code='z']"/>
-               </mads:related>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="topic">
-               <mads:topic>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
-                       <!-- tmee2006 dedupe 550a
-                       <xsl:if test="@tag=550 or @tag=750">
-                               <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
-                                       <xsl:with-param name="codes">ab</xsl:with-param>
-                               </xsl:call-template>
-                       </xsl:if>       
-                       -->
-                       <xsl:choose>
-                               <xsl:when test="@tag=180 or @tag=480 or @tag=580 or @tag=780">
-                                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
-                                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
-                                                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code='x']"/>
-                                               </xsl:with-param>
-                                       </xsl:call-template>
-                               </xsl:when>
-                       </xsl:choose>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
-                                       <xsl:choose>
-                                               <xsl:when test="@tag=180 or @tag=480 or @tag=580 or @tag=780">
-                                                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code='x']"/>
-                                               </xsl:when>
-                                               <xsl:otherwise>
-                                                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
-                                                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">ab</xsl:with-param>
-                                                       </xsl:call-template>
-                                               </xsl:otherwise>
-                                       </xsl:choose>
-                               </xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </mads:topic>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <!-- ========= temporals  ========== -->
-       <xsl:template match="marc:subfield[@code='y']">
-               <mads:temporal>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
-                                       <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-                               </xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </mads:temporal>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template
-               match="marc:datafield[@tag=148][marc:subfield[@code='a']]|marc:datafield[@tag=182 ][marc:subfield[@code='y']]">
-               <xsl:call-template name="temporal"/>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template
-               match="marc:datafield[@tag=448][marc:subfield[@code='a']]|marc:datafield[@tag=482][marc:subfield[@code='y']]">
-               <mads:variant>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="variantTypeAttribute"/>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="temporal"/>
-               </mads:variant>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template
-               match="marc:datafield[@tag=548 or @tag=748][marc:subfield[@code='a']]|marc:datafield[@tag=582 or @tag=782][marc:subfield[@code='y']]">
-               <mads:related>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
-                       <!-- <xsl:call-template name="uri"/> -->
-                       <xsl:call-template name="temporal"/>
-               </mads:related>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="temporal">
-               <mads:temporal>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
-                       <xsl:if test="@tag=548 or @tag=748">
-                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
-                       </xsl:if>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
-                                       <xsl:choose>
-                                               <xsl:when test="@tag=182 or @tag=482 or @tag=582 or @tag=782">
-                                                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code='y']"/>
-                                               </xsl:when>
-                                               <xsl:otherwise>
-                                                       <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
-                                               </xsl:otherwise>
-                                       </xsl:choose>
-                               </xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </mads:temporal>
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <!-- ========== genre  ========== -->
-       <xsl:template match="marc:subfield[@code='v']">
-               <mads:genre>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
-                                       <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-                               </xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </mads:genre>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template
-               match="marc:datafield[@tag=155][marc:subfield[@code='a']]|marc:datafield[@tag=185][marc:subfield[@code='v']]">
-               <xsl:call-template name="genre"/>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template
-               match="marc:datafield[@tag=455][marc:subfield[@code='a']]|marc:datafield[@tag=485 ][marc:subfield[@code='v']]">
-               <mads:variant>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="variantTypeAttribute"/>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="genre"/>
-               </mads:variant>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <!--
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=555]">
-               <mads:related>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="uri"/>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="genre"/>
-               </mads:related>
-       </xsl:template>
-       -->
-       <xsl:template
-               match="marc:datafield[@tag=555 or @tag=755][marc:subfield[@code='a']]|marc:datafield[@tag=585][marc:subfield[@code='v']]">
-               <mads:related>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="genre"/>
-               </mads:related>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="genre">
-               <mads:genre>
-                       <xsl:if test="@tag=555">
-                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
-                       </xsl:if>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
-                                       <xsl:choose>
-                                               <!-- 2.07 fix -->
-                                               <xsl:when test="@tag='555'"/>
-                                               <xsl:when test="@tag=185 or @tag=485 or @tag=585">
-                                                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code='v']"/>
-                                               </xsl:when>
-                                               <xsl:otherwise>
-                                                       <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
-                                               </xsl:otherwise>
-                                       </xsl:choose>
-                               </xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </mads:genre>
-               <xsl:apply-templates/>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <!-- ========= geographic  ========== -->
-       <xsl:template match="marc:subfield[@code='z']">
-               <mads:geographic>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
-                                       <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-                               </xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </mads:geographic>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="geographic">
-               <mads:geographic>
-                       <!-- 2.14 -->
-                       <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
-                       <!-- 2.13 -->
-                       <xsl:if test="@tag=151 or @tag=551">
-                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
-                       </xsl:if>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
-                                               <xsl:if test="@tag=181 or @tag=481 or @tag=581">
-                                                               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code='z']"/>
-                                               </xsl:if>
-                                               <!-- 2.13
-                                                       <xsl:choose>
-                                               <xsl:when test="@tag=181 or @tag=481 or @tag=581">
-                                                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code='z']"/>
-                                               </xsl:when>
-                                               <xsl:otherwise>
-                                                       <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
-                                               </xsl:otherwise>
-                                               </xsl:choose>
-                                               -->
-                               </xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </mads:geographic>
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template
-               match="marc:datafield[@tag=151][marc:subfield[@code='a']]|marc:datafield[@tag=181][marc:subfield[@code='z']]">
-               <xsl:call-template name="geographic"/>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template
-               match="marc:datafield[@tag=451][marc:subfield[@code='a']]|marc:datafield[@tag=481][marc:subfield[@code='z']]">
-               <mads:variant>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="variantTypeAttribute"/>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="geographic"/>
-               </mads:variant>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template
-               match="marc:datafield[@tag=551]|marc:datafield[@tag=581][marc:subfield[@code='z']]">
-               <mads:related>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
-                       <!-- <xsl:call-template name="uri"/> -->
-                       <xsl:call-template name="geographic"/>
-               </mads:related>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=580]">
-               <mads:related>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
-                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
-               </mads:related>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template
-               match="marc:datafield[@tag=751][marc:subfield[@code='z']]|marc:datafield[@tag=781][marc:subfield[@code='z']]">
-               <mads:related>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="geographic"/>
-               </mads:related>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=755]">
-               <mads:related>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="genre"/>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
-                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
-               </mads:related>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=780]">
-               <mads:related>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
-                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
-               </mads:related>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=785]">
-               <mads:related>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
-                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
-               </mads:related>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <!-- ========== notes  ========== -->
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[667 &lt;= @tag and @tag &lt;= 688]">
-               <mads:note>
-                       <xsl:choose>
-                               <xsl:when test="@tag=667">
-                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">nonpublic</xsl:attribute>
-                               </xsl:when>
-                               <xsl:when test="@tag=670">
-                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">source</xsl:attribute>
-                               </xsl:when>
-                               <xsl:when test="@tag=675">
-                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">notFound</xsl:attribute>
-                               </xsl:when>
-                               <xsl:when test="@tag=678">
-                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">history</xsl:attribute>
-                               </xsl:when>
-                               <xsl:when test="@tag=681">
-                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">subject example</xsl:attribute>
-                               </xsl:when>
-                               <xsl:when test="@tag=682">
-                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">deleted heading information</xsl:attribute>
-                               </xsl:when>
-                               <xsl:when test="@tag=688">
-                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">application history</xsl:attribute>
-                               </xsl:when>
-                       </xsl:choose>
-                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
-                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
-                                       <xsl:choose>
-                                               <xsl:when test="@tag=667 or @tag=675">
-                                                       <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
-                                               </xsl:when>
-                                               <xsl:when test="@tag=670 or @tag=678">
-                                                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
-                                                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">ab</xsl:with-param>
-                                                       </xsl:call-template>
-                                               </xsl:when>
-                                               <xsl:when test="680 &lt;= @tag and @tag &lt;=688">
-                                                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
-                                                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">ai</xsl:with-param>
-                                                       </xsl:call-template>
-                                               </xsl:when>
-                                       </xsl:choose>
-                               </xsl:with-param>
-                       </xsl:call-template>
-               </mads:note>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <!-- ========== url  ========== -->
-       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=856][marc:subfield[@code='u']]">
-               <mads:url>
-                       <xsl:if test="marc:subfield[@code='z' or @code='3']">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="displayLabel">
-                                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
-                                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">z3</xsl:with-param>
-                                       </xsl:call-template>
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:if>
-                       <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='u']"/>
-               </mads:url>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="relatedTypeAttribute">
-               <xsl:choose>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="@tag=500 or @tag=510 or @tag=511 or @tag=548 or @tag=550 or @tag=551 or @tag=555 or @tag=580 or @tag=581 or @tag=582 or @tag=585">
-                               <xsl:if test="substring(marc:subfield[@code='w'],1,1)='a'">
-                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">earlier</xsl:attribute>
-                               </xsl:if>
-                               <xsl:if test="substring(marc:subfield[@code='w'],1,1)='b'">
-                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">later</xsl:attribute>
-                               </xsl:if>
-                               <xsl:if test="substring(marc:subfield[@code='w'],1,1)='t'">
-                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">parentOrg</xsl:attribute>
-                               </xsl:if>
-                               <xsl:if test="substring(marc:subfield[@code='w'],1,1)='g'">
-                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">broader</xsl:attribute>
-                               </xsl:if>
-                               <xsl:if test="substring(marc:subfield[@code='w'],1,1)='h'">
-                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">narrower</xsl:attribute>
-                               </xsl:if>
-                               <xsl:if test="substring(marc:subfield[@code='w'],1,1)='r'">
-                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">other</xsl:attribute>
-                               </xsl:if>
-                               <xsl:if test="contains('fin|', substring(marc:subfield[@code='w'],1,1))">
-                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">other</xsl:attribute>
-                               </xsl:if>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when test="@tag=530 or @tag=730">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="type">other</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:otherwise>
-                               <!-- 7xx -->
-                               <xsl:attribute name="type">equivalent</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:otherwise>
-               </xsl:choose>
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code='i']"/>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="variantTypeAttribute">
-               <xsl:choose>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="@tag=400 or @tag=410 or @tag=411 or @tag=451 or @tag=455 or @tag=480 or @tag=481 or @tag=482 or @tag=485">
-                               <xsl:if test="substring(marc:subfield[@code='w'],1,1)='d'">
-                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">acronym</xsl:attribute>
-                               </xsl:if>
-                               <xsl:if test="substring(marc:subfield[@code='w'],1,1)='n'">
-                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">other</xsl:attribute>
-                               </xsl:if>
-                               <xsl:if test="contains('fit', substring(marc:subfield[@code='w'],1,1))">
-                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">other</xsl:attribute>
-                               </xsl:if>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:otherwise>
-                               <!-- 430  -->
-                               <xsl:attribute name="type">other</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:otherwise>
-               </xsl:choose>
-               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code='i']"/>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template name="setAuthority">
-               <xsl:choose>
-                       <!-- can be called from the datafield or subfield level, so "..//@tag" means
-                       the tag can be at the subfield's parent level or at the datafields own level -->
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=100 and (@ind1=0 or @ind1=1) and $controlField008-11='a' and $controlField008-14='a'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                                       <xsl:text>naf</xsl:text>
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=100 and (@ind1=0 or @ind1=1) and $controlField008-11='a' and $controlField008-14='b'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                                       <xsl:text>lcsh</xsl:text>
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=100 and (@ind1=0 or @ind1=1) and $controlField008-11='k'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                                       <xsl:text>lacnaf</xsl:text>
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=100 and @ind1=3 and $controlField008-11='a' and $controlField008-14='b'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                                       <xsl:text>lcsh</xsl:text>
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=100 and @ind1=3 and $controlField008-11='k' and $controlField008-14='b'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">cash</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=110 and $controlField008-11='a' and $controlField008-14='a'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">naf</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=110 and $controlField008-11='a' and $controlField008-14='b'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">lcsh</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=110 and $controlField008-11='k' and $controlField008-14='a'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                                       <xsl:text>lacnaf</xsl:text>
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=110 and $controlField008-11='k' and $controlField008-14='b'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                                       <xsl:text>cash</xsl:text>
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="100 &lt;= ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag and ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag &lt;= 155 and $controlField008-11='b'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                                       <xsl:text>lcshcl</xsl:text>
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=100 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=110 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=111 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=130 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=151) and $controlField008-11='c'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                                       <xsl:text>nlmnaf</xsl:text>
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=100 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=110 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=111 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=130 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=151) and $controlField008-11='d'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                                       <xsl:text>nalnaf</xsl:text>
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="100 &lt;= ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag and ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag &lt;= 155 and $controlField008-11='r'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                                       <xsl:text>aat</xsl:text>
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="100 &lt;= ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag and ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag &lt;= 155 and $controlField008-11='s'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">sears</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="100 &lt;= ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag and ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag &lt;= 155 and $controlField008-11='v'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">rvm</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="100 &lt;= ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag and ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag &lt;= 155 and $controlField008-11='z'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                                       <xsl:value-of
-                                               select="../marc:datafield[ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=040]/marc:subfield[@code='f']"
-                                       />
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=111 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=130) and $controlField008-11='a' and $controlField008-14='a'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                                       <xsl:text>naf</xsl:text>
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=111 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=130) and $controlField008-11='a' and $controlField008-14='b'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                                       <xsl:text>lcsh</xsl:text>
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=111 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=130) and $controlField008-11='k' ">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                                       <xsl:text>lacnaf</xsl:text>
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=148 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=150  or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=155) and $controlField008-11='a' ">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                                       <xsl:text>lcsh</xsl:text>
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=148 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=150  or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=155) and $controlField008-11='a' ">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                                       <xsl:text>lcsh</xsl:text>
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=148 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=150  or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=155) and $controlField008-11='c' ">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                                       <xsl:text>mesh</xsl:text>
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=148 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=150  or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=155) and $controlField008-11='d' ">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                                       <xsl:text>nal</xsl:text>
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=148 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=150  or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=155) and $controlField008-11='k' ">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                                       <xsl:text>cash</xsl:text>
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=151 and $controlField008-11='a' and $controlField008-14='a'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                                       <xsl:text>naf</xsl:text>
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=151 and $controlField008-11='a' and $controlField008-14='b'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">lcsh</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=151 and $controlField008-11='k' and $controlField008-14='a'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">lacnaf</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=151 and $controlField008-11='k' and $controlField008-14='b'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">cash</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="(..//ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=180 or ..//ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=181 or ..//ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=182 or ..//ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=185) and $controlField008-11='a'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">lcsh</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=700 and (@ind1='0' or @ind1='1') and @ind2='0'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">naf</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=700 and (@ind1='0' or @ind1='1') and @ind2='5'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">lacnaf</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=700 and @ind1='3' and @ind2='0'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">lcsh</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=700 and @ind1='3' and @ind2='5'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">cash</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="(700 &lt;= ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag and ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag &lt;= 755 ) and @ind2='1'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">lcshcl</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=700 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=710 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=711 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=730 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=751)  and @ind2='2'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">nlmnaf</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=700 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=710 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=711 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=730 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=751)  and @ind2='3'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">nalnaf</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="(700 &lt;= ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag and ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag &lt;= 755 ) and @ind2='6'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">rvm</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="(700 &lt;= ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag and ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag &lt;= 755 ) and @ind2='7'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
-                                       <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='2']"/>
-                               </xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=710 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=711 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=730 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=751)  and @ind2='5'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">lacnaf</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=710 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=711 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=730 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=751)  and @ind2='0'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">naf</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=748 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=750 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=755)  and @ind2='0'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">lcsh</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=748 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=750 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=755)  and @ind2='2'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">mesh</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=748 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=750 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=755)  and @ind2='3'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">nal</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-                       <xsl:when
-                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=748 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=750 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=755)  and @ind2='5'">
-                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">cash</xsl:attribute>
-                       </xsl:when>
-               </xsl:choose>
-       </xsl:template>
-       <xsl:template match="*"/>
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1069', :eg_version); --gmcharlt/kmlussier
--- subset of types listed in https://www.loc.gov/marc/authority/ad1xx3xx.html
--- for now, ignoring subdivisions
-CREATE TYPE authority.heading_type AS ENUM (
-    'personal_name',
-    'corporate_name',
-    'meeting_name',
-    'uniform_title',
-    'named_event',
-    'chronological_term',
-    'topical_term',
-    'geographic_name',
-    'genre_form_term',
-    'medium_of_performance_term'
-CREATE TYPE authority.variant_heading_type AS ENUM (
-    'abbreviation',
-    'acronym',
-    'translation',
-    'expansion',
-    'other',
-    'hidden'
-CREATE TYPE authority.related_heading_type AS ENUM (
-    'earlier',
-    'later',
-    'parent organization',
-    'broader',
-    'narrower',
-    'equivalent',
-    'other'
-CREATE TYPE authority.heading_purpose AS ENUM (
-    'main',
-    'variant',
-    'related'
-CREATE TABLE authority.heading_field (
-    id              SERIAL                      PRIMARY KEY,
-    heading_type    authority.heading_type      NOT NULL,
-    heading_purpose authority.heading_purpose   NOT NULL,
-    label           TEXT                        NOT NULL,
-    format          TEXT                        NOT NULL REFERENCES config.xml_transform (name) DEFAULT 'mads21',
-    heading_xpath   TEXT                        NOT NULL,
-    component_xpath TEXT                        NOT NULL,
-    type_xpath      TEXT                        NULL, -- to extract related or variant type
-    thesaurus_xpath TEXT                        NULL,
-    thesaurus_override_xpath TEXT               NULL,
-    joiner          TEXT                        NULL
-CREATE TABLE authority.heading_field_norm_map (
-        id      SERIAL  PRIMARY KEY,
-        params  TEXT,
-        pos     INT     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
-INSERT INTO authority.heading_field(heading_type, heading_purpose, label, heading_xpath, component_xpath, type_xpath, thesaurus_xpath, thesaurus_override_xpath) VALUES
- ( 'topical_term', 'main',    'Main Topical Term',    '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority', '//mads21:topic', NULL, '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:topic[1]/@authority', NULL )
-,( 'topical_term', 'variant', 'Variant Topical Term', '/mads21:mads/mads21:variant',   '//mads21:topic', '/mads21:variant/@type', '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:topic[1]/@authority', '//mads21:topic[1]/@authority')
-,( 'topical_term', 'related', 'Related Topical Term', '/mads21:mads/mads21:related',   '//mads21:topic', '/mads21:related/@type', '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:topic[1]/@authority', '//mads21:topic[1]/@authority')
-,( 'personal_name', 'main', 'Main Personal Name',     '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority', '//mads21:name[@type="personal"]', NULL, NULL, NULL )
-,( 'personal_name', 'variant', 'Variant Personal Name',     '/mads21:mads/mads21:variant', '//mads21:name[@type="personal"]', NULL, NULL, NULL )
-,( 'personal_name', 'related', 'Related Personal Name',     '/mads21:mads/mads21:related', '//mads21:name[@type="personal"]', '/mads21:related/@type', NULL, NULL )
-,( 'corporate_name', 'main', 'Main Corporate name',     '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority', '//mads21:name[@type="corporate"]', NULL, NULL, NULL )
-,( 'corporate_name', 'variant', 'Variant Corporate Name',     '/mads21:mads/mads21:variant', '//mads21:name[@type="corporate"]', NULL, NULL, NULL )
-,( 'corporate_name', 'related', 'Related Corporate Name',     '/mads21:mads/mads21:related', '//mads21:name[@type="corporate"]', '/mads21:related/@type', NULL, NULL )
-,( 'meeting_name', 'main', 'Main Meeting name',     '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority', '//mads21:name[@type="conference"]', NULL, NULL, NULL )
-,( 'meeting_name', 'variant', 'Variant Meeting Name',     '/mads21:mads/mads21:variant', '//mads21:name[@type="conference"]', NULL, NULL, NULL )
-,( 'meeting_name', 'related', 'Related Meeting Name',     '/mads21:mads/mads21:related', '//mads21:name[@type="meeting"]', '/mads21:related/@type', NULL, NULL )
-,( 'geographic_name', 'main',    'Main Geographic Term',    '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority', '//mads21:geographic', NULL, '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:geographic[1]/@authority', NULL )
-,( 'geographic_name', 'variant', 'Variant Geographic Term', '/mads21:mads/mads21:variant',   '//mads21:geographic', '/mads21:variant/@type', '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:geographic[1]/@authority', '//mads21:geographic[1]/@authority')
-,( 'geographic_name', 'related', 'Related Geographic Term', '/mads21:mads/mads21:related',   '//mads21:geographic', '/mads21:related/@type', '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:geographic[1]/@authority', '//mads21:geographic[1]/@authority')
-,( 'genre_form_term', 'main',    'Main Genre/Form Term',    '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority', '//mads21:genre', NULL, '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:genre[1]/@authority', NULL )
-,( 'genre_form_term', 'variant', 'Variant Genre/Form Term', '/mads21:mads/mads21:variant',   '//mads21:genre', '/mads21:variant/@type', '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:genre[1]/@authority', '//mads21:genre[1]/@authority')
-,( 'genre_form_term', 'related', 'Related Genre/Form Term', '/mads21:mads/mads21:related',   '//mads21:genre', '/mads21:related/@type', '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:genre[1]/@authority', '//mads21:genre[1]/@authority')
-,( 'chronological_term', 'main',    'Main Chronological Term',    '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority', '//mads21:temporal', NULL, '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:temporal[1]/@authority', NULL )
-,( 'chronological_term', 'variant', 'Variant Chronological Term', '/mads21:mads/mads21:variant',   '//mads21:temporal', '/mads21:variant/@type', '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:temporal[1]/@authority', '//mads21:temporal[1]/@authority')
-,( 'chronological_term', 'related', 'Related Chronological Term', '/mads21:mads/mads21:related',   '//mads21:temporal', '/mads21:related/@type', '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:temporal[1]/@authority', '//mads21:temporal[1]/@authority')
-,( 'uniform_title', 'main',    'Main Uniform Title',    '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority', '//mads21:title', NULL, '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:title[1]/@authority', NULL )
-,( 'uniform_title', 'variant', 'Variant Uniform Title', '/mads21:mads/mads21:variant',   '//mads21:title', '/mads21:variant/@type', '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:title[1]/@authority', '//mads21:title[1]/@authority')
-,( 'uniform_title', 'related', 'Related Uniform Title', '/mads21:mads/mads21:related',   '//mads21:title', '/mads21:related/@type', '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:title[1]/@authority', '//mads21:title[1]/@authority')
--- NACO normalize all the things
-INSERT INTO authority.heading_field_norm_map (field, norm, pos)
-SELECT id, 1, 0
-FROM authority.heading_field;
-CREATE TYPE authority.heading AS (
-    field               INT,
-    type                authority.heading_type,
-    purpose             authority.heading_purpose,
-    variant_type        authority.variant_heading_type,
-    related_type        authority.related_heading_type,
-    thesaurus           TEXT,
-    heading             TEXT,
-    normalized_heading  TEXT
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION authority.extract_headings(marc TEXT, restrict INT[] DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS SETOF authority.heading AS $func$
-    idx         authority.heading_field%ROWTYPE;
-    xfrm        config.xml_transform%ROWTYPE;
-    prev_xfrm   TEXT;
-    transformed_xml TEXT;
-    heading_node    TEXT;
-    heading_node_list   TEXT[];
-    component_node    TEXT;
-    component_node_list   TEXT[];
-    raw_text    TEXT;
-    normalized_text    TEXT;
-    normalizer  RECORD;
-    curr_text   TEXT;
-    joiner      TEXT;
-    type_value  TEXT;
-    base_thesaurus TEXT := NULL;
-    output_row  authority.heading;
-    -- Loop over the indexing entries
-    FOR idx IN SELECT * FROM authority.heading_field WHERE restrict IS NULL OR id = ANY (restrict) ORDER BY format LOOP
-        output_row.field   := idx.id;
-        output_row.type    := idx.heading_type;
-        output_row.purpose := idx.heading_purpose;
-        joiner := COALESCE(idx.joiner, ' ');
-        SELECT INTO xfrm * from config.xml_transform WHERE name = idx.format;
-        -- See if we can skip the XSLT ... it's expensive
-        IF prev_xfrm IS NULL OR prev_xfrm <> xfrm.name THEN
-            -- Can't skip the transform
-            IF xfrm.xslt <> '---' THEN
-                transformed_xml := oils_xslt_process(marc, xfrm.xslt);
-            ELSE
-                transformed_xml := marc;
-            END IF;
-            prev_xfrm := xfrm.name;
-        END IF;
-        IF idx.thesaurus_xpath IS NOT NULL THEN
-            base_thesaurus := ARRAY_TO_STRING(oils_xpath(idx.thesaurus_xpath, transformed_xml, ARRAY[ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri]]), '');
-        END IF;
-        heading_node_list := oils_xpath( idx.heading_xpath, transformed_xml, ARRAY[ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri]] );
-        FOR heading_node IN SELECT x FROM unnest(heading_node_list) AS x LOOP
-            CONTINUE WHEN heading_node !~ E'^\\s*<';
-            output_row.variant_type := NULL;
-            output_row.related_type := NULL;
-            output_row.thesaurus    := NULL;
-            output_row.heading      := NULL;
-            IF idx.heading_purpose = 'variant' AND idx.type_xpath IS NOT NULL THEN
-                type_value := ARRAY_TO_STRING(oils_xpath(idx.type_xpath, heading_node, ARRAY[ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri]]), '');
-                BEGIN
-                    output_row.variant_type := type_value;
-                EXCEPTION WHEN invalid_text_representation THEN
-                    RAISE NOTICE 'Do not recognize variant heading type %', type_value;
-                END;
-            END IF;
-            IF idx.heading_purpose = 'related' AND idx.type_xpath IS NOT NULL THEN
-                type_value := ARRAY_TO_STRING(oils_xpath(idx.type_xpath, heading_node, ARRAY[ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri]]), '');
-                BEGIN
-                    output_row.related_type := type_value;
-                EXCEPTION WHEN invalid_text_representation THEN
-                    RAISE NOTICE 'Do not recognize related heading type %', type_value;
-                END;
-            END IF;
-            IF idx.thesaurus_override_xpath IS NOT NULL THEN
-                output_row.thesaurus := ARRAY_TO_STRING(oils_xpath(idx.thesaurus_override_xpath, heading_node, ARRAY[ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri]]), '');
-            END IF;
-            IF output_row.thesaurus IS NULL THEN
-                output_row.thesaurus := base_thesaurus;
-            END IF;
-            raw_text := NULL;
-            -- now iterate over components of heading
-            component_node_list := oils_xpath( idx.component_xpath, heading_node, ARRAY[ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri]] );
-            FOR component_node IN SELECT x FROM unnest(component_node_list) AS x LOOP
-            -- XXX much of this should be moved into oils_xpath_string...
-                curr_text := ARRAY_TO_STRING(evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value(evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value(
-                    oils_xpath( '//text()', -- get the content of all the nodes within the main selected node
-                        REGEXP_REPLACE( component_node, E'\\s+', ' ', 'g' ) -- Translate adjacent whitespace to a single space
-                    ), ' '), ''),  -- throw away morally empty (bankrupt?) strings
-                    joiner
-                );
-                CONTINUE WHEN curr_text IS NULL OR curr_text = '';
-                IF raw_text IS NOT NULL THEN
-                    raw_text := raw_text || joiner;
-                END IF;
-                raw_text := COALESCE(raw_text,'') || curr_text;
-            END LOOP;
-            IF raw_text IS NOT NULL THEN
-                output_row.heading := raw_text;
-                normalized_text := raw_text;
-                FOR normalizer IN
-                    SELECT  n.func AS func,
-                            n.param_count AS param_count,
-                            m.params AS params
-                    FROM  config.index_normalizer n
-                            JOIN authority.heading_field_norm_map m ON (m.norm = n.id)
-                    WHERE m.field = idx.id
-                    ORDER BY m.pos LOOP
-                        EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || normalizer.func || '(' ||
-                            quote_literal( normalized_text ) ||
-                            CASE
-                                WHEN normalizer.param_count > 0
-                                    THEN ',' || REPLACE(REPLACE(BTRIM(normalizer.params,'[]'),E'\'',E'\\\''),E'"',E'\'')
-                                    ELSE ''
-                                END ||
-                            ')' INTO normalized_text;
-                END LOOP;
-                output_row.normalized_heading := normalized_text;
-                RETURN NEXT output_row;
-            END IF;
-        END LOOP;
-    END LOOP;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION authority.extract_headings(rid BIGINT, restrict INT[] DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS SETOF authority.heading AS $func$
-    auth        authority.record_entry%ROWTYPE;
-    output_row  authority.heading;
-    -- Get the record
-    SELECT INTO auth * FROM authority.record_entry WHERE id = rid;
-    RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM authority.extract_headings(auth.marc, restrict);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION authority.simple_heading_set( marcxml TEXT ) RETURNS SETOF authority.simple_heading AS $func$
-    res             authority.simple_heading%ROWTYPE;
-    acsaf           authority.control_set_authority_field%ROWTYPE;
-    heading_row     authority.heading%ROWTYPE;
-    tag_used        TEXT;
-    nfi_used        TEXT;
-    sf              TEXT;
-    cset            INT;
-    heading_text    TEXT;
-    joiner_text     TEXT;
-    sort_text       TEXT;
-    tmp_text        TEXT;
-    tmp_xml         TEXT;
-    first_sf        BOOL;
-    auth_id         INT DEFAULT COALESCE(NULLIF(oils_xpath_string('//*[@tag="901"]/*[local-name()="subfield" and @code="c"]', marcxml), ''), '0')::INT; 
-    SELECT control_set INTO cset FROM authority.record_entry WHERE id = auth_id;
-    IF cset IS NULL THEN
-        SELECT  control_set INTO cset
-          FROM  authority.control_set_authority_field
-          WHERE tag IN ( SELECT  UNNEST(XPATH('//*[starts-with(@tag,"1")]/@tag',marcxml::XML)::TEXT[]))
-          LIMIT 1;
-    END IF;
-    res.record := auth_id;
-    res.thesaurus := authority.extract_thesaurus(marcxml);
-    FOR acsaf IN SELECT * FROM authority.control_set_authority_field WHERE control_set = cset LOOP
-        res.atag := acsaf.id;
-        IF acsaf.heading_field IS NULL THEN
-            tag_used := acsaf.tag;
-            nfi_used := acsaf.nfi;
-            joiner_text := COALESCE(acsaf.joiner, ' ');
-            FOR tmp_xml IN SELECT UNNEST(XPATH('//*[@tag="'||tag_used||'"]', marcxml::XML)::TEXT[]) LOOP
-                heading_text := COALESCE(
-                    oils_xpath_string('./*[contains("'||acsaf.display_sf_list||'",@code)]', tmp_xml, joiner_text),
-                    ''
-                );
-                IF nfi_used IS NOT NULL THEN
-                    sort_text := SUBSTRING(
-                        heading_text FROM
-                        COALESCE(
-                            NULLIF(
-                                REGEXP_REPLACE(
-                                    oils_xpath_string('./@ind'||nfi_used, tmp_xml::TEXT),
-                                    $$\D+$$,
-                                    '',
-                                    'g'
-                                ),
-                                ''
-                            )::INT,
-                            0
-                        ) + 1
-                    );
-                ELSE
-                    sort_text := heading_text;
-                END IF;
-                IF heading_text IS NOT NULL AND heading_text <> '' THEN
-                    res.value := heading_text;
-                    res.sort_value := public.naco_normalize(sort_text);
-                    res.index_vector = to_tsvector('keyword'::regconfig, res.sort_value);
-                    RETURN NEXT res;
-                END IF;
-            END LOOP;
-        ELSE
-            FOR heading_row IN SELECT * FROM authority.extract_headings(marcxml, ARRAY[acsaf.heading_field]) LOOP
-                res.value := heading_row.heading;
-                res.sort_value := heading_row.normalized_heading;
-                res.index_vector = to_tsvector('keyword'::regconfig, res.sort_value);
-                RETURN NEXT res;
-            END LOOP;
-        END IF;
-    END LOOP;
-    RETURN;
-ALTER TABLE authority.control_set_authority_field ADD COLUMN heading_field INTEGER REFERENCES authority.heading_field(id);
-UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
-SET heading_field = ahf.id
-FROM authority.heading_field ahf
-WHERE tag = '100'
-AND control_set = 1
-AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'main'
-AND ahf.heading_type = 'personal_name';
-UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
-SET heading_field = ahf.id
-FROM authority.heading_field ahf
-WHERE tag = '400'
-AND control_set = 1
-AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'variant'
-AND ahf.heading_type = 'personal_name';
-UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
-SET heading_field = ahf.id
-FROM authority.heading_field ahf
-WHERE tag = '500'
-AND control_set = 1
-AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'related'
-AND ahf.heading_type = 'personal_name';
-UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
-SET heading_field = ahf.id
-FROM authority.heading_field ahf
-WHERE tag = '110'
-AND control_set = 1
-AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'main'
-AND ahf.heading_type = 'corporate_name';
-UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
-SET heading_field = ahf.id
-FROM authority.heading_field ahf
-WHERE tag = '410'
-AND control_set = 1
-AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'variant'
-AND ahf.heading_type = 'corporate_name';
-UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
-SET heading_field = ahf.id
-FROM authority.heading_field ahf
-WHERE tag = '510'
-AND control_set = 1
-AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'related'
-AND ahf.heading_type = 'corporate_name';
-UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
-SET heading_field = ahf.id
-FROM authority.heading_field ahf
-WHERE tag = '111'
-AND control_set = 1
-AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'main'
-AND ahf.heading_type = 'meeting_name';
-UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
-SET heading_field = ahf.id
-FROM authority.heading_field ahf
-WHERE tag = '411'
-AND control_set = 1
-AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'variant'
-AND ahf.heading_type = 'meeting_name';
-UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
-SET heading_field = ahf.id
-FROM authority.heading_field ahf
-WHERE tag = '511'
-AND control_set = 1
-AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'related'
-AND ahf.heading_type = 'meeting_name';
-UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
-SET heading_field = ahf.id
-FROM authority.heading_field ahf
-WHERE tag = '130'
-AND control_set = 1
-AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'main'
-AND ahf.heading_type = 'uniform_title';
-UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
-SET heading_field = ahf.id
-FROM authority.heading_field ahf
-WHERE tag = '430'
-AND control_set = 1
-AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'variant'
-AND ahf.heading_type = 'uniform_title';
-UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
-SET heading_field = ahf.id
-FROM authority.heading_field ahf
-WHERE tag = '530'
-AND control_set = 1
-AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'related'
-AND ahf.heading_type = 'uniform_title';
-UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
-SET heading_field = ahf.id
-FROM authority.heading_field ahf
-WHERE tag = '150'
-AND control_set = 1
-AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'main'
-AND ahf.heading_type = 'topical_term';
-UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
-SET heading_field = ahf.id
-FROM authority.heading_field ahf
-WHERE tag = '450'
-AND control_set = 1
-AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'variant'
-AND ahf.heading_type = 'topical_term';
-UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
-SET heading_field = ahf.id
-FROM authority.heading_field ahf
-WHERE tag = '550'
-AND control_set = 1
-AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'related'
-AND ahf.heading_type = 'topical_term';
-UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
-SET heading_field = ahf.id
-FROM authority.heading_field ahf
-WHERE tag = '151'
-AND control_set = 1
-AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'main'
-AND ahf.heading_type = 'geographic_name';
-UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
-SET heading_field = ahf.id
-FROM authority.heading_field ahf
-WHERE tag = '451'
-AND control_set = 1
-AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'variant'
-AND ahf.heading_type = 'geographic_name';
-UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
-SET heading_field = ahf.id
-FROM authority.heading_field ahf
-WHERE tag = '551'
-AND control_set = 1
-AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'related'
-AND ahf.heading_type = 'geographic_name';
-UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
-SET heading_field = ahf.id
-FROM authority.heading_field ahf
-WHERE tag = '155'
-AND control_set = 1
-AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'main'
-AND ahf.heading_type = 'genre_form_term';
-UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
-SET heading_field = ahf.id
-FROM authority.heading_field ahf
-WHERE tag = '455'
-AND control_set = 1
-AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'variant'
-AND ahf.heading_type = 'genre_form_term';
-UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
-SET heading_field = ahf.id
-FROM authority.heading_field ahf
-WHERE tag = '555'
-AND control_set = 1
-AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'related'
-AND ahf.heading_type = 'genre_form_term';
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1070', :eg_version); --miker/gmcharlt/kmlussier
-CREATE TRIGGER thes_code_tracking_trigger
-    AFTER UPDATE ON authority.thesaurus
-    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE oils_i18n_code_tracking('at');
-ALTER TABLE authority.thesaurus ADD COLUMN short_code TEXT, ADD COLUMN uri TEXT;
-DELETE FROM authority.thesaurus WHERE control_set = 1 AND code NOT IN ('n',' ','|');
-UPDATE authority.thesaurus SET short_code = code;
-CREATE TEMP TABLE thesauri (code text, uri text, name text, xlate hstore);
-COPY thesauri (code, uri, name, xlate) FROM STDIN;
-migfg  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/migfg     Moving image genre-form guide   
-reveal http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/reveal    REVEAL: fiction indexing and genre headings     
-dct    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/dct       Dublin Core list of resource types      
-gmgpc  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/gmgpc     Thesaurus for graphic materials: TGM II, Genre and physical characteristic terms        
-rbgenr http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/rbgenr    Genre terms: a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing       
-sgp    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/sgp       Svenska genrebeteckningar fr periodika  "sv"=>"Svenska genrebeteckningar fr periodika"
-estc   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/estc      Eighteenth century short title catalogue, the cataloguing rules. New ed.        
-ftamc  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/ftamc     Form terms for archival and manuscripts control 
-alett  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/alett     An alphabetical list of English text types      
-gtlm   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/gtlm      Genre terms for law materials: a thesaurus      
-rbprov http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/rbprov    Provenance evidence: a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging        
-rbbin  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/rbbin     Binding terms: a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing     
-fbg    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/fbg       Films by genre /dd>     
-isbdmedia      http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/isbdmedia ISBD Area 0 [media]     
-marccategory   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/marccategory      MARC form category term list    
-gnd-music      http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/gnd-music Gemeinsame Normdatei: Musikalische Ausgabeform  
-proysen        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/proysen   Prøysen: emneord for Prøysen-bibliografien        
-rdacarrier     http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/rdacarrier        Term and code list for RDA carrier types        
-gnd    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/gnd       Gemeinsame Normdatei    
-cjh    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/cjh       Center for Jewish History thesaurus     
-rbpri  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/rbpri     Printing & publishing evidence: a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging     
-fgtpcm http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/fgtpcm    Form/genre terms for printed cartoon material   
-rbpub  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/rbpub     Printing and publishing evidence: a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging   
-gmd    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/gmd       Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules general material designation   
-rbpap  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/rbpap     Paper terms: a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging        
-rdamedia       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/rdamedia  Term and code list for RDA media types  
-marcsmd        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/marcsmd   MARC specific material form term list   
-saogf  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/saogf     Svenska Ã¤mnesord - Genre/Form        "sv"=>"Svenska Ã¤mnesord - Genre/Form"
-lcgft  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/lcgft     Library of Congress genre/form terms for library and archival materials 
-muzeukv        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/muzeukv   MuzeVideo UK DVD and UMD film genre classification      
-mim    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/mim       Moving image materials: genre terms     
-nmc    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/nmc       Revised nomenclature for museum cataloging: a revised and expanded version of Robert C. Chenhall's system for classifying man-made objects      
-gnd-content    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/gnd-content       Gemeinsame Normdatei: Beschreibung des Inhalts  
-bgtchm http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/bgtchm    Basic genre terms for cultural heritage materials       
-gsafd  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/gsafd     Guidelines on subject access to individual works of fiction, drama, etc 
-marcform       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/marcform  MARC form of item term list     
-marcgt http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/marcgt    MARC genre terms        
-barngf http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/barngf    Svenska Ã¤mnesord för barn - Genre/Form    "sv"=>"Svenska Ã¤mnesord för barn - Genre/Form"
-ngl    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/ngl       Newspaper genre list    
-rvmgf  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/rvmgf     Thésaurus des descripteurs de genre/forme de l'Université Laval   "fr"=>"Thésaurus des descripteurs de genre/forme de l'Université Laval"
-tgfbne http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/tgfbne    Términos de género/forma de la Biblioteca Nacional de España   
-nbdbgf http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/nbdbgf    NBD Biblion Genres Fictie       
-rbtyp  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/rbtyp     Type evidence: a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging      
-radfg  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/radfg     Radio form / genre terms guide  
-gnd-carrier    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/gnd-carrier       Gemeinsame Normdatei: Datenträgertyp 
-gatbeg http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/gatbeg    Gattungsbegriffe        "de"=>"Gattungsbegriffe"
-rdacontent     http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/rdacontent        Term and code list for RDA content types        
-isbdcontent    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/isbdcontent       ISBD Area 0 [content]   
-nimafc http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/nimafc    NIMA form codes 
-amg    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/amg       Audiovisual material glossary   
-local  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/local       Locally assigned term   
-taika  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/taika       Taideteollisuuden asiasanasto   "fi"=>"Taideteollisuuden asiasanasto"
-nasat  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nasat       NASA thesaurus  
-rswkaf http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/rswkaf      Alternativform zum Hauptschlagwort      "de"=>"Alternativform zum Hauptschlagwort"
-jhpk   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/jhpk        JÄ\99zyk haseÅ\82 przedmiotowych KABA   "pl"=>"JÄ\99zyk haseÅ\82 przedmiotowych KABA"
-asrcrfcd       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/asrcrfcd    Australian Standard Research Classification: Research Fields, Courses and Disciplines (RFCD) classification     
-bt     http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bt  Bioethics thesaurus     
-lcstt  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lcstt       List of Chinese subject terms   
-netc   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/netc        National Emergency Training Center Thesaurus (NETC)     
-aat    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/aat Art & architecture thesaurus    
-bet    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bet British education thesaurus     
-ncjt   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ncjt        National criminal justice thesaurus     
-samisk http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/samisk      Sami bibliography       "no"=>"Sámi bibliografia = Samisk bibliografi (Norge)"
-tips   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tips        Tesauro ISOC de psicología   "es"=>"Tesauro ISOC de psicología"
-ukslc  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ukslc       UK Standard Library Categories  
-tekord http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tekord      TEK-ord : UBiTs emneordliste for arkitektur, realfag, og teknolog       "no"=>"TEK-ord : UBiTs emneordliste for arkitektur, realfag, og teknolog"
-umitrist       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/umitrist    University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute structured thesaurus   
-wgst   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/wgst        Washington GILS Subject Tree    
-rasuqam        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/rasuqam     Répertoire d'autorités-sujet de l'UQAM    "fr"=>"Répertoire d'autorités-sujet de l'UQAM"
-ntids  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ntids       Norske tidsskrifter 1700-1820: emneord  "no"=>"Norske tidsskrifter 1700-1820: emneord"
-kaa    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kaa Kasvatusalan asiasanasto        "fi"=>"Kasvatusalan asiasanasto"
-yso    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/yso YSO - Yleinen suomalainen ontologia     "fi"=>"YSO - Yleinen suomalainen ontologia"
-gcipmedia      http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/gcipmedia   GAMECIP - Computer Game Media Formats (GAMECIP (Game Metadata and Citation Project))    
-inspect        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/inspect     INSPEC thesaurus        
-ordnok http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ordnok      Ordnokkelen: tesaurus for kulturminnevern       "no"=>"Ordnokkelen: tesaurus for kulturminnevern"
-helecon        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/helecon     Asiasanasto HELECON-tietikantoihin      "fi"=>"Asiasanasto HELECON-tietikantoihin"
-dltlt  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/dltlt       Cuddon, J. A. A dictionary of literary terms and literary theory        
-csapa  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/csapa       "Controlled vocabulary" in Pollution abstracts  
-gtt    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/gtt GOO-trefwoorden thesaurus       "nl"=>"GOO-trefwoorden thesaurus"
-iescs  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/iescs       International energy subject categories and scope       
-itrt   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/itrt        International Thesaurus of Refugee Terminology  
-sanb   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sanb        South African national bibliography authority file      
-blmlsh http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/blmlsh      British Library - Map library subject headings  
-bhb    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bhb Bibliography of the Hebrew Book 
-csh    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/csh Kapsner, Oliver Leonard. Catholic subject headings      
-fire   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/fire        FireTalk, IFSI thesaurus        
-jlabsh http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/jlabsh      Basic subject headings  "ja"=>"Kihon kenmei hyômokuhyô"
-udc    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/udc Universal decimal classification        
-lcshac http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lcshac      Children's subject headings in Library of Congress subject headings: supplementary vocabularies 
-geonet http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/geonet      NGA GEOnet Names Server (GNS)   
-humord http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/humord      HUMORD  "no"=>"HUMORD"
-no-ubo-mr      http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/no-ubo-mr   Menneskerettighets-tesaurus     "no"=>"Menneskerettighets-tesaurus"
-sgce   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sgce        COBISS.SI General List of subject headings (English subject headings)   "sl"=>"SploÅ¡ni geslovnik COBISS.SI"
-kdm    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kdm Khung dê muc hê thông thông tin khoa hoc và ky thuât quôc gia      "vi"=>"Khung dê muc hê thông thông tin khoa hoc và ky thuât quôc gia"
-thesoz http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/thesoz      Thesaurus for the Social Sciences       
-asth   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/asth        Astronomy thesaurus     
-muzeukc        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/muzeukc     MuzeMusic UK classical music classification     
-norbok http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/norbok      Norbok: emneord i Norsk bokfortegnelse  "no"=>"Norbok: emneord i Norsk bokfortegnelse"
-masa   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/masa        Museoalan asiasanasto   "fi"=>"Museoalan asiasanasto"
-conorsi        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/conorsi     CONOR.SI (name authority file) (Maribor, Slovenia: Institut informacijskih znanosti (IZUM))     
-eurovocen      http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/eurovocen   Eurovoc thesaurus (English)     
-kto    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kto KTO - Kielitieteen ontologia    "fi"=>"KTO - Kielitieteen ontologia"
-muzvukci       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/muzvukci    MuzeVideo UK contributor index  
-kaunokki       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kaunokki    Kaunokki: kaunokirjallisuuden asiasanasto       "fi"=>"Kaunokki: kaunokirjallisuuden asiasanasto"
-maotao http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/maotao      MAO/TAO - Ontologi för museibranschen och Konstindustriella ontologin        "fi"=>"MAO/TAO - Ontologi för museibranschen och Konstindustriella ontologin"
-psychit        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/psychit     Thesaurus of psychological index terms. 
-tlsh   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tlsh        Subject heading authority list  
-csalsct        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/csalsct     CSA life sciences collection thesaurus  
-ciesiniv       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ciesiniv    CIESIN indexing vocabulary      
-ebfem  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ebfem       Encabezamientos bilingües de la Fundación Educativa Ana G. Mendez 
-mero   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/mero        MERO - Merenkulkualan ontologia "fi"=>"MERO - Merenkulkualan ontologia"
-mmm    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/mmm "Subject key" in Marxism and the mass media     
-pascal http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/pascal      PASCAL database classification scheme   "fr"=>"Base de donneés PASCAL: plan de classement"
-chirosh        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/chirosh     Chiropractic Subject Headings   
-cilla  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/cilla       Cilla: specialtesaurus för musik     "fi"=>"Cilla: specialtesaurus för musik"
-aiatsisl       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/aiatsisl    AIATSIS language thesaurus      
-nskps  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nskps       PriruÄ\8dnik za izradu predmetnog kataloga u Nacionalnoj i sveuÄ\8diliÅ¡noj knjiÄ\8dnici u Zagrebu    "hr"=>"PriruÄ\8dnik za izradu predmetnog kataloga u Nacionalnoj i sveuÄ\8diliÅ¡noj knjiÄ\8dnici u Zagrebu"
-lctgm  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lctgm       Thesaurus for graphic materials: TGM I, Subject terms   
-muso   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/muso        MUSO - Ontologi för musik    "fi"=>"MUSO - Ontologi för musik"
-blcpss http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/blcpss      COMPASS subject authority system        
-fast   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/fast        Faceted application of subject terminology      
-bisacmt        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bisacmt     BISAC Merchandising Themes      
-lapponica      http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lapponica   Lapponica       "fi"=>"Lapponica"
-juho   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/juho        JUHO - Julkishallinnon ontologia        "fi"=>"JUHO - Julkishallinnon ontologia"
-idas   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/idas        ID-Archivschlüssel   "de"=>"ID-Archivschlüssel"
-tbjvp  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tbjvp       Tesauro de la Biblioteca Dr. Jorge Villalobos Padilla, S.J.     "es"=>"Tesauro de la Biblioteca Dr. Jorge Villalobos Padilla, S.J."
-test   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/test        Thesaurus of engineering and scientific terms   
-finmesh        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/finmesh     FinMeSH "fi"=>"FinMeSH"
-kssbar http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kssbar      Klassifikationssystem for svenska bibliotek. Ã\84mnesordregister. Alfabetisk del        "sv"=>"Klassifikationssystem for svenska bibliotek. Ã\84mnesordregister. Alfabetisk del"
-kupu   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kupu        Maori Wordnet   "mi"=>"He puna kupu"
-rpe    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/rpe Rubricator on economics "ru"=>"Rubrikator po ekonomike"
-dit    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/dit Defense intelligence thesaurus  
-she    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/she SHE: subject headings for engineering   
-idszbzna       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/idszbzna    Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Nordamerika-Bibliothek "de"=>"Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Nordamerika-Bibliothek"
-msc    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/msc Mathematical subject classification     
-muzeukn        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/muzeukn     MuzeMusic UK non-classical music classification 
-ipsp   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ipsp        Defense intelligence production schedule.       
-sthus  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sthus       Subject Taxonomy of the History of U.S. Foreign Relations       
-poliscit       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/poliscit    Political science thesaurus II  
-qtglit http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/qtglit      A queer thesaurus : an international thesaurus of gay and lesbian index terms   
-unbist http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/unbist      UNBIS thesaurus 
-gcipplatform   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/gcipplatform        GAMECIP - Computer Game Platforms (GAMECIP (Game Metadata and Citation Project))        
-puho   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/puho        PUHO - Puolustushallinnon ontologia     "fi"=>"PUHO - Puolustushallinnon ontologia"
-thub   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/thub        Thesaurus de la Universitat de Barcelona        "ca"=>"Thesaurus de la Universitat de Barcelona"
-ndlsh  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ndlsh       National Diet Library list of subject headings  "ja"=>"Koktsu Kokkai Toshokan kenmei hyômokuhyô"
-czenas http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/czenas      CZENAS thesaurus: a list of subject terms used in the National Library of the Czech Republic    "cs"=>"Soubor vÄ\95cných autorit Národní knihovny Ä\8cR"
-idszbzzh       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/idszbzzh    Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Handschriftenabteilung "de"=>"Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Handschriftenabteilung"
-unbisn http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/unbisn      UNBIS name authority list (New York, NY: Dag Hammarskjld Library, United Nations; : Chadwyck-Healey)    
-rswk   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/rswk        Regeln für den Schlagwortkatalog     "de"=>"Regeln für den Schlagwortkatalog"
-larpcal        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/larpcal     Lista de assuntos referente ao programa de cadastramento automatizado de livros da USP  "pt"=>"Lista de assuntos referente ao programa de cadastramento automatizado de livros da USP"
-biccbmc        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/biccbmc     BIC Children's Books Marketing Classifications  
-kulo   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kulo        KULO - Kulttuurien tutkimuksen ontologia        "fi"=>"KULO - Kulttuurien tutkimuksen ontologia"
-popinte        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/popinte     POPIN thesaurus: population multilingual thesaurus      
-tisa   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tisa        Villagrá Rubio, Angel. Tesauro ISOC de sociología autores "es"=>"Villagrá Rubio, Angel. Tesauro ISOC de sociología autores"
-atg    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/atg Agricultural thesaurus and glossary     
-eflch  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/eflch       E4Libraries Category Headings   
-maaq   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/maaq        Madâkhil al-asmâ' al-'arabîyah al-qadîmah   "ar"=>"Madâkhil al-asmâ' al-'arabîyah al-qadîmah"
-rvmgd  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/rvmgd       Thésaurus des descripteurs de groupes démographiques de l'Université Laval     "fr"=>"Thésaurus des descripteurs de groupes démographiques de l'Université Laval"
-csahssa        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/csahssa     "Controlled vocabulary" in Health and safety science abstracts  
-sigle  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sigle       SIGLE manual, Part 2, Subject category list     
-blnpn  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/blnpn       British Library newspaper place names   
-asrctoa        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/asrctoa     Australian Standard Research Classification: Type of Activity (TOA) classification      
-lcdgt  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lcdgt       Library of Congress demographic group term and code List        
-bokbas http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bokbas      Bokbasen        "no"=>"Bokbasen"
-gnis   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/gnis        Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)      
-nbiemnfag      http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nbiemnfag   NBIs emneordsliste for faglitteratur    "no"=>"NBIs emneordsliste for faglitteratur"
-nlgaf  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nlgaf       Archeio KathierÅ\8dmenÅ\8dn EpikephalidÅ\8dn    "el"=>"Archeio KathierÅ\8dmenÅ\8dn EpikephalidÅ\8dn"
-bhashe http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bhashe      BHA, Bibliography of the history of art, subject headings/English       
-tsht   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tsht        Thesaurus of subject headings for television    
-scbi   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/scbi        Soggettario per i cataloghi delle biblioteche italiane  "it"=>"Soggettario per i cataloghi delle biblioteche italiane"
-valo   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/valo        VALO - Fotografiska ontologin   "fi"=>"VALO - Fotografiska ontologin"
-wpicsh http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/wpicsh      WPIC Library thesaurus of subject headings      
-aktp   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/aktp        AlphavÄ\93tikos Katalogos ThematikÅ\8dn PerigrapheÅ\8dn "el"=>"AlphavÄ\93tikos Katalogos ThematikÅ\8dn PerigrapheÅ\8dn"
-stw    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/stw STW Thesaurus for Economics     "de"=>"Standard-Thesaurus Wirtschaft"
-mesh   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/mesh        Medical subject headings        
-ica    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ica Index of Christian art  
-emnmus http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/emnmus      Emneord for musikkdokument i EDB-kataloger      "no"=>"Emneord for musikkdokument i EDB-kataloger"
-sao    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sao Svenska Ã¤mnesord     "sv"=>"Svenska Ã¤mnesord"
-sgc    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sgc COBISS.SI General List of subject headings (Slovenian subject headings) "sl"=>"SploÅ¡ni geslovnik COBISS.SI"
-bib1814        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bib1814     1814-bibliografi: emneord for 1814-bibliografi  "no"=>"1814-bibliografi: emneord for 1814-bibliografi"
-bjornson       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bjornson    Bjornson: emneord for Bjornsonbibliografien     "no"=>"Bjornson: emneord for Bjornsonbibliografien"
-liito  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/liito       LIITO - Liiketoimintaontologia  "fi"=>"LIITO - Liiketoimintaontologia"
-apaist http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/apaist      APAIS thesaurus: a list of subject terms used in the Australian Public Affairs Information Service      
-itglit http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/itglit      International thesaurus of gay and lesbian index terms (Chicago?: Thesaurus Committee, Gay and Lesbian Task Force, American Library Association)        
-ntcsd  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ntcsd       "National Translations Center secondary descriptors" in National Translation Center primary subject classification and secondary descriptor     
-scisshl        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/scisshl     SCIS subject headings   
-opms   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/opms        Opetusministeriön asiasanasto        "fi"=>"Opetusministeriön asiasanasto"
-ttka   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ttka        Teologisen tiedekunnan kirjaston asiasanasto    "fi"=>"Teologisen tiedekunnan kirjaston asiasanasto"
-watrest        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/watrest     Thesaurus of water resources terms: a collection of water resources and related terms for use in indexing technical information 
-ysa    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ysa Yleinen suomalainen asiasanasto "fi"=>"Yleinen suomalainen asiasanasto"
-kitu   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kitu        Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen asiasanasto   "fi"=>"Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen asiasanasto"
-sk     http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sk  'Zhong guo gu ji shan ban shu zong mu' fen lei biao     "zh"=>"'Zhong guo gu ji shan ban shu zong mu' fen lei biao"
-aiatsisp       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/aiatsisp    AIATSIS place thesaurus 
-ram    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ram RAMEAU: répertoire d'authorité de matières encyclopédique unifié "fr"=>"RAMEAU: répertoire d'authorité de matières encyclopédique unifié"
-aedoml http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/aedoml      Listado de encabezamientos de materia de música      "es"=>"Listado de encabezamientos de materia de música"
-ated   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ated        Australian Thesaurus of Education Descriptors (ATED)    
-cabt   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/cabt        CAB thesaurus (Slough [England]: Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux)     
-kassu  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kassu       Kassu - Kasvien suomenkieliset nimet    "fi"=>"Kassu - Kasvien suomenkieliset nimet"
-nbdbt  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nbdbt       NBD Biblion Trefwoordenthesaurus        "nl"=>"NBD Biblion Trefwoordenthesaurus"
-jhpb   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/jhpb        JÄ\99zyk haseÅ\82 przedmiotowych Biblioteki Narodowej   "pl"=>"JÄ\99zyk haseÅ\82 przedmiotowych Biblioteki Narodowej"
-bidex  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bidex       Bilindex: a bilingual Spanish-English subject heading list      
-ccsa   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ccsa        Catalogue collectif suisse des affiches "fr"=>"Catalogue collectif suisse des affiches"
-noraf  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/noraf       Norwegian Authority File        
-kito   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kito        KITO - Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen ontologia      "fi"=>"KITO - Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen ontologia"
-tho    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tho Thesauros HellÄ\93nikÅ\8dn Oron "el"=>"Thesauros HellÄ\93nikÅ\8dn Oron"
-pmont  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/pmont       Powerhouse Museum Object Name Thesaurus 
-ssg    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ssg SploÅ¡ni slovenski geslovnik  "sl"=>"SploÅ¡ni slovenski geslovnik"
-huc    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/huc U.S. Geological Survey water-supply paper 2294: hydrologic basins unit codes    
-isis   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/isis        "Classification scheme" in Isis 
-ibsen  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ibsen       Ibsen: emneord for Den internasjonale Ibsen-bibliografien       "no"=>"Ibsen: emneord for Den internasjonale Ibsen-bibliografien"
-lacnaf http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lacnaf      Library and Archives Canada name authority file 
-swemesh        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/swemesh     Swedish MeSH    "sv"=>"Svenska MeSH"
-hamsun http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/hamsun      Hamsun: emneord for Hamsunbibliografien "no"=>"Hamsun: emneord for Hamsunbibliografien"
-qrma   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/qrma        List of Arabic subject headings "ar"=>"Qâ'imat ru'ûs al-mawdûât al-'Arabîyah"
-qrmak  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/qrmak       Qâ'imat ru'ûs al-mawdû'ât al-'Arabîyah al-qiyâsîyah al-maktabât wa-marâkaz al-ma'lûmât wa-qawâid al-bayânât   "ar"=>"Qâ'imat ru'ûs al-mawdû'ât al-'Arabîyah al-qiyâsîyah al-maktabât wa-marâkaz al-ma'lûmât wa-qawâid al-bayânât"
-ceeus  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ceeus       Counties and equivalent entities of the United States its possessions, and associated areas     
-taxhs  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/taxhs       A taxonomy or human services: a conceptual framework with standardized terminology and definitions for the field        
-noram  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/noram       Noram: emneord for Norsk-amerikansk samling     "no"=>"Noram: emneord for Norsk-amerikansk samling"
-eurovocfr      http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/eurovocfr   Eurovoc thesaurus (French)      
-jurivoc        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/jurivoc     JURIVOC 
-agrifors       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/agrifors    AGRIFOREST-sanasto      "fi"=>"AGRIFOREST-sanasto"
-noubojur       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/noubojur    Thesaurus of Law        "no"=>"Thesaurus of Law"
-pha    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/pha Puolostushallinnon asiasanasto  "fi"=>"Puolostushallinnon asiasanasto"
-ddcrit http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ddcrit      DDC retrieval and indexing terminology; posting terms with hierarchy and KWOC   
-mar    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/mar Merenkulun asiasanasto  "fi"=>"Merenkulun asiasanasto"
-sbt    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sbt Soggettario Sistema Bibliotecario Ticinese      "it"=>"Soggettario Sistema Bibliotecario Ticinese"
-nzggn  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nzggn       New Zealand gazetteer of official geographic names (New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa (NZGB))    
-kta    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kta Kielitieteen asiasanasto        "fi"=>"Kielitieteen asiasanasto"
-snt    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/snt Sexual nomenclature : a thesaurus       
-francis        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/francis     FRANCIS database classification scheme  "fr"=>"Base de donneés FRANCIS: plan de classement"
-eurovocsl      http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/eurovocsl   Eurovoc thesaurus       "sl"=>"Eurovoc thesaurus"
-idszbzes       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/idszbzes    Thesaurus IDS Nebis Bibliothek Englisches Seminar der Universität Zürich  "de"=>"Thesaurus IDS Nebis Bibliothek Englisches Seminar der Universität Zürich"
-nlmnaf http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nlmnaf      National Library of Medicine name authority file        
-rugeo  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/rugeo       Natsional'nyi normativnyi fail geograficheskikh nazvanii Rossiiskoi Federatsii  "ru"=>"Natsional'nyi normativnyi fail geograficheskikh nazvanii Rossiiskoi Federatsii"
-sipri  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sipri       SIPRI library thesaurus 
-kkts   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kkts        Katalogos KathierÅ\8dmenÅ\8dn TypÅ\8dn Syllogikou Katalogou Demosion Vivliothekon       "el"=>"Katalogos KathierÅ\8dmenÅ\8dn TypÅ\8dn Syllogikou Katalogou Demosion Vivliothekon"
-tucua  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tucua       Thesaurus for use in college and university archives    
-pmbok  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/pmbok       Guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK Guide) 
-agrovoc        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/agrovoc     AGROVOC multilingual agricultural thesaurus     
-nal    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nal National Agricultural Library subject headings  
-lnmmbr http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lnmmbr      Lietuvos nacionalines Martyno Mazvydo bibliotekos rubrikynas    "lt"=>"Lietuvos nacionalines Martyno Mazvydo bibliotekos rubrikynas"
-vmj    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/vmj Vedettes-matière jeunesse    "fr"=>"Vedettes-matière jeunesse"
-ddcut  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ddcut       Dewey Decimal Classification user terms 
-eks    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/eks Eduskunnan kirjaston asiasanasto        "fi"=>"Eduskunnan kirjaston asiasanasto"
-wot    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/wot A Women's thesaurus     
-noubomn        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/noubomn     University of Oslo Library Thesaurus of Science "no"=>"University of Oslo Library Thesaurus of Science"
-idszbzzg       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/idszbzzg    Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Graphische Sammlung    "de"=>"Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Graphische Sammlung"
-precis http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/precis      PRECIS: a manual of concept analysis and subject indexing       
-cstud  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/cstud       Classificatieschema's Bibliotheek TU Delft      "nl"=>"Classificatieschema's Bibliotheek TU Delft"
-nlgkk  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nlgkk       Katalogos kathierÅ\8dmenÅ\8dn onomatÅ\8dn physikÅ\8dn prosÅ\8d\8dn    "el"=>"Katalogos kathierÅ\8dmenÅ\8dn onomatÅ\8dn physikÅ\8dn prosÅ\8d\8dn"
-pmt    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/pmt Project management terminology. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute        
-ericd  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ericd       Thesaurus of ERIC descriptors   
-rvm    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/rvm Répertoire de vedettes-matière    "fr"=>"Répertoire de vedettes-matière"
-sfit   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sfit        Svenska filminstitutets tesaurus        "sv"=>"Svenska filminstitutets tesaurus"
-trtsa  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/trtsa       Teatterin ja tanssin asiasanasto        "fi"=>"Teatterin ja tanssin asiasanasto"
-ulan   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ulan        Union list of artist names      
-unescot        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/unescot     UNESCO thesaurus        "fr"=>"Thésaurus de l'UNESCO","es"=>"Tesauro de la UNESCO"
-koko   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/koko        KOKO-ontologia  "fi"=>"KOKO-ontologia"
-msh    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/msh Trimboli, T., and Martyn S. Marianist subject headings  
-trt    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/trt Transportation resource thesaurus       
-agrovocf       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/agrovocf    AGROVOC thésaurus agricole multilingue       "fr"=>"AGROVOC thésaurus agricole multilingue"
-aucsh  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/aucsh       Arabic Union Catalog Subject Headings   "ar"=>"Qâ'imat ru'ûs mawdû'ât al-fahras al-'Arabîyah al-mowahad"
-ddcri  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ddcri       Dewey Decimal Classification Relative Index     
-est    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/est International energy: subject thesaurus (: International Energy Agency, Energy Technology Data Exchange)        
-lua    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lua Liikunnan ja urheilun asiasanasto       "fi"=>"Liikunnan ja urheilun asiasanasto"
-mipfesd        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/mipfesd     Macrothesaurus for information processing in the field of economic and social development       
-rurkp  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/rurkp       Predmetnye rubriki Rossiiskoi knizhnoi palaty   "ru"=>"Predmetnye rubriki Rossiiskoi knizhnoi palaty"
-albt   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/albt        Arbetslivsbibliotekets tesaurus "sv"=>"Arbetslivsbibliotekets tesaurus"
-fmesh  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/fmesh       Liste systématique et liste permutée des descripteurs français MeSH    "fr"=>"Liste systématique et liste permutée des descripteurs français MeSH"
-bicssc http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bicssc      BIC standard subject categories 
-cctf   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/cctf        Carto-Canadiana thésaurus - Français      "fr"=>"Carto-Canadiana thésaurus - Français"
-reo    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/reo Māori Subject Headings thesaurus       "mi"=>"Ngā Åªpoko Tukutuku"
-icpsr  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/icpsr       ICPSR controlled vocabulary system      
-kao    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kao KVINNSAM Ã¤mnesordsregister   "sv"=>"KVINNSAM Ã¤mnesordsregister"
-asrcseo        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/asrcseo     Australian Standard Research Classification: Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) classification      
-georeft        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/georeft     GeoRef thesaurus        
-cct    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/cct Chinese Classified Thesaurus    "zh"=>"Zhong guo fen lei zhu ti ci biao"
-dcs    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/dcs Health Sciences Descriptors     "es"=>"Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud","pt"=>"Descritores em Ciências da Saúde"
-musa   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/musa        Musiikin asiasanasto: erikoissanasto    "fi"=>"Musiikin asiasanasto: erikoissanasto"
-ntissc http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ntissc      NTIS subject categories 
-idszbz http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/idszbz      Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich "de"=>"Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich"
-tlka   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tlka        Investigació, Procés Tècnicn kirjaston asiasanasto     "fi"=>"Investigació, Procés Tècnicn kirjaston asiasanasto"
-usaidt http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/usaidt      USAID thesaurus: Keywords used to index documents included in the USAID Development Experience System.  
-embne  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/embne       Encabezamientos de Materia de la Biblioteca Nacional de España       "es"=>"Encabezamientos de Materia de la Biblioteca Nacional de España"
-vcaadu http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/vcaadu      Vocabulario controlado de arquitectura, arte, diseño y urbanismo     "es"=>"Vocabulario controlado de arquitectura, arte, diseño y urbanismo"
-ntcpsc http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ntcpsc      "National Translations Center primary subject classification" in National Translations Center primary subject classification and secondary descriptors  
-quiding        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/quiding     Quiding, Nils Herman. Svenskt allmänt författningsregister för tiden frÃ¥n Ã¥r 1522 till och med Ã¥r 1862        "sv"=>"Quiding, Nils Herman. Svenskt allmänt författningsregister för tiden frÃ¥n Ã¥r 1522 till och med Ã¥r 1862"
-allars http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/allars      Allärs: allmän tesaurus pä svenska     "fi"=>"Allärs: allmän tesaurus pä svenska"
-ogst   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ogst        Oregon GILS Subject Tree (Oregon: Oregon State Library and Oregon Information Resource Management Division (IRMD))      
-bella  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bella       Bella: specialtesaurus för skönlitteratur "fi"=>"Bella: specialtesaurus för skönlitteratur"
-bibalex        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bibalex     Bibliotheca Alexandrina name and subject authority file 
-pepp   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/pepp        The Princeton encyclopedia of poetry and poetics        
-hkcan  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/hkcan       Hong Kong Chinese Authority File (Name) - HKCAN 
-dissao http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/dissao      "Dissertation abstracts online" in Search tools: the guide to UNI/Data Courier Online   
-ltcsh  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ltcsh       Land Tenure Center Library list of subject headings     
-mpirdes        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/mpirdes     Macrothesaurus para el procesamiento de la información relativa al desarrollo económico y social  "es"=>"Macrothesaurus para el procesamiento de la información relativa al desarrollo económico y social"
-asft   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/asft        Aquatic sciences and fisheries thesaurus        
-naf    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/naf NACO authority file     
-nimacsc        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nimacsc     NIMA cartographic subject categories    
-khib   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/khib        Emneord, KHiB Biblioteket       "no"=>"Emneord, KHiB Biblioteket"
-cdcng  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/cdcng       Catalogage des documents cartographiques: forme et structure des vedettes noms géographiques - NF Z 44-081   "fr"=>"Catalogage des documents cartographiques: forme et structure des vedettes noms géographiques - NF Z 44-081"
-afset  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/afset       American Folklore Society Ethnographic Thesaurus        
-erfemn http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/erfemn      Erfaringskompetanses emneord    "no"=>"Erfaringskompetanses emneord"
-sbiao  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sbiao       Svenska barnboksinstitutets Ã¤mnesordslista   "sv"=>"Svenska barnboksinstitutets Ã¤mnesordslista"
-socio  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/socio       Sociological Abstracts Thesaurus        
-bisacrt        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bisacrt     BISAC Regional Themes   
-eum    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/eum Eesti uldine märksonastik    "et"=>"Eesti uldine märksonastik"
-kula   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kula        Kulttuurien tutkimuksen asiasanasto     "fi"=>"Kulttuurien tutkimuksen asiasanasto"
-odlt   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/odlt        Baldick, C. The Oxford dictionary of literary terms     
-rerovoc        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/rerovoc     Indexation matiéres RERO autoritès        "fr"=>"Indexation matiéres RERO autoritès"
-tsr    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tsr TSR-ontologia   "fi"=>"TSR-ontologia"
-czmesh http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/czmesh      Czech MeSH      "cs"=>"Czech MeSH"
-dltt   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/dltt        Quinn, E. A dictionary of literary and thematic terms   
-idsbb  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/idsbb       Thesaurus IDS Basel Bern        "de"=>"Thesaurus IDS Basel Bern"
-inist  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/inist       INIS: thesaurus 
-idszbzzk       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/idszbzzk    Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Kartensammlung "de"=>"Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Kartensammlung"
-tesa   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tesa        Tesauro Agrícola     "es"=>"Tesauro Agrícola"
-liv    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/liv Legislative indexing vocabulary 
-collett        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/collett     Collett-bibliografi: litteratur av og om Camilla Collett        "no"=>"Collett-bibliografi: litteratur av og om Camilla Collett"
-nsbncf http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nsbncf      Nuovo Soggettario       "it"=>"Nuovo Soggettario"
-ipat   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ipat        IPA thesaurus and frequency list        
-skon   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/skon        Att indexera skönlitteratur: Ã\84mnesordslista, vuxenlitteratur      "sv"=>"Att indexera skönlitteratur: Ã\84mnesordslista, vuxenlitteratur"
-renib  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/renib       Renib   "es"=>"Renib"
-hrvmesh        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/hrvmesh     Croatian MeSH / Hrvatski MeSH   "no"=>"Croatian MeSH / Hrvatski MeSH"
-swd    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/swd Schlagwortnormdatei     "de"=>"Schlagwortnormdatei"
-aass   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/aass        "Asian American Studies Library subject headings" in A Guide for establishing Asian American core collections   
-cht    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/cht Chicano thesaurus for indexing Chicano materials in Chicano periodical index    
-galestne       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/galestne    Gale Group subject thesaurus and named entity vocabulary        
-nlgsh  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nlgsh       Katalogos HellÄ\93nikÅ\8dn thematikÅ\8dn epikephalidÅ\8dn       "el"=>"Katalogos HellÄ\93nikÅ\8dn thematikÅ\8dn epikephalidÅ\8dn"
-hoidokki       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/hoidokki    Hoitotieteellinen asiasanasto   
-vffyl  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/vffyl       Vocabulario de la Biblioteca Central de la FFyL "es"=>"Vocabulario de la Biblioteca Central de la FFyL"
-kubikat        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kubikat     kubikat "de"=>"kubikat"
-waqaf  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/waqaf       Maknas Uloom Al Waqaf   "ar"=>"Maknas Uloom Al Waqaf"
-hapi   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/hapi        HAPI thesaurus and name authority, 1970-2000    
-drama  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/drama       Drama: specialtesaurus för teater och dans   
-sosa   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sosa        Sociaalialan asiasanasto        "fi"=>"Sociaalialan asiasanasto"
-ilpt   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ilpt        Index to legal periodicals: thesaurus   
-nicem  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nicem       NICEM subject headings and classification system        
-qlsp   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/qlsp        Queens Library Spanish language subject headings        
-eet    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/eet European education thesaurus    
-nalnaf http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nalnaf      National Agricultural Library name authority file       
-eclas  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/eclas       ECLAS thesaurus 
-agrovocs       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/agrovocs    AGROVOC tesauro agrícola multilingée      "es"=>"AGROVOC tesauro agrícola multilingée"
-shbe   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/shbe        Subject headings in business and economics      "sv"=>"Subject headings in business and economics"
-barn   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/barn        Svenska Ã¤mnesord för barn "sv"=>"Svenska Ã¤mnesord för barn"
-bhammf http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bhammf      BHA, Bibliographie d'histoire de l'art, mots-matière/français     "fr"=>"BHA, Bibliographie d'histoire de l'art, mots-matière/français"
-gccst  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/gccst       Government of Canada core subject thesaurus (Gatineau : Library and Archives Canada)    
-fnhl   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/fnhl        First Nations House of Learning Subject Headings        
-kauno  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kauno       KAUNO - Kaunokki-ontologin      "fi"=>"KAUNO - Kaunokki-ontologin"
-dtict  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/dtict       Defense Technical Information Center thesaurus  
-mech   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/mech        Iskanje po zbirki MECH  "sl"=>"Iskanje po zbirki MECH"
-jupo   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/jupo        JUPO - Julkisen hallinnon palveluontologia      "fi"=>"JUPO - Julkisen hallinnon palveluontologia"
-ktpt   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ktpt        Kirjasto- ja tietopalvelualan tesaurus  "fi"=>"Kirjasto- ja tietopalvelualan tesaurus"
-aiatsiss       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/aiatsiss    AIATSIS subject Thesaurus       
-lcac   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lcac        Library of Congress Annotated Children's Cataloging Program subject headings    
-lemac  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lemac       Llista d'encapçalaments de matèria en català   "ca"=>"Llista d'encapçalaments de matèria en català"
-lemb   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lemb        Lista de encabezamientos de materia para bibliotecas    "es"=>"Lista de encabezamientos de materia para bibliotecas"
-henn   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/henn        Hennepin County Library cumulative authority list       
-mtirdes        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/mtirdes     Macrothésaurus pour le traitement de l'information relative au développement Ã©conomique et social      "fr"=>"Macrothésaurus pour le traitement de l'information relative au développement Ã©conomique et social"
-cash   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/cash        Canadian subject headings       
-nznb   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nznb        New Zealand national bibliographic      
-prvt   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/prvt        Patent- och registreringsverkets tesaurus       "sv"=>"Patent- och registreringsverkets tesaurus"
-scgdst http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/scgdst      Subject categorization guide for defense science and technology 
-gem    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/gem GEM controlled vocabularies     
-lcsh   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lcsh        Library of Congress subject headings    
-rero   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/rero        Indexation matires RERO "fr"=>"Indexation matires RERO"
-peri   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/peri        Perinnetieteiden asiasanasto    "fi"=>"Perinnetieteiden asiasanasto"
-shsples        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/shsples     Encabezamientos de materia para bibliotecas escolares y públicas     "es"=>"Encabezamientos de materia para bibliotecas escolares y públicas"
-slem   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/slem        Sears: lista de encabezamientos de materia      "es"=>"Sears: lista de encabezamientos de materia"
-afo    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/afo AFO - Viikin kampuskirjaston ontologia  "fi"=>"AFO - Viikin kampuskirjaston ontologia"
-gst    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/gst Gay studies thesaurus: a controlled vocabulary for indexing and accessing materials of relevance to gay culture, history, politics and psychology       
-hlasstg        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/hlasstg     HLAS subject term glossary      
-iest   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/iest        International energy: subject thesaurus 
-pkk    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/pkk Predmetnik za katoliÅ¡ke knjižnice "sl"=>"Predmetnik za katoliÅ¡ke knjižnice"
-atla   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/atla        Religion indexes: thesaurus     
-scot   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/scot        Schools Online Thesaurus (ScOT) 
-smda   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/smda        Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Directory of Airplanes        
-solstad        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/solstad     Solstad: emneord for Solstadbibliografien       "no"=>"Solstad: emneord for Solstadbibliografien"
-abne   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/abne        Autoridades de la Biblioteca Nacional de España      "es"=>"Autoridades de la Biblioteca Nacional de España"
-spines http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/spines      Tesauro SPINES: un vocabulario controlado y estructurado para el tratamiento de información sobre ciencia y tecnología para el desarrollo "es"=>"Tesauro SPINES: un vocabulario controlado y estructurado para el tratamiento de información sobre ciencia y tecnología para el desarrollo"
-ktta   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ktta        Käsi - ja taideteollisuuden asiasanasto      "fi"=>"Käsi - ja taideteollisuuden asiasanasto"
-ccte   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ccte        Carto-Canadiana thesaurus - English     
-pmcsg  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/pmcsg       Combined standards glossary     
-bisacsh        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bisacsh     BISAC Subject Headings  
-fssh   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/fssh        FamilySearch Subject Headings (FamilySearch)    
-tasmas http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tasmas      Tesaurus de Asuntos Sociales del Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales de España    "es"=>"Tesaurus de Asuntos Sociales del Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales de España"
-tero   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tero        TERO - Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin ontologia      "fi"=>"TERO - Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin ontologia"
-rma    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/rma Ru'us al-mawdu'at al-'Arabiyah  "ar"=>"Ru'us al-mawdu'at al-'Arabiyah"
-tgn    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tgn Getty thesaurus of geographic names     
-tha    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tha Barcala de Moyano, Graciela G., Cristina Voena. Tesauro de Historia Argentina   "es"=>"Barcala de Moyano, Graciela G., Cristina Voena. Tesauro de Historia Argentina"
-ttll   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ttll        Roggau, Zunilda. Tell. Tesauro de lengua y literatura   "es"=>"Roggau, Zunilda. Tell. Tesauro de lengua y literatura"
-sears  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sears       Sears list of subject headings  
-csht   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/csht        Chinese subject headings        
--- ' ...blah
-INSERT INTO authority.thesaurus (code, uri, name, control_set)
-  SELECT code, uri, name, 1 FROM thesauri;
-UPDATE authority.thesaurus SET short_code = 'a' WHERE code = 'lcsh';
-UPDATE authority.thesaurus SET short_code = 'b' WHERE code = 'lcshac';
-UPDATE authority.thesaurus SET short_code = 'c' WHERE code = 'mesh';
-UPDATE authority.thesaurus SET short_code = 'd' WHERE code = 'nal';
-UPDATE authority.thesaurus SET short_code = 'k' WHERE code = 'cash';
-UPDATE authority.thesaurus SET short_code = 'r' WHERE code = 'aat';
-UPDATE authority.thesaurus SET short_code = 's' WHERE code = 'sears';
-UPDATE authority.thesaurus SET short_code = 'v' WHERE code = 'rvm';
-UPDATE  authority.thesaurus
-  SET   short_code = 'z'
-  WHERE short_code IS NULL
-        AND control_set = 1;
-INSERT INTO config.i18n_core (fq_field, identity_value, translation, string )
-  SELECT  'at.name', t.code, xlate->key, xlate->value
-    FROM  thesauri t
-          JOIN LATERAL each(t.xlate) AS xlate ON TRUE
-            (SELECT id
-              FROM  config.i18n_core
-              WHERE fq_field = 'at.name'
-                    AND identity_value = t.code
-                    AND translation = xlate->key)
-          AND t.xlate IS NOT NULL
-          AND t.name <> (xlate->value);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION authority.extract_thesaurus( marcxml TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $func$
-    thes_code TEXT;
-    thes_code := vandelay.marc21_extract_fixed_field(marcxml,'Subj');
-    IF thes_code IS NULL THEN
-        thes_code := '|';
-    ELSIF thes_code = 'z' THEN
-        thes_code := COALESCE( oils_xpath_string('//*[@tag="040"]/*[@code="f"][1]', marcxml), 'z' );
-    ELSE
-        SELECT code INTO thes_code FROM authority.thesaurus WHERE short_code = thes_code;
-            thes_code := '|'; -- default
-        END IF;
-    END IF;
-    RETURN thes_code;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION authority.map_thesaurus_to_control_set () RETURNS TRIGGER AS $func$
-    IF NEW.control_set IS NULL THEN
-        SELECT control_set INTO NEW.control_set
-        FROM authority.thesaurus
-        WHERE code = authority.extract_thesaurus(NEW.marc);
-    END IF;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION authority.reingest_authority_rec_descriptor( auth_id BIGINT ) RETURNS VOID AS $func$
-    DELETE FROM authority.rec_descriptor WHERE record = auth_id;
-    INSERT INTO authority.rec_descriptor (record, record_status, encoding_level, thesaurus)
-        SELECT  auth_id,
-                vandelay.marc21_extract_fixed_field(marc,'RecStat'),
-                vandelay.marc21_extract_fixed_field(marc,'ELvl'),
-                authority.extract_thesaurus(marc)
-          FROM  authority.record_entry
-          WHERE id = auth_id;
-    RETURN;
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1071', :eg_version); --gmcharlt/kmlussier
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION metabib.staged_browse(query text, fields integer[], context_org integer, context_locations integer[], staff boolean, browse_superpage_size integer, count_up_from_zero boolean, result_limit integer, next_pivot_pos integer)
- RETURNS SETOF metabib.flat_browse_entry_appearance
-AS $f$
-    curs                    REFCURSOR;
-    rec                     RECORD;
-    qpfts_query             TEXT;
-    aqpfts_query            TEXT;
-    afields                 INT[];
-    bfields                 INT[];
-    result_row              metabib.flat_browse_entry_appearance%ROWTYPE;
-    results_skipped         INT := 0;
-    row_counter             INT := 0;
-    row_number              INT;
-    slice_start             INT;
-    slice_end               INT;
-    full_end                INT;
-    all_records             BIGINT[];
-    all_brecords             BIGINT[];
-    all_arecords            BIGINT[];
-    superpage_of_records    BIGINT[];
-    superpage_size          INT;
-    c_tests                 TEXT := '';
-    b_tests                 TEXT := '';
-    c_orgs                  INT[];
-    unauthorized_entry      RECORD;
-    IF count_up_from_zero THEN
-        row_number := 0;
-    ELSE
-        row_number := -1;
-    END IF;
-    IF NOT staff THEN
-        SELECT x.c_attrs, x.b_attrs INTO c_tests, b_tests FROM asset.patron_default_visibility_mask() x;
-    END IF;
-    IF c_tests <> '' THEN c_tests := c_tests || '&'; END IF;
-    IF b_tests <> '' THEN b_tests := b_tests || '&'; END IF;
-    SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) INTO c_orgs FROM actor.org_unit_descendants(context_org);
-    c_tests := c_tests || search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test('circ_lib',c_orgs)
-               || '&' || search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test('owning_lib',c_orgs);
-    PERFORM 1 FROM config.internal_flag WHERE enabled AND name = 'opac.located_uri.act_as_copy';
-        b_tests := b_tests || search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test(
-            'luri_org',
-            (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) FROM actor.org_unit_full_path(context_org) x)
-        );
-    ELSE
-        b_tests := b_tests || search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test(
-            'luri_org',
-            (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) FROM actor.org_unit_ancestors(context_org) x)
-        );
-    END IF;
-    IF context_locations THEN
-        IF c_tests <> '' THEN c_tests := c_tests || '&'; END IF;
-        c_tests := c_tests || search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test('location',context_locations);
-    END IF;
-    LOOP
-        FETCH curs INTO rec;
-            IF result_row.pivot_point IS NOT NULL THEN
-                RETURN NEXT result_row;
-            END IF;
-            RETURN;
-        END IF;
-        --Is unauthorized?
-        SELECT INTO unauthorized_entry *
-        FROM metabib.browse_entry_simple_heading_map mbeshm
-        INNER JOIN authority.simple_heading ash ON ( mbeshm.simple_heading = ash.id )
-        INNER JOIN authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf ON ( acsaf.id = ash.atag )
-        JOIN authority.heading_field ahf ON (ahf.id = acsaf.heading_field)
-        WHERE mbeshm.entry = rec.id
-        AND   ahf.heading_purpose = 'variant';
-        -- Gather aggregate data based on the MBE row we're looking at now, authority axis
-        IF (unauthorized_entry.record IS NOT NULL) THEN
-            --unauthorized term belongs to an auth linked to a bib?
-            SELECT INTO all_arecords, result_row.sees, afields
-                    ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT abl.bib),
-                    STRING_AGG(DISTINCT abl.authority::TEXT, $$,$$),
-                    ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT map.metabib_field)
-            FROM authority.bib_linking abl
-            INNER JOIN authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs map ON (
-                    map.authority_field = unauthorized_entry.atag
-                    AND map.metabib_field = ANY(fields)
-            )
-            WHERE abl.authority = unauthorized_entry.record;
-        ELSE
-            --do usual procedure
-            SELECT INTO all_arecords, result_row.sees, afields
-                    ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT abl.bib), -- bibs to check for visibility
-                    STRING_AGG(DISTINCT aal.source::TEXT, $$,$$), -- authority record ids
-                    ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT map.metabib_field) -- authority-tag-linked CMF rows
-            FROM  metabib.browse_entry_simple_heading_map mbeshm
-                    JOIN authority.simple_heading ash ON ( mbeshm.simple_heading = ash.id )
-                    JOIN authority.authority_linking aal ON ( ash.record = aal.source )
-                    JOIN authority.bib_linking abl ON ( aal.target = abl.authority )
-                    JOIN authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs map ON (
-                        ash.atag = map.authority_field
-                        AND map.metabib_field = ANY(fields)
-                    )
-                    JOIN authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf ON (
-                        map.authority_field = acsaf.id
-                    )
-                    JOIN authority.heading_field ahf ON (ahf.id = acsaf.heading_field)
-              WHERE mbeshm.entry = rec.id
-              AND   ahf.heading_purpose = 'variant';
-        END IF;
-        -- Gather aggregate data based on the MBE row we're looking at now, bib axis
-        SELECT INTO all_brecords, result_row.authorities, bfields
-                ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT source),
-                STRING_AGG(DISTINCT authority::TEXT, $$,$$),
-                ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT def)
-          FROM  metabib.browse_entry_def_map
-          WHERE entry = rec.id
-                AND def = ANY(fields);
-        SELECT INTO result_row.fields STRING_AGG(DISTINCT x::TEXT, $$,$$) FROM UNNEST(afields || bfields) x;
-        result_row.sources := 0;
-        result_row.asources := 0;
-        -- Bib-linked vis checking
-        IF ARRAY_UPPER(all_brecords,1) IS NOT NULL THEN
-            SELECT  INTO result_row.sources COUNT(DISTINCT b.id)
-              FROM  biblio.record_entry b
-                    JOIN asset.copy_vis_attr_cache acvac ON (acvac.record = b.id)
-              WHERE b.id = ANY(all_brecords[1:browse_superpage_size])
-                    AND (
-                        acvac.vis_attr_vector @@ c_tests::query_int
-                        OR b.vis_attr_vector @@ b_tests::query_int
-                    );
-            result_row.accurate := TRUE;
-        END IF;
-        -- Authority-linked vis checking
-        IF ARRAY_UPPER(all_arecords,1) IS NOT NULL THEN
-            SELECT  INTO result_row.asources COUNT(DISTINCT b.id)
-              FROM  biblio.record_entry b
-                    JOIN asset.copy_vis_attr_cache acvac ON (acvac.record = b.id)
-              WHERE b.id = ANY(all_arecords[1:browse_superpage_size])
-                    AND (
-                        acvac.vis_attr_vector @@ c_tests::query_int
-                        OR b.vis_attr_vector @@ b_tests::query_int
-                    );
-            result_row.aaccurate := TRUE;
-        END IF;
-        IF result_row.sources > 0 OR result_row.asources > 0 THEN
-            -- The function that calls this function needs row_number in order
-            -- to correctly order results from two different runs of this
-            -- functions.
-            result_row.row_number := row_number;
-            -- Now, if row_counter is still less than limit, return a row.  If
-            -- not, but it is less than next_pivot_pos, continue on without
-            -- returning actual result rows until we find
-            -- that next pivot, and return it.
-            IF row_counter < result_limit THEN
-                result_row.browse_entry := rec.id;
-                result_row.value := rec.value;
-                RETURN NEXT result_row;
-            ELSE
-                result_row.browse_entry := NULL;
-                result_row.authorities := NULL;
-                result_row.fields := NULL;
-                result_row.value := NULL;
-                result_row.sources := NULL;
-                result_row.sees := NULL;
-                result_row.accurate := NULL;
-                result_row.aaccurate := NULL;
-                result_row.pivot_point := rec.id;
-                IF row_counter >= next_pivot_pos THEN
-                    RETURN NEXT result_row;
-                    RETURN;
-                END IF;
-            END IF;
-            IF count_up_from_zero THEN
-                row_number := row_number + 1;
-            ELSE
-                row_number := row_number - 1;
-            END IF;
-            -- row_counter is different from row_number.
-            -- It simply counts up from zero so that we know when
-            -- we've reached our limit.
-            row_counter := row_counter + 1;
-        END IF;
-    END LOOP;
-$f$ LANGUAGE plpgsql ROWS 10;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION metabib.browse(search_field integer[], browse_term text, context_org integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, context_loc_group integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, staff boolean DEFAULT false, pivot_id bigint DEFAULT NULL::bigint, result_limit integer DEFAULT 10)
- RETURNS SETOF metabib.flat_browse_entry_appearance
-AS $f$
-    core_query              TEXT;
-    back_query              TEXT;
-    forward_query           TEXT;
-    pivot_sort_value        TEXT;
-    pivot_sort_fallback     TEXT;
-    context_locations       INT[];
-    browse_superpage_size   INT;
-    results_skipped         INT := 0;
-    back_limit              INT;
-    back_to_pivot           INT;
-    forward_limit           INT;
-    forward_to_pivot        INT;
-    -- First, find the pivot if we were given a browse term but not a pivot.
-    IF pivot_id IS NULL THEN
-        pivot_id := metabib.browse_pivot(search_field, browse_term);
-    END IF;
-    SELECT INTO pivot_sort_value, pivot_sort_fallback
-        sort_value, value FROM metabib.browse_entry WHERE id = pivot_id;
-    -- Bail if we couldn't find a pivot.
-    IF pivot_sort_value IS NULL THEN
-        RETURN;
-    END IF;
-    -- Transform the context_loc_group argument (if any) (logc at the
-    -- TPAC layer) into a form we'll be able to use.
-    IF context_loc_group IS NOT NULL THEN
-        SELECT INTO context_locations ARRAY_AGG(location)
-            FROM asset.copy_location_group_map
-            WHERE lgroup = context_loc_group;
-    END IF;
-    -- Get the configured size of browse superpages.
-    SELECT INTO browse_superpage_size COALESCE(value::INT,100)     -- NULL ok
-        FROM config.global_flag
-        WHERE enabled AND name = 'opac.browse.holdings_visibility_test_limit';
-    -- First we're going to search backward from the pivot, then we're going
-    -- to search forward.  In each direction, we need two limits.  At the
-    -- lesser of the two limits, we delineate the edge of the result set
-    -- we're going to return.  At the greater of the two limits, we find the
-    -- pivot value that would represent an offset from the current pivot
-    -- at a distance of one "page" in either direction, where a "page" is a
-    -- result set of the size specified in the "result_limit" argument.
-    --
-    -- The two limits in each direction make four derived values in total,
-    -- and we calculate them now.
-    back_limit := CEIL(result_limit::FLOAT / 2);
-    back_to_pivot := result_limit;
-    forward_limit := result_limit / 2;
-    forward_to_pivot := result_limit - 1;
-    -- This is the meat of the SQL query that finds browse entries.  We'll
-    -- pass this to a function which uses it with a cursor, so that individual
-    -- rows may be fetched in a loop until some condition is satisfied, without
-    -- waiting for a result set of fixed size to be collected all at once.
-    core_query := '
-SELECT  mbe.id,
-        mbe.value,
-        mbe.sort_value
-  FROM  metabib.browse_entry mbe
-  WHERE (
-            EXISTS ( -- are there any bibs using this mbe via the requested fields?
-                SELECT  1
-                  FROM  metabib.browse_entry_def_map mbedm
-                  WHERE mbedm.entry = mbe.id AND mbedm.def = ANY(' || quote_literal(search_field) || ')
-            ) OR EXISTS ( -- are there any authorities using this mbe via the requested fields?
-                SELECT  1
-                  FROM  metabib.browse_entry_simple_heading_map mbeshm
-                        JOIN authority.simple_heading ash ON ( mbeshm.simple_heading = ash.id )
-                        JOIN authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs map ON (
-                            ash.atag = map.authority_field
-                            AND map.metabib_field = ANY(' || quote_literal(search_field) || ')
-                        )
-                        JOIN authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf ON (
-                            map.authority_field = acsaf.id
-                        )
-                        JOIN authority.heading_field ahf ON (ahf.id = acsaf.heading_field)
-                  WHERE mbeshm.entry = mbe.id
-                    AND ahf.heading_purpose IN (' || $$'variant'$$ || ')
-                    -- and authority that variant is coming from is linked to a bib
-                    AND EXISTS (
-                        SELECT  1
-                        FROM  metabib.browse_entry_def_map mbedm2
-                        WHERE mbedm2.authority = ash.record AND mbedm2.def = ANY(' || quote_literal(search_field) || ')
-                    )
-            )
-        ) AND ';
-    -- This is the variant of the query for browsing backward.
-    back_query := core_query ||
-        ' mbe.sort_value <= ' || quote_literal(pivot_sort_value) ||
-    ' ORDER BY mbe.sort_value DESC, mbe.value DESC LIMIT 1000';
-    -- This variant browses forward.
-    forward_query := core_query ||
-        ' mbe.sort_value > ' || quote_literal(pivot_sort_value) ||
-    ' ORDER BY mbe.sort_value, mbe.value LIMIT 1000';
-    -- We now call the function which applies a cursor to the provided
-    -- queries, stopping at the appropriate limits and also giving us
-    -- the next page's pivot.
-        SELECT * FROM metabib.staged_browse(
-            back_query, search_field, context_org, context_locations,
-            staff, browse_superpage_size, TRUE, back_limit, back_to_pivot
-        ) UNION
-        SELECT * FROM metabib.staged_browse(
-            forward_query, search_field, context_org, context_locations,
-            staff, browse_superpage_size, FALSE, forward_limit, forward_to_pivot
-        ) ORDER BY row_number DESC;
-$f$ LANGUAGE plpgsql ROWS 10;
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1072', :eg_version); --gmcharlt/kmlussier
-INSERT INTO config.global_flag (name, label, enabled) VALUES (
-    'opac.show_related_headings_in_browse',
-    oils_i18n_gettext(
-        'opac.show_related_headings_in_browse',
-        'Display related headings (see-also) in browse',
-        'cgf',
-        'label'
-    ),
-    TRUE
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1073', :eg_version);
-ALTER TABLE config.metabib_field 
-    ADD COLUMN display_xpath TEXT, 
-CREATE TABLE config.display_field_map (
-    name    TEXT   PRIMARY KEY,
-    field   INTEGER REFERENCES config.metabib_field (id),
-CREATE TABLE metabib.display_entry (
-    source  BIGINT     NOT NULL REFERENCES biblio.record_entry (id),
-    field   INT        NOT NULL REFERENCES config.metabib_field (id),
-    value   TEXT       NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX metabib_display_entry_field_idx ON metabib.display_entry (field);
-CREATE INDEX metabib_display_entry_source_idx ON metabib.display_entry (source);
--- one row per display entry fleshed with field info
-CREATE VIEW metabib.flat_display_entry AS
-        mde.source,
-        cdfm.name,
-        cdfm.multi,
-        cmf.label,
-        cmf.id AS field,
-        mde.value
-    FROM metabib.display_entry mde
-    JOIN config.metabib_field cmf ON (cmf.id = mde.field)
-    JOIN config.display_field_map cdfm ON (cdfm.field = mde.field)
--- like flat_display_entry except values are compressed 
--- into one row per display_field_map and JSON-ified.
-CREATE VIEW metabib.compressed_display_entry AS
-    SELECT 
-        source,
-        name,
-        multi,
-        label,
-        field,
-        CASE WHEN multi THEN
-            TO_JSON(ARRAY_AGG(value))
-        ELSE
-            TO_JSON(MIN(value))
-        END AS value
-    FROM metabib.flat_display_entry
-    GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
--- TODO: expand to encompass all well-known fields
-CREATE VIEW metabib.wide_display_entry AS
-    SELECT 
-        bre.id AS source,
-        COALESCE(mcde_title.value, 'null') AS title,
-        COALESCE(mcde_author.value, 'null') AS author,
-        COALESCE(mcde_subject.value, 'null') AS subject,
-        COALESCE(mcde_creators.value, 'null') AS creators,
-        COALESCE(mcde_isbn.value, 'null') AS isbn
-    -- ensure one row per bre regardless of any display fields
-    FROM biblio.record_entry bre 
-    LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_title 
-        ON (bre.id = mcde_title.source AND mcde_title.name = 'title')
-    LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_author 
-        ON (bre.id = mcde_author.source AND mcde_author.name = 'author')
-    LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_subject 
-        ON (bre.id = mcde_subject.source AND mcde_subject.name = 'subject')
-    LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_creators 
-        ON (bre.id = mcde_creators.source AND mcde_creators.name = 'creators')
-    LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_isbn 
-        ON (bre.id = mcde_isbn.source AND mcde_isbn.name = 'isbn')
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION metabib.display_field_normalize_trigger () 
-    normalizer  RECORD;
-    display_field_text  TEXT;
-    display_field_text := NEW.value;
-    FOR normalizer IN
-        SELECT  n.func AS func,
-                n.param_count AS param_count,
-                m.params AS params
-          FROM  config.index_normalizer n
-                JOIN config.metabib_field_index_norm_map m ON (m.norm = n.id)
-          WHERE m.field = NEW.field AND m.pos < 0
-          ORDER BY m.pos LOOP
-            EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || normalizer.func || '(' ||
-                quote_literal( display_field_text ) ||
-                CASE
-                    WHEN normalizer.param_count > 0
-                        THEN ',' || REPLACE(REPLACE(BTRIM(
-                            normalizer.params,'[]'),E'\'',E'\\\''),E'"',E'\'')
-                        ELSE ''
-                    END ||
-                ')' INTO display_field_text;
-    END LOOP;
-    NEW.value = display_field_text;
-CREATE TRIGGER display_field_normalize_tgr
-       BEFORE UPDATE OR INSERT ON metabib.display_entry
-       FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE metabib.display_field_normalize_trigger();
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.display_field_force_nfc() 
-    NEW.value := force_unicode_normal_form(NEW.value,'NFC');
-CREATE TRIGGER display_field_force_nfc_tgr
-       BEFORE UPDATE OR INSERT ON metabib.display_entry
-       FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE evergreen.display_field_force_nfc();
-ALTER TYPE metabib.field_entry_template ADD ATTRIBUTE display_field BOOL;
-DROP FUNCTION metabib.reingest_metabib_field_entries(BIGINT, BOOL, BOOL, BOOL);
-DROP FUNCTION biblio.extract_metabib_field_entry(BIGINT);
-DROP FUNCTION biblio.extract_metabib_field_entry(BIGINT, TEXT);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION biblio.extract_metabib_field_entry (
-    rid BIGINT,
-    default_joiner TEXT,
-    field_types TEXT[],
-    only_fields INT[]
-) RETURNS SETOF metabib.field_entry_template AS $func$
-    bib     biblio.record_entry%ROWTYPE;
-    idx     config.metabib_field%ROWTYPE;
-    xfrm        config.xml_transform%ROWTYPE;
-    prev_xfrm   TEXT;
-    transformed_xml TEXT;
-    xml_node    TEXT;
-    xml_node_list   TEXT[];
-    facet_text  TEXT;
-    display_text TEXT;
-    browse_text TEXT;
-    sort_value  TEXT;
-    raw_text    TEXT;
-    curr_text   TEXT;
-    joiner      TEXT := default_joiner; -- XXX will index defs supply a joiner?
-    authority_text TEXT;
-    authority_link BIGINT;
-    output_row  metabib.field_entry_template%ROWTYPE;
-    process_idx BOOL;
-    -- Start out with no field-use bools set
-    output_row.browse_field = FALSE;
-    output_row.facet_field = FALSE;
-    output_row.display_field = FALSE;
-    output_row.search_field = FALSE;
-    -- Get the record
-    SELECT INTO bib * FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE id = rid;
-    -- Loop over the indexing entries
-    FOR idx IN SELECT * FROM config.metabib_field WHERE id = ANY (only_fields) ORDER BY format LOOP
-        process_idx := FALSE;
-        IF idx.display_field AND 'display' = ANY (field_types) THEN process_idx = TRUE; END IF;
-        IF idx.browse_field AND 'browse' = ANY (field_types) THEN process_idx = TRUE; END IF;
-        IF idx.search_field AND 'search' = ANY (field_types) THEN process_idx = TRUE; END IF;
-        IF idx.facet_field AND 'facet' = ANY (field_types) THEN process_idx = TRUE; END IF;
-        CONTINUE WHEN process_idx = FALSE;
-        joiner := COALESCE(idx.joiner, default_joiner);
-        SELECT INTO xfrm * from config.xml_transform WHERE name = idx.format;
-        -- See if we can skip the XSLT ... it's expensive
-        IF prev_xfrm IS NULL OR prev_xfrm <> xfrm.name THEN
-            -- Can't skip the transform
-            IF xfrm.xslt <> '---' THEN
-                transformed_xml := oils_xslt_process(bib.marc,xfrm.xslt);
-            ELSE
-                transformed_xml := bib.marc;
-            END IF;
-            prev_xfrm := xfrm.name;
-        END IF;
-        xml_node_list := oils_xpath( idx.xpath, transformed_xml, ARRAY[ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri]] );
-        raw_text := NULL;
-        FOR xml_node IN SELECT x FROM unnest(xml_node_list) AS x LOOP
-            CONTINUE WHEN xml_node !~ E'^\\s*<';
-            -- XXX much of this should be moved into oils_xpath_string...
-            curr_text := ARRAY_TO_STRING(evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value(evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value(
-                oils_xpath( '//text()', -- get the content of all the nodes within the main selected node
-                    REGEXP_REPLACE( xml_node, E'\\s+', ' ', 'g' ) -- Translate adjacent whitespace to a single space
-                ), ' '), ''),  -- throw away morally empty (bankrupt?) strings
-                joiner
-            );
-            CONTINUE WHEN curr_text IS NULL OR curr_text = '';
-            IF raw_text IS NOT NULL THEN
-                raw_text := raw_text || joiner;
-            END IF;
-            raw_text := COALESCE(raw_text,'') || curr_text;
-            -- autosuggest/metabib.browse_entry
-            IF idx.browse_field THEN
-                IF idx.browse_xpath IS NOT NULL AND idx.browse_xpath <> '' THEN
-                    browse_text := oils_xpath_string( idx.browse_xpath, xml_node, joiner, ARRAY[ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri]] );
-                ELSE
-                    browse_text := curr_text;
-                END IF;
-                IF idx.browse_sort_xpath IS NOT NULL AND
-                    idx.browse_sort_xpath <> '' THEN
-                    sort_value := oils_xpath_string(
-                        idx.browse_sort_xpath, xml_node, joiner,
-                        ARRAY[ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri]]
-                    );
-                ELSE
-                    sort_value := browse_text;
-                END IF;
-                output_row.field_class = idx.field_class;
-                output_row.field = idx.id;
-                output_row.source = rid;
-                output_row.value = BTRIM(REGEXP_REPLACE(browse_text, E'\\s+', ' ', 'g'));
-                output_row.sort_value :=
-                    public.naco_normalize(sort_value);
-                output_row.authority := NULL;
-                IF idx.authority_xpath IS NOT NULL AND idx.authority_xpath <> '' THEN
-                    authority_text := oils_xpath_string(
-                        idx.authority_xpath, xml_node, joiner,
-                        ARRAY[
-                            ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri],
-                            ARRAY['xlink','http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink']
-                        ]
-                    );
-                    IF authority_text ~ '^\d+$' THEN
-                        authority_link := authority_text::BIGINT;
-                        PERFORM * FROM authority.record_entry WHERE id = authority_link;
-                        IF FOUND THEN
-                            output_row.authority := authority_link;
-                        END IF;
-                    END IF;
-                END IF;
-                output_row.browse_field = TRUE;
-                -- Returning browse rows with search_field = true for search+browse
-                -- configs allows us to retain granularity of being able to search
-                -- browse fields with "starts with" type operators (for example, for
-                -- titles of songs in music albums)
-                IF idx.search_field THEN
-                    output_row.search_field = TRUE;
-                END IF;
-                RETURN NEXT output_row;
-                output_row.browse_field = FALSE;
-                output_row.search_field = FALSE;
-                output_row.sort_value := NULL;
-            END IF;
-            -- insert raw node text for faceting
-            IF idx.facet_field THEN
-                IF idx.facet_xpath IS NOT NULL AND idx.facet_xpath <> '' THEN
-                    facet_text := oils_xpath_string( idx.facet_xpath, xml_node, joiner, ARRAY[ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri]] );
-                ELSE
-                    facet_text := curr_text;
-                END IF;
-                output_row.field_class = idx.field_class;
-                output_row.field = -1 * idx.id;
-                output_row.source = rid;
-                output_row.value = BTRIM(REGEXP_REPLACE(facet_text, E'\\s+', ' ', 'g'));
-                output_row.facet_field = TRUE;
-                RETURN NEXT output_row;
-                output_row.facet_field = FALSE;
-            END IF;
-            -- insert raw node text for display
-            IF idx.display_field THEN
-                IF idx.display_xpath IS NOT NULL AND idx.display_xpath <> '' THEN
-                    display_text := oils_xpath_string( idx.display_xpath, xml_node, joiner, ARRAY[ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri]] );
-                ELSE
-                    display_text := curr_text;
-                END IF;
-                output_row.field_class = idx.field_class;
-                output_row.field = -1 * idx.id;
-                output_row.source = rid;
-                output_row.value = BTRIM(REGEXP_REPLACE(display_text, E'\\s+', ' ', 'g'));
-                output_row.display_field = TRUE;
-                RETURN NEXT output_row;
-                output_row.display_field = FALSE;
-            END IF;
-        END LOOP;
-        CONTINUE WHEN raw_text IS NULL OR raw_text = '';
-        -- insert combined node text for searching
-        IF idx.search_field THEN
-            output_row.field_class = idx.field_class;
-            output_row.field = idx.id;
-            output_row.source = rid;
-            output_row.value = BTRIM(REGEXP_REPLACE(raw_text, E'\\s+', ' ', 'g'));
-            output_row.search_field = TRUE;
-            RETURN NEXT output_row;
-            output_row.search_field = FALSE;
-        END IF;
-    END LOOP;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION metabib.reingest_metabib_field_entries( 
-    bib_id BIGINT,
-    skip_facet BOOL DEFAULT FALSE, 
-    skip_display BOOL DEFAULT FALSE,
-    skip_browse BOOL DEFAULT FALSE, 
-    skip_search BOOL DEFAULT FALSE,
-    only_fields INT[] DEFAULT '{}'::INT[]
-    fclass          RECORD;
-    ind_data        metabib.field_entry_template%ROWTYPE;
-    mbe_row         metabib.browse_entry%ROWTYPE;
-    mbe_id          BIGINT;
-    b_skip_facet    BOOL;
-    b_skip_display    BOOL;
-    b_skip_browse   BOOL;
-    b_skip_search   BOOL;
-    value_prepped   TEXT;
-    field_list      INT[] := only_fields;
-    field_types     TEXT[] := '{}'::TEXT[];
-    IF field_list = '{}'::INT[] THEN
-        SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) INTO field_list FROM config.metabib_field;
-    END IF;
-    SELECT COALESCE(NULLIF(skip_facet, FALSE), EXISTS (SELECT enabled FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name =  'ingest.skip_facet_indexing' AND enabled)) INTO b_skip_facet;
-    SELECT COALESCE(NULLIF(skip_display, FALSE), EXISTS (SELECT enabled FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name =  'ingest.skip_display_indexing' AND enabled)) INTO b_skip_display;
-    SELECT COALESCE(NULLIF(skip_browse, FALSE), EXISTS (SELECT enabled FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name =  'ingest.skip_browse_indexing' AND enabled)) INTO b_skip_browse;
-    SELECT COALESCE(NULLIF(skip_search, FALSE), EXISTS (SELECT enabled FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name =  'ingest.skip_search_indexing' AND enabled)) INTO b_skip_search;
-    IF NOT b_skip_facet THEN field_types := field_types || '{facet}'; END IF;
-    IF NOT b_skip_display THEN field_types := field_types || '{display}'; END IF;
-    IF NOT b_skip_browse THEN field_types := field_types || '{browse}'; END IF;
-    IF NOT b_skip_search THEN field_types := field_types || '{search}'; END IF;
-    PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'ingest.assume_inserts_only' AND enabled;
-        IF NOT b_skip_search THEN
-            FOR fclass IN SELECT * FROM config.metabib_class LOOP
-                -- RAISE NOTICE 'Emptying out %', fclass.name;
-                EXECUTE $$DELETE FROM metabib.$$ || fclass.name || $$_field_entry WHERE source = $$ || bib_id;
-            END LOOP;
-        END IF;
-        IF NOT b_skip_facet THEN
-            DELETE FROM metabib.facet_entry WHERE source = bib_id;
-        END IF;
-        IF NOT b_skip_display THEN
-            DELETE FROM metabib.display_entry WHERE source = bib_id;
-        END IF;
-        IF NOT b_skip_browse THEN
-            DELETE FROM metabib.browse_entry_def_map WHERE source = bib_id;
-        END IF;
-    END IF;
-    FOR ind_data IN SELECT * FROM biblio.extract_metabib_field_entry( bib_id, ' ', field_types, field_list ) LOOP
-       -- don't store what has been normalized away
-        CONTINUE WHEN ind_data.value IS NULL;
-        IF ind_data.field < 0 THEN
-            ind_data.field = -1 * ind_data.field;
-        END IF;
-        IF ind_data.facet_field AND NOT b_skip_facet THEN
-            INSERT INTO metabib.facet_entry (field, source, value)
-                VALUES (ind_data.field, ind_data.source, ind_data.value);
-        END IF;
-        IF ind_data.display_field AND NOT b_skip_display THEN
-            INSERT INTO metabib.display_entry (field, source, value)
-                VALUES (ind_data.field, ind_data.source, ind_data.value);
-        END IF;
-        IF ind_data.browse_field AND NOT b_skip_browse THEN
-            -- A caveat about this SELECT: this should take care of replacing
-            -- old mbe rows when data changes, but not if normalization (by
-            -- which I mean specifically the output of
-            -- evergreen.oils_tsearch2()) changes.  It may or may not be
-            -- expensive to add a comparison of index_vector to index_vector
-            -- to the WHERE clause below.
-            CONTINUE WHEN ind_data.sort_value IS NULL;
-            value_prepped := metabib.browse_normalize(ind_data.value, ind_data.field);
-            SELECT INTO mbe_row * FROM metabib.browse_entry
-                WHERE value = value_prepped AND sort_value = ind_data.sort_value;
-            IF FOUND THEN
-                mbe_id := mbe_row.id;
-            ELSE
-                INSERT INTO metabib.browse_entry
-                    ( value, sort_value ) VALUES
-                    ( value_prepped, ind_data.sort_value );
-                mbe_id := CURRVAL('metabib.browse_entry_id_seq'::REGCLASS);
-            END IF;
-            INSERT INTO metabib.browse_entry_def_map (entry, def, source, authority)
-                VALUES (mbe_id, ind_data.field, ind_data.source, ind_data.authority);
-        END IF;
-        IF ind_data.search_field AND NOT b_skip_search THEN
-            -- Avoid inserting duplicate rows
-            EXECUTE 'SELECT 1 FROM metabib.' || ind_data.field_class ||
-                '_field_entry WHERE field = $1 AND source = $2 AND value = $3'
-                INTO mbe_id USING ind_data.field, ind_data.source, ind_data.value;
-                -- RAISE NOTICE 'Search for an already matching row returned %', mbe_id;
-            IF mbe_id IS NULL THEN
-                EXECUTE $$
-                INSERT INTO metabib.$$ || ind_data.field_class || $$_field_entry (field, source, value)
-                    VALUES ($$ ||
-                        quote_literal(ind_data.field) || $$, $$ ||
-                        quote_literal(ind_data.source) || $$, $$ ||
-                        quote_literal(ind_data.value) ||
-                    $$);$$;
-            END IF;
-        END IF;
-    END LOOP;
-    IF NOT b_skip_search THEN
-        PERFORM metabib.update_combined_index_vectors(bib_id);
-    END IF;
-    RETURN;
--- AFTER UPDATE OR INSERT trigger for biblio.record_entry
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION biblio.indexing_ingest_or_delete () RETURNS TRIGGER AS $func$
-    tmp_bool BOOL;
-    IF NEW.deleted THEN -- If this bib is deleted
-        PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE
-            name = 'ingest.metarecord_mapping.preserve_on_delete' AND enabled;
-        tmp_bool := FOUND; -- Just in case this is changed by some other statement
-        PERFORM metabib.remap_metarecord_for_bib( NEW.id, NEW.fingerprint, TRUE, tmp_bool );
-        IF NOT tmp_bool THEN
-            -- One needs to keep these around to support searches
-            -- with the #deleted modifier, so one should turn on the named
-            -- internal flag for that functionality.
-            DELETE FROM metabib.record_attr_vector_list WHERE source = NEW.id;
-        END IF;
-        DELETE FROM authority.bib_linking WHERE bib = NEW.id; -- Avoid updating fields in bibs that are no longer visible
-        DELETE FROM biblio.peer_bib_copy_map WHERE peer_record = NEW.id; -- Separate any multi-homed items
-        DELETE FROM metabib.browse_entry_def_map WHERE source = NEW.id; -- Don't auto-suggest deleted bibs
-        RETURN NEW; -- and we're done
-    END IF;
-    IF TG_OP = 'UPDATE' THEN -- re-ingest?
-        PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'ingest.reingest.force_on_same_marc' AND enabled;
-        IF NOT FOUND AND OLD.marc = NEW.marc THEN -- don't do anything if the MARC didn't change
-            RETURN NEW;
-        END IF;
-    END IF;
-    -- Record authority linking
-    PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'ingest.disable_authority_linking' AND enabled;
-        PERFORM biblio.map_authority_linking( NEW.id, NEW.marc );
-    END IF;
-    -- Flatten and insert the mfr data
-    PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'ingest.disable_metabib_full_rec' AND enabled;
-        PERFORM metabib.reingest_metabib_full_rec(NEW.id);
-        -- Now we pull out attribute data, which is dependent on the mfr for all but XPath-based fields
-        PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'ingest.disable_metabib_rec_descriptor' AND enabled;
-            PERFORM metabib.reingest_record_attributes(NEW.id, NULL, NEW.marc, TG_OP = 'INSERT' OR OLD.deleted);
-        END IF;
-    END IF;
-    -- Gather and insert the field entry data
-    PERFORM metabib.reingest_metabib_field_entries(NEW.id);
-    -- Located URI magic
-    PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'ingest.disable_located_uri' AND enabled;
-    IF NOT FOUND THEN PERFORM biblio.extract_located_uris( NEW.id, NEW.marc, NEW.editor ); END IF;
-    -- (re)map metarecord-bib linking
-    IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN -- if not deleted and performing an insert, check for the flag
-        PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'ingest.metarecord_mapping.skip_on_insert' AND enabled;
-            PERFORM metabib.remap_metarecord_for_bib( NEW.id, NEW.fingerprint );
-        END IF;
-    ELSE -- we're doing an update, and we're not deleted, remap
-        PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'ingest.metarecord_mapping.skip_on_update' AND enabled;
-            PERFORM metabib.remap_metarecord_for_bib( NEW.id, NEW.fingerprint );
-        END IF;
-    END IF;
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1074', :eg_version);
-INSERT INTO config.internal_flag (name, enabled) 
-    VALUES ('ingest.skip_display_indexing', FALSE);
--- Adds seed data to replace (for now) values from the 'mvr' class
-UPDATE config.metabib_field SET display_field = TRUE WHERE id IN (6, 8, 16, 18);
-INSERT INTO config.metabib_field ( id, field_class, name, label,
-    format, xpath, display_field, display_xpath ) VALUES
-    (37, 'author', 'creator', oils_i18n_gettext(37, 'All Creators', 'cmf', 'label'),
-     'mods32', $$//mods32:mods/mods32:name[mods32:role/mods32:roleTerm[text()='creator']]$$, 
-     TRUE, $$//*[local-name()='namePart']$$ ); -- /* to fool vim */;
--- 'author' field
-UPDATE config.metabib_field SET display_xpath = 
-    $$//*[local-name()='namePart']$$ -- /* to fool vim */
-    WHERE id = 8;
-INSERT INTO config.display_field_map (name, field, multi) VALUES
-    ('title', 6, FALSE),
-    ('author', 8, FALSE),
-    ('creators', 37, TRUE),
-    ('subject', 16, TRUE),
-    ('isbn', 18, TRUE)
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1075', :eg_version);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.vandelay_import_item_imported_as_inh_fkey() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $f$
-        IF NEW.imported_as IS NULL THEN
-                RETURN NEW;
-        END IF;
-        PERFORM 1 FROM asset.copy WHERE id = NEW.imported_as;
-                RAISE foreign_key_violation USING MESSAGE = FORMAT(
-                        $$Referenced asset.copy id not found, imported_as:%s$$, NEW.imported_as
-                );
-        END IF;
-        RETURN NEW;
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1077', :eg_version); -- csharp/gmcharlt
--- if the "public" version of this function exists, drop it to prevent confusion/trouble
--- drop triggers that depend on this first
-DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS c_maintain_control_numbers ON biblio.record_entry;
-DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS c_maintain_control_numbers ON serial.record_entry;
-DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS c_maintain_control_numbers ON authority.record_entry;
-DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS public.maintain_control_numbers();
--- create the function within the "evergreen" schema
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.maintain_control_numbers() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $func$
-use strict;
-use MARC::Record;
-use MARC::File::XML (BinaryEncoding => 'UTF-8');
-use MARC::Charset;
-use Encode;
-use Unicode::Normalize;
-my $record = MARC::Record->new_from_xml($_TD->{new}{marc});
-my $schema = $_TD->{table_schema};
-my $rec_id = $_TD->{new}{id};
-# Short-circuit if maintaining control numbers per MARC21 spec is not enabled
-my $enable = spi_exec_query("SELECT enabled FROM config.global_flag WHERE name = 'cat.maintain_control_numbers'");
-if (!($enable->{processed}) or $enable->{rows}[0]->{enabled} eq 'f') {
-    return;
-# Get the control number identifier from an OU setting based on $_TD->{new}{owner}
-my $ou_cni = 'EVRGRN';
-my $owner;
-if ($schema eq 'serial') {
-    $owner = $_TD->{new}{owning_lib};
-} else {
-    # are.owner and bre.owner can be null, so fall back to the consortial setting
-    $owner = $_TD->{new}{owner} || 1;
-my $ous_rv = spi_exec_query("SELECT value FROM actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting('cat.marc_control_number_identifier', $owner)");
-if ($ous_rv->{processed}) {
-    $ou_cni = $ous_rv->{rows}[0]->{value};
-    $ou_cni =~ s/"//g; # Stupid VIM syntax highlighting"
-} else {
-    # Fall back to the shortname of the OU if there was no OU setting
-    $ous_rv = spi_exec_query("SELECT shortname FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = $owner");
-    if ($ous_rv->{processed}) {
-        $ou_cni = $ous_rv->{rows}[0]->{shortname};
-    }
-my ($create, $munge) = (0, 0);
-my @scns = $record->field('035');
-foreach my $id_field ('001', '003') {
-    my $spec_value;
-    my @controls = $record->field($id_field);
-    if ($id_field eq '001') {
-        $spec_value = $rec_id;
-    } else {
-        $spec_value = $ou_cni;
-    }
-    # Create the 001/003 if none exist
-    if (scalar(@controls) == 1) {
-        # Only one field; check to see if we need to munge it
-        unless (grep $_->data() eq $spec_value, @controls) {
-            $munge = 1;
-        }
-    } else {
-        # Delete the other fields, as with more than 1 001/003 we do not know which 003/001 to match
-        foreach my $control (@controls) {
-            $record->delete_field($control);
-        }
-        $record->insert_fields_ordered(MARC::Field->new($id_field, $spec_value));
-        $create = 1;
-    }
-my $cn = $record->field('001')->data();
-# Special handling of OCLC numbers, often found in records that lack 003
-if ($cn =~ /^o(c[nm]|n)\d/) {
-    $cn =~ s/^o(c[nm]|n)0*(\d+)/$2/;
-    $record->field('003')->data('OCoLC');
-    $create = 0;
-# Now, if we need to munge the 001, we will first push the existing 001/003
-# into the 035; but if the record did not have one (and one only) 001 and 003
-# to begin with, skip this process
-if ($munge and not $create) {
-    my $scn = "(" . $record->field('003')->data() . ")" . $cn;
-    # Do not create duplicate 035 fields
-    unless (grep $_->subfield('a') eq $scn, @scns) {
-        $record->insert_fields_ordered(MARC::Field->new('035', '', '', 'a' => $scn));
-    }
-# Set the 001/003 and update the MARC
-if ($create or $munge) {
-    $record->field('001')->data($rec_id);
-    $record->field('003')->data($ou_cni);
-    my $xml = $record->as_xml_record();
-    $xml =~ s/\n//sgo;
-    $xml =~ s/^<\?xml.+\?\s*>//go;
-    $xml =~ s/>\s+</></go;
-    $xml =~ s/\p{Cc}//go;
-    # Embed a version of OpenILS::Application::AppUtils->entityize()
-    # to avoid having to set PERL5LIB for PostgreSQL as well
-    $xml = NFC($xml);
-    # Convert raw ampersands to entities
-    $xml =~ s/&(?!\S+;)/&amp;/gso;
-    # Convert Unicode characters to entities
-    $xml =~ s/([\x{0080}-\x{fffd}])/sprintf('&#x%X;',ord($1))/sgoe;
-    $xml =~ s/[\x00-\x1f]//go;
-    $_TD->{new}{marc} = $xml;
-    return "MODIFY";
--- re-create the triggers
-CREATE TRIGGER c_maintain_control_numbers BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON serial.record_entry FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE evergreen.maintain_control_numbers();
-CREATE TRIGGER c_maintain_control_numbers BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON authority.record_entry FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE evergreen.maintain_control_numbers();
-CREATE TRIGGER c_maintain_control_numbers BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON biblio.record_entry FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE evergreen.maintain_control_numbers();
-\echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-\echo Updating visibility attribute vector for biblio.record_entry
-ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER  a_marcxml_is_well_formed;
-ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER  aaa_indexing_ingest_or_delete;
-ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER  audit_biblio_record_entry_update_trigger;
-ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER  b_maintain_901;
-ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER  bbb_simple_rec_trigger;
-ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER  c_maintain_control_numbers;
-ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER  fingerprint_tgr;
-ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER  z_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr;
-UPDATE biblio.record_entry SET vis_attr_vector = biblio.calculate_bib_visibility_attribute_set(id) WHERE NOT DELETED;
-ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER  a_marcxml_is_well_formed;
-ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER  aaa_indexing_ingest_or_delete;
-ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER  audit_biblio_record_entry_update_trigger;
-ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER  b_maintain_901;
-ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER  bbb_simple_rec_trigger;
-ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER  c_maintain_control_numbers;
-ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER  fingerprint_tgr;
-ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER  z_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr;
-\echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-\echo Reingest display fields.  This can be canceled via Ctrl-C and run at
-\echo a later time with the following (or similar) SQL:
-\echo 'SELECT metabib.reingest_metabib_field_entries(id, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, '
-\echo '    (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id)::INT[] FROM config.metabib_field WHERE display_field))'
-\echo '    FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE NOT deleted AND id > 0;'
-\echo Note that if you cancel now, you will also need to do the authority reingest
-\echo further down in the upgrade script.
-SELECT metabib.reingest_metabib_field_entries(id, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, 
-    (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id)::INT[] FROM config.metabib_field WHERE display_field))
-    FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE NOT deleted AND id > 0;
-\echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-\echo Reingest authority records. This can be canceled via Ctrl-C and run
-\echo at a later time; see the upgrade script.  Note that if you cancel now,
-\echo you should consult this upgrade script for the reingest actions required.
--- add the flag ingest.disable_authority_full_rec if it does not exist
-INSERT INTO config.internal_flag (name, enabled)
-SELECT 'ingest.disable_authority_full_rec', FALSE
-WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'ingest.disable_authority_full_rec');
-CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE internal_flag_state AS
-    SELECT name, enabled
-    FROM config.internal_flag
-    WHERE name in (
-        'ingest.reingest.force_on_same_marc',
-        'ingest.disable_authority_auto_update',
-        'ingest.disable_authority_full_rec'
-    );
-UPDATE config.internal_flag
-SET enabled = TRUE
-WHERE name in (
-    'ingest.reingest.force_on_same_marc',
-    'ingest.disable_authority_auto_update',
-    'ingest.disable_authority_full_rec'
-ALTER TABLE authority.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER a_marcxml_is_well_formed;
-ALTER TABLE authority.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER b_maintain_901;
-ALTER TABLE authority.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER c_maintain_control_numbers;
-ALTER TABLE authority.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER map_thesaurus_to_control_set;
-UPDATE authority.record_entry SET id = id WHERE NOT DELETED;
-ALTER TABLE authority.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER a_marcxml_is_well_formed;
-ALTER TABLE authority.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER b_maintain_901;
-ALTER TABLE authority.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER c_maintain_control_numbers;
-ALTER TABLE authority.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER map_thesaurus_to_control_set;
--- and restore
-UPDATE config.internal_flag a
-SET enabled = b.enabled
-FROM internal_flag_state b
-WHERE a.name = b.name;
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/2.12.6-3.0.0-upgrade-db.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/2.12.6-3.0.0-upgrade-db.sql
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..767e635
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,6852 @@
+--Upgrade Script for 2.12.6 to 3.0.0
+\set eg_version '''3.0.0'''
+-- verify that we're running a recent enough version of Pg
+\set ON_ERROR_STOP on
+DO $$
+      SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver;
+      IF (ver < 90400) THEN
+         RAISE EXCEPTION 'Not running a new enough version of PostgreSQL. Minimum required is 9.4; you have %', ver;
+      END IF;
+   END;
+\set ON_ERROR_STOP off
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('3.0-beta1', :eg_version);
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1032', :eg_version); -- Bmagic/csharp/gmcharlt
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW action.all_circulation_combined_types AS 
+ SELECT acirc.id AS id,
+    acirc.xact_start,
+    acirc.circ_lib,
+    acirc.circ_staff,
+    acirc.create_time,
+    ac_acirc.circ_modifier AS item_type,
+    'regular_circ'::text AS circ_type
+   FROM action.circulation acirc,
+    asset.copy ac_acirc
+  WHERE acirc.target_copy = ac_acirc.id
+ SELECT ancc.id::BIGINT AS id,
+    ancc.circ_time AS xact_start,
+    ancc.circ_lib,
+    ancc.staff AS circ_staff,
+    ancc.circ_time AS create_time,
+    cnct_ancc.name AS item_type,
+    'non-cat_circ'::text AS circ_type
+   FROM action.non_cataloged_circulation ancc,
+    config.non_cataloged_type cnct_ancc
+  WHERE ancc.item_type = cnct_ancc.id
+ SELECT aihu.id::BIGINT AS id,
+    aihu.use_time AS xact_start,
+    aihu.org_unit AS circ_lib,
+    aihu.staff AS circ_staff,
+    aihu.use_time AS create_time,
+    ac_aihu.circ_modifier AS item_type,
+    'in-house_use'::text AS circ_type
+   FROM action.in_house_use aihu,
+    asset.copy ac_aihu
+  WHERE aihu.item = ac_aihu.id
+ SELECT ancihu.id::BIGINT AS id,
+    ancihu.use_time AS xact_start,
+    ancihu.org_unit AS circ_lib,
+    ancihu.staff AS circ_staff,
+    ancihu.use_time AS create_time,
+    cnct_ancihu.name AS item_type,
+    'non-cat_circ'::text AS circ_type
+   FROM action.non_cat_in_house_use ancihu,
+    config.non_cataloged_type cnct_ancihu
+  WHERE ancihu.item_type = cnct_ancihu.id
+ SELECT aacirc.id AS id,
+    aacirc.xact_start,
+    aacirc.circ_lib,
+    aacirc.circ_staff,
+    aacirc.create_time,
+    ac_aacirc.circ_modifier AS item_type,
+    'aged_circ'::text AS circ_type
+   FROM action.aged_circulation aacirc,
+    asset.copy ac_aacirc
+  WHERE aacirc.target_copy = ac_aacirc.id;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1034', :eg_version);
+ALTER TABLE config.hold_matrix_matchpoint
+    ADD COLUMN description TEXT;
+ALTER TABLE config.circ_matrix_matchpoint
+    ADD COLUMN description TEXT;
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('1035', :eg_version); -- dyrcona/gmcharlt
+-- Per Lp bug 1684984, the config.internal_flag,
+-- ingest.disable_metabib_field_entry, was made obsolete by the
+-- addition of the ingest.skip_browse_indexing,
+-- ingest.skip_search_indexing, and ingest.skip_facet_indexing flags.
+-- Since it is not used in the database, we delete it.
+DELETE FROM config.internal_flag
+WHERE name = 'ingest.disable_metabib_field_entry';
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1036', :eg_version);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION config.update_hard_due_dates () RETURNS INT AS $func$
+    temp_value  config.hard_due_date_values%ROWTYPE;
+    updated     INT := 0;
+    FOR temp_value IN
+      SELECT  DISTINCT ON (hard_due_date) *
+        FROM  config.hard_due_date_values
+        WHERE active_date <= NOW() -- We've passed (or are at) the rollover time
+        ORDER BY hard_due_date, active_date DESC -- Latest (nearest to us) active time
+   LOOP
+        UPDATE  config.hard_due_date
+          SET   ceiling_date = temp_value.ceiling_date
+          WHERE id = temp_value.hard_due_date
+                AND ceiling_date <> temp_value.ceiling_date -- Time is equal if we've already updated the chdd
+                AND temp_value.ceiling_date >= NOW(); -- Don't update ceiling dates to the past
+        IF FOUND THEN
+            updated := updated + 1;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+    RETURN updated;
+$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('1041', :eg_version); -- stompro/csharp/gmcharlt
+--delete all instances from permission.grp_perm_map first
+DELETE FROM permission.grp_perm_map where perm in 
+(select id from permission.perm_list where code='SET_CIRC_MISSING');
+--delete all instances from permission.usr_perm_map too
+DELETE FROM permission.usr_perm_map where perm in
+(select id from permission.perm_list where code='SET_CIRC_MISSING');
+--delete from permission.perm_list
+DELETE FROM permission.perm_list where code='SET_CIRC_MISSING';
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('1042', :eg_version); -- mmorgan/gmcharlt
+ALTER TABLE asset.copy_location
+          ADD COLUMN url TEXT;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1043', :eg_version);
+ALTER TABLE action_trigger.event_definition
+    ADD COLUMN retention_interval INTERVAL;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action_trigger.check_valid_retention_interval() 
+    /*
+     * 1. Retention intervals are alwyas allowed on active hooks.
+     * 2. On passive hooks, retention intervals are only allowed
+     *    when the event definition has a max_delay value and the
+     *    retention_interval value is greater than the difference 
+     *    beteween the delay and max_delay values.
+     */ 
+    PERFORM TRUE FROM action_trigger.hook 
+        WHERE key = NEW.hook AND NOT passive;
+        RETURN NEW;
+    END IF;
+    IF NEW.max_delay IS NOT NULL THEN
+        IF EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM NEW.retention_interval) > 
+            ABS(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (NEW.max_delay - NEW.delay))) THEN
+            RETURN NEW; -- all good
+        ELSE
+            RAISE EXCEPTION 'retention_interval is too short';
+        END IF;
+    ELSE
+        RAISE EXCEPTION 'retention_interval requires max_delay';
+    END IF;
+CREATE TRIGGER is_valid_retention_interval 
+    BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON action_trigger.event_definition
+    FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW.retention_interval IS NOT NULL)
+    EXECUTE PROCEDURE action_trigger.check_valid_retention_interval();
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action_trigger.purge_events() RETURNS VOID AS $_$
+  * Deleting expired events without simultaneously deleting their outputs
+  * creates orphaned outputs.  Deleting their outputs and all of the events 
+  * linking back to them, plus any outputs those events link to is messy and 
+  * inefficient.  It's simpler to handle them in 2 sweeping steps.
+  *
+  * 1. Delete expired events.
+  * 2. Delete orphaned event outputs.
+  *
+  * This has the added benefit of removing outputs that may have been
+  * orphaned by some other process.  Such outputs are not usuable by
+  * the system.
+  *
+  * This does not guarantee that all events within an event group are
+  * purged at the same time.  In such cases, the remaining events will
+  * be purged with the next instance of the purge (or soon thereafter).
+  * This is another nod toward efficiency over completeness of old 
+  * data that's circling the bit bucket anyway.
+  */
+    DELETE FROM action_trigger.event WHERE id IN (
+        SELECT evt.id
+        FROM action_trigger.event evt
+        JOIN action_trigger.event_definition def ON (def.id = evt.event_def)
+        WHERE def.retention_interval IS NOT NULL 
+            AND evt.state <> 'pending'
+            AND evt.update_time < (NOW() - def.retention_interval)
+    );
+    WITH linked_outputs AS (
+        SELECT templates.id AS id FROM (
+            SELECT DISTINCT(template_output) AS id
+                FROM action_trigger.event WHERE template_output IS NOT NULL
+            UNION
+            SELECT DISTINCT(error_output) AS id
+                FROM action_trigger.event WHERE error_output IS NOT NULL
+            UNION
+            SELECT DISTINCT(async_output) AS id
+                FROM action_trigger.event WHERE async_output IS NOT NULL
+        ) templates
+    ) DELETE FROM action_trigger.event_output
+        WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM linked_outputs);
+/* -- UNDO --
+DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS action_trigger.purge_events();
+DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS is_valid_retention_interval ON action_trigger.event_definition;
+DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS action_trigger.check_valid_retention_interval();
+ALTER TABLE action_trigger.event_definition DROP COLUMN retention_interval;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1044', :eg_version);
+UPDATE action_trigger.hook SET passive = FALSE WHERE key IN (
+    'format.po.html',
+    'format.po.pdf',
+    'format.selfcheck.checkout',
+    'format.selfcheck.items_out',
+    'format.selfcheck.holds',
+    'format.selfcheck.fines',
+    'format.acqcle.html',
+    'format.acqinv.html',
+    'format.acqli.html',
+    'aur.ordered',
+    'aur.received',
+    'aur.cancelled',
+    'aur.created',
+    'aur.rejected'
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('1045', :eg_version); -- csharp/berick/gmcharlt
+ALTER TABLE action.transit_copy
+       ADD COLUMN cancel_time TIMESTAMPTZ;
+-- change "abort" to "cancel" in stock perm descriptions
+UPDATE permission.perm_list 
+       SET description = 'Allow a user to cancel a copy transit if the user is at the transit destination or source' 
+       WHERE code = 'ABORT_TRANSIT'
+       AND description = 'Allow a user to abort a copy transit if the user is at the transit destination or source';
+UPDATE permission.perm_list 
+       SET description = 'Allow a user to cancel a copy transit if the user is not at the transit source or dest' 
+       AND description = 'Allow a user to abort a copy transit if the user is not at the transit source or dest';
+UPDATE permission.perm_list 
+       SET description = 'Allows a user to cancel a transit on a copy with status of LOST' 
+       AND description = 'Allows a user to abort a transit on a copy with status of LOST';
+UPDATE permission.perm_list 
+       SET description = 'Allows a user to cancel a transit on a copy with status of MISSING' 
+       AND description = 'Allows a user to abort a transit on a copy with status of MISSING';
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1046', :eg_version); -- phasefx/berick/gmcharlt
+INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type (
+     name
+    ,grp
+    ,label
+    ,description
+    ,datatype
+) VALUES ( ----------------------------------------
+     'webstaff.format.dates'
+    ,'gui'
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.format.dates'
+        ,'Format Dates with this pattern'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'label'
+    )
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.format.dates'
+        ,'Format Dates with this pattern (examples: "yyyy-MM-dd" for "2010-04-26", "MMM d, yyyy" for "Apr 26, 2010").  This will be used in areas where a date without a timestamp is sufficient, like Date of Birth.'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'description'
+    )
+    ,'string'
+), ( ----------------------------------------
+     'webstaff.format.date_and_time'
+    ,'gui'
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.format.date_and_time'
+        ,'Format Date+Time with this pattern'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'label'
+    )
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.format.date_and_time'
+        ,'Format Date+Time with this pattern (examples: "yy-MM-dd h:m:s.SSS a" for "16-04-05 2:07:20.666 PM", "yyyy-dd-MMM HH:mm" for "2016-05-Apr 14:07").  This will be used in areas of the client where a date with a timestamp is needed, like Checkout, Due Date, or Record Created.'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'description'
+    )
+    ,'string'
+    config.org_unit_setting_type
+    label = 'Deprecated: ' || label -- FIXME: Is this okay?
+    name IN ('format.date','format.time')
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1047', :eg_version); -- gmcharlt/stompro
+CREATE TABLE config.copy_tag_type (
+    code            TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
+    label           TEXT NOT NULL,
+CREATE INDEX config_copy_tag_type_owner_idx
+    ON config.copy_tag_type (owner);
+CREATE TABLE asset.copy_tag (
+    id              SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
+    tag_type        TEXT REFERENCES config.copy_tag_type (code)
+    label           TEXT NOT NULL,
+    value           TEXT NOT NULL,
+    index_vector    tsvector NOT NULL,
+    staff_note      TEXT,
+    pub             BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE,
+    owner           INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id)
+CREATE INDEX asset_copy_tag_label_idx
+    ON asset.copy_tag (label);
+CREATE INDEX asset_copy_tag_label_lower_idx
+    ON asset.copy_tag (evergreen.lowercase(label));
+CREATE INDEX asset_copy_tag_index_vector_idx
+    ON asset.copy_tag
+    USING GIN(index_vector);
+CREATE INDEX asset_copy_tag_tag_type_idx
+    ON asset.copy_tag (tag_type);
+CREATE INDEX asset_copy_tag_owner_idx
+    ON asset.copy_tag (owner);
+    IF NEW.value IS NULL THEN
+        NEW.value = NEW.label;        
+    END IF;
+$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
+-- name of following trigger chosen to ensure it runs first
+CREATE TRIGGER asset_copy_tag_do_value
+    BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON asset.copy_tag
+    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE asset.set_copy_tag_value();
+CREATE TRIGGER asset_copy_tag_fti_trigger
+    BEFORE UPDATE OR INSERT ON asset.copy_tag
+    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE oils_tsearch2('default');
+CREATE TABLE asset.copy_tag_copy_map (
+    id              BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
+    copy            BIGINT REFERENCES asset.copy (id)
+    tag             INTEGER REFERENCES asset.copy_tag (id)
+CREATE INDEX asset_copy_tag_copy_map_copy_idx
+    ON asset.copy_tag_copy_map (copy);
+CREATE INDEX asset_copy_tag_copy_map_tag_idx
+    ON asset.copy_tag_copy_map (tag);
+INSERT INTO config.copy_tag_type (code, label, owner) VALUES ('bookplate', 'Digital Bookplate', 1);
+INSERT INTO permission.perm_list ( id, code, description ) VALUES
+ ( 590, 'ADMIN_COPY_TAG_TYPES', oils_i18n_gettext( 590,
+    'Administer copy tag types', 'ppl', 'description' )),
+ ( 591, 'ADMIN_COPY_TAG', oils_i18n_gettext( 591,
+    'Administer copy tag', 'ppl', 'description' ))
+INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type
+    (name, label, description, grp, datatype)
+    'opac.search.enable_bookplate_search',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'opac.search.enable_bookplate_search',
+        'Enable Digital Bookplate Search',
+        'coust',
+        'label'
+    ),
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'opac.search.enable_bookplate_search',
+        'If enabled, adds a "Digital Bookplate" option to the query type selectors in the public catalog for search on copy tags.',   
+        'coust',
+        'description'
+    ),
+    'opac',
+    'bool'
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1048', :eg_version);
+INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type (
+     name
+    ,grp
+    ,label
+    ,description
+    ,datatype
+) VALUES ( ----------------------------------------
+     'webstaff.cat.label.font.family'
+    ,'cat'
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.font.family'
+        ,'Item Print Label Font Family'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'label'
+    )
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.font.family'
+        ,'Set the preferred font family for item print labels. You can specify a list of CSS fonts, separated by commas, in order of preference; the system will use the first font it finds with a matching name. For example, "Arial, Helvetica, serif"'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'description'
+    )
+    ,'string'
+), ( ----------------------------------------
+     'webstaff.cat.label.font.size'
+    ,'cat'
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.font.size'
+        ,'Item Print Label Font Size'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'label'
+    )
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.font.size'
+        ,'Set the default font size for item print labels. Please include a unit of measurement that is valid CSS. For example, "12pt" or "16px" or "1em"'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'description'
+    )
+    ,'string'
+), ( ----------------------------------------
+     'webstaff.cat.label.font.weight'
+    ,'cat'
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.font.weight'
+        ,'Item Print Label Font Weight'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'label'
+    )
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.font.weight'
+        ,'Set the default font weight for item print labels. Please use the CSS specification for values for font-weight.  For example, "normal", "bold", "bolder", or "lighter"'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'description'
+    )
+    ,'string'
+), ( ----------------------------------------
+     'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.left_margin'
+    ,'cat'
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.left_margin'
+        ,'Item Print Label - Left Margin for Left Label'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'label'
+    )
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.left_margin'
+        ,'Set the default left margin for the leftmost item print Label. Please include a unit of measurement that is valid CSS. For example, "1in" or "2.5cm"'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'description'
+    )
+    ,'string'
+), ( ----------------------------------------
+     'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.left_margin'
+    ,'cat'
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.left_margin'
+        ,'Item Print Label - Left Margin for Right Label'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'label'
+    )
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.left_margin'
+        ,'Set the default left margin for the rightmost item print label (or in other words, the desired space between the two labels). Please include a unit of measurement that is valid CSS. For example, "1in" or "2.5cm"'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'description'
+    )
+    ,'string'
+), ( ----------------------------------------
+     'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.height'
+    ,'cat'
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.height'
+        ,'Item Print Label - Height for Left Label'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'label'
+    )
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.height'
+        ,'Set the default height for the leftmost item print label. Please include a unit of measurement that is valid CSS. For example, "1in" or "2.5cm"'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'description'
+    )
+    ,'string'
+), ( ----------------------------------------
+     'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.width'
+    ,'cat'
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.width'
+        ,'Item Print Label - Width for Left Label'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'label'
+    )
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.width'
+        ,'Set the default width for the leftmost item print label. Please include a unit of measurement that is valid CSS. For example, "1in" or "2.5cm"'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'description'
+    )
+    ,'string'
+), ( ----------------------------------------
+     'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.height'
+    ,'cat'
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.height'
+        ,'Item Print Label - Height for Right Label'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'label'
+    )
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.height'
+        ,'Set the default height for the rightmost item print label. Please include a unit of measurement that is valid CSS. For example, "1in" or "2.5cm"'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'description'
+    )
+    ,'string'
+), ( ----------------------------------------
+     'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.width'
+    ,'cat'
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.width'
+        ,'Item Print Label - Width for Right Label'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'label'
+    )
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.width'
+        ,'Set the default width for the rightmost item print label. Please include a unit of measurement that is valid CSS. For example, "1in" or "2.5cm"'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'description'
+    )
+    ,'string'
+), (
+     'webstaff.cat.label.inline_css'
+    ,'cat'
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.inline_css'
+        ,'Item Print Label - Inline CSS'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'label'
+    )
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.inline_css'
+        ,'This setting allows you to inject arbitrary CSS into the item print label template.  For example, ".printlabel { text-transform: uppercase; }"'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'description'
+    )
+    ,'string'
+), (
+     'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_height'
+    ,'cat'
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_height'
+        ,'Item Print Label - Call Number Wrap Filter Height'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'label'
+    )
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_height'
+        ,'This setting is used to set the default height (in number of lines) to use for call number wrapping in the left print label.'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'description'
+    )
+    ,'integer'
+), (
+     'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_width'
+    ,'cat'
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_width'
+        ,'Item Print Label - Call Number Wrap Filter Width'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'label'
+    )
+    ,oils_i18n_gettext(
+         'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_width'
+        ,'This setting is used to set the default width (in number of characters) to use for call number wrapping in the left print label.'
+        ,'coust'
+        ,'description'
+    )
+    ,'integer'
+-- for testing, setting removal:
+--DELETE FROM actor.org_unit_setting WHERE name IN (
+--     'webstaff.cat.label.font.family'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.font.size'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.font.weight'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.height'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.width'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.left_margin'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.height'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.width'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.left_margin'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.inline_css'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_height'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_width'
+--DELETE FROM config.org_unit_setting_type_log WHERE field_name IN (
+--     'webstaff.cat.label.font.family'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.font.size'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.font.weight'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.height'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.width'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.left_margin'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.height'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.width'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.left_margin'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.inline_css'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_height'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_width'
+--DELETE FROM config.org_unit_setting_type WHERE name IN (
+--     'webstaff.cat.label.font.family'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.font.size'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.font.weight'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.height'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.width'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.left_label.left_margin'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.height'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.width'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.right_label.left_margin'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.inline_css'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_height'
+--    ,'webstaff.cat.label.call_number_wrap_filter_width'
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1049', :eg_version); -- mmorgan/stompro/gmcharlt
+\echo -----------------------------------------------------------
+\echo Setting invalid age_protect and circ_as_type entries to NULL,
+\echo otherwise they will break the Serial Copy Templates editor.
+\echo Please review any Serial Copy Templates listed below.
+UPDATE asset.copy_template act
+SET age_protect = NULL
+FROM actor.org_unit aou
+WHERE aou.id=act.owning_lib
+   AND act.age_protect NOT IN
+   (
+   SELECT id FROM config.rule_age_hold_protect
+   )
+RETURNING act.id "Template ID", act.name "Template Name",
+          aou.shortname "Owning Lib",
+          'Age Protection value reset to null.' "Description";
+UPDATE asset.copy_template act
+SET circ_as_type = NULL
+FROM actor.org_unit aou
+WHERE aou.id=act.owning_lib
+   AND act.circ_as_type NOT IN
+   (
+   SELECT code FROM config.item_type_map
+   )
+RETURNING act.id "Template ID", act.name "Template Name",
+          aou.shortname "Owning Lib",
+          'Circ as Type value reset to null.' as "Description";
+\echo -----------End Serial Template Fix----------------
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1050', :eg_version); -- mmorgan/cesardv/gmcharlt
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION permission.usr_perms ( INT ) RETURNS SETOF permission.usr_perm_map AS $$
+    SELECT     DISTINCT ON (usr,perm) *
+         FROM  (
+                       (SELECT * FROM permission.usr_perm_map WHERE usr = $1)
+            UNION ALL
+                       (SELECT -p.id, $1 AS usr, p.perm, p.depth, p.grantable
+                         FROM  permission.grp_perm_map p
+                         WHERE p.grp IN (
+      SELECT   (permission.grp_ancestors(
+      (SELECT profile FROM actor.usr WHERE id = $1)
+                                       )).id
+                               )
+                       )
+            UNION ALL
+                       (SELECT -p.id, $1 AS usr, p.perm, p.depth, p.grantable
+                         FROM  permission.grp_perm_map p
+                         WHERE p.grp IN (SELECT (permission.grp_ancestors(m.grp)).id FROM permission.usr_grp_map m WHERE usr = $1))
+               ) AS x
+         ORDER BY 2, 3, 4 ASC, 5 DESC ;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1051', :eg_version);
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW action.all_circulation_slim AS
+        id,
+        usr,
+        xact_start,
+        xact_finish,
+        unrecovered,
+        target_copy,
+        circ_lib,
+        circ_staff,
+        checkin_staff,
+        checkin_lib,
+        renewal_remaining,
+        grace_period,
+        due_date,
+        stop_fines_time,
+        checkin_time,
+        create_time,
+        duration,
+        fine_interval,
+        recurring_fine,
+        max_fine,
+        phone_renewal,
+        desk_renewal,
+        opac_renewal,
+        duration_rule,
+        recurring_fine_rule,
+        max_fine_rule,
+        stop_fines,
+        workstation,
+        checkin_workstation,
+        copy_location,
+        checkin_scan_time,
+        parent_circ
+    FROM action.circulation
+        id,
+        NULL AS usr,
+        xact_start,
+        xact_finish,
+        unrecovered,
+        target_copy,
+        circ_lib,
+        circ_staff,
+        checkin_staff,
+        checkin_lib,
+        renewal_remaining,
+        grace_period,
+        due_date,
+        stop_fines_time,
+        checkin_time,
+        create_time,
+        duration,
+        fine_interval,
+        recurring_fine,
+        max_fine,
+        phone_renewal,
+        desk_renewal,
+        opac_renewal,
+        duration_rule,
+        recurring_fine_rule,
+        max_fine_rule,
+        stop_fines,
+        workstation,
+        checkin_workstation,
+        copy_location,
+        checkin_scan_time,
+        parent_circ
+    FROM action.aged_circulation
+DROP FUNCTION action.summarize_all_circ_chain(INTEGER);
+DROP FUNCTION action.all_circ_chain(INTEGER);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.all_circ_chain (ctx_circ_id INTEGER) 
+    RETURNS SETOF action.all_circulation_slim AS $$
+    tmp_circ action.all_circulation_slim%ROWTYPE;
+    circ_0 action.all_circulation_slim%ROWTYPE;
+    SELECT INTO tmp_circ * FROM action.all_circulation_slim WHERE id = ctx_circ_id;
+    IF tmp_circ IS NULL THEN
+        RETURN NEXT tmp_circ;
+    END IF;
+    circ_0 := tmp_circ;
+    -- find the front of the chain
+        SELECT INTO tmp_circ * FROM action.all_circulation_slim 
+            WHERE id = tmp_circ.parent_circ;
+        IF tmp_circ IS NULL THEN
+            EXIT;
+        END IF;
+        circ_0 := tmp_circ;
+    END LOOP;
+    -- now send the circs to the caller, oldest to newest
+    tmp_circ := circ_0;
+        IF tmp_circ IS NULL THEN
+            EXIT;
+        END IF;
+        RETURN NEXT tmp_circ;
+        SELECT INTO tmp_circ * FROM action.all_circulation_slim 
+            WHERE parent_circ = tmp_circ.id;
+    END LOOP;
+$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.summarize_all_circ_chain 
+    (ctx_circ_id INTEGER) RETURNS action.circ_chain_summary AS $$
+    -- first circ in the chain
+    circ_0 action.all_circulation_slim%ROWTYPE;
+    -- last circ in the chain
+    circ_n action.all_circulation_slim%ROWTYPE;
+    -- circ chain under construction
+    chain action.circ_chain_summary;
+    tmp_circ action.all_circulation_slim%ROWTYPE;
+    chain.num_circs := 0;
+    FOR tmp_circ IN SELECT * FROM action.all_circ_chain(ctx_circ_id) LOOP
+        IF chain.num_circs = 0 THEN
+            circ_0 := tmp_circ;
+        END IF;
+        chain.num_circs := chain.num_circs + 1;
+        circ_n := tmp_circ;
+    END LOOP;
+    chain.start_time := circ_0.xact_start;
+    chain.last_stop_fines := circ_n.stop_fines;
+    chain.last_stop_fines_time := circ_n.stop_fines_time;
+    chain.last_checkin_time := circ_n.checkin_time;
+    chain.last_checkin_scan_time := circ_n.checkin_scan_time;
+    SELECT INTO chain.checkout_workstation name FROM actor.workstation WHERE id = circ_0.workstation;
+    SELECT INTO chain.last_checkin_workstation name FROM actor.workstation WHERE id = circ_n.checkin_workstation;
+    IF chain.num_circs > 1 THEN
+        chain.last_renewal_time := circ_n.xact_start;
+        SELECT INTO chain.last_renewal_workstation name FROM actor.workstation WHERE id = circ_n.workstation;
+    END IF;
+    RETURN chain;
+$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rating.percent_time_circulating(badge_id INT)
+    RETURNS TABLE (record BIGINT, value NUMERIC) AS $f$
+    badge   rating.badge_with_orgs%ROWTYPE;
+    SELECT * INTO badge FROM rating.badge_with_orgs WHERE id = badge_id;
+    PERFORM rating.precalc_bibs_by_copy(badge_id);
+    DELETE FROM precalc_copy_filter_bib_list WHERE id NOT IN (
+        SELECT id FROM precalc_filter_bib_list
+            INTERSECT
+        SELECT id FROM precalc_bibs_by_copy_list
+    );
+    ANALYZE precalc_copy_filter_bib_list;
+     SELECT bib,
+            SUM(COALESCE(circ_time,0))::NUMERIC / SUM(age)::NUMERIC
+      FROM  (SELECT cn.record AS bib,
+                    cp.id,
+                    EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM AGE(cp.active_date) ) + 1 AS age,
+                    SUM(  -- time copy spent circulating
+                        EXTRACT(
+                            EPOCH FROM
+                            AGE(
+                                COALESCE(circ.checkin_time, circ.stop_fines_time, NOW()),
+                                circ.xact_start
+                            )
+                        )
+                    )::NUMERIC AS circ_time
+              FROM  asset.copy cp
+                    JOIN precalc_copy_filter_bib_list c ON (cp.id = c.copy)
+                    JOIN asset.call_number cn ON (cn.id = cp.call_number)
+                    LEFT JOIN action.all_circulation_slim circ ON (
+                        circ.target_copy = cp.id
+                        AND stop_fines NOT IN (
+                            'LOST',
+                            'LONGOVERDUE',
+                            'CLAIMSRETURNED',
+                            'LONGOVERDUE'
+                        )
+                        AND NOT (
+                            checkin_time IS NULL AND
+                            stop_fines = 'MAXFINES'
+                        )
+                    )
+              WHERE cn.owning_lib = ANY (badge.orgs)
+                    AND cp.active_date IS NOT NULL
+                    -- Next line requires that copies with no circs (circ.id IS NULL) also not be deleted
+                    AND ((circ.id IS NULL AND NOT cp.deleted) OR circ.id IS NOT NULL)
+              GROUP BY 1,2,3
+            ) x
+      GROUP BY 1;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1052', :eg_version);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rating.inhouse_over_time(badge_id INT)
+    RETURNS TABLE (record BIGINT, value NUMERIC) AS $f$
+    badge   rating.badge_with_orgs%ROWTYPE;
+    iage    INT     := 1;
+    iint    INT     := NULL;
+    iscale  NUMERIC := NULL;
+    SELECT * INTO badge FROM rating.badge_with_orgs WHERE id = badge_id;
+    IF badge.horizon_age IS NULL THEN
+        RAISE EXCEPTION 'Badge "%" with id % requires a horizon age but has none.',
+            badge.name,
+            badge.id;
+    END IF;
+    PERFORM rating.precalc_bibs_by_copy(badge_id);
+    DELETE FROM precalc_copy_filter_bib_list WHERE id NOT IN (
+        SELECT id FROM precalc_filter_bib_list
+            INTERSECT
+        SELECT id FROM precalc_bibs_by_copy_list
+    );
+    ANALYZE precalc_copy_filter_bib_list;
+    iint := EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM badge.importance_interval);
+    IF badge.importance_age IS NOT NULL THEN
+        iage := (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM badge.importance_age) / iint)::INT;
+    END IF;
+    -- if iscale is smaller than 1, scaling slope will be shallow ... BEWARE!
+    iscale := COALESCE(badge.importance_scale, 1.0);
+     SELECT bib,
+            SUM( uses * GREATEST( iscale * (iage - cage), 1.0 ))
+      FROM (
+         SELECT cn.record AS bib,
+                (1 + EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM AGE(u.use_time)) / iint)::INT AS cage,
+                COUNT(u.id)::INT AS uses
+          FROM  action.in_house_use u
+                JOIN precalc_copy_filter_bib_list cf ON (u.item = cf.copy)
+                JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = u.item)
+                JOIN asset.call_number cn ON (cn.id = cp.call_number)
+          WHERE u.use_time >= NOW() - badge.horizon_age
+                AND cn.owning_lib = ANY (badge.orgs)
+          GROUP BY 1, 2
+      ) x
+      GROUP BY 1;
+INSERT INTO rating.popularity_parameter (id, name, func, require_horizon,require_percentile) VALUES
+    (18,'In-House Use Over Time', 'rating.inhouse_over_time', TRUE, TRUE);
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1053', :eg_version);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rating.org_unit_count(badge_id INT)
+    RETURNS TABLE (record INT, value NUMERIC) AS $f$
+    badge   rating.badge_with_orgs%ROWTYPE;
+    SELECT * INTO badge FROM rating.badge_with_orgs WHERE id = badge_id;
+    PERFORM rating.precalc_bibs_by_copy(badge_id);
+    DELETE FROM precalc_copy_filter_bib_list WHERE id NOT IN (
+        SELECT id FROM precalc_filter_bib_list
+            INTERSECT
+        SELECT id FROM precalc_bibs_by_copy_list
+    );
+    ANALYZE precalc_copy_filter_bib_list;
+    -- Use circ rather than owning lib here as that means "on the shelf at..."
+     SELECT f.id::INT AS bib,
+            COUNT(DISTINCT cp.circ_lib)::NUMERIC
+     FROM asset.copy cp
+          JOIN precalc_copy_filter_bib_list f ON (cp.id = f.copy)
+     WHERE cp.circ_lib = ANY (badge.orgs) GROUP BY 1;
+INSERT INTO rating.popularity_parameter (id, name, func, require_percentile) VALUES
+    (17,'Circulation Library Count', 'rating.org_unit_count', TRUE);
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1054', :eg_version);
+INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type
+( name, grp, label, description, datatype ) VALUES
+( 'lib.timezone', 'lib',
+    oils_i18n_gettext('lib.timezone',
+        'Library time zone',
+        'coust', 'label'),
+    oils_i18n_gettext('lib.timezone',
+        'Define the time zone in which a library physically resides',
+        'coust', 'description'),
+    'string');
+ALTER TABLE actor.org_unit_closed ADD COLUMN full_day BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE;
+ALTER TABLE actor.org_unit_closed ADD COLUMN multi_day BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE;
+UPDATE actor.org_unit_closed SET multi_day = TRUE
+  WHERE close_start::DATE <> close_end::DATE;
+UPDATE actor.org_unit_closed SET full_day = TRUE
+  WHERE close_start::DATE = close_end::DATE
+        AND SUBSTRING(close_start::time::text FROM 1 FOR 8) = '00:00:00'
+        AND SUBSTRING(close_end::time::text FROM 1 FOR 8) = '23:59:59';
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.push_circ_due_time () RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$
+    proper_tz TEXT := COALESCE(
+        oils_json_to_text((
+            SELECT value
+              FROM  actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting('lib.timezone',NEW.circ_lib)
+              LIMIT 1
+        )),
+        CURRENT_SETTING('timezone')
+    );
+    IF (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM NEW.duration)::INT % EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM '1 day'::INTERVAL)::INT) = 0 -- day-granular duration
+        AND SUBSTRING((NEW.due_date AT TIME ZONE proper_tz)::TIME::TEXT FROM 1 FOR 8) <> '23:59:59' THEN -- has not yet been pushed
+        NEW.due_date = ((NEW.due_date AT TIME ZONE proper_tz)::DATE + '1 day'::INTERVAL - '1 second'::INTERVAL) || ' ' || proper_tz;
+    END IF;
+\qecho The following query will adjust all historical, unaged circulations so
+\qecho that if their due date field is pushed to the end of the day, it is done
+\qecho in the circulating library''''s time zone, and not the server time zone.
+\qecho It is safe to run this after any change to library time zones.
+\qecho Running this is not required, as no code before this change has
+\qecho depended on the time string of '''23:59:59'''.  It is also not necessary
+\qecho if all of your libraries are in the same time zone, and that time zone
+\qecho is the same as the database''''s configured time zone.
+\qecho 'DO $$'
+\qecho 'declare'
+\qecho '    new_tz  text;'
+\qecho '    ou_id   int;'
+\qecho 'begin'
+\qecho '    for ou_id in select id from actor.org_unit loop'
+\qecho '        for new_tz in select oils_json_to_text(value) from actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting('''lib.timezone''',ou_id) loop'
+\qecho '            if new_tz is not null then'
+\qecho '                update  action.circulation'
+\qecho '                  set   due_date = (due_date::timestamp || ''' ''' || new_tz)::timestamptz'
+\qecho '                  where circ_lib = ou_id'
+\qecho '                        and substring((due_date at time zone new_tz)::time::text from 1 for 8) <> '''23:59:59''';'
+\qecho '            end if;'
+\qecho '        end loop;'
+\qecho '    end loop;'
+\qecho 'end;'
+\qecho '$$;'
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('1056', :eg_version); -- miker/gmcharlt
+INSERT INTO permission.perm_list (id,code,description) VALUES (592,'CONTAINER_BATCH_UPDATE','Allow batch update via buckets');
+INSERT INTO container.user_bucket_type (code,label) SELECT code,label FROM container.copy_bucket_type where code = 'staff_client';
+CREATE TABLE action.fieldset_group (
+    id              SERIAL  PRIMARY KEY,
+    name            TEXT        NOT NULL,
+    create_time     TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(),
+    complete_time   TIMESTAMPTZ,
+    container       INT,        -- Points to a container of some type ...
+    container_type  TEXT,       -- One of 'biblio_record_entry', 'user', 'call_number', 'copy'
+    can_rollback    BOOL        DEFAULT TRUE,
+    rollback_group  INT         REFERENCES action.fieldset_group (id) ON DELETE CASCADE DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
+    rollback_time   TIMESTAMPTZ,
+ALTER TABLE action.fieldset ADD COLUMN error_msg TEXT;
+ALTER TABLE container.biblio_record_entry_bucket ADD COLUMN owning_lib INT REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id) ON DELETE CASCADE DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+UPDATE query.stored_query SET id = id + 1000 WHERE id < 1000;
+UPDATE query.from_relation SET id = id + 1000 WHERE id < 1000;
+UPDATE query.expression SET id = id + 1000 WHERE id < 1000;
+SELECT SETVAL('query.stored_query_id_seq', 1, FALSE);
+SELECT SETVAL('query.from_relation_id_seq', 1, FALSE);
+SELECT SETVAL('query.expression_id_seq', 1, FALSE);
+INSERT INTO query.bind_variable (name,type,description,label)
+    SELECT  'bucket','number','ID of the bucket to pull items from','Bucket ID'
+      WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM query.bind_variable WHERE name = 'bucket');
+-- Assumes completely empty 'query' schema
+INSERT INTO query.stored_query (type, use_distinct) VALUES ('SELECT', TRUE); -- 1
+INSERT INTO query.from_relation (type, table_name, class_name, table_alias) VALUES ('RELATION', 'container.user_bucket_item', 'cubi', 'cubi'); -- 1
+UPDATE query.stored_query SET from_clause = 1;
+INSERT INTO query.expr_xcol (table_alias, column_name) VALUES ('cubi', 'target_user'); -- 1
+INSERT INTO query.select_item (stored_query,seq_no,expression) VALUES (1,1,1);
+INSERT INTO query.expr_xcol (table_alias, column_name) VALUES ('cubi', 'bucket'); -- 2
+INSERT INTO query.expr_xbind (bind_variable) VALUES ('bucket'); -- 3
+INSERT INTO query.expr_xop (left_operand, operator, right_operand) VALUES (2, '=', 3); -- 4
+UPDATE query.stored_query SET where_clause = 4;
+SELECT SETVAL('query.stored_query_id_seq', 1000, TRUE) FROM query.stored_query;
+SELECT SETVAL('query.from_relation_id_seq', 1000, TRUE) FROM query.from_relation;
+SELECT SETVAL('query.expression_id_seq', 10000, TRUE) FROM query.expression;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.apply_fieldset(
+    fieldset_id IN INT,        -- id from action.fieldset
+    table_name  IN TEXT,       -- table to be updated
+    pkey_name   IN TEXT,       -- name of primary key column in that table
+    query       IN TEXT        -- query constructed by qstore (for query-based
+                               --    fieldsets only; otherwise null
+    statement TEXT;
+    where_clause TEXT;
+    fs_status TEXT;
+    fs_pkey_value TEXT;
+    fs_query TEXT;
+    sep CHAR;
+    status_code TEXT;
+    msg TEXT;
+    fs_id INT;
+    fsg_id INT;
+    update_count INT;
+    cv RECORD;
+    fs_obj action.fieldset%ROWTYPE;
+    fs_group action.fieldset_group%ROWTYPE;
+    rb_row RECORD;
+    -- Sanity checks
+    IF fieldset_id IS NULL THEN
+        RETURN 'Fieldset ID parameter is NULL';
+    END IF;
+    IF table_name IS NULL THEN
+        RETURN 'Table name parameter is NULL';
+    END IF;
+    IF pkey_name IS NULL THEN
+        RETURN 'Primary key name parameter is NULL';
+    END IF;
+        status,
+        quote_literal( pkey_value )
+    INTO
+        fs_status,
+        fs_pkey_value
+    FROM
+        action.fieldset
+    WHERE
+        id = fieldset_id;
+    --
+    -- Build the WHERE clause.  This differs according to whether it's a
+    -- single-row fieldset or a query-based fieldset.
+    --
+    IF query IS NULL        AND fs_pkey_value IS NULL THEN
+        RETURN 'Incomplete fieldset: neither a primary key nor a query available';
+    ELSIF query IS NOT NULL AND fs_pkey_value IS NULL THEN
+        fs_query := rtrim( query, ';' );
+        where_clause := 'WHERE ' || pkey_name || ' IN ( '
+                     || fs_query || ' )';
+    ELSIF query IS NULL     AND fs_pkey_value IS NOT NULL THEN
+        where_clause := 'WHERE ' || pkey_name || ' = ';
+        IF pkey_name = 'id' THEN
+            where_clause := where_clause || fs_pkey_value;
+        ELSIF pkey_name = 'code' THEN
+            where_clause := where_clause || quote_literal(fs_pkey_value);
+        ELSE
+            RETURN 'Only know how to handle "id" and "code" pkeys currently, received ' || pkey_name;
+        END IF;
+    ELSE  -- both are not null
+        RETURN 'Ambiguous fieldset: both a primary key and a query provided';
+    END IF;
+    IF fs_status IS NULL THEN
+        RETURN 'No fieldset found for id = ' || fieldset_id;
+    ELSIF fs_status = 'APPLIED' THEN
+        RETURN 'Fieldset ' || fieldset_id || ' has already been applied';
+    END IF;
+    SELECT * INTO fs_obj FROM action.fieldset WHERE id = fieldset_id;
+    SELECT * INTO fs_group FROM action.fieldset_group WHERE id = fs_obj.fieldset_group;
+    IF fs_group.can_rollback THEN
+        -- This is part of a non-rollback group.  We need to record the current values for future rollback.
+        INSERT INTO action.fieldset_group (can_rollback, name, creator, owning_lib, container, container_type)
+            VALUES (FALSE, 'ROLLBACK: '|| fs_group.name, fs_group.creator, fs_group.owning_lib, fs_group.container, fs_group.container_type);
+        fsg_id := CURRVAL('action.fieldset_group_id_seq');
+        FOR rb_row IN EXECUTE 'SELECT * FROM ' || table_name || ' ' || where_clause LOOP
+            IF pkey_name = 'id' THEN
+                fs_pkey_value := rb_row.id;
+            ELSIF pkey_name = 'code' THEN
+                fs_pkey_value := rb_row.code;
+            ELSE
+                RETURN 'Only know how to handle "id" and "code" pkeys currently, received ' || pkey_name;
+            END IF;
+            INSERT INTO action.fieldset (fieldset_group,owner,owning_lib,status,classname,name,pkey_value)
+                VALUES (fsg_id, fs_obj.owner, fs_obj.owning_lib, 'PENDING', fs_obj.classname, fs_obj.name || ' ROLLBACK FOR ' || fs_pkey_value, fs_pkey_value);
+            fs_id := CURRVAL('action.fieldset_id_seq');
+            sep := '';
+            FOR cv IN
+                SELECT  DISTINCT col
+                FROM    action.fieldset_col_val
+                WHERE   fieldset = fieldset_id
+            LOOP
+                EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO action.fieldset_col_val (fieldset, col, val) ' || 
+                    'SELECT '|| fs_id || ', '||quote_literal(cv.col)||', '||cv.col||' FROM '||table_name||' WHERE '||pkey_name||' = '||fs_pkey_value;
+            END LOOP;
+        END LOOP;
+    END IF;
+    statement := 'UPDATE ' || table_name || ' SET';
+    sep := '';
+    FOR cv IN
+        SELECT  col,
+                val
+        FROM    action.fieldset_col_val
+        WHERE   fieldset = fieldset_id
+    LOOP
+        statement := statement || sep || ' ' || cv.col
+                     || ' = ' || coalesce( quote_literal( cv.val ), 'NULL' );
+        sep := ',';
+    END LOOP;
+    IF sep = '' THEN
+        RETURN 'Fieldset ' || fieldset_id || ' has no column values defined';
+    END IF;
+    statement := statement || ' ' || where_clause;
+    --
+    -- Execute the update
+    --
+    BEGIN
+        EXECUTE statement;
+        GET DIAGNOSTICS update_count = ROW_COUNT;
+        IF update_count = 0 THEN
+            RAISE data_exception;
+        END IF;
+        IF fsg_id IS NOT NULL THEN
+            UPDATE action.fieldset_group SET rollback_group = fsg_id WHERE id = fs_group.id;
+        END IF;
+        IF fs_group.id IS NOT NULL THEN
+            UPDATE action.fieldset_group SET complete_time = now() WHERE id = fs_group.id;
+        END IF;
+        UPDATE action.fieldset SET status = 'APPLIED', applied_time = now() WHERE id = fieldset_id;
+    EXCEPTION WHEN data_exception THEN
+        msg := 'No eligible rows found for fieldset ' || fieldset_id;
+        UPDATE action.fieldset SET status = 'ERROR', applied_time = now() WHERE id = fieldset_id;
+        RETURN msg;
+    END;
+    RETURN msg;
+    msg := 'Unable to apply fieldset ' || fieldset_id || ': ' || sqlerrm;
+    UPDATE action.fieldset SET status = 'ERROR', applied_time = now() WHERE id = fieldset_id;
+    RETURN msg;
+$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('1057', :eg_version); -- miker/gmcharlt/kmlussier
+-- Thist change drops a needless join and saves 10-15% in time cost
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.facets_for_record_set(ignore_facet_classes text[], hits bigint[]) RETURNS TABLE(id integer, value text, count bigint)
+AS $f$
+    SELECT id, value, count
+      FROM (
+        SELECT  mfae.field AS id,
+                mfae.value,
+                COUNT(DISTINCT mfae.source),
+                row_number() OVER (
+                    PARTITION BY mfae.field ORDER BY COUNT(DISTINCT mfae.source) DESC
+                ) AS rownum
+          FROM  metabib.facet_entry mfae
+                JOIN config.metabib_field cmf ON (cmf.id = mfae.field)
+          WHERE mfae.source = ANY ($2)
+                AND cmf.facet_field
+                AND cmf.field_class NOT IN (SELECT * FROM unnest($1))
+          GROUP by 1, 2
+      ) all_facets
+      WHERE rownum <= (
+            (SELECT value::INT FROM config.global_flag WHERE name = 'search.max_facets_per_field' AND enabled),
+            1000
+        )
+      );
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION unapi.metabib_virtual_record_feed ( id_list BIGINT[], format TEXT, includes TEXT[], org TEXT, depth INT DEFAULT NULL, slimit HSTORE DEFAULT NULL, soffset HSTORE DEFAULT NULL, include_xmlns BOOL DEFAULT TRUE, title TEXT DEFAULT NULL, description TEXT DEFAULT NULL, creator TEXT DEFAULT NULL, update_ts TEXT DEFAULT NULL, unapi_url TEXT DEFAULT NULL, header_xml XML DEFAULT NULL ) RETURNS XML AS $F$
+    layout          unapi.bre_output_layout%ROWTYPE;
+    transform       config.xml_transform%ROWTYPE;
+    item_format     TEXT;
+    tmp_xml         TEXT;
+    xmlns_uri       TEXT := 'http://open-ils.org/spec/feed-xml/v1';
+    ouid            INT;
+    element_list    TEXT[];
+    IF org = '-' OR org IS NULL THEN
+        SELECT shortname INTO org FROM evergreen.org_top();
+    END IF;
+    SELECT id INTO ouid FROM actor.org_unit WHERE shortname = org;
+    SELECT * INTO layout FROM unapi.bre_output_layout WHERE name = format;
+    IF layout.name IS NULL THEN
+        RETURN NULL::XML;
+    END IF;
+    SELECT * INTO transform FROM config.xml_transform WHERE name = layout.transform;
+    xmlns_uri := COALESCE(transform.namespace_uri,xmlns_uri);
+    -- Gather the bib xml
+    SELECT XMLAGG( unapi.mmr(i, format, '', includes, org, depth, slimit, soffset, include_xmlns)) INTO tmp_xml FROM UNNEST( id_list ) i;
+    IF layout.title_element IS NOT NULL THEN
+        EXECUTE 'SELECT XMLCONCAT( XMLELEMENT( name '|| layout.title_element ||', XMLATTRIBUTES( $1 AS xmlns), $3), $2)' INTO tmp_xml USING xmlns_uri, tmp_xml::XML, title;
+    END IF;
+    IF layout.description_element IS NOT NULL THEN
+        EXECUTE 'SELECT XMLCONCAT( XMLELEMENT( name '|| layout.description_element ||', XMLATTRIBUTES( $1 AS xmlns), $3), $2)' INTO tmp_xml USING xmlns_uri, tmp_xml::XML, description;
+    END IF;
+    IF layout.creator_element IS NOT NULL THEN
+        EXECUTE 'SELECT XMLCONCAT( XMLELEMENT( name '|| layout.creator_element ||', XMLATTRIBUTES( $1 AS xmlns), $3), $2)' INTO tmp_xml USING xmlns_uri, tmp_xml::XML, creator;
+    END IF;
+    IF layout.update_ts_element IS NOT NULL THEN
+        EXECUTE 'SELECT XMLCONCAT( XMLELEMENT( name '|| layout.update_ts_element ||', XMLATTRIBUTES( $1 AS xmlns), $3), $2)' INTO tmp_xml USING xmlns_uri, tmp_xml::XML, update_ts;
+    END IF;
+    IF unapi_url IS NOT NULL THEN
+        EXECUTE $$SELECT XMLCONCAT( XMLELEMENT( name link, XMLATTRIBUTES( 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' AS xmlns, 'unapi-server' AS rel, $1 AS href, 'unapi' AS title)), $2)$$ INTO tmp_xml USING unapi_url, tmp_xml::XML;
+    END IF;
+    IF header_xml IS NOT NULL THEN tmp_xml := XMLCONCAT(header_xml,tmp_xml::XML); END IF;
+    element_list := regexp_split_to_array(layout.feed_top,E'\\.');
+    FOR i IN REVERSE ARRAY_UPPER(element_list, 1) .. 1 LOOP
+        EXECUTE 'SELECT XMLELEMENT( name '|| quote_ident(element_list[i]) ||', XMLATTRIBUTES( $1 AS xmlns), $2)' INTO tmp_xml USING xmlns_uri, tmp_xml::XML;
+    END LOOP;
+    RETURN tmp_xml::XML;
+CREATE TABLE asset.copy_vis_attr_cache (
+    id              BIGSERIAL   PRIMARY KEY,
+    record          BIGINT      NOT NULL, -- No FKEYs, managed by user triggers.
+    target_copy     BIGINT      NOT NULL,
+    vis_attr_vector INT[]
+CREATE INDEX copy_vis_attr_cache_record_idx ON asset.copy_vis_attr_cache (record);
+CREATE INDEX copy_vis_attr_cache_copy_idx ON asset.copy_vis_attr_cache (target_copy);
+ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry ADD COLUMN vis_attr_vector INT[];
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.calculate_visibility_attribute ( value INT, attr TEXT ) RETURNS INT AS $f$
+            WHEN 'luri_org'         THEN 0 -- "b" attr
+            WHEN 'bib_source'       THEN 1 -- "b" attr
+            WHEN 'copy_flags'       THEN 0 -- "c" attr
+            WHEN 'owning_lib'       THEN 1 -- "c" attr
+            WHEN 'circ_lib'         THEN 2 -- "c" attr
+            WHEN 'status'           THEN 3 -- "c" attr
+            WHEN 'location'         THEN 4 -- "c" attr
+            WHEN 'location_group'   THEN 5 -- "c" attr
+        END) << 28 ) | $1;
+/* copy_flags bit positions, LSB-first:
+ 0: asset.copy.opac_visible
+   When adding flags, you must update asset.all_visible_flags()
+   Because bib and copy values are stored separately, we can reuse
+   shifts, saving us some space. We could probably take back a bit
+   too, but I'm not sure its worth squeezing that last one out. We'd
+   be left with just 2 slots for copy attrs, rather than 10.
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.calculate_visibility_attribute_list ( attr TEXT, value INT[] ) RETURNS INT[] AS $f$
+    SELECT ARRAY_AGG(search.calculate_visibility_attribute(x, $1)) FROM UNNEST($2) AS X;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test ( attr TEXT, value INT[], negate BOOL DEFAULT FALSE ) RETURNS TEXT AS $f$
+    SELECT  CASE WHEN $3 THEN '!' ELSE '' END || '(' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(search.calculate_visibility_attribute_list($1,$2),'|') || ')';
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.calculate_copy_visibility_attribute_set ( copy_id BIGINT ) RETURNS INT[] AS $f$
+    copy_row    asset.copy%ROWTYPE;
+    lgroup_map  asset.copy_location_group_map%ROWTYPE;
+    attr_set    INT[];
+    SELECT * INTO copy_row FROM asset.copy WHERE id = copy_id;
+    attr_set := attr_set || search.calculate_visibility_attribute(copy_row.opac_visible::INT, 'copy_flags');
+    attr_set := attr_set || search.calculate_visibility_attribute(copy_row.circ_lib, 'circ_lib');
+    attr_set := attr_set || search.calculate_visibility_attribute(copy_row.status, 'status');
+    attr_set := attr_set || search.calculate_visibility_attribute(copy_row.location, 'location');
+                attr_set,
+                search.calculate_visibility_attribute(owning_lib, 'owning_lib')
+            ) INTO attr_set
+      FROM  asset.call_number
+      WHERE id = copy_row.call_number;
+    FOR lgroup_map IN SELECT * FROM asset.copy_location_group_map WHERE location = copy_row.location LOOP
+        attr_set := attr_set || search.calculate_visibility_attribute(lgroup_map.lgroup, 'location_group');
+    END LOOP;
+    RETURN attr_set;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION biblio.calculate_bib_visibility_attribute_set ( bib_id BIGINT ) RETURNS INT[] AS $f$
+    bib_row     biblio.record_entry%ROWTYPE;
+    cn_row      asset.call_number%ROWTYPE;
+    attr_set    INT[];
+    SELECT * INTO bib_row FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE id = bib_id;
+    IF bib_row.source IS NOT NULL THEN
+        attr_set := attr_set || search.calculate_visibility_attribute(bib_row.source, 'bib_source');
+    END IF;
+    FOR cn_row IN
+        SELECT  cn.*
+          FROM  asset.call_number cn
+                JOIN asset.uri_call_number_map m ON (cn.id = m.call_number)
+                JOIN asset.uri u ON (u.id = m.uri)
+          WHERE cn.record = bib_id
+                AND cn.label = '##URI##'
+                AND u.active
+    LOOP
+        attr_set := attr_set || search.calculate_visibility_attribute(cn_row.owning_lib, 'luri_org');
+    END LOOP;
+    RETURN attr_set;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1076', :eg_version); -- miker/gmcharlt
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.cache_copy_visibility () RETURNS TRIGGER as $func$
+    ocn     asset.call_number%ROWTYPE;
+    ncn     asset.call_number%ROWTYPE;
+    cid     BIGINT;
+    IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'peer_bib_copy_map' THEN -- Only needs ON INSERT OR DELETE, so handle separately
+        IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN
+            INSERT INTO asset.copy_vis_attr_cache (record, target_copy, vis_attr_vector) VALUES (
+                NEW.peer_record,
+                NEW.target_copy,
+                asset.calculate_copy_visibility_attribute_set(NEW.target_copy)
+            );
+            RETURN NEW;
+            DELETE FROM asset.copy_vis_attr_cache
+              WHERE record = NEW.peer_record AND target_copy = NEW.target_copy;
+            RETURN OLD;
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
+    IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN -- Handles ON INSERT. ON UPDATE is below.
+        IF TG_TABLE_NAME IN ('copy', 'unit') THEN
+            SELECT * INTO ncn FROM asset.call_number cn WHERE id = NEW.call_number;
+            INSERT INTO asset.copy_vis_attr_cache (record, target_copy, vis_attr_vector) VALUES (
+                ncn.record,
+                NEW.id,
+                asset.calculate_copy_visibility_attribute_set(NEW.id)
+            );
+        ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'record_entry' THEN
+            NEW.vis_attr_vector := biblio.calculate_bib_visibility_attribute_set(NEW.id);
+        END IF;
+        RETURN NEW;
+    END IF;
+    -- handle items first, since with circulation activity
+    -- their statuses change frequently
+    IF TG_TABLE_NAME IN ('copy', 'unit') THEN -- This handles ON UPDATE OR DELETE. ON INSERT above
+        IF TG_OP = 'DELETE' THEN -- Shouldn't get here, normally
+            DELETE FROM asset.copy_vis_attr_cache WHERE target_copy = OLD.id;
+            RETURN OLD;
+        END IF;
+        SELECT * INTO ncn FROM asset.call_number cn WHERE id = NEW.call_number;
+        IF OLD.deleted <> NEW.deleted THEN
+            IF NEW.deleted THEN
+                DELETE FROM asset.copy_vis_attr_cache WHERE target_copy = OLD.id;
+            ELSE
+                INSERT INTO asset.copy_vis_attr_cache (record, target_copy, vis_attr_vector) VALUES (
+                    ncn.record,
+                    NEW.id,
+                    asset.calculate_copy_visibility_attribute_set(NEW.id)
+                );
+            END IF;
+            RETURN NEW;
+        ELSIF OLD.call_number  <> NEW.call_number THEN
+            SELECT * INTO ocn FROM asset.call_number cn WHERE id = OLD.call_number;
+            IF ncn.record <> ocn.record THEN
+                UPDATE  biblio.record_entry
+                  SET   vis_attr_vector = biblio.calculate_bib_visibility_attribute_set(ncn.record)
+                  WHERE id = ocn.record;
+                -- We have to use a record-specific WHERE clause
+                -- to avoid modifying the entries for peer-bib copies.
+                UPDATE  asset.copy_vis_attr_cache
+                  SET   target_copy = NEW.id,
+                        record = ncn.record
+                  WHERE target_copy = OLD.id
+                        AND record = ocn.record;
+            END IF;
+        END IF;
+        IF OLD.location     <> NEW.location OR
+           OLD.status       <> NEW.status OR
+           OLD.opac_visible <> NEW.opac_visible OR
+           OLD.circ_lib     <> NEW.circ_lib
+        THEN
+            -- Any of these could change visibility, but
+            -- we'll save some queries and not try to calculate
+            -- the change directly.  We want to update peer-bib
+            -- entries in this case, unlike above.
+            UPDATE  asset.copy_vis_attr_cache
+              SET   target_copy = NEW.id,
+                    vis_attr_vector = asset.calculate_copy_visibility_attribute_set(NEW.id)
+              WHERE target_copy = OLD.id;
+        END IF;
+    ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'call_number' THEN -- Only ON UPDATE. Copy handler will deal with ON INSERT OR DELETE.
+        IF OLD.record <> NEW.record THEN
+            IF NEW.label = '##URI##' THEN
+                UPDATE  biblio.record_entry
+                  SET   vis_attr_vector = biblio.calculate_bib_visibility_attribute_set(OLD.record)
+                  WHERE id = OLD.record;
+                UPDATE  biblio.record_entry
+                  SET   vis_attr_vector = biblio.calculate_bib_visibility_attribute_set(NEW.record)
+                  WHERE id = NEW.record;
+            END IF;
+            UPDATE  asset.copy_vis_attr_cache
+              SET   record = NEW.record,
+                    vis_attr_vector = asset.calculate_copy_visibility_attribute_set(target_copy)
+              WHERE target_copy IN (SELECT id FROM asset.copy WHERE call_number = NEW.id)
+                    AND record = OLD.record;
+        ELSIF OLD.owning_lib <> NEW.owning_lib THEN
+            UPDATE  asset.copy_vis_attr_cache
+              SET   vis_attr_vector = asset.calculate_copy_visibility_attribute_set(target_copy)
+              WHERE target_copy IN (SELECT id FROM asset.copy WHERE call_number = NEW.id)
+                    AND record = NEW.record;
+            IF NEW.label = '##URI##' THEN
+                UPDATE  biblio.record_entry
+                  SET   vis_attr_vector = biblio.calculate_bib_visibility_attribute_set(OLD.record)
+                  WHERE id = OLD.record;
+            END IF;
+        END IF;
+    ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'record_entry' THEN -- Only handles ON UPDATE OR DELETE
+        IF TG_OP = 'DELETE' THEN -- Shouldn't get here, normally
+            DELETE FROM asset.copy_vis_attr_cache WHERE record = OLD.id;
+            RETURN OLD;
+        ELSIF OLD.source <> NEW.source THEN
+            NEW.vis_attr_vector := biblio.calculate_bib_visibility_attribute_set(NEW.id);
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
+-- Helper functions for use in constructing searches --
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.all_visible_flags () RETURNS TEXT AS $f$
+    SELECT  '(' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(search.calculate_visibility_attribute(1 << x, 'copy_flags')),'&') || ')'
+      FROM  GENERATE_SERIES(0,0) AS x; -- increment as new flags are added.
+    SELECT  '(' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(search.calculate_visibility_attribute(id, $1)),'|') || ')'
+      FROM  actor.org_unit
+      WHERE opac_visible;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.invisible_orgs (otype TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $f$
+    SELECT  '!(' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(search.calculate_visibility_attribute(id, $1)),'|') || ')'
+      FROM  actor.org_unit
+      WHERE NOT opac_visible;
+-- Bib-oriented defaults for search
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.bib_source_default () RETURNS TEXT AS $f$
+    SELECT  '(' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(search.calculate_visibility_attribute(id, 'bib_source')),'|') || ')'
+      FROM  config.bib_source
+      WHERE transcendant;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.luri_org_default () RETURNS TEXT AS $f$
+    SELECT  * FROM asset.invisible_orgs('luri_org');
+-- Copy-oriented defaults for search
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.location_group_default () RETURNS TEXT AS $f$
+    SELECT  '!(' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(search.calculate_visibility_attribute(id, 'location_group')),'|') || ')'
+      FROM  asset.copy_location_group
+      WHERE NOT opac_visible;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.location_default () RETURNS TEXT AS $f$
+    SELECT  '!(' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(search.calculate_visibility_attribute(id, 'location')),'|') || ')'
+      FROM  asset.copy_location
+      WHERE NOT opac_visible;
+    SELECT  '!(' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(search.calculate_visibility_attribute(id, 'status')),'|') || ')'
+      FROM  config.copy_status
+      WHERE NOT opac_visible;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.owning_lib_default () RETURNS TEXT AS $f$
+    SELECT  * FROM asset.invisible_orgs('owning_lib');
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.circ_lib_default () RETURNS TEXT AS $f$
+    SELECT  * FROM asset.invisible_orgs('circ_lib');
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.patron_default_visibility_mask () RETURNS TABLE (b_attrs TEXT, c_attrs TEXT)  AS $f$
+    copy_flags      TEXT; -- "c" attr
+    owning_lib      TEXT; -- "c" attr
+    circ_lib        TEXT; -- "c" attr
+    status          TEXT; -- "c" attr
+    location        TEXT; -- "c" attr
+    location_group  TEXT; -- "c" attr
+    luri_org        TEXT; -- "b" attr
+    bib_sources     TEXT; -- "b" attr
+    copy_flags      := asset.all_visible_flags(); -- Will always have at least one
+    owning_lib      := NULLIF(asset.owning_lib_default(),'!()');
+    circ_lib        := NULLIF(asset.circ_lib_default(),'!()');
+    status          := NULLIF(asset.status_default(),'!()');
+    location        := NULLIF(asset.location_default(),'!()');
+    location_group  := NULLIF(asset.location_group_default(),'!()');
+    luri_org        := NULLIF(asset.luri_org_default(),'!()');
+    bib_sources     := NULLIF(asset.bib_source_default(),'()');
+        '('||ARRAY_TO_STRING(
+            ARRAY[luri_org,bib_sources],
+            '|'
+        )||')',
+        '('||ARRAY_TO_STRING(
+            ARRAY[copy_flags,owning_lib,circ_lib,status,location,location_group]::TEXT[],
+            '&'
+        )||')';
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION metabib.suggest_browse_entries(raw_query_text text, search_class text, headline_opts text, visibility_org integer, query_limit integer, normalization integer)
+ RETURNS TABLE(value text, field integer, buoyant_and_class_match boolean, field_match boolean, field_weight integer, rank real, buoyant boolean, match text)
+AS $f$
+    prepared_query_texts    TEXT[];
+    query                   TSQUERY;
+    plain_query             TSQUERY;
+    opac_visibility_join    TEXT;
+    search_class_join       TEXT;
+    r_fields                RECORD;
+    prepared_query_texts := metabib.autosuggest_prepare_tsquery(raw_query_text);
+    query := TO_TSQUERY('keyword', prepared_query_texts[1]);
+    plain_query := TO_TSQUERY('keyword', prepared_query_texts[2]);
+    visibility_org := NULLIF(visibility_org,-1);
+    IF visibility_org IS NOT NULL THEN
+        PERFORM FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = visibility_org AND parent_ou IS NULL;
+        IF FOUND THEN
+            opac_visibility_join := '';
+        ELSE
+            opac_visibility_join := '
+    JOIN asset.copy_vis_attr_cache acvac ON (acvac.record = x.source)
+    JOIN vm ON (acvac.vis_attr_vector @@
+            (vm.c_attrs || $$&$$ ||
+                search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test(
+                    $$circ_lib$$,
+                    (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) FROM actor.org_unit_descendants($4))
+                )
+            )::query_int
+         )
+        END IF;
+    ELSE
+        opac_visibility_join := '';
+    END IF;
+    -- The following determines whether we only provide suggestsons matching
+    -- the user's selected search_class, or whether we show other suggestions
+    -- too. The reason for MIN() is that for search_classes like
+    -- 'title|proper|uniform' you would otherwise get multiple rows.  The
+    -- implication is that if title as a class doesn't have restrict,
+    -- nor does the proper field, but the uniform field does, you're going
+    -- to get 'false' for your overall evaluation of 'should we restrict?'
+    -- To invert that, change from MIN() to MAX().
+        INTO r_fields
+            MIN(cmc.restrict::INT) AS restrict_class,
+            MIN(cmf.restrict::INT) AS restrict_field
+        FROM metabib.search_class_to_registered_components(search_class)
+            AS _registered (field_class TEXT, field INT)
+        JOIN
+            config.metabib_class cmc ON (cmc.name = _registered.field_class)
+        LEFT JOIN
+            config.metabib_field cmf ON (cmf.id = _registered.field);
+    -- evaluate 'should we restrict?'
+    IF r_fields.restrict_field::BOOL OR r_fields.restrict_class::BOOL THEN
+        search_class_join := '
+    JOIN
+        metabib.search_class_to_registered_components($2)
+        AS _registered (field_class TEXT, field INT) ON (
+            (_registered.field IS NULL AND
+                _registered.field_class = cmf.field_class) OR
+            (_registered.field = cmf.id)
+        )
+    ';
+    ELSE
+        search_class_join := '
+        metabib.search_class_to_registered_components($2)
+        AS _registered (field_class TEXT, field INT) ON (
+            _registered.field_class = cmc.name
+        )
+    ';
+    END IF;
+WITH vm AS ( SELECT * FROM asset.patron_default_visibility_mask() ),
+     mbe AS (SELECT * FROM metabib.browse_entry WHERE index_vector @@ $1 LIMIT 10000)
+        x.value,
+        x.id,
+        x.push,
+        x.restrict,
+        x.weight,
+        x.ts_rank_cd,
+        x.buoyant,
+        TS_HEADLINE(value, $7, $3)
+                mbe.value,
+                cmf.id,
+                cmc.buoyant AND _registered.field_class IS NOT NULL AS push,
+                _registered.field = cmf.id AS restrict,
+                cmf.weight,
+                TS_RANK_CD(mbe.index_vector, $1, $6),
+                cmc.buoyant,
+                mbedm.source
+          FROM  metabib.browse_entry_def_map mbedm
+                JOIN mbe ON (mbe.id = mbedm.entry)
+                JOIN config.metabib_field cmf ON (cmf.id = mbedm.def)
+                JOIN config.metabib_class cmc ON (cmf.field_class = cmc.name)
+                '  || search_class_join || '
+          LIMIT 1000) AS x
+        ' || opac_visibility_join || '
+  LIMIT $5
+'   -- sic, repeat the order by clause in the outer select too
+    USING
+        query, search_class, headline_opts,
+        visibility_org, query_limit, normalization, plain_query
+        ;
+    -- sort order:
+    --  buoyant AND chosen class = match class
+    --  chosen field = match field
+    --  field weight
+    --  rank
+    --  buoyancy
+    --  value itself
+$f$ LANGUAGE plpgsql ROWS 10;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION metabib.browse(search_field integer[], browse_term text, context_org integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, context_loc_group integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, staff boolean DEFAULT false, pivot_id bigint DEFAULT NULL::bigint, result_limit integer DEFAULT 10)
+ RETURNS SETOF metabib.flat_browse_entry_appearance
+AS $f$
+    core_query              TEXT;
+    back_query              TEXT;
+    forward_query           TEXT;
+    pivot_sort_value        TEXT;
+    pivot_sort_fallback     TEXT;
+    context_locations       INT[];
+    browse_superpage_size   INT;
+    results_skipped         INT := 0;
+    back_limit              INT;
+    back_to_pivot           INT;
+    forward_limit           INT;
+    forward_to_pivot        INT;
+    -- First, find the pivot if we were given a browse term but not a pivot.
+    IF pivot_id IS NULL THEN
+        pivot_id := metabib.browse_pivot(search_field, browse_term);
+    END IF;
+    SELECT INTO pivot_sort_value, pivot_sort_fallback
+        sort_value, value FROM metabib.browse_entry WHERE id = pivot_id;
+    -- Bail if we couldn't find a pivot.
+    IF pivot_sort_value IS NULL THEN
+        RETURN;
+    END IF;
+    -- Transform the context_loc_group argument (if any) (logc at the
+    -- TPAC layer) into a form we'll be able to use.
+    IF context_loc_group IS NOT NULL THEN
+        SELECT INTO context_locations ARRAY_AGG(location)
+            FROM asset.copy_location_group_map
+            WHERE lgroup = context_loc_group;
+    END IF;
+    -- Get the configured size of browse superpages.
+    SELECT INTO browse_superpage_size COALESCE(value::INT,100)     -- NULL ok
+        FROM config.global_flag
+        WHERE enabled AND name = 'opac.browse.holdings_visibility_test_limit';
+    -- First we're going to search backward from the pivot, then we're going
+    -- to search forward.  In each direction, we need two limits.  At the
+    -- lesser of the two limits, we delineate the edge of the result set
+    -- we're going to return.  At the greater of the two limits, we find the
+    -- pivot value that would represent an offset from the current pivot
+    -- at a distance of one "page" in either direction, where a "page" is a
+    -- result set of the size specified in the "result_limit" argument.
+    --
+    -- The two limits in each direction make four derived values in total,
+    -- and we calculate them now.
+    back_limit := CEIL(result_limit::FLOAT / 2);
+    back_to_pivot := result_limit;
+    forward_limit := result_limit / 2;
+    forward_to_pivot := result_limit - 1;
+    -- This is the meat of the SQL query that finds browse entries.  We'll
+    -- pass this to a function which uses it with a cursor, so that individual
+    -- rows may be fetched in a loop until some condition is satisfied, without
+    -- waiting for a result set of fixed size to be collected all at once.
+    core_query := '
+SELECT  mbe.id,
+        mbe.value,
+        mbe.sort_value
+  FROM  metabib.browse_entry mbe
+  WHERE (
+            EXISTS ( -- are there any bibs using this mbe via the requested fields?
+                SELECT  1
+                  FROM  metabib.browse_entry_def_map mbedm
+                  WHERE mbedm.entry = mbe.id AND mbedm.def = ANY(' || quote_literal(search_field) || ')
+            ) OR EXISTS ( -- are there any authorities using this mbe via the requested fields?
+                SELECT  1
+                  FROM  metabib.browse_entry_simple_heading_map mbeshm
+                        JOIN authority.simple_heading ash ON ( mbeshm.simple_heading = ash.id )
+                        JOIN authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs map ON (
+                            ash.atag = map.authority_field
+                            AND map.metabib_field = ANY(' || quote_literal(search_field) || ')
+                        )
+                  WHERE mbeshm.entry = mbe.id
+            )
+        ) AND ';
+    -- This is the variant of the query for browsing backward.
+    back_query := core_query ||
+        ' mbe.sort_value <= ' || quote_literal(pivot_sort_value) ||
+    ' ORDER BY mbe.sort_value DESC, mbe.value DESC LIMIT 1000';
+    -- This variant browses forward.
+    forward_query := core_query ||
+        ' mbe.sort_value > ' || quote_literal(pivot_sort_value) ||
+    ' ORDER BY mbe.sort_value, mbe.value LIMIT 1000';
+    -- We now call the function which applies a cursor to the provided
+    -- queries, stopping at the appropriate limits and also giving us
+    -- the next page's pivot.
+        SELECT * FROM metabib.staged_browse(
+            back_query, search_field, context_org, context_locations,
+            staff, browse_superpage_size, TRUE, back_limit, back_to_pivot
+        ) UNION
+        SELECT * FROM metabib.staged_browse(
+            forward_query, search_field, context_org, context_locations,
+            staff, browse_superpage_size, FALSE, forward_limit, forward_to_pivot
+        ) ORDER BY row_number DESC;
+$f$ LANGUAGE plpgsql ROWS 10;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION metabib.staged_browse(query text, fields integer[], context_org integer, context_locations integer[], staff boolean, browse_superpage_size integer, count_up_from_zero boolean, result_limit integer, next_pivot_pos integer)
+ RETURNS SETOF metabib.flat_browse_entry_appearance
+AS $f$
+    curs                    REFCURSOR;
+    rec                     RECORD;
+    qpfts_query             TEXT;
+    aqpfts_query            TEXT;
+    afields                 INT[];
+    bfields                 INT[];
+    result_row              metabib.flat_browse_entry_appearance%ROWTYPE;
+    results_skipped         INT := 0;
+    row_counter             INT := 0;
+    row_number              INT;
+    slice_start             INT;
+    slice_end               INT;
+    full_end                INT;
+    all_records             BIGINT[];
+    all_brecords             BIGINT[];
+    all_arecords            BIGINT[];
+    superpage_of_records    BIGINT[];
+    superpage_size          INT;
+    c_tests                 TEXT := '';
+    b_tests                 TEXT := '';
+    c_orgs                  INT[];
+    IF count_up_from_zero THEN
+        row_number := 0;
+    ELSE
+        row_number := -1;
+    END IF;
+    IF NOT staff THEN
+        SELECT x.c_attrs, x.b_attrs INTO c_tests, b_tests FROM asset.patron_default_visibility_mask() x;
+    END IF;
+    IF c_tests <> '' THEN c_tests := c_tests || '&'; END IF;
+    IF b_tests <> '' THEN b_tests := b_tests || '&'; END IF;
+    SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) INTO c_orgs FROM actor.org_unit_descendants(context_org);
+    c_tests := c_tests || search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test('circ_lib',c_orgs)
+               || '&' || search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test('owning_lib',c_orgs);
+    PERFORM 1 FROM config.internal_flag WHERE enabled AND name = 'opac.located_uri.act_as_copy';
+        b_tests := b_tests || search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test(
+            'luri_org',
+            (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) FROM actor.org_unit_full_path(context_org) x)
+        );
+    ELSE
+        b_tests := b_tests || search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test(
+            'luri_org',
+            (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) FROM actor.org_unit_ancestors(context_org) x)
+        );
+    END IF;
+    IF context_locations THEN
+        IF c_tests <> '' THEN c_tests := c_tests || '&'; END IF;
+        c_tests := c_tests || search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test('location',context_locations);
+    END IF;
+    LOOP
+        FETCH curs INTO rec;
+            IF result_row.pivot_point IS NOT NULL THEN
+                RETURN NEXT result_row;
+            END IF;
+            RETURN;
+        END IF;
+        -- Gather aggregate data based on the MBE row we're looking at now, authority axis
+        SELECT INTO all_arecords, result_row.sees, afields
+                ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT abl.bib), -- bibs to check for visibility
+                STRING_AGG(DISTINCT aal.source::TEXT, $$,$$), -- authority record ids
+                ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT map.metabib_field) -- authority-tag-linked CMF rows
+          FROM  metabib.browse_entry_simple_heading_map mbeshm
+                JOIN authority.simple_heading ash ON ( mbeshm.simple_heading = ash.id )
+                JOIN authority.authority_linking aal ON ( ash.record = aal.source )
+                JOIN authority.bib_linking abl ON ( aal.target = abl.authority )
+                JOIN authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs map ON (
+                    ash.atag = map.authority_field
+                    AND map.metabib_field = ANY(fields)
+                )
+          WHERE mbeshm.entry = rec.id;
+        -- Gather aggregate data based on the MBE row we're looking at now, bib axis
+        SELECT INTO all_brecords, result_row.authorities, bfields
+                ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT source),
+                STRING_AGG(DISTINCT authority::TEXT, $$,$$),
+                ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT def)
+          FROM  metabib.browse_entry_def_map
+          WHERE entry = rec.id
+                AND def = ANY(fields);
+        SELECT INTO result_row.fields STRING_AGG(DISTINCT x::TEXT, $$,$$) FROM UNNEST(afields || bfields) x;
+        result_row.sources := 0;
+        result_row.asources := 0;
+        -- Bib-linked vis checking
+        IF ARRAY_UPPER(all_brecords,1) IS NOT NULL THEN
+            SELECT  INTO result_row.sources COUNT(DISTINCT b.id)
+              FROM  biblio.record_entry b
+                    JOIN asset.copy_vis_attr_cache acvac ON (acvac.record = b.id)
+              WHERE b.id = ANY(all_brecords[1:browse_superpage_size])
+                    AND (
+                        acvac.vis_attr_vector @@ c_tests::query_int
+                        OR b.vis_attr_vector @@ b_tests::query_int
+                    );
+            result_row.accurate := TRUE;
+        END IF;
+        -- Authority-linked vis checking
+        IF ARRAY_UPPER(all_arecords,1) IS NOT NULL THEN
+            SELECT  INTO result_row.asources COUNT(DISTINCT b.id)
+              FROM  biblio.record_entry b
+                    JOIN asset.copy_vis_attr_cache acvac ON (acvac.record = b.id)
+              WHERE b.id = ANY(all_arecords[1:browse_superpage_size])
+                    AND (
+                        acvac.vis_attr_vector @@ c_tests::query_int
+                        OR b.vis_attr_vector @@ b_tests::query_int
+                    );
+            result_row.aaccurate := TRUE;
+        END IF;
+        IF result_row.sources > 0 OR result_row.asources > 0 THEN
+            -- The function that calls this function needs row_number in order
+            -- to correctly order results from two different runs of this
+            -- functions.
+            result_row.row_number := row_number;
+            -- Now, if row_counter is still less than limit, return a row.  If
+            -- not, but it is less than next_pivot_pos, continue on without
+            -- returning actual result rows until we find
+            -- that next pivot, and return it.
+            IF row_counter < result_limit THEN
+                result_row.browse_entry := rec.id;
+                result_row.value := rec.value;
+                RETURN NEXT result_row;
+            ELSE
+                result_row.browse_entry := NULL;
+                result_row.authorities := NULL;
+                result_row.fields := NULL;
+                result_row.value := NULL;
+                result_row.sources := NULL;
+                result_row.sees := NULL;
+                result_row.accurate := NULL;
+                result_row.aaccurate := NULL;
+                result_row.pivot_point := rec.id;
+                IF row_counter >= next_pivot_pos THEN
+                    RETURN NEXT result_row;
+                    RETURN;
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+            IF count_up_from_zero THEN
+                row_number := row_number + 1;
+            ELSE
+                row_number := row_number - 1;
+            END IF;
+            -- row_counter is different from row_number.
+            -- It simply counts up from zero so that we know when
+            -- we've reached our limit.
+            row_counter := row_counter + 1;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+$f$ LANGUAGE plpgsql ROWS 10;
+DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS a_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr ON biblio.peer_bib_copy_map;
+DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS a_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr ON biblio.record_entry;
+DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS a_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr ON asset.copy;
+DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS a_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr ON asset.call_number;
+DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS a_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr ON asset.copy_location;
+DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS a_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr ON serial.unit;
+DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS a_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr ON config.copy_status;
+DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS a_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr ON actor.org_unit;
+-- Upgrade the data!
+INSERT INTO asset.copy_vis_attr_cache (target_copy, record, vis_attr_vector)
+    SELECT  cp.id,
+            cn.record,
+            asset.calculate_copy_visibility_attribute_set(cp.id)
+      FROM  asset.copy cp
+            JOIN asset.call_number cn ON (cp.call_number = cn.id);
+-- updating vis cache for biblio.record_entry deferred to end
+CREATE TRIGGER z_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON biblio.record_entry FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE asset.cache_copy_visibility();
+CREATE TRIGGER z_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr AFTER INSERT OR DELETE ON biblio.peer_bib_copy_map FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE asset.cache_copy_visibility();
+CREATE TRIGGER z_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr AFTER UPDATE ON asset.call_number FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE asset.cache_copy_visibility();
+CREATE TRIGGER z_opac_vis_mat_view_del_tgr BEFORE DELETE ON asset.copy FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE asset.cache_copy_visibility();
+CREATE TRIGGER z_opac_vis_mat_view_del_tgr BEFORE DELETE ON serial.unit FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE asset.cache_copy_visibility();
+CREATE TRIGGER z_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON asset.copy FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE asset.cache_copy_visibility();
+CREATE TRIGGER z_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON serial.unit FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE asset.cache_copy_visibility();
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.opac_ou_record_copy_count (org INT, rid BIGINT) RETURNS TABLE (depth INT, org_unit INT, visible BIGINT, available BIGINT, unshadow BIGINT, transcendant INT) AS $f$
+    ans RECORD;
+    trans INT;
+    SELECT 1 INTO trans FROM biblio.record_entry b JOIN config.bib_source src ON (b.source = src.id) WHERE src.transcendant AND b.id = rid;
+    FOR ans IN SELECT u.id, t.depth FROM actor.org_unit_ancestors(org) AS u JOIN actor.org_unit_type t ON (u.ou_type = t.id) LOOP
+        WITH org_list AS (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id)::BIGINT[] AS orgs FROM actor.org_unit_descendants(ans.id) x),
+             available_statuses AS (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) AS ids FROM config.copy_status WHERE is_available),
+             mask AS (SELECT c_attrs FROM asset.patron_default_visibility_mask() x)
+        SELECT  ans.depth,
+                ans.id,
+                COUNT( av.id ),
+                SUM( (cp.status = ANY (available_statuses.ids))::INT ),
+                COUNT( av.id ),
+                trans
+          FROM  mask,
+                available_statuses,
+                org_list,
+                asset.copy_vis_attr_cache av
+                JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = av.target_copy AND av.record = rid)
+          WHERE cp.circ_lib = ANY (org_list.orgs) AND av.vis_attr_vector @@ mask.c_attrs::query_int
+          GROUP BY 1,2,6;
+            RETURN QUERY SELECT ans.depth, ans.id, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, trans;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+    RETURN;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.opac_lasso_record_copy_count (i_lasso INT, rid BIGINT) RETURNS TABLE (depth INT, org_unit INT, visible BIGINT, available BIGINT, unshadow BIGINT, transcendant INT) AS $f$
+    ans RECORD;
+    trans INT;
+    SELECT 1 INTO trans FROM biblio.record_entry b JOIN config.bib_source src ON (b.source = src.id) WHERE src.transcendant AND b.id = rid;
+    FOR ans IN SELECT u.org_unit AS id FROM actor.org_lasso_map AS u WHERE lasso = i_lasso LOOP
+        WITH org_list AS (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id)::BIGINT[] AS orgs FROM actor.org_unit_descendants(ans.id) x),
+             available_statuses AS (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) AS ids FROM config.copy_status WHERE is_available),
+             mask AS (SELECT c_attrs FROM asset.patron_default_visibility_mask() x)
+        SELECT  -1,
+                ans.id,
+                COUNT( av.id ),
+                SUM( (cp.status = ANY (available_statuses.ids))::INT ),
+                COUNT( av.id ),
+                trans
+          FROM  mask,
+                org_list,
+                asset.copy_vis_attr_cache av
+                JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = av.target_copy AND av.record = rid)
+          WHERE cp.circ_lib = ANY (org_list.orgs) AND av.vis_attr_vector @@ mask.c_attrs::query_int
+          GROUP BY 1,2,6;
+            RETURN QUERY SELECT -1, ans.id, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, trans;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+    RETURN;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.opac_ou_metarecord_copy_count (org INT, rid BIGINT) RETURNS TABLE (depth INT, org_unit INT, visible BIGINT, available BIGINT, unshadow BIGINT, transcendant INT) AS $f$
+    ans RECORD;
+    trans INT;
+    SELECT 1 INTO trans FROM biblio.record_entry b JOIN config.bib_source src ON (b.source = src.id) JOIN metabib.metarecord_source_map m ON (m.source = b.id) WHERE src.transcendant AND m.metarecord = rid;
+    FOR ans IN SELECT u.id, t.depth FROM actor.org_unit_ancestors(org) AS u JOIN actor.org_unit_type t ON (u.ou_type = t.id) LOOP
+        WITH org_list AS (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id)::BIGINT[] AS orgs FROM actor.org_unit_descendants(ans.id) x),
+             available_statuses AS (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) AS ids FROM config.copy_status WHERE is_available),
+             mask AS (SELECT c_attrs FROM asset.patron_default_visibility_mask() x)
+        SELECT  ans.depth,
+                ans.id,
+                COUNT( av.id ),
+                SUM( (cp.status = ANY (available_statuses.ids))::INT ),
+                COUNT( av.id ),
+                trans
+          FROM  mask,
+                org_list,
+                available_statuses,
+                asset.copy_vis_attr_cache av
+                JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = av.target_copy)
+                JOIN metabib.metarecord_source_map m ON (m.metarecord = rid AND m.source = av.record)
+          WHERE cp.circ_lib = ANY (org_list.orgs) AND av.vis_attr_vector @@ mask.c_attrs::query_int
+          GROUP BY 1,2,6;
+            RETURN QUERY SELECT ans.depth, ans.id, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, trans;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+    RETURN;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset.opac_lasso_metarecord_copy_count (i_lasso INT, rid BIGINT) RETURNS TABLE (depth INT, org_unit INT, visible BIGINT, available BIGINT, unshadow BIGINT, transcendant INT) AS $f$
+    ans RECORD;
+    trans INT;
+    SELECT 1 INTO trans FROM biblio.record_entry b JOIN config.bib_source src ON (b.source = src.id) JOIN metabib.metarecord_source_map m ON (m.source = b.id) WHERE src.transcendant AND m.metarecord = rid;
+    FOR ans IN SELECT u.org_unit AS id FROM actor.org_lasso_map AS u WHERE lasso = i_lasso LOOP
+        WITH org_list AS (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id)::BIGINT[] AS orgs FROM actor.org_unit_descendants(ans.id) x),
+             available_statuses AS (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) AS ids FROM config.copy_status WHERE is_available),
+             mask AS (SELECT c_attrs FROM asset.patron_default_visibility_mask() x)
+        SELECT  -1,
+                ans.id,
+                COUNT( av.id ),
+                SUM( (cp.status = ANY (available_statuses.ids))::INT ),
+                COUNT( av.id ),
+                trans
+          FROM  mask,
+                org_list,
+                available_statuses,
+                asset.copy_vis_attr_cache av
+                JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = av.target_copy)
+                JOIN metabib.metarecord_source_map m ON (m.metarecord = rid AND m.source = av.record)
+          WHERE cp.circ_lib = ANY (org_list.orgs) AND av.vis_attr_vector @@ mask.c_attrs::query_int
+          GROUP BY 1,2,6;
+            RETURN QUERY SELECT ans.depth, ans.id, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, 0::BIGINT, trans;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+    RETURN;
+    obj_id BIGINT,
+    format TEXT,
+    ename TEXT,
+    includes TEXT[],
+    org TEXT,
+    depth INT DEFAULT NULL,
+    include_xmlns BOOL DEFAULT TRUE,
+    pref_lib INT DEFAULT NULL
+        name attributes,
+            CASE WHEN $9 THEN 'http://open-ils.org/spec/indexing/v1' ELSE NULL END AS xmlns,
+            'tag:open-ils.org:U2@mmr/' || $1 AS metarecord
+        ),
+        (SELECT XMLAGG(foo.y)
+          FROM (
+            WITH sourcelist AS (
+                WITH aou AS (SELECT COALESCE(id, (evergreen.org_top()).id) AS id FROM actor.org_unit WHERE shortname = $5 LIMIT 1),
+                     basevm AS (SELECT c_attrs FROM  asset.patron_default_visibility_mask()),
+                     circvm AS (SELECT search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test('circ_lib', ARRAY_AGG(aoud.id)) AS mask
+                                  FROM aou, LATERAL actor.org_unit_descendants(aou.id, $6) aoud)
+                SELECT  source
+                  FROM  aou, circvm, basevm, metabib.metarecord_source_map mmsm
+                  WHERE mmsm.metarecord = $1 AND (
+                    EXISTS (
+                        SELECT  1
+                          FROM  circvm, basevm, asset.copy_vis_attr_cache acvac
+                          WHERE acvac.vis_attr_vector @@ (basevm.c_attrs || '&' || circvm.mask)::query_int
+                                AND acvac.record = mmsm.source
+                    )
+                    OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM evergreen.located_uris(source, aou.id, $10) LIMIT 1)
+                    OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM biblio.record_entry b JOIN config.bib_source src ON (b.source = src.id) WHERE src.transcendant AND b.id = mmsm.source)
+                )
+            )
+            SELECT  cmra.aid,
+                    XMLELEMENT(
+                        name field,
+                        XMLATTRIBUTES(
+                            cmra.attr AS name,
+                            cmra.value AS "coded-value",
+                            cmra.aid AS "cvmid",
+                            rad.composite,
+                            rad.multi,
+                            rad.filter,
+                            rad.sorter,
+                            cmra.source_list
+                        ),
+                        cmra.value
+                    )
+              FROM  (
+                SELECT DISTINCT aid, attr, value, STRING_AGG(x.id::TEXT, ',') AS source_list
+                  FROM (
+                    SELECT  v.source AS id,
+                            c.id AS aid,
+                            c.ctype AS attr,
+                            c.code AS value
+                      FROM  metabib.record_attr_vector_list v
+                            JOIN config.coded_value_map c ON ( c.id = ANY( v.vlist ) )
+                    ) AS x
+                    JOIN sourcelist ON (x.id = sourcelist.source)
+                    GROUP BY 1, 2, 3
+                ) AS cmra
+                JOIN config.record_attr_definition rad ON (cmra.attr = rad.name)
+                UNION ALL
+            SELECT  umra.aid,
+                    XMLELEMENT(
+                        name field,
+                        XMLATTRIBUTES(
+                            umra.attr AS name,
+                            rad.composite,
+                            rad.multi,
+                            rad.filter,
+                            rad.sorter
+                        ),
+                        umra.value
+                    )
+              FROM  (
+                SELECT DISTINCT aid, attr, value
+                  FROM (
+                    SELECT  v.source AS id,
+                            m.id AS aid,
+                            m.attr AS attr,
+                            m.value AS value
+                      FROM  metabib.record_attr_vector_list v
+                            JOIN metabib.uncontrolled_record_attr_value m ON ( m.id = ANY( v.vlist ) )
+                    ) AS x
+                    JOIN sourcelist ON (x.id = sourcelist.source)
+                ) AS umra
+                JOIN config.record_attr_definition rad ON (umra.attr = rad.name)
+                ORDER BY 1
+            )foo(id,y)
+        )
+    )
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.ranked_volumes(
+    bibid BIGINT[],
+    ouid INT,
+    depth INT DEFAULT NULL,
+    pref_lib INT DEFAULT NULL,
+    includes TEXT[] DEFAULT NULL::TEXT[]
+) RETURNS TABLE(id BIGINT, name TEXT, label_sortkey TEXT, rank BIGINT) AS $$
+    WITH RECURSIVE ou_depth AS (
+            $3,
+            (
+                SELECT depth
+                FROM actor.org_unit_type aout
+                    INNER JOIN actor.org_unit ou ON ou_type = aout.id
+                WHERE ou.id = $2
+            )
+        ) AS depth
+    ), descendant_depth AS (
+        SELECT  ou.id,
+                ou.parent_ou,
+                out.depth
+        FROM  actor.org_unit ou
+                JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type)
+                JOIN anscestor_depth ad ON (ad.id = ou.id),
+                ou_depth
+        WHERE ad.depth = ou_depth.depth
+            UNION ALL
+        SELECT  ou.id,
+                ou.parent_ou,
+                out.depth
+        FROM  actor.org_unit ou
+                JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type)
+                JOIN descendant_depth ot ON (ot.id = ou.parent_ou)
+    ), anscestor_depth AS (
+        SELECT  ou.id,
+                ou.parent_ou,
+                out.depth
+        FROM  actor.org_unit ou
+                JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type)
+        WHERE ou.id = $2
+            UNION ALL
+        SELECT  ou.id,
+                ou.parent_ou,
+                out.depth
+        FROM  actor.org_unit ou
+                JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type)
+                JOIN anscestor_depth ot ON (ot.parent_ou = ou.id)
+    ), descendants as (
+        SELECT ou.* FROM actor.org_unit ou JOIN descendant_depth USING (id)
+    )
+    SELECT ua.id, ua.name, ua.label_sortkey, MIN(ua.rank) AS rank FROM (
+        SELECT acn.id, owning_lib.name, acn.label_sortkey,
+            evergreen.rank_cp(acp),
+            RANK() OVER w
+        FROM asset.call_number acn
+            JOIN asset.copy acp ON (acn.id = acp.call_number)
+            JOIN descendants AS aou ON (acp.circ_lib = aou.id)
+            JOIN actor.org_unit AS owning_lib ON (acn.owning_lib = owning_lib.id)
+        WHERE acn.record = ANY ($1)
+            AND acn.deleted IS FALSE
+            AND acp.deleted IS FALSE
+            AND CASE WHEN ('exclude_invisible_acn' = ANY($7)) THEN
+                EXISTS (
+                    WITH basevm AS (SELECT c_attrs FROM  asset.patron_default_visibility_mask()),
+                         circvm AS (SELECT search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test('circ_lib', ARRAY[acp.circ_lib]) AS mask)
+                    SELECT  1
+                      FROM  basevm, circvm, asset.copy_vis_attr_cache acvac
+                      WHERE acvac.vis_attr_vector @@ (basevm.c_attrs || '&' || circvm.mask)::query_int
+                            AND acvac.target_copy = acp.id
+                            AND acvac.record = acn.record
+                ) ELSE TRUE END
+        GROUP BY acn.id, evergreen.rank_cp(acp), owning_lib.name, acn.label_sortkey, aou.id
+        WINDOW w AS (
+            ORDER BY
+                COALESCE(
+                    CASE WHEN aou.id = $2 THEN -20000 END,
+                    CASE WHEN aou.id = $6 THEN -10000 END,
+                    (SELECT distance - 5000
+                        FROM actor.org_unit_descendants_distance($6) as x
+                        WHERE x.id = aou.id AND $6 IN (
+                            SELECT q.id FROM actor.org_unit_descendants($2) as q)),
+                    (SELECT e.distance FROM actor.org_unit_descendants_distance($2) as e WHERE e.id = aou.id),
+                    1000
+                ),
+                evergreen.rank_cp(acp)
+        )
+    ) AS ua
+    GROUP BY ua.id, ua.name, ua.label_sortkey
+    ORDER BY rank, ua.name, ua.label_sortkey
+    LIMIT ($4 -> 'acn')::INT
+    OFFSET ($5 -> 'acn')::INT;
+-- Evergreen DB patch XXXX.schema.action-trigger.event_definition.sms_preminder.sql
+-- New action trigger event definition: 3 Day Courtesy Notice by SMS
+-- check whether patch can be applied
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1058', :eg_version); -- mccanna/csharp/gmcharlt
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_definition (id, active, owner, name, hook,
+        validator, reactor, delay, max_delay, delay_field, group_field, template)
+    VALUES (54, FALSE, 1,
+        '3 Day Courtesy Notice by SMS',
+        'checkout.due',
+        'CircIsOpen', 'SendSMS', '-3 days', '-2 days', 'due_date', 'usr',
+[%- USE date -%]
+[%- user = target.0.usr -%]
+[%- homelib = user.home_ou -%]
+[%- sms_number = helpers.get_user_setting(user.id, 'opac.default_sms_notify') -%]
+[%- sms_carrier = helpers.get_user_setting(user.id, 'opac.default_sms_carrier') -%]
+From: [%- helpers.get_org_setting(homelib.id, 'org.bounced_emails') || homelib.email || params.sender_email || default_sender %]
+To: [%- helpers.get_sms_gateway_email(sms_carrier,sms_number) %]
+Subject: Library Materials Due Soon
+You have items due soon:
+[% FOR circ IN target %]
+[%- copy_details = helpers.get_copy_bib_basics(circ.target_copy.id) -%]
+[% copy_details.title FILTER ucfirst %] by [% copy_details.author FILTER ucfirst %] due on [% date.format(helpers.format_date(circ.due_date), '%m-%d-%Y') %]
+[% END %]
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment (event_def, path) VALUES
+    (54, 'circ_lib.billing_address'),
+    (54, 'target_copy.call_number'),
+    (54, 'usr'),
+    (54, 'usr.home_ou');
+-- check whether patch can be applied
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1059', :eg_version); --Stompro/DPearl/kmlussier
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW reporter.old_super_simple_record AS
+SELECT  r.id,
+    r.fingerprint,
+    r.quality,
+    r.tcn_source,
+    r.tcn_value,
+    CONCAT_WS(' ', FIRST(title.value),FIRST(title_np.val)) AS title,
+    FIRST(author.value) AS author,
+    STRING_AGG(DISTINCT publisher.value, ', ') AS publisher,
+    STRING_AGG(DISTINCT SUBSTRING(pubdate.value FROM $$\d+$$), ', ') AS pubdate,
+    CASE WHEN ARRAY_AGG( DISTINCT REPLACE(SUBSTRING(isbn.value FROM $$^\S+$$), '-', '') ) = '{NULL}'
+        THEN NULL
+        ELSE ARRAY_AGG( DISTINCT REPLACE(SUBSTRING(isbn.value FROM $$^\S+$$), '-', '') )
+    END AS isbn,
+    CASE WHEN ARRAY_AGG( DISTINCT REGEXP_REPLACE(issn.value, E'^\\S*(\\d{4})[-\\s](\\d{3,4}x?)', E'\\1 \\2') ) = '{NULL}'
+        THEN NULL
+        ELSE ARRAY_AGG( DISTINCT REGEXP_REPLACE(issn.value, E'^\\S*(\\d{4})[-\\s](\\d{3,4}x?)', E'\\1 \\2') )
+    END AS issn
+  FROM  biblio.record_entry r
+    LEFT JOIN metabib.full_rec title ON (r.id = title.record AND title.tag = '245' AND title.subfield = 'a')
+    LEFT JOIN ( -- Grab 245 N and P subfields in the order that they appear.
+      SELECT b.record, string_agg(val, ' ') AS val FROM (
+            SELECT title_np.record, title_np.value AS val
+             FROM metabib.full_rec title_np
+             WHERE
+             title_np.tag = '245'
+                       AND title_np.subfield IN ('p','n')                      
+                       ORDER BY title_np.id
+               ) b
+               GROUP BY 1
+        ) title_np ON (title_np.record=r.id) 
+    LEFT JOIN metabib.full_rec author ON (r.id = author.record AND author.tag IN ('100','110','111') AND author.subfield = 'a')
+    LEFT JOIN metabib.full_rec publisher ON (r.id = publisher.record AND (publisher.tag = '260' OR (publisher.tag = '264' AND publisher.ind2 = '1')) AND publisher.subfield = 'b')
+    LEFT JOIN metabib.full_rec pubdate ON (r.id = pubdate.record AND (pubdate.tag = '260' OR (pubdate.tag = '264' AND pubdate.ind2 = '1')) AND pubdate.subfield = 'c')
+    LEFT JOIN metabib.full_rec isbn ON (r.id = isbn.record AND isbn.tag IN ('024', '020') AND isbn.subfield IN ('a','z'))
+    LEFT JOIN metabib.full_rec issn ON (r.id = issn.record AND issn.tag = '022' AND issn.subfield = 'a')
+  GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5;
+  -- Remove trigger on biblio.record_entry
+  SELECT reporter.disable_materialized_simple_record_trigger();
+  -- Rebuild reporter.materialized_simple_record
+  SELECT reporter.enable_materialized_simple_record_trigger();
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1060', :eg_version);
+DROP VIEW IF EXISTS extend_reporter.copy_count_per_org;
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW extend_reporter.copy_count_per_org AS
+ SELECT acn.record AS bibid,
+    ac.circ_lib,
+    acn.owning_lib,
+    max(ac.edit_date) AS last_edit_time,
+    min(ac.deleted::integer) AS has_only_deleted_copies,
+    count(
+        CASE
+            WHEN ac.deleted THEN ac.id
+            ELSE NULL::bigint
+        END) AS deleted_count,
+    count(
+        CASE
+            WHEN NOT ac.deleted THEN ac.id
+            ELSE NULL::bigint
+        END) AS visible_count,
+    count(*) AS total_count
+   FROM asset.call_number acn,
+    asset.copy ac
+  WHERE ac.call_number = acn.id
+  GROUP BY acn.record, acn.owning_lib, ac.circ_lib;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1061', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type
+    (name, label, description, grp, datatype)
+    'ui.staff.max_recent_patrons',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'ui.staff.max_recent_patrons',
+        'Number of Retrievable Recent Patrons',
+        'coust',
+        'label'
+    ),
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'ui.staff.max_recent_patrons',
+        'Number of most recently accessed patrons that can be re-retrieved ' ||
+        'in the staff client.  A value of 0 or less disables the feature. Defaults to 1.',
+        'coust',
+        'description'
+    ),
+    'circ',
+    'integer'
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1062', :eg_version);
+CREATE TABLE acq.edi_attr (
+    key     TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
+CREATE TABLE acq.edi_attr_set (
+    id      SERIAL  PRIMARY KEY,
+CREATE TABLE acq.edi_attr_set_map (
+    id          SERIAL  PRIMARY KEY,
+    attr_set    INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.edi_attr_set(id) 
+    attr        TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.edi_attr(key) 
+    CONSTRAINT edi_attr_set_map_attr_once UNIQUE (attr_set, attr)
+-- An attr_set is not strictly required, since some edi_accounts/vendors 
+-- may not need to apply any attributes.
+ALTER TABLE acq.edi_account 
+    ADD COLUMN attr_set INTEGER REFERENCES acq.edi_attr_set(id),
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1063', :eg_version);
+DO $temp$
+       r RECORD;
+       FOR r IN SELECT t.table_schema AS sname,
+                       t.table_name AS tname,
+                       t.column_name AS colname,
+                       t.constraint_name
+                 FROM  information_schema.referential_constraints ref
+                       JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage t USING (constraint_schema,constraint_name)
+                 WHERE ref.unique_constraint_schema = 'asset'
+                       AND ref.unique_constraint_name = 'copy_pkey'
+       LOOP
+               EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE '||r.sname||'.'||r.tname||' DROP CONSTRAINT '||r.constraint_name||';';
+               EXECUTE '
+                       CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.'||r.sname||'_'||r.tname||'_'||r.colname||'_inh_fkey() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $f$
+                       BEGIN
+                               PERFORM 1 FROM asset.copy WHERE id = NEW.'||r.colname||';
+                               IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                                       RAISE foreign_key_violation USING MESSAGE = FORMAT(
+                                               $$Referenced asset.copy id not found, '||r.colname||':%s$$, NEW.'||r.colname||'
+                                       );
+                               END IF;
+                               RETURN NEW;
+                       END;
+                       $f$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL VOLATILE COST 50;
+               ';
+               EXECUTE '
+                       CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER inherit_'||r.constraint_name||'
+                               AFTER UPDATE OR INSERT OR DELETE ON '||r.sname||'.'||r.tname||'
+                               DEFERRABLE FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE evergreen.'||r.sname||'_'||r.tname||'_'||r.colname||'_inh_fkey();
+               ';
+       END LOOP;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1064', :eg_version);
+ALTER TABLE serial.issuance DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS issuance_caption_and_pattern_fkey;
+-- Using NOT VALID and VALIDATE CONSTRAINT limits the impact to concurrent work.
+-- For details, see: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-altertable.html
+ALTER TABLE serial.issuance ADD CONSTRAINT issuance_caption_and_pattern_fkey
+    FOREIGN KEY (caption_and_pattern)
+    REFERENCES serial.caption_and_pattern (id)
+ALTER TABLE serial.issuance VALIDATE CONSTRAINT issuance_caption_and_pattern_fkey;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1065', :eg_version);
+CREATE TABLE serial.pattern_template (
+    id            SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
+    name          TEXT NOT NULL,
+    pattern_code  TEXT NOT NULL,
+    share_depth   INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
+CREATE INDEX serial_pattern_template_name_idx ON serial.pattern_template (evergreen.lowercase(name));
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION serial.pattern_templates_visible_to(org_unit INT) RETURNS SETOF serial.pattern_template AS $func$
+           FROM serial.pattern_template spt
+           WHERE (
+             SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id)
+             FROM actor.org_unit_descendants(spt.owning_lib, spt.share_depth)
+           ) @@ org_unit::TEXT::QUERY_INT;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1066', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO permission.perm_list ( id, code, description ) VALUES
+ ( 593, 'ADMIN_SERIAL_PATTERN_TEMPLATE', oils_i18n_gettext( 593,
+    'Administer serial prediction pattern templates', 'ppl', 'description' ))
+INSERT INTO permission.grp_perm_map (grp, perm, depth, grantable)
+        pgt.id, perm.id, aout.depth, FALSE
+    FROM
+        permission.grp_tree pgt,
+        permission.perm_list perm,
+        actor.org_unit_type aout
+    WHERE
+        pgt.name = 'Serials' AND
+        aout.name = 'System' AND
+        perm.code IN (
+        );
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1067', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO acq.edi_attr (key, label) VALUES
+        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_PO_NAME', 
+        'Orders Include PO Name', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_COPIES', 
+        'Orders Include Copy Data', 'aea', 'label')),
+    ('INCLUDE_FUND', 
+        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_FUND', 
+        'Orders Include Copy Funds', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_CALL_NUMBER', 
+        'Orders Include Copy Call Numbers', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_ITEM_TYPE', 
+        'Orders Include Copy Item Types', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_ITEM_BARCODE',
+        'Orders Include Copy Barcodes', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_LOCATION', 
+        'Orders Include Copy Locations', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_COLLECTION_CODE', 
+        'Orders Include Copy Collection Codes', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_OWNING_LIB', 
+        'Orders Include Copy Owning Library', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('USE_ID_FOR_OWNING_LIB',
+        'Emit Owning Library ID Rather Than Short Name. Takes effect only if INCLUDE_OWNING_LIB is in use', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_QUANTITY', 
+        'Orders Include Copy Quantities', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_COPY_ID', 
+        'Orders Include Copy IDs', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('BUYER_ID_INCLUDE_VENDCODE', 
+        'Buyer ID Qualifier Includes Vendcode', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('BUYER_ID_ONLY_VENDCODE', 
+        'Buyer ID Qualifier Only Contains Vendcode', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_BIB_EDITION', 
+        'Order Lineitems Include Edition Info', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_BIB_AUTHOR', 
+        'Order Lineitems Include Author Info', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_BIB_PAGINATION', 
+        'Order Lineitems Include Pagination Info', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('COPY_SPEC_CODES', 
+        'Order Lineitem Notes Include Copy Spec Codes', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_EMPTY_IMD_VALUES',
+        'Lineitem Title, Author, etc. Fields Are Present Even if Empty', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_EMPTY_LI_NOTE', 
+        'Order Lineitem Notes Always Present (Even if Empty)', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_EMPTY_CALL_NUMBER', 
+        'Order Copies Always Include Call Number (Even if Empty)', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_EMPTY_ITEM_TYPE', 
+        'Order Copies Always Include Item Type (Even if Empty)', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_EMPTY_LOCATION', 
+        'Order Copies Always Include Location (Even if Empty)', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('INCLUDE_EMPTY_COLLECTION_CODE', 
+        'Order Copies Always Include Collection Code (Even if Empty)', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('LINEITEM_IDENT_VENDOR_NUMBER',
+        'Lineitem Identifier Fields (LIN/PIA) Use Vendor-Encoded ID Value When Available', 'aea', 'label')),
+        oils_i18n_gettext('LINEITEM_REF_ID_ONLY',
+        'Lineitem Reference Field (RFF) Uses Lineitem ID Only', 'aea', 'label'))
+INSERT INTO acq.edi_attr_set (id, label) VALUES (1, 'Ingram Default');
+INSERT INTO acq.edi_attr_set (id, label) VALUES (2, 'Baker & Taylor Default');
+INSERT INTO acq.edi_attr_set (id, label) VALUES (3, 'Brodart Default');
+INSERT INTO acq.edi_attr_set (id, label) VALUES (4, 'Midwest Tape Default');
+INSERT INTO acq.edi_attr_set (id, label) VALUES (5, 'ULS Default');
+INSERT INTO acq.edi_attr_set (id, label) VALUES (6, 'Recorded Books Default');
+INSERT INTO acq.edi_attr_set (id, label) VALUES (7, 'Midwest Library Service');
+-- carve out space for mucho defaults
+SELECT SETVAL('acq.edi_attr_set_id_seq'::TEXT, 1000);
+INSERT INTO acq.edi_attr_set_map (attr_set, attr) VALUES
+    -- Ingram
+    (1, 'INCLUDE_PO_NAME'),
+    (1, 'INCLUDE_COPIES'),
+    (1, 'INCLUDE_ITEM_TYPE'),
+    -- B&T
+    (2, 'INCLUDE_COPIES'),
+    (2, 'INCLUDE_ITEM_TYPE'),
+    -- Brodart
+    (3, 'INCLUDE_COPIES'),
+    (3, 'INCLUDE_FUND'),
+    (3, 'INCLUDE_ITEM_TYPE'),
+    (3, 'COPY_SPEC_CODES'),
+    -- Midwest
+    (4, 'INCLUDE_COPIES'),
+    (4, 'INCLUDE_FUND'),
+    -- ULS
+    (5, 'INCLUDE_COPIES'),
+    (5, 'INCLUDE_ITEM_TYPE'),
+    -- Recorded Books
+    (6, 'INCLUDE_COPIES'),
+    (6, 'INCLUDE_ITEM_TYPE'),
+    -- Midwest Library Service
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1068', :eg_version); --miker/gmcharlt/kmlussier
+INSERT INTO config.xml_transform (name,namespace_uri,prefix,xslt) VALUES ('mads21','http://www.loc.gov/mads/v2','mads21',$XSLT$<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:mads="http://www.loc.gov/mads/v2"
+       xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:marc="http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim"
+       xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" exclude-result-prefixes="marc">
+       <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" encoding="UTF-8"/>
+       <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
+       <xsl:variable name="ascii">
+               <xsl:text> !"#$%&amp;'()*+,-./0123456789:;&lt;=&gt;?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~</xsl:text>
+       </xsl:variable>
+       <xsl:variable name="latin1">
+               <xsl:text> ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ</xsl:text>
+       </xsl:variable>
+       <!-- Characters that usually don't need to be escaped -->
+       <xsl:variable name="safe">
+               <xsl:text>!'()*-.0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~</xsl:text>
+       </xsl:variable>
+       <xsl:variable name="hex">0123456789ABCDEF</xsl:variable>
+       <xsl:template name="datafield">
+               <xsl:param name="tag"/>
+               <xsl:param name="ind1">
+                       <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+               </xsl:param>
+               <xsl:param name="ind2">
+                       <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+               </xsl:param>
+               <xsl:param name="subfields"/>
+               <xsl:element name="marc:datafield">
+                       <xsl:attribute name="tag">
+                               <xsl:value-of select="$tag"/>
+                       </xsl:attribute>
+                       <xsl:attribute name="ind1">
+                               <xsl:value-of select="$ind1"/>
+                       </xsl:attribute>
+                       <xsl:attribute name="ind2">
+                               <xsl:value-of select="$ind2"/>
+                       </xsl:attribute>
+                       <xsl:copy-of select="$subfields"/>
+               </xsl:element>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="subfieldSelect">
+               <xsl:param name="codes">abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz</xsl:param>
+               <xsl:param name="delimeter">
+                       <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+               </xsl:param>
+               <xsl:variable name="str">
+                       <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield">
+                               <xsl:if test="contains($codes, @code)">
+                                       <xsl:value-of select="text()"/>
+                                       <xsl:value-of select="$delimeter"/>
+                               </xsl:if>
+                       </xsl:for-each>
+               </xsl:variable>
+               <xsl:value-of select="substring($str,1,string-length($str)-string-length($delimeter))"/>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="buildSpaces">
+               <xsl:param name="spaces"/>
+               <xsl:param name="char">
+                       <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+               </xsl:param>
+               <xsl:if test="$spaces>0">
+                       <xsl:value-of select="$char"/>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="buildSpaces">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="spaces" select="$spaces - 1"/>
+                               <xsl:with-param name="char" select="$char"/>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </xsl:if>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="chopPunctuation">
+               <xsl:param name="chopString"/>
+               <xsl:param name="punctuation">
+                       <xsl:text>.:,;/ </xsl:text>
+               </xsl:param>
+               <xsl:variable name="length" select="string-length($chopString)"/>
+               <xsl:choose>
+                       <xsl:when test="$length=0"/>
+                       <xsl:when test="contains($punctuation, substring($chopString,$length,1))">
+                               <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
+                                       <xsl:with-param name="chopString" select="substring($chopString,1,$length - 1)"/>
+                                       <xsl:with-param name="punctuation" select="$punctuation"/>
+                               </xsl:call-template>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when test="not($chopString)"/>
+                       <xsl:otherwise>
+                               <xsl:value-of select="$chopString"/>
+                       </xsl:otherwise>
+               </xsl:choose>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="chopPunctuationFront">
+               <xsl:param name="chopString"/>
+               <xsl:variable name="length" select="string-length($chopString)"/>
+               <xsl:choose>
+                       <xsl:when test="$length=0"/>
+                       <xsl:when test="contains('.:,;/[ ', substring($chopString,1,1))">
+                               <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuationFront">
+                                       <xsl:with-param name="chopString" select="substring($chopString,2,$length - 1)"
+                                       />
+                               </xsl:call-template>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when test="not($chopString)"/>
+                       <xsl:otherwise>
+                               <xsl:value-of select="$chopString"/>
+                       </xsl:otherwise>
+               </xsl:choose>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="chopPunctuationBack">
+               <xsl:param name="chopString"/>
+               <xsl:param name="punctuation">
+                       <xsl:text>.:,;/] </xsl:text>
+               </xsl:param>
+               <xsl:variable name="length" select="string-length($chopString)"/>
+               <xsl:choose>
+                       <xsl:when test="$length=0"/>
+                       <xsl:when test="contains($punctuation, substring($chopString,$length,1))">
+                               <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
+                                       <xsl:with-param name="chopString" select="substring($chopString,1,$length - 1)"/>
+                                       <xsl:with-param name="punctuation" select="$punctuation"/>
+                               </xsl:call-template>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when test="not($chopString)"/>
+                       <xsl:otherwise>
+                               <xsl:value-of select="$chopString"/>
+                       </xsl:otherwise>
+               </xsl:choose>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <!-- nate added 12/14/2007 for lccn.loc.gov: url encode ampersand, etc. -->
+       <xsl:template name="url-encode">
+               <xsl:param name="str"/>
+               <xsl:if test="$str">
+                       <xsl:variable name="first-char" select="substring($str,1,1)"/>
+                       <xsl:choose>
+                               <xsl:when test="contains($safe,$first-char)">
+                                       <xsl:value-of select="$first-char"/>
+                               </xsl:when>
+                               <xsl:otherwise>
+                                       <xsl:variable name="codepoint">
+                                               <xsl:choose>
+                                                       <xsl:when test="contains($ascii,$first-char)">
+                                                               <xsl:value-of
+                                                                       select="string-length(substring-before($ascii,$first-char)) + 32"
+                                                               />
+                                                       </xsl:when>
+                                                       <xsl:when test="contains($latin1,$first-char)">
+                                                               <xsl:value-of
+                                                                       select="string-length(substring-before($latin1,$first-char)) + 160"/>
+                                                               <!-- was 160 -->
+                                                       </xsl:when>
+                                                       <xsl:otherwise>
+                                                               <xsl:message terminate="no">Warning: string contains a character
+                                                                       that is out of range! Substituting "?".</xsl:message>
+                                                               <xsl:text>63</xsl:text>
+                                                       </xsl:otherwise>
+                                               </xsl:choose>
+                                       </xsl:variable>
+                                       <xsl:variable name="hex-digit1"
+                                               select="substring($hex,floor($codepoint div 16) + 1,1)"/>
+                                       <xsl:variable name="hex-digit2" select="substring($hex,$codepoint mod 16 + 1,1)"/>
+                                       <!-- <xsl:value-of select="concat('%',$hex-digit2)"/> -->
+                                       <xsl:value-of select="concat('%',$hex-digit1,$hex-digit2)"/>
+                               </xsl:otherwise>
+                       </xsl:choose>
+                       <xsl:if test="string-length($str) &gt; 1">
+                               <xsl:call-template name="url-encode">
+                                       <xsl:with-param name="str" select="substring($str,2)"/>
+                               </xsl:call-template>
+                       </xsl:if>
+               </xsl:if>
+       </xsl:template>
+2.14    Fixed bug in mads:geographic attributes syntax                                      ws   05/04/2016            
+2.13   fixed repeating <geographic>                                                                                                            tmee 01/31/2014
+2.12   added $2 authority for <classification>                                                                                         tmee 09/18/2012
+2.11   added delimiters between <classification> subfields                                                                     tmee 09/18/2012
+2.10   fixed type="other" and type="otherType" for mads:related                                                        tmee 09/16/2011
+2.09   fixed professionTerm and genreTerm empty tag error                                                                      tmee 09/16/2011
+2.08   fixed marc:subfield @code='i' matching error                                                                            tmee 09/16/2011
+2.07   fixed 555 duplication error                                                                                                                     tmee 08/10/2011 
+2.06   fixed topic subfield error                                                                                                                      tmee 08/10/2011 
+2.05   fixed title subfield error                                                                                                                      tmee 06/20/2011 
+2.04   fixed geographicSubdivision mapping for authority element                                                       tmee 06/16/2011
+2.03   added classification for 053, 055, 060, 065, 070, 080, 082, 083, 086, 087                       tmee 06/03/2011         
+2.02   added descriptionStandard for 008/10                                                                                            tmee 04/27/2011
+2.01   added extensions for 046, 336, 370, 374, 375, 376                                                                       tmee 04/08/2011
+2.00   redefined imported MODS elements in version 1.0 to MADS elements in version 2.0         tmee 02/08/2011
+1.08   added 372 subfields $a $s $t for <fieldOfActivity>                                                                      tmee 06/24/2010
+1.07   removed role/roleTerm 100, 110, 111, 400, 410, 411, 500, 510, 511, 700, 710, 711        tmee 06/24/2010
+1.06   added strip-space                                                                                                                                       tmee 06/24/2010
+1.05   added subfield $a for 130, 430, 530                                                                                                     tmee 06/21/2010
+1.04   fixed 550 z omission                                                                                                                            ntra 08/11/2008
+1.03   removed duplication of 550 $a text                                                                                                      tmee 11/01/2006
+1.02   fixed namespace references between mads and mods                                                                        ntra 10/06/2006
+1.01   revised                                                                                                                                                         rgue/jrad 11/29/05
+1.00   adapted from MARC21Slim2MODS3.xsl                                                                                                       ntra 07/06/05
+       <!-- authority attribute defaults to 'naf' if not set using this authority parameter, for <authority> descriptors: name, titleInfo, geographic -->
+       <xsl:param name="authority"/>
+       <xsl:variable name="auth">
+               <xsl:choose>
+                       <xsl:when test="$authority">
+                               <xsl:value-of select="$authority"/>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:otherwise>naf</xsl:otherwise>
+               </xsl:choose>
+       </xsl:variable>
+       <xsl:variable name="controlField008" select="marc:controlfield[@tag='008']"/>
+       <xsl:variable name="controlField008-06"
+               select="substring(descendant-or-self::marc:controlfield[@tag=008],7,1)"/>
+       <xsl:variable name="controlField008-11"
+               select="substring(descendant-or-self::marc:controlfield[@tag=008],12,1)"/>
+       <xsl:variable name="controlField008-14"
+               select="substring(descendant-or-self::marc:controlfield[@tag=008],15,1)"/>
+       <xsl:template match="/">
+               <xsl:choose>
+                       <xsl:when test="descendant-or-self::marc:collection">
+                               <mads:madsCollection xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+                                       xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/mads/v2 http://www.loc.gov/standards/mads/v2/mads-2-0.xsd">
+                                       <xsl:for-each select="descendant-or-self::marc:collection/marc:record">
+                                               <mads:mads version="2.0">
+                                                       <xsl:call-template name="marcRecord"/>
+                                               </mads:mads>
+                                       </xsl:for-each>
+                               </mads:madsCollection>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:otherwise>
+                               <mads:mads version="2.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+                                       xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/mads/v2 http://www.loc.gov/standards/mads/mads-2-0.xsd">
+                                       <xsl:for-each select="descendant-or-self::marc:record">
+                                               <xsl:call-template name="marcRecord"/>
+                                       </xsl:for-each>
+                               </mads:mads>
+                       </xsl:otherwise>
+               </xsl:choose>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="marcRecord">
+               <mads:authority>
+                       <!-- 2.04 -->
+                       <xsl:choose>
+                               <xsl:when test="$controlField008-06='d'">
+                                       <xsl:attribute name="geographicSubdivision">
+                                               <xsl:text>direct</xsl:text>
+                                       </xsl:attribute>
+                               </xsl:when>
+                               <xsl:when test="$controlField008-06='i'">
+                                       <xsl:attribute name="geographicSubdivision">
+                                               <xsl:text>indirect</xsl:text>
+                                       </xsl:attribute>
+                               </xsl:when>
+                               <xsl:when test="$controlField008-06='n'">
+                                       <xsl:attribute name="geographicSubdivision">
+                                               <xsl:text>not applicable</xsl:text>
+                                       </xsl:attribute>
+                               </xsl:when>
+                       </xsl:choose>
+                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[100 &lt;= @tag  and @tag &lt; 200]"/>               
+               </mads:authority>
+               <!-- related -->
+               <xsl:apply-templates
+                       select="marc:datafield[500 &lt;= @tag and @tag &lt;= 585]|marc:datafield[700 &lt;= @tag and @tag &lt;= 785]"/>
+               <!-- variant -->
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[400 &lt;= @tag and @tag &lt;= 485]"/>
+               <!-- notes -->
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[667 &lt;= @tag and @tag &lt;= 688]"/>
+               <!-- url -->
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=856]"/>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=010]"/>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=024]"/>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=372]"/>
+               <!-- classification -->
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=053]"/>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=055]"/>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=060]"/>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=065]"/>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=070]"/>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=080]"/>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=082]"/>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=083]"/>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=086]"/>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=087]"/>
+               <!-- affiliation-->
+               <xsl:for-each select="marc:datafield[@tag=373]">
+                       <mads:affiliation>
+                               <mads:position>
+                                       <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
+                               </mads:position>
+                               <mads:dateValid point="start">
+                                       <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='s']"/>
+                               </mads:dateValid>
+                               <mads:dateValid point="end">
+                                       <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='t']"/>
+                               </mads:dateValid>
+                       </mads:affiliation>
+               </xsl:for-each>
+               <xsl:for-each select="marc:datafield[@tag=371]">
+                       <mads:affiliation>
+                               <mads:address>
+                                       <mads:street>
+                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
+                                       </mads:street>
+                                       <mads:city>
+                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='b']"/>
+                                       </mads:city>
+                                       <mads:state>
+                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='c']"/>
+                                       </mads:state>
+                                       <mads:country>
+                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='d']"/>
+                                       </mads:country>
+                                       <mads:postcode>
+                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='e']"/>
+                                       </mads:postcode>
+                               </mads:address>
+                               <mads:email>
+                                       <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='m']"/>
+                               </mads:email>
+                       </mads:affiliation>
+               </xsl:for-each>
+               <!-- extension-->
+               <xsl:for-each select="marc:datafield[@tag=336]">
+                       <mads:extension>
+                               <mads:contentType>
+                                       <mads:contentType type="text">
+                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
+                                       </mads:contentType>
+                                       <mads:contentType type="code">
+                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='b']"/>
+                                       </mads:contentType>
+                               </mads:contentType>
+                       </mads:extension>
+               </xsl:for-each>
+               <xsl:for-each select="marc:datafield[@tag=374]">
+                       <mads:extension>
+                               <mads:profession>
+                                       <xsl:choose>
+                                               <xsl:when test="marc:subfield[@code='a']">
+                                                       <mads:professionTerm>
+                                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
+                                                       </mads:professionTerm>
+                                               </xsl:when>
+                                               <xsl:when test="marc:subfield[@code='s']">
+                                                       <mads:dateValid point="start">
+                                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='s']"/>
+                                                       </mads:dateValid>
+                                               </xsl:when>
+                                               <xsl:when test="marc:subfield[@code='t']">
+                                                       <mads:dateValid point="end">
+                                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='t']"/>
+                                                       </mads:dateValid>
+                                               </xsl:when>
+                                       </xsl:choose>
+                               </mads:profession>
+                       </mads:extension>
+               </xsl:for-each>
+               <xsl:for-each select="marc:datafield[@tag=375]">
+                       <mads:extension>
+                               <mads:gender>
+                                       <xsl:choose>
+                                               <xsl:when test="marc:subfield[@code='a']">
+                                                       <mads:genderTerm>
+                                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
+                                                       </mads:genderTerm>
+                                               </xsl:when>
+                                               <xsl:when test="marc:subfield[@code='s']">
+                                                       <mads:dateValid point="start">
+                                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='s']"/>
+                                                       </mads:dateValid>
+                                               </xsl:when>
+                                               <xsl:when test="marc:subfield[@code='t']">
+                                                       <mads:dateValid point="end">
+                                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='t']"/>
+                                                       </mads:dateValid>
+                                               </xsl:when>
+                                       </xsl:choose>
+                               </mads:gender>
+                       </mads:extension>
+               </xsl:for-each>
+               <xsl:for-each select="marc:datafield[@tag=376]">
+                       <mads:extension>
+                               <mads:familyInformation>
+                                       <mads:typeOfFamily>
+                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
+                                       </mads:typeOfFamily>
+                                       <mads:nameOfProminentMember>
+                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='b']"/>
+                                       </mads:nameOfProminentMember>
+                                       <mads:hereditaryTitle>
+                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='c']"/>
+                                       </mads:hereditaryTitle>
+                                       <mads:dateValid point="start">
+                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='s']"/>
+                                       </mads:dateValid>
+                                       <mads:dateValid point="end">
+                                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='t']"/>
+                                       </mads:dateValid>
+                               </mads:familyInformation>
+                       </mads:extension>
+               </xsl:for-each>
+               <mads:recordInfo>
+                       <mads:recordOrigin>Converted from MARCXML to MADS version 2.0 (Revision 2.13)</mads:recordOrigin>
+                       <!-- <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=024]"/> -->
+                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=040]/marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
+                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:controlfield[@tag=005]"/>
+                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:controlfield[@tag=001]"/>
+                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=040]/marc:subfield[@code='b']"/>
+                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:datafield[@tag=040]/marc:subfield[@code='e']"/>
+                       <xsl:for-each select="marc:controlfield[@tag=008]">
+                               <xsl:if test="substring(.,11,1)='a'">
+                                       <mads:descriptionStandard>
+                                               <xsl:text>earlier rules</xsl:text>
+                                       </mads:descriptionStandard>
+                               </xsl:if>
+                               <xsl:if test="substring(.,11,1)='b'">
+                                       <mads:descriptionStandard>
+                                               <xsl:text>aacr1</xsl:text>
+                                       </mads:descriptionStandard>
+                               </xsl:if>
+                               <xsl:if test="substring(.,11,1)='c'">
+                                       <mads:descriptionStandard>
+                                               <xsl:text>aacr2</xsl:text>
+                                       </mads:descriptionStandard>
+                               </xsl:if>
+                               <xsl:if test="substring(.,11,1)='d'">
+                                       <mads:descriptionStandard>
+                                               <xsl:text>aacr2 compatible</xsl:text>
+                                       </mads:descriptionStandard>
+                               </xsl:if>
+                               <xsl:if test="substring(.,11,1)='z'">
+                                       <mads:descriptionStandard>
+                                               <xsl:text>other rules</xsl:text>
+                                       </mads:descriptionStandard>
+                               </xsl:if>
+                       </xsl:for-each>
+               </mads:recordInfo>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <!-- start of secondary templates -->
+       <!-- ======== xlink ======== -->
+       <!-- <xsl:template name="uri"> 
+    <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield[@code='0']">
+      <xsl:attribute name="xlink:href">
+       <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+      </xsl:attribute>
+    </xsl:for-each>
+     </xsl:template> 
+   -->
+       <xsl:template match="marc:subfield[@code='i']">
+               <xsl:attribute name="otherType">
+                       <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+               </xsl:attribute>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <!-- No role/roleTerm mapped in MADS 06/24/2010
+       <xsl:template name="role">
+               <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield[@code='e']">
+                       <mads:role>
+                               <mads:roleTerm type="text">
+                                       <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+                               </mads:roleTerm>
+                       </mads:role>
+               </xsl:for-each>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="part">
+               <xsl:variable name="partNumber">
+                       <xsl:call-template name="specialSubfieldSelect">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="axis">n</xsl:with-param>
+                               <xsl:with-param name="anyCodes">n</xsl:with-param>
+                               <xsl:with-param name="afterCodes">fghkdlmor</xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </xsl:variable>
+               <xsl:variable name="partName">
+                       <xsl:call-template name="specialSubfieldSelect">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="axis">p</xsl:with-param>
+                               <xsl:with-param name="anyCodes">p</xsl:with-param>
+                               <xsl:with-param name="afterCodes">fghkdlmor</xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </xsl:variable>
+               <xsl:if test="string-length(normalize-space($partNumber))">
+                       <mads:partNumber>
+                               <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
+                                       <xsl:with-param name="chopString" select="$partNumber"/>
+                               </xsl:call-template>
+                       </mads:partNumber>
+               </xsl:if>
+               <xsl:if test="string-length(normalize-space($partName))">
+                       <mads:partName>
+                               <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
+                                       <xsl:with-param name="chopString" select="$partName"/>
+                               </xsl:call-template>
+                       </mads:partName>
+               </xsl:if>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="nameABCDN">
+               <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield[@code='a']">
+                       <mads:namePart>
+                               <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
+                                       <xsl:with-param name="chopString" select="."/>
+                               </xsl:call-template>
+                       </mads:namePart>
+               </xsl:for-each>
+               <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield[@code='b']">
+                       <mads:namePart>
+                               <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+                       </mads:namePart>
+               </xsl:for-each>
+               <xsl:if
+                       test="marc:subfield[@code='c'] or marc:subfield[@code='d'] or marc:subfield[@code='n']">
+                       <mads:namePart>
+                               <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
+                                       <xsl:with-param name="codes">cdn</xsl:with-param>
+                               </xsl:call-template>
+                       </mads:namePart>
+               </xsl:if>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="nameABCDQ">
+               <mads:namePart>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
+                                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
+                                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">aq</xsl:with-param>
+                                       </xsl:call-template>
+                               </xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </mads:namePart>
+               <xsl:call-template name="termsOfAddress"/>
+               <xsl:call-template name="nameDate"/>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="nameACDENQ">
+               <mads:namePart>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">acdenq</xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </mads:namePart>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="nameDate">
+               <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield[@code='d']">
+                       <mads:namePart type="date">
+                               <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
+                                       <xsl:with-param name="chopString" select="."/>
+                               </xsl:call-template>
+                       </mads:namePart>
+               </xsl:for-each>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="specialSubfieldSelect">
+               <xsl:param name="anyCodes"/>
+               <xsl:param name="axis"/>
+               <xsl:param name="beforeCodes"/>
+               <xsl:param name="afterCodes"/>
+               <xsl:variable name="str">
+                       <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield">
+                               <xsl:if
+                                       test="contains($anyCodes, @code) or (contains($beforeCodes,@code) and following-sibling::marc:subfield[@code=$axis]) or (contains($afterCodes,@code) and preceding-sibling::marc:subfield[@code=$axis])">
+                                       <xsl:value-of select="text()"/>
+                                       <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+                               </xsl:if>
+                       </xsl:for-each>
+               </xsl:variable>
+               <xsl:value-of select="substring($str,1,string-length($str)-1)"/>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="termsOfAddress">
+               <xsl:if test="marc:subfield[@code='b' or @code='c']">
+                       <mads:namePart type="termsOfAddress">
+                               <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
+                                       <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
+                                               <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
+                                                       <xsl:with-param name="codes">bc</xsl:with-param>
+                                               </xsl:call-template>
+                                       </xsl:with-param>
+                               </xsl:call-template>
+                       </mads:namePart>
+               </xsl:if>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="displayLabel">
+               <xsl:if test="marc:subfield[@code='z']">
+                       <xsl:attribute name="displayLabel">
+                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='z']"/>
+                       </xsl:attribute>
+               </xsl:if>
+               <xsl:if test="marc:subfield[@code='3']">
+                       <xsl:attribute name="displayLabel">
+                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='3']"/>
+                       </xsl:attribute>
+               </xsl:if>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="isInvalid">
+               <xsl:if test="@code='z'">
+                       <xsl:attribute name="invalid">yes</xsl:attribute>
+               </xsl:if>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="sub2Attribute">
+               <!-- 024 -->
+               <xsl:if test="../marc:subfield[@code='2']">
+                       <xsl:attribute name="type">
+                               <xsl:value-of select="../marc:subfield[@code='2']"/>
+                       </xsl:attribute>
+               </xsl:if>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:controlfield[@tag=001]">
+               <mads:recordIdentifier>
+                       <xsl:if test="../marc:controlfield[@tag=003]">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="source">
+                                       <xsl:value-of select="../marc:controlfield[@tag=003]"/>
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:if>
+                       <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+               </mads:recordIdentifier>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:controlfield[@tag=005]">
+               <mads:recordChangeDate encoding="iso8601">
+                       <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+               </mads:recordChangeDate>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:controlfield[@tag=008]">
+               <mads:recordCreationDate encoding="marc">
+                       <xsl:value-of select="substring(.,1,6)"/>
+               </mads:recordCreationDate>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=010]">
+               <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield">
+                       <mads:identifier type="lccn">
+                               <xsl:call-template name="isInvalid"/>
+                               <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+                       </mads:identifier>
+               </xsl:for-each>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=024]">
+               <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield[not(@code=2)]">
+                       <mads:identifier>
+                               <xsl:call-template name="isInvalid"/>
+                               <xsl:call-template name="sub2Attribute"/>
+                               <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+                       </mads:identifier>
+               </xsl:for-each>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <!-- ========== 372 ========== -->
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=372]">
+               <mads:fieldOfActivity>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">a</xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+                       <xsl:text>-</xsl:text>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">st</xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </mads:fieldOfActivity>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <!-- ========== 040 ========== -->
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=040]/marc:subfield[@code='a']">
+               <mads:recordContentSource authority="marcorg">
+                       <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+               </mads:recordContentSource>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=040]/marc:subfield[@code='b']">
+               <mads:languageOfCataloging>
+                       <mads:languageTerm authority="iso639-2b" type="code">
+                               <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+                       </mads:languageTerm>
+               </mads:languageOfCataloging>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=040]/marc:subfield[@code='e']">
+               <mads:descriptionStandard>
+                       <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+               </mads:descriptionStandard>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <!-- ========== classification 2.03 ========== -->
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=053]">
+               <mads:classification>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">abcdxyz</xsl:with-param>
+                               <xsl:with-param name="delimeter">-</xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </mads:classification>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=055]">
+               <mads:classification>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">abcdxyz</xsl:with-param>
+                               <xsl:with-param name="delimeter">-</xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </mads:classification>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=060]">
+               <mads:classification>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">abcdxyz</xsl:with-param>
+                               <xsl:with-param name="delimeter">-</xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </mads:classification>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=065]">
+               <mads:classification>
+                       <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='2']"/>
+                       </xsl:attribute>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">abcdxyz</xsl:with-param>
+                               <xsl:with-param name="delimeter">-</xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </mads:classification>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=070]">
+               <mads:classification>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">abcdxyz5</xsl:with-param>
+                               <xsl:with-param name="delimeter">-</xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </mads:classification>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=080]">
+               <mads:classification>
+                       <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='2']"/>
+                       </xsl:attribute>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">abcdxyz5</xsl:with-param>
+                               <xsl:with-param name="delimeter">-</xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </mads:classification>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=082]">
+               <mads:classification>
+                       <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='2']"/>
+                       </xsl:attribute>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">abcdxyz5</xsl:with-param>
+                               <xsl:with-param name="delimeter">-</xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </mads:classification>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=083]">
+               <mads:classification>
+                       <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='2']"/>
+                       </xsl:attribute>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">abcdxyz5</xsl:with-param>
+                               <xsl:with-param name="delimeter">-</xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </mads:classification>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=086]">
+               <mads:classification>
+                       <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='2']"/>
+                       </xsl:attribute>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">abcdxyz5</xsl:with-param>
+                               <xsl:with-param name="delimeter">-</xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </mads:classification>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=087]">
+               <mads:classification>
+                       <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='2']"/>
+                       </xsl:attribute>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">abcdxyz5</xsl:with-param>
+                               <xsl:with-param name="delimeter">-</xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </mads:classification>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <!-- ========== names  ========== -->
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=100]">
+               <mads:name type="personal">
+                       <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="nameABCDQ"/>
+               </mads:name>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="*[marc:subfield[not(contains('abcdeq',@code))]]"/>
+               <xsl:call-template name="title"/>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=110]">
+               <mads:name type="corporate">
+                       <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="nameABCDN"/>
+               </mads:name>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=111]">
+               <mads:name type="conference">
+                       <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="nameACDENQ"/>
+               </mads:name>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=400]">
+               <mads:variant>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="variantTypeAttribute"/>
+                       <mads:name type="personal">
+                               <xsl:call-template name="nameABCDQ"/>
+                       </mads:name>
+                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="title"/>
+               </mads:variant>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=410]">
+               <mads:variant>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="variantTypeAttribute"/>
+                       <mads:name type="corporate">
+                               <xsl:call-template name="nameABCDN"/>
+                       </mads:name>
+                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
+               </mads:variant>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=411]">
+               <mads:variant>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="variantTypeAttribute"/>
+                       <mads:name type="conference">
+                               <xsl:call-template name="nameACDENQ"/>
+                       </mads:name>
+                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
+               </mads:variant>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=500]|marc:datafield[@tag=700]">
+               <mads:related>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
+                       <!-- <xsl:call-template name="uri"/> -->
+                       <mads:name type="personal">
+                               <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
+                               <xsl:call-template name="nameABCDQ"/>
+                       </mads:name>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="title"/>
+                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
+               </mads:related>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=510]|marc:datafield[@tag=710]">
+               <mads:related>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
+                       <!-- <xsl:call-template name="uri"/> -->
+                       <mads:name type="corporate">
+                               <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
+                               <xsl:call-template name="nameABCDN"/>
+                       </mads:name>
+                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
+               </mads:related>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=511]|marc:datafield[@tag=711]">
+               <mads:related>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
+                       <!-- <xsl:call-template name="uri"/> -->
+                       <mads:name type="conference">
+                               <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
+                               <xsl:call-template name="nameACDENQ"/>
+                       </mads:name>
+                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
+               </mads:related>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <!-- ========== titles  ========== -->
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=130]">
+               <xsl:call-template name="uniform-title"/>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=430]">
+               <mads:variant>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="variantTypeAttribute"/>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="uniform-title"/>
+                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
+               </mads:variant>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=530]|marc:datafield[@tag=730]">
+               <mads:related>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="uniform-title"/>
+                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
+               </mads:related>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="title">
+               <xsl:variable name="hasTitle">
+                       <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield">
+                               <xsl:if test="(contains('tfghklmors',@code) )">
+                                       <xsl:value-of select="@code"/>
+                               </xsl:if>
+                       </xsl:for-each>
+               </xsl:variable>
+               <xsl:if test="string-length($hasTitle) &gt; 0 ">
+                       <mads:titleInfo>
+                               <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
+                               <mads:title>
+                                       <xsl:variable name="str">
+                                               <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield">
+                                                       <xsl:if test="(contains('atfghklmors',@code) )">
+                                                               <xsl:value-of select="text()"/>
+                                                               <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+                                                       </xsl:if>
+                                               </xsl:for-each>
+                                       </xsl:variable>
+                                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
+                                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
+                                                       <xsl:value-of select="substring($str,1,string-length($str)-1)"/>
+                                               </xsl:with-param>
+                                       </xsl:call-template>
+                               </mads:title>
+                               <xsl:call-template name="part"/>
+                               <!-- <xsl:call-template name="uri"/> -->
+                       </mads:titleInfo>
+               </xsl:if>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="uniform-title">
+               <xsl:variable name="hasTitle">
+                       <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield">
+                               <xsl:if test="(contains('atfghklmors',@code) )">
+                                       <xsl:value-of select="@code"/>
+                               </xsl:if>
+                       </xsl:for-each>
+               </xsl:variable>
+               <xsl:if test="string-length($hasTitle) &gt; 0 ">
+                       <mads:titleInfo>
+                               <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
+                               <mads:title>
+                                       <xsl:variable name="str">
+                                               <xsl:for-each select="marc:subfield">
+                                                       <xsl:if test="(contains('adfghklmors',@code) )">
+                                                               <xsl:value-of select="text()"/>
+                                                               <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+                                                       </xsl:if>
+                                               </xsl:for-each>
+                                       </xsl:variable>
+                                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
+                                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
+                                                       <xsl:value-of select="substring($str,1,string-length($str)-1)"/>
+                                               </xsl:with-param>
+                                       </xsl:call-template>
+                               </mads:title>
+                               <xsl:call-template name="part"/>
+                               <!-- <xsl:call-template name="uri"/> -->
+                       </mads:titleInfo>
+               </xsl:if>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <!-- ========== topics  ========== -->
+       <xsl:template match="marc:subfield[@code='x']">
+               <mads:topic>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
+                                       <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+                               </xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </mads:topic>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <!-- 2.06 fix -->
+       <xsl:template
+               match="marc:datafield[@tag=150][marc:subfield[@code='a' or @code='b']]|marc:datafield[@tag=180][marc:subfield[@code='x']]">
+               <xsl:call-template name="topic"/>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template
+               match="marc:datafield[@tag=450][marc:subfield[@code='a' or @code='b']]|marc:datafield[@tag=480][marc:subfield[@code='x']]">
+               <mads:variant>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="variantTypeAttribute"/>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="topic"/>
+               </mads:variant>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template
+               match="marc:datafield[@tag=550 or @tag=750][marc:subfield[@code='a' or @code='b']]">
+               <mads:related>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
+                       <!-- <xsl:call-template name="uri"/> -->
+                       <xsl:call-template name="topic"/>
+                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code='z']"/>
+               </mads:related>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="topic">
+               <mads:topic>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
+                       <!-- tmee2006 dedupe 550a
+                       <xsl:if test="@tag=550 or @tag=750">
+                               <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
+                                       <xsl:with-param name="codes">ab</xsl:with-param>
+                               </xsl:call-template>
+                       </xsl:if>       
+                       -->
+                       <xsl:choose>
+                               <xsl:when test="@tag=180 or @tag=480 or @tag=580 or @tag=780">
+                                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
+                                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
+                                                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code='x']"/>
+                                               </xsl:with-param>
+                                       </xsl:call-template>
+                               </xsl:when>
+                       </xsl:choose>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
+                                       <xsl:choose>
+                                               <xsl:when test="@tag=180 or @tag=480 or @tag=580 or @tag=780">
+                                                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code='x']"/>
+                                               </xsl:when>
+                                               <xsl:otherwise>
+                                                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
+                                                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">ab</xsl:with-param>
+                                                       </xsl:call-template>
+                                               </xsl:otherwise>
+                                       </xsl:choose>
+                               </xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </mads:topic>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <!-- ========= temporals  ========== -->
+       <xsl:template match="marc:subfield[@code='y']">
+               <mads:temporal>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
+                                       <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+                               </xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </mads:temporal>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template
+               match="marc:datafield[@tag=148][marc:subfield[@code='a']]|marc:datafield[@tag=182 ][marc:subfield[@code='y']]">
+               <xsl:call-template name="temporal"/>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template
+               match="marc:datafield[@tag=448][marc:subfield[@code='a']]|marc:datafield[@tag=482][marc:subfield[@code='y']]">
+               <mads:variant>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="variantTypeAttribute"/>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="temporal"/>
+               </mads:variant>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template
+               match="marc:datafield[@tag=548 or @tag=748][marc:subfield[@code='a']]|marc:datafield[@tag=582 or @tag=782][marc:subfield[@code='y']]">
+               <mads:related>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
+                       <!-- <xsl:call-template name="uri"/> -->
+                       <xsl:call-template name="temporal"/>
+               </mads:related>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="temporal">
+               <mads:temporal>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
+                       <xsl:if test="@tag=548 or @tag=748">
+                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
+                       </xsl:if>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
+                                       <xsl:choose>
+                                               <xsl:when test="@tag=182 or @tag=482 or @tag=582 or @tag=782">
+                                                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code='y']"/>
+                                               </xsl:when>
+                                               <xsl:otherwise>
+                                                       <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
+                                               </xsl:otherwise>
+                                       </xsl:choose>
+                               </xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </mads:temporal>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <!-- ========== genre  ========== -->
+       <xsl:template match="marc:subfield[@code='v']">
+               <mads:genre>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
+                                       <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+                               </xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </mads:genre>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template
+               match="marc:datafield[@tag=155][marc:subfield[@code='a']]|marc:datafield[@tag=185][marc:subfield[@code='v']]">
+               <xsl:call-template name="genre"/>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template
+               match="marc:datafield[@tag=455][marc:subfield[@code='a']]|marc:datafield[@tag=485 ][marc:subfield[@code='v']]">
+               <mads:variant>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="variantTypeAttribute"/>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="genre"/>
+               </mads:variant>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <!--
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=555]">
+               <mads:related>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="uri"/>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="genre"/>
+               </mads:related>
+       </xsl:template>
+       -->
+       <xsl:template
+               match="marc:datafield[@tag=555 or @tag=755][marc:subfield[@code='a']]|marc:datafield[@tag=585][marc:subfield[@code='v']]">
+               <mads:related>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="genre"/>
+               </mads:related>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="genre">
+               <mads:genre>
+                       <xsl:if test="@tag=555">
+                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
+                       </xsl:if>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
+                                       <xsl:choose>
+                                               <!-- 2.07 fix -->
+                                               <xsl:when test="@tag='555'"/>
+                                               <xsl:when test="@tag=185 or @tag=485 or @tag=585">
+                                                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code='v']"/>
+                                               </xsl:when>
+                                               <xsl:otherwise>
+                                                       <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
+                                               </xsl:otherwise>
+                                       </xsl:choose>
+                               </xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </mads:genre>
+               <xsl:apply-templates/>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <!-- ========= geographic  ========== -->
+       <xsl:template match="marc:subfield[@code='z']">
+               <mads:geographic>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
+                                       <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+                               </xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </mads:geographic>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="geographic">
+               <mads:geographic>
+                       <!-- 2.14 -->
+                       <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
+                       <!-- 2.13 -->
+                       <xsl:if test="@tag=151 or @tag=551">
+                               <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
+                       </xsl:if>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
+                                               <xsl:if test="@tag=181 or @tag=481 or @tag=581">
+                                                               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code='z']"/>
+                                               </xsl:if>
+                                               <!-- 2.13
+                                                       <xsl:choose>
+                                               <xsl:when test="@tag=181 or @tag=481 or @tag=581">
+                                                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code='z']"/>
+                                               </xsl:when>
+                                               <xsl:otherwise>
+                                                       <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
+                                               </xsl:otherwise>
+                                               </xsl:choose>
+                                               -->
+                               </xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </mads:geographic>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template
+               match="marc:datafield[@tag=151][marc:subfield[@code='a']]|marc:datafield[@tag=181][marc:subfield[@code='z']]">
+               <xsl:call-template name="geographic"/>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template
+               match="marc:datafield[@tag=451][marc:subfield[@code='a']]|marc:datafield[@tag=481][marc:subfield[@code='z']]">
+               <mads:variant>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="variantTypeAttribute"/>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="geographic"/>
+               </mads:variant>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template
+               match="marc:datafield[@tag=551]|marc:datafield[@tag=581][marc:subfield[@code='z']]">
+               <mads:related>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
+                       <!-- <xsl:call-template name="uri"/> -->
+                       <xsl:call-template name="geographic"/>
+               </mads:related>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=580]">
+               <mads:related>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
+                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
+               </mads:related>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template
+               match="marc:datafield[@tag=751][marc:subfield[@code='z']]|marc:datafield[@tag=781][marc:subfield[@code='z']]">
+               <mads:related>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="geographic"/>
+               </mads:related>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=755]">
+               <mads:related>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="genre"/>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="setAuthority"/>
+                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
+               </mads:related>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=780]">
+               <mads:related>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
+                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
+               </mads:related>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=785]">
+               <mads:related>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="relatedTypeAttribute"/>
+                       <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code!='i']"/>
+               </mads:related>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <!-- ========== notes  ========== -->
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[667 &lt;= @tag and @tag &lt;= 688]">
+               <mads:note>
+                       <xsl:choose>
+                               <xsl:when test="@tag=667">
+                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">nonpublic</xsl:attribute>
+                               </xsl:when>
+                               <xsl:when test="@tag=670">
+                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">source</xsl:attribute>
+                               </xsl:when>
+                               <xsl:when test="@tag=675">
+                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">notFound</xsl:attribute>
+                               </xsl:when>
+                               <xsl:when test="@tag=678">
+                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">history</xsl:attribute>
+                               </xsl:when>
+                               <xsl:when test="@tag=681">
+                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">subject example</xsl:attribute>
+                               </xsl:when>
+                               <xsl:when test="@tag=682">
+                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">deleted heading information</xsl:attribute>
+                               </xsl:when>
+                               <xsl:when test="@tag=688">
+                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">application history</xsl:attribute>
+                               </xsl:when>
+                       </xsl:choose>
+                       <xsl:call-template name="chopPunctuation">
+                               <xsl:with-param name="chopString">
+                                       <xsl:choose>
+                                               <xsl:when test="@tag=667 or @tag=675">
+                                                       <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='a']"/>
+                                               </xsl:when>
+                                               <xsl:when test="@tag=670 or @tag=678">
+                                                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
+                                                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">ab</xsl:with-param>
+                                                       </xsl:call-template>
+                                               </xsl:when>
+                                               <xsl:when test="680 &lt;= @tag and @tag &lt;=688">
+                                                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
+                                                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">ai</xsl:with-param>
+                                                       </xsl:call-template>
+                                               </xsl:when>
+                                       </xsl:choose>
+                               </xsl:with-param>
+                       </xsl:call-template>
+               </mads:note>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <!-- ========== url  ========== -->
+       <xsl:template match="marc:datafield[@tag=856][marc:subfield[@code='u']]">
+               <mads:url>
+                       <xsl:if test="marc:subfield[@code='z' or @code='3']">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="displayLabel">
+                                       <xsl:call-template name="subfieldSelect">
+                                               <xsl:with-param name="codes">z3</xsl:with-param>
+                                       </xsl:call-template>
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:if>
+                       <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='u']"/>
+               </mads:url>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="relatedTypeAttribute">
+               <xsl:choose>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="@tag=500 or @tag=510 or @tag=511 or @tag=548 or @tag=550 or @tag=551 or @tag=555 or @tag=580 or @tag=581 or @tag=582 or @tag=585">
+                               <xsl:if test="substring(marc:subfield[@code='w'],1,1)='a'">
+                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">earlier</xsl:attribute>
+                               </xsl:if>
+                               <xsl:if test="substring(marc:subfield[@code='w'],1,1)='b'">
+                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">later</xsl:attribute>
+                               </xsl:if>
+                               <xsl:if test="substring(marc:subfield[@code='w'],1,1)='t'">
+                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">parentOrg</xsl:attribute>
+                               </xsl:if>
+                               <xsl:if test="substring(marc:subfield[@code='w'],1,1)='g'">
+                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">broader</xsl:attribute>
+                               </xsl:if>
+                               <xsl:if test="substring(marc:subfield[@code='w'],1,1)='h'">
+                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">narrower</xsl:attribute>
+                               </xsl:if>
+                               <xsl:if test="substring(marc:subfield[@code='w'],1,1)='r'">
+                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">other</xsl:attribute>
+                               </xsl:if>
+                               <xsl:if test="contains('fin|', substring(marc:subfield[@code='w'],1,1))">
+                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">other</xsl:attribute>
+                               </xsl:if>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when test="@tag=530 or @tag=730">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="type">other</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:otherwise>
+                               <!-- 7xx -->
+                               <xsl:attribute name="type">equivalent</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:otherwise>
+               </xsl:choose>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code='i']"/>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="variantTypeAttribute">
+               <xsl:choose>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="@tag=400 or @tag=410 or @tag=411 or @tag=451 or @tag=455 or @tag=480 or @tag=481 or @tag=482 or @tag=485">
+                               <xsl:if test="substring(marc:subfield[@code='w'],1,1)='d'">
+                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">acronym</xsl:attribute>
+                               </xsl:if>
+                               <xsl:if test="substring(marc:subfield[@code='w'],1,1)='n'">
+                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">other</xsl:attribute>
+                               </xsl:if>
+                               <xsl:if test="contains('fit', substring(marc:subfield[@code='w'],1,1))">
+                                       <xsl:attribute name="type">other</xsl:attribute>
+                               </xsl:if>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:otherwise>
+                               <!-- 430  -->
+                               <xsl:attribute name="type">other</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:otherwise>
+               </xsl:choose>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="marc:subfield[@code='i']"/>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template name="setAuthority">
+               <xsl:choose>
+                       <!-- can be called from the datafield or subfield level, so "..//@tag" means
+                       the tag can be at the subfield's parent level or at the datafields own level -->
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=100 and (@ind1=0 or @ind1=1) and $controlField008-11='a' and $controlField008-14='a'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                                       <xsl:text>naf</xsl:text>
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=100 and (@ind1=0 or @ind1=1) and $controlField008-11='a' and $controlField008-14='b'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                                       <xsl:text>lcsh</xsl:text>
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=100 and (@ind1=0 or @ind1=1) and $controlField008-11='k'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                                       <xsl:text>lacnaf</xsl:text>
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=100 and @ind1=3 and $controlField008-11='a' and $controlField008-14='b'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                                       <xsl:text>lcsh</xsl:text>
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=100 and @ind1=3 and $controlField008-11='k' and $controlField008-14='b'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">cash</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=110 and $controlField008-11='a' and $controlField008-14='a'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">naf</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=110 and $controlField008-11='a' and $controlField008-14='b'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">lcsh</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=110 and $controlField008-11='k' and $controlField008-14='a'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                                       <xsl:text>lacnaf</xsl:text>
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=110 and $controlField008-11='k' and $controlField008-14='b'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                                       <xsl:text>cash</xsl:text>
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="100 &lt;= ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag and ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag &lt;= 155 and $controlField008-11='b'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                                       <xsl:text>lcshcl</xsl:text>
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=100 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=110 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=111 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=130 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=151) and $controlField008-11='c'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                                       <xsl:text>nlmnaf</xsl:text>
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=100 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=110 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=111 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=130 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=151) and $controlField008-11='d'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                                       <xsl:text>nalnaf</xsl:text>
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="100 &lt;= ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag and ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag &lt;= 155 and $controlField008-11='r'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                                       <xsl:text>aat</xsl:text>
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="100 &lt;= ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag and ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag &lt;= 155 and $controlField008-11='s'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">sears</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="100 &lt;= ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag and ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag &lt;= 155 and $controlField008-11='v'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">rvm</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="100 &lt;= ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag and ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag &lt;= 155 and $controlField008-11='z'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                                       <xsl:value-of
+                                               select="../marc:datafield[ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=040]/marc:subfield[@code='f']"
+                                       />
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=111 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=130) and $controlField008-11='a' and $controlField008-14='a'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                                       <xsl:text>naf</xsl:text>
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=111 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=130) and $controlField008-11='a' and $controlField008-14='b'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                                       <xsl:text>lcsh</xsl:text>
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=111 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=130) and $controlField008-11='k' ">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                                       <xsl:text>lacnaf</xsl:text>
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=148 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=150  or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=155) and $controlField008-11='a' ">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                                       <xsl:text>lcsh</xsl:text>
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=148 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=150  or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=155) and $controlField008-11='a' ">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                                       <xsl:text>lcsh</xsl:text>
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=148 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=150  or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=155) and $controlField008-11='c' ">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                                       <xsl:text>mesh</xsl:text>
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=148 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=150  or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=155) and $controlField008-11='d' ">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                                       <xsl:text>nal</xsl:text>
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=148 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=150  or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=155) and $controlField008-11='k' ">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                                       <xsl:text>cash</xsl:text>
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=151 and $controlField008-11='a' and $controlField008-14='a'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                                       <xsl:text>naf</xsl:text>
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=151 and $controlField008-11='a' and $controlField008-14='b'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">lcsh</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=151 and $controlField008-11='k' and $controlField008-14='a'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">lacnaf</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=151 and $controlField008-11='k' and $controlField008-14='b'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">cash</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="(..//ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=180 or ..//ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=181 or ..//ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=182 or ..//ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=185) and $controlField008-11='a'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">lcsh</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=700 and (@ind1='0' or @ind1='1') and @ind2='0'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">naf</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=700 and (@ind1='0' or @ind1='1') and @ind2='5'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">lacnaf</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=700 and @ind1='3' and @ind2='0'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">lcsh</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when test="ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=700 and @ind1='3' and @ind2='5'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">cash</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="(700 &lt;= ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag and ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag &lt;= 755 ) and @ind2='1'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">lcshcl</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=700 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=710 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=711 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=730 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=751)  and @ind2='2'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">nlmnaf</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=700 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=710 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=711 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=730 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=751)  and @ind2='3'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">nalnaf</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="(700 &lt;= ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag and ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag &lt;= 755 ) and @ind2='6'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">rvm</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="(700 &lt;= ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag and ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag &lt;= 755 ) and @ind2='7'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">
+                                       <xsl:value-of select="marc:subfield[@code='2']"/>
+                               </xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=710 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=711 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=730 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=751)  and @ind2='5'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">lacnaf</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=710 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=711 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=730 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=751)  and @ind2='0'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">naf</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=748 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=750 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=755)  and @ind2='0'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">lcsh</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=748 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=750 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=755)  and @ind2='2'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">mesh</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=748 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=750 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=755)  and @ind2='3'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">nal</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:when
+                               test="(ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=748 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=750 or ancestor-or-self::marc:datafield/@tag=755)  and @ind2='5'">
+                               <xsl:attribute name="authority">cash</xsl:attribute>
+                       </xsl:when>
+               </xsl:choose>
+       </xsl:template>
+       <xsl:template match="*"/>
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1069', :eg_version); --gmcharlt/kmlussier
+-- subset of types listed in https://www.loc.gov/marc/authority/ad1xx3xx.html
+-- for now, ignoring subdivisions
+CREATE TYPE authority.heading_type AS ENUM (
+    'personal_name',
+    'corporate_name',
+    'meeting_name',
+    'uniform_title',
+    'named_event',
+    'chronological_term',
+    'topical_term',
+    'geographic_name',
+    'genre_form_term',
+    'medium_of_performance_term'
+CREATE TYPE authority.variant_heading_type AS ENUM (
+    'abbreviation',
+    'acronym',
+    'translation',
+    'expansion',
+    'other',
+    'hidden'
+CREATE TYPE authority.related_heading_type AS ENUM (
+    'earlier',
+    'later',
+    'parent organization',
+    'broader',
+    'narrower',
+    'equivalent',
+    'other'
+CREATE TYPE authority.heading_purpose AS ENUM (
+    'main',
+    'variant',
+    'related'
+CREATE TABLE authority.heading_field (
+    id              SERIAL                      PRIMARY KEY,
+    heading_type    authority.heading_type      NOT NULL,
+    heading_purpose authority.heading_purpose   NOT NULL,
+    label           TEXT                        NOT NULL,
+    format          TEXT                        NOT NULL REFERENCES config.xml_transform (name) DEFAULT 'mads21',
+    heading_xpath   TEXT                        NOT NULL,
+    component_xpath TEXT                        NOT NULL,
+    type_xpath      TEXT                        NULL, -- to extract related or variant type
+    thesaurus_xpath TEXT                        NULL,
+    thesaurus_override_xpath TEXT               NULL,
+    joiner          TEXT                        NULL
+CREATE TABLE authority.heading_field_norm_map (
+        id      SERIAL  PRIMARY KEY,
+        params  TEXT,
+        pos     INT     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
+INSERT INTO authority.heading_field(heading_type, heading_purpose, label, heading_xpath, component_xpath, type_xpath, thesaurus_xpath, thesaurus_override_xpath) VALUES
+ ( 'topical_term', 'main',    'Main Topical Term',    '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority', '//mads21:topic', NULL, '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:topic[1]/@authority', NULL )
+,( 'topical_term', 'variant', 'Variant Topical Term', '/mads21:mads/mads21:variant',   '//mads21:topic', '/mads21:variant/@type', '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:topic[1]/@authority', '//mads21:topic[1]/@authority')
+,( 'topical_term', 'related', 'Related Topical Term', '/mads21:mads/mads21:related',   '//mads21:topic', '/mads21:related/@type', '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:topic[1]/@authority', '//mads21:topic[1]/@authority')
+,( 'personal_name', 'main', 'Main Personal Name',     '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority', '//mads21:name[@type="personal"]', NULL, NULL, NULL )
+,( 'personal_name', 'variant', 'Variant Personal Name',     '/mads21:mads/mads21:variant', '//mads21:name[@type="personal"]', NULL, NULL, NULL )
+,( 'personal_name', 'related', 'Related Personal Name',     '/mads21:mads/mads21:related', '//mads21:name[@type="personal"]', '/mads21:related/@type', NULL, NULL )
+,( 'corporate_name', 'main', 'Main Corporate name',     '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority', '//mads21:name[@type="corporate"]', NULL, NULL, NULL )
+,( 'corporate_name', 'variant', 'Variant Corporate Name',     '/mads21:mads/mads21:variant', '//mads21:name[@type="corporate"]', NULL, NULL, NULL )
+,( 'corporate_name', 'related', 'Related Corporate Name',     '/mads21:mads/mads21:related', '//mads21:name[@type="corporate"]', '/mads21:related/@type', NULL, NULL )
+,( 'meeting_name', 'main', 'Main Meeting name',     '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority', '//mads21:name[@type="conference"]', NULL, NULL, NULL )
+,( 'meeting_name', 'variant', 'Variant Meeting Name',     '/mads21:mads/mads21:variant', '//mads21:name[@type="conference"]', NULL, NULL, NULL )
+,( 'meeting_name', 'related', 'Related Meeting Name',     '/mads21:mads/mads21:related', '//mads21:name[@type="meeting"]', '/mads21:related/@type', NULL, NULL )
+,( 'geographic_name', 'main',    'Main Geographic Term',    '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority', '//mads21:geographic', NULL, '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:geographic[1]/@authority', NULL )
+,( 'geographic_name', 'variant', 'Variant Geographic Term', '/mads21:mads/mads21:variant',   '//mads21:geographic', '/mads21:variant/@type', '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:geographic[1]/@authority', '//mads21:geographic[1]/@authority')
+,( 'geographic_name', 'related', 'Related Geographic Term', '/mads21:mads/mads21:related',   '//mads21:geographic', '/mads21:related/@type', '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:geographic[1]/@authority', '//mads21:geographic[1]/@authority')
+,( 'genre_form_term', 'main',    'Main Genre/Form Term',    '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority', '//mads21:genre', NULL, '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:genre[1]/@authority', NULL )
+,( 'genre_form_term', 'variant', 'Variant Genre/Form Term', '/mads21:mads/mads21:variant',   '//mads21:genre', '/mads21:variant/@type', '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:genre[1]/@authority', '//mads21:genre[1]/@authority')
+,( 'genre_form_term', 'related', 'Related Genre/Form Term', '/mads21:mads/mads21:related',   '//mads21:genre', '/mads21:related/@type', '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:genre[1]/@authority', '//mads21:genre[1]/@authority')
+,( 'chronological_term', 'main',    'Main Chronological Term',    '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority', '//mads21:temporal', NULL, '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:temporal[1]/@authority', NULL )
+,( 'chronological_term', 'variant', 'Variant Chronological Term', '/mads21:mads/mads21:variant',   '//mads21:temporal', '/mads21:variant/@type', '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:temporal[1]/@authority', '//mads21:temporal[1]/@authority')
+,( 'chronological_term', 'related', 'Related Chronological Term', '/mads21:mads/mads21:related',   '//mads21:temporal', '/mads21:related/@type', '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:temporal[1]/@authority', '//mads21:temporal[1]/@authority')
+,( 'uniform_title', 'main',    'Main Uniform Title',    '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority', '//mads21:title', NULL, '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:title[1]/@authority', NULL )
+,( 'uniform_title', 'variant', 'Variant Uniform Title', '/mads21:mads/mads21:variant',   '//mads21:title', '/mads21:variant/@type', '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:title[1]/@authority', '//mads21:title[1]/@authority')
+,( 'uniform_title', 'related', 'Related Uniform Title', '/mads21:mads/mads21:related',   '//mads21:title', '/mads21:related/@type', '/mads21:mads/mads21:authority/mads21:title[1]/@authority', '//mads21:title[1]/@authority')
+-- NACO normalize all the things
+INSERT INTO authority.heading_field_norm_map (field, norm, pos)
+SELECT id, 1, 0
+FROM authority.heading_field;
+CREATE TYPE authority.heading AS (
+    field               INT,
+    type                authority.heading_type,
+    purpose             authority.heading_purpose,
+    variant_type        authority.variant_heading_type,
+    related_type        authority.related_heading_type,
+    thesaurus           TEXT,
+    heading             TEXT,
+    normalized_heading  TEXT
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION authority.extract_headings(marc TEXT, restrict INT[] DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS SETOF authority.heading AS $func$
+    idx         authority.heading_field%ROWTYPE;
+    xfrm        config.xml_transform%ROWTYPE;
+    prev_xfrm   TEXT;
+    transformed_xml TEXT;
+    heading_node    TEXT;
+    heading_node_list   TEXT[];
+    component_node    TEXT;
+    component_node_list   TEXT[];
+    raw_text    TEXT;
+    normalized_text    TEXT;
+    normalizer  RECORD;
+    curr_text   TEXT;
+    joiner      TEXT;
+    type_value  TEXT;
+    base_thesaurus TEXT := NULL;
+    output_row  authority.heading;
+    -- Loop over the indexing entries
+    FOR idx IN SELECT * FROM authority.heading_field WHERE restrict IS NULL OR id = ANY (restrict) ORDER BY format LOOP
+        output_row.field   := idx.id;
+        output_row.type    := idx.heading_type;
+        output_row.purpose := idx.heading_purpose;
+        joiner := COALESCE(idx.joiner, ' ');
+        SELECT INTO xfrm * from config.xml_transform WHERE name = idx.format;
+        -- See if we can skip the XSLT ... it's expensive
+        IF prev_xfrm IS NULL OR prev_xfrm <> xfrm.name THEN
+            -- Can't skip the transform
+            IF xfrm.xslt <> '---' THEN
+                transformed_xml := oils_xslt_process(marc, xfrm.xslt);
+            ELSE
+                transformed_xml := marc;
+            END IF;
+            prev_xfrm := xfrm.name;
+        END IF;
+        IF idx.thesaurus_xpath IS NOT NULL THEN
+            base_thesaurus := ARRAY_TO_STRING(oils_xpath(idx.thesaurus_xpath, transformed_xml, ARRAY[ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri]]), '');
+        END IF;
+        heading_node_list := oils_xpath( idx.heading_xpath, transformed_xml, ARRAY[ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri]] );
+        FOR heading_node IN SELECT x FROM unnest(heading_node_list) AS x LOOP
+            CONTINUE WHEN heading_node !~ E'^\\s*<';
+            output_row.variant_type := NULL;
+            output_row.related_type := NULL;
+            output_row.thesaurus    := NULL;
+            output_row.heading      := NULL;
+            IF idx.heading_purpose = 'variant' AND idx.type_xpath IS NOT NULL THEN
+                type_value := ARRAY_TO_STRING(oils_xpath(idx.type_xpath, heading_node, ARRAY[ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri]]), '');
+                BEGIN
+                    output_row.variant_type := type_value;
+                EXCEPTION WHEN invalid_text_representation THEN
+                    RAISE NOTICE 'Do not recognize variant heading type %', type_value;
+                END;
+            END IF;
+            IF idx.heading_purpose = 'related' AND idx.type_xpath IS NOT NULL THEN
+                type_value := ARRAY_TO_STRING(oils_xpath(idx.type_xpath, heading_node, ARRAY[ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri]]), '');
+                BEGIN
+                    output_row.related_type := type_value;
+                EXCEPTION WHEN invalid_text_representation THEN
+                    RAISE NOTICE 'Do not recognize related heading type %', type_value;
+                END;
+            END IF;
+            IF idx.thesaurus_override_xpath IS NOT NULL THEN
+                output_row.thesaurus := ARRAY_TO_STRING(oils_xpath(idx.thesaurus_override_xpath, heading_node, ARRAY[ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri]]), '');
+            END IF;
+            IF output_row.thesaurus IS NULL THEN
+                output_row.thesaurus := base_thesaurus;
+            END IF;
+            raw_text := NULL;
+            -- now iterate over components of heading
+            component_node_list := oils_xpath( idx.component_xpath, heading_node, ARRAY[ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri]] );
+            FOR component_node IN SELECT x FROM unnest(component_node_list) AS x LOOP
+            -- XXX much of this should be moved into oils_xpath_string...
+                curr_text := ARRAY_TO_STRING(evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value(evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value(
+                    oils_xpath( '//text()', -- get the content of all the nodes within the main selected node
+                        REGEXP_REPLACE( component_node, E'\\s+', ' ', 'g' ) -- Translate adjacent whitespace to a single space
+                    ), ' '), ''),  -- throw away morally empty (bankrupt?) strings
+                    joiner
+                );
+                CONTINUE WHEN curr_text IS NULL OR curr_text = '';
+                IF raw_text IS NOT NULL THEN
+                    raw_text := raw_text || joiner;
+                END IF;
+                raw_text := COALESCE(raw_text,'') || curr_text;
+            END LOOP;
+            IF raw_text IS NOT NULL THEN
+                output_row.heading := raw_text;
+                normalized_text := raw_text;
+                FOR normalizer IN
+                    SELECT  n.func AS func,
+                            n.param_count AS param_count,
+                            m.params AS params
+                    FROM  config.index_normalizer n
+                            JOIN authority.heading_field_norm_map m ON (m.norm = n.id)
+                    WHERE m.field = idx.id
+                    ORDER BY m.pos LOOP
+                        EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || normalizer.func || '(' ||
+                            quote_literal( normalized_text ) ||
+                            CASE
+                                WHEN normalizer.param_count > 0
+                                    THEN ',' || REPLACE(REPLACE(BTRIM(normalizer.params,'[]'),E'\'',E'\\\''),E'"',E'\'')
+                                    ELSE ''
+                                END ||
+                            ')' INTO normalized_text;
+                END LOOP;
+                output_row.normalized_heading := normalized_text;
+                RETURN NEXT output_row;
+            END IF;
+        END LOOP;
+    END LOOP;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION authority.extract_headings(rid BIGINT, restrict INT[] DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS SETOF authority.heading AS $func$
+    auth        authority.record_entry%ROWTYPE;
+    output_row  authority.heading;
+    -- Get the record
+    SELECT INTO auth * FROM authority.record_entry WHERE id = rid;
+    RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM authority.extract_headings(auth.marc, restrict);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION authority.simple_heading_set( marcxml TEXT ) RETURNS SETOF authority.simple_heading AS $func$
+    res             authority.simple_heading%ROWTYPE;
+    acsaf           authority.control_set_authority_field%ROWTYPE;
+    heading_row     authority.heading%ROWTYPE;
+    tag_used        TEXT;
+    nfi_used        TEXT;
+    sf              TEXT;
+    cset            INT;
+    heading_text    TEXT;
+    joiner_text     TEXT;
+    sort_text       TEXT;
+    tmp_text        TEXT;
+    tmp_xml         TEXT;
+    first_sf        BOOL;
+    auth_id         INT DEFAULT COALESCE(NULLIF(oils_xpath_string('//*[@tag="901"]/*[local-name()="subfield" and @code="c"]', marcxml), ''), '0')::INT; 
+    SELECT control_set INTO cset FROM authority.record_entry WHERE id = auth_id;
+    IF cset IS NULL THEN
+        SELECT  control_set INTO cset
+          FROM  authority.control_set_authority_field
+          WHERE tag IN ( SELECT  UNNEST(XPATH('//*[starts-with(@tag,"1")]/@tag',marcxml::XML)::TEXT[]))
+          LIMIT 1;
+    END IF;
+    res.record := auth_id;
+    res.thesaurus := authority.extract_thesaurus(marcxml);
+    FOR acsaf IN SELECT * FROM authority.control_set_authority_field WHERE control_set = cset LOOP
+        res.atag := acsaf.id;
+        IF acsaf.heading_field IS NULL THEN
+            tag_used := acsaf.tag;
+            nfi_used := acsaf.nfi;
+            joiner_text := COALESCE(acsaf.joiner, ' ');
+            FOR tmp_xml IN SELECT UNNEST(XPATH('//*[@tag="'||tag_used||'"]', marcxml::XML)::TEXT[]) LOOP
+                heading_text := COALESCE(
+                    oils_xpath_string('./*[contains("'||acsaf.display_sf_list||'",@code)]', tmp_xml, joiner_text),
+                    ''
+                );
+                IF nfi_used IS NOT NULL THEN
+                    sort_text := SUBSTRING(
+                        heading_text FROM
+                        COALESCE(
+                            NULLIF(
+                                REGEXP_REPLACE(
+                                    oils_xpath_string('./@ind'||nfi_used, tmp_xml::TEXT),
+                                    $$\D+$$,
+                                    '',
+                                    'g'
+                                ),
+                                ''
+                            )::INT,
+                            0
+                        ) + 1
+                    );
+                ELSE
+                    sort_text := heading_text;
+                END IF;
+                IF heading_text IS NOT NULL AND heading_text <> '' THEN
+                    res.value := heading_text;
+                    res.sort_value := public.naco_normalize(sort_text);
+                    res.index_vector = to_tsvector('keyword'::regconfig, res.sort_value);
+                    RETURN NEXT res;
+                END IF;
+            END LOOP;
+        ELSE
+            FOR heading_row IN SELECT * FROM authority.extract_headings(marcxml, ARRAY[acsaf.heading_field]) LOOP
+                res.value := heading_row.heading;
+                res.sort_value := heading_row.normalized_heading;
+                res.index_vector = to_tsvector('keyword'::regconfig, res.sort_value);
+                RETURN NEXT res;
+            END LOOP;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+    RETURN;
+ALTER TABLE authority.control_set_authority_field ADD COLUMN heading_field INTEGER REFERENCES authority.heading_field(id);
+UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
+SET heading_field = ahf.id
+FROM authority.heading_field ahf
+WHERE tag = '100'
+AND control_set = 1
+AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'main'
+AND ahf.heading_type = 'personal_name';
+UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
+SET heading_field = ahf.id
+FROM authority.heading_field ahf
+WHERE tag = '400'
+AND control_set = 1
+AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'variant'
+AND ahf.heading_type = 'personal_name';
+UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
+SET heading_field = ahf.id
+FROM authority.heading_field ahf
+WHERE tag = '500'
+AND control_set = 1
+AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'related'
+AND ahf.heading_type = 'personal_name';
+UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
+SET heading_field = ahf.id
+FROM authority.heading_field ahf
+WHERE tag = '110'
+AND control_set = 1
+AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'main'
+AND ahf.heading_type = 'corporate_name';
+UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
+SET heading_field = ahf.id
+FROM authority.heading_field ahf
+WHERE tag = '410'
+AND control_set = 1
+AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'variant'
+AND ahf.heading_type = 'corporate_name';
+UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
+SET heading_field = ahf.id
+FROM authority.heading_field ahf
+WHERE tag = '510'
+AND control_set = 1
+AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'related'
+AND ahf.heading_type = 'corporate_name';
+UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
+SET heading_field = ahf.id
+FROM authority.heading_field ahf
+WHERE tag = '111'
+AND control_set = 1
+AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'main'
+AND ahf.heading_type = 'meeting_name';
+UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
+SET heading_field = ahf.id
+FROM authority.heading_field ahf
+WHERE tag = '411'
+AND control_set = 1
+AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'variant'
+AND ahf.heading_type = 'meeting_name';
+UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
+SET heading_field = ahf.id
+FROM authority.heading_field ahf
+WHERE tag = '511'
+AND control_set = 1
+AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'related'
+AND ahf.heading_type = 'meeting_name';
+UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
+SET heading_field = ahf.id
+FROM authority.heading_field ahf
+WHERE tag = '130'
+AND control_set = 1
+AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'main'
+AND ahf.heading_type = 'uniform_title';
+UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
+SET heading_field = ahf.id
+FROM authority.heading_field ahf
+WHERE tag = '430'
+AND control_set = 1
+AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'variant'
+AND ahf.heading_type = 'uniform_title';
+UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
+SET heading_field = ahf.id
+FROM authority.heading_field ahf
+WHERE tag = '530'
+AND control_set = 1
+AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'related'
+AND ahf.heading_type = 'uniform_title';
+UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
+SET heading_field = ahf.id
+FROM authority.heading_field ahf
+WHERE tag = '150'
+AND control_set = 1
+AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'main'
+AND ahf.heading_type = 'topical_term';
+UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
+SET heading_field = ahf.id
+FROM authority.heading_field ahf
+WHERE tag = '450'
+AND control_set = 1
+AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'variant'
+AND ahf.heading_type = 'topical_term';
+UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
+SET heading_field = ahf.id
+FROM authority.heading_field ahf
+WHERE tag = '550'
+AND control_set = 1
+AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'related'
+AND ahf.heading_type = 'topical_term';
+UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
+SET heading_field = ahf.id
+FROM authority.heading_field ahf
+WHERE tag = '151'
+AND control_set = 1
+AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'main'
+AND ahf.heading_type = 'geographic_name';
+UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
+SET heading_field = ahf.id
+FROM authority.heading_field ahf
+WHERE tag = '451'
+AND control_set = 1
+AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'variant'
+AND ahf.heading_type = 'geographic_name';
+UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
+SET heading_field = ahf.id
+FROM authority.heading_field ahf
+WHERE tag = '551'
+AND control_set = 1
+AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'related'
+AND ahf.heading_type = 'geographic_name';
+UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
+SET heading_field = ahf.id
+FROM authority.heading_field ahf
+WHERE tag = '155'
+AND control_set = 1
+AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'main'
+AND ahf.heading_type = 'genre_form_term';
+UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
+SET heading_field = ahf.id
+FROM authority.heading_field ahf
+WHERE tag = '455'
+AND control_set = 1
+AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'variant'
+AND ahf.heading_type = 'genre_form_term';
+UPDATE authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf
+SET heading_field = ahf.id
+FROM authority.heading_field ahf
+WHERE tag = '555'
+AND control_set = 1
+AND ahf.heading_purpose = 'related'
+AND ahf.heading_type = 'genre_form_term';
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1070', :eg_version); --miker/gmcharlt/kmlussier
+CREATE TRIGGER thes_code_tracking_trigger
+    AFTER UPDATE ON authority.thesaurus
+    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE oils_i18n_code_tracking('at');
+ALTER TABLE authority.thesaurus ADD COLUMN short_code TEXT, ADD COLUMN uri TEXT;
+DELETE FROM authority.thesaurus WHERE control_set = 1 AND code NOT IN ('n',' ','|');
+UPDATE authority.thesaurus SET short_code = code;
+CREATE TEMP TABLE thesauri (code text, uri text, name text, xlate hstore);
+COPY thesauri (code, uri, name, xlate) FROM STDIN;
+migfg  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/migfg     Moving image genre-form guide   
+reveal http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/reveal    REVEAL: fiction indexing and genre headings     
+dct    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/dct       Dublin Core list of resource types      
+gmgpc  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/gmgpc     Thesaurus for graphic materials: TGM II, Genre and physical characteristic terms        
+rbgenr http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/rbgenr    Genre terms: a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing       
+sgp    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/sgp       Svenska genrebeteckningar fr periodika  "sv"=>"Svenska genrebeteckningar fr periodika"
+estc   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/estc      Eighteenth century short title catalogue, the cataloguing rules. New ed.        
+ftamc  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/ftamc     Form terms for archival and manuscripts control 
+alett  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/alett     An alphabetical list of English text types      
+gtlm   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/gtlm      Genre terms for law materials: a thesaurus      
+rbprov http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/rbprov    Provenance evidence: a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging        
+rbbin  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/rbbin     Binding terms: a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing     
+fbg    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/fbg       Films by genre /dd>     
+isbdmedia      http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/isbdmedia ISBD Area 0 [media]     
+marccategory   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/marccategory      MARC form category term list    
+gnd-music      http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/gnd-music Gemeinsame Normdatei: Musikalische Ausgabeform  
+proysen        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/proysen   Prøysen: emneord for Prøysen-bibliografien        
+rdacarrier     http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/rdacarrier        Term and code list for RDA carrier types        
+gnd    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/gnd       Gemeinsame Normdatei    
+cjh    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/cjh       Center for Jewish History thesaurus     
+rbpri  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/rbpri     Printing & publishing evidence: a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging     
+fgtpcm http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/fgtpcm    Form/genre terms for printed cartoon material   
+rbpub  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/rbpub     Printing and publishing evidence: a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging   
+gmd    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/gmd       Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules general material designation   
+rbpap  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/rbpap     Paper terms: a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging        
+rdamedia       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/rdamedia  Term and code list for RDA media types  
+marcsmd        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/marcsmd   MARC specific material form term list   
+saogf  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/saogf     Svenska Ã¤mnesord - Genre/Form        "sv"=>"Svenska Ã¤mnesord - Genre/Form"
+lcgft  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/lcgft     Library of Congress genre/form terms for library and archival materials 
+muzeukv        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/muzeukv   MuzeVideo UK DVD and UMD film genre classification      
+mim    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/mim       Moving image materials: genre terms     
+nmc    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/nmc       Revised nomenclature for museum cataloging: a revised and expanded version of Robert C. Chenhall's system for classifying man-made objects      
+gnd-content    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/gnd-content       Gemeinsame Normdatei: Beschreibung des Inhalts  
+bgtchm http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/bgtchm    Basic genre terms for cultural heritage materials       
+gsafd  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/gsafd     Guidelines on subject access to individual works of fiction, drama, etc 
+marcform       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/marcform  MARC form of item term list     
+marcgt http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/marcgt    MARC genre terms        
+barngf http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/barngf    Svenska Ã¤mnesord för barn - Genre/Form    "sv"=>"Svenska Ã¤mnesord för barn - Genre/Form"
+ngl    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/ngl       Newspaper genre list    
+rvmgf  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/rvmgf     Thésaurus des descripteurs de genre/forme de l'Université Laval   "fr"=>"Thésaurus des descripteurs de genre/forme de l'Université Laval"
+tgfbne http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/tgfbne    Términos de género/forma de la Biblioteca Nacional de España   
+nbdbgf http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/nbdbgf    NBD Biblion Genres Fictie       
+rbtyp  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/rbtyp     Type evidence: a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging      
+radfg  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/radfg     Radio form / genre terms guide  
+gnd-carrier    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/gnd-carrier       Gemeinsame Normdatei: Datenträgertyp 
+gatbeg http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/gatbeg    Gattungsbegriffe        "de"=>"Gattungsbegriffe"
+rdacontent     http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/rdacontent        Term and code list for RDA content types        
+isbdcontent    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/isbdcontent       ISBD Area 0 [content]   
+nimafc http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/nimafc    NIMA form codes 
+amg    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/genreFormSchemes/amg       Audiovisual material glossary   
+local  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/local       Locally assigned term   
+taika  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/taika       Taideteollisuuden asiasanasto   "fi"=>"Taideteollisuuden asiasanasto"
+nasat  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nasat       NASA thesaurus  
+rswkaf http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/rswkaf      Alternativform zum Hauptschlagwort      "de"=>"Alternativform zum Hauptschlagwort"
+jhpk   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/jhpk        JÄ\99zyk haseÅ\82 przedmiotowych KABA   "pl"=>"JÄ\99zyk haseÅ\82 przedmiotowych KABA"
+asrcrfcd       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/asrcrfcd    Australian Standard Research Classification: Research Fields, Courses and Disciplines (RFCD) classification     
+bt     http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bt  Bioethics thesaurus     
+lcstt  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lcstt       List of Chinese subject terms   
+netc   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/netc        National Emergency Training Center Thesaurus (NETC)     
+aat    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/aat Art & architecture thesaurus    
+bet    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bet British education thesaurus     
+ncjt   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ncjt        National criminal justice thesaurus     
+samisk http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/samisk      Sami bibliography       "no"=>"Sámi bibliografia = Samisk bibliografi (Norge)"
+tips   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tips        Tesauro ISOC de psicología   "es"=>"Tesauro ISOC de psicología"
+ukslc  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ukslc       UK Standard Library Categories  
+tekord http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tekord      TEK-ord : UBiTs emneordliste for arkitektur, realfag, og teknolog       "no"=>"TEK-ord : UBiTs emneordliste for arkitektur, realfag, og teknolog"
+umitrist       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/umitrist    University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute structured thesaurus   
+wgst   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/wgst        Washington GILS Subject Tree    
+rasuqam        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/rasuqam     Répertoire d'autorités-sujet de l'UQAM    "fr"=>"Répertoire d'autorités-sujet de l'UQAM"
+ntids  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ntids       Norske tidsskrifter 1700-1820: emneord  "no"=>"Norske tidsskrifter 1700-1820: emneord"
+kaa    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kaa Kasvatusalan asiasanasto        "fi"=>"Kasvatusalan asiasanasto"
+yso    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/yso YSO - Yleinen suomalainen ontologia     "fi"=>"YSO - Yleinen suomalainen ontologia"
+gcipmedia      http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/gcipmedia   GAMECIP - Computer Game Media Formats (GAMECIP (Game Metadata and Citation Project))    
+inspect        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/inspect     INSPEC thesaurus        
+ordnok http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ordnok      Ordnokkelen: tesaurus for kulturminnevern       "no"=>"Ordnokkelen: tesaurus for kulturminnevern"
+helecon        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/helecon     Asiasanasto HELECON-tietikantoihin      "fi"=>"Asiasanasto HELECON-tietikantoihin"
+dltlt  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/dltlt       Cuddon, J. A. A dictionary of literary terms and literary theory        
+csapa  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/csapa       "Controlled vocabulary" in Pollution abstracts  
+gtt    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/gtt GOO-trefwoorden thesaurus       "nl"=>"GOO-trefwoorden thesaurus"
+iescs  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/iescs       International energy subject categories and scope       
+itrt   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/itrt        International Thesaurus of Refugee Terminology  
+sanb   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sanb        South African national bibliography authority file      
+blmlsh http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/blmlsh      British Library - Map library subject headings  
+bhb    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bhb Bibliography of the Hebrew Book 
+csh    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/csh Kapsner, Oliver Leonard. Catholic subject headings      
+fire   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/fire        FireTalk, IFSI thesaurus        
+jlabsh http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/jlabsh      Basic subject headings  "ja"=>"Kihon kenmei hyômokuhyô"
+udc    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/udc Universal decimal classification        
+lcshac http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lcshac      Children's subject headings in Library of Congress subject headings: supplementary vocabularies 
+geonet http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/geonet      NGA GEOnet Names Server (GNS)   
+humord http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/humord      HUMORD  "no"=>"HUMORD"
+no-ubo-mr      http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/no-ubo-mr   Menneskerettighets-tesaurus     "no"=>"Menneskerettighets-tesaurus"
+sgce   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sgce        COBISS.SI General List of subject headings (English subject headings)   "sl"=>"SploÅ¡ni geslovnik COBISS.SI"
+kdm    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kdm Khung dê muc hê thông thông tin khoa hoc và ky thuât quôc gia      "vi"=>"Khung dê muc hê thông thông tin khoa hoc và ky thuât quôc gia"
+thesoz http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/thesoz      Thesaurus for the Social Sciences       
+asth   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/asth        Astronomy thesaurus     
+muzeukc        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/muzeukc     MuzeMusic UK classical music classification     
+norbok http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/norbok      Norbok: emneord i Norsk bokfortegnelse  "no"=>"Norbok: emneord i Norsk bokfortegnelse"
+masa   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/masa        Museoalan asiasanasto   "fi"=>"Museoalan asiasanasto"
+conorsi        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/conorsi     CONOR.SI (name authority file) (Maribor, Slovenia: Institut informacijskih znanosti (IZUM))     
+eurovocen      http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/eurovocen   Eurovoc thesaurus (English)     
+kto    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kto KTO - Kielitieteen ontologia    "fi"=>"KTO - Kielitieteen ontologia"
+muzvukci       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/muzvukci    MuzeVideo UK contributor index  
+kaunokki       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kaunokki    Kaunokki: kaunokirjallisuuden asiasanasto       "fi"=>"Kaunokki: kaunokirjallisuuden asiasanasto"
+maotao http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/maotao      MAO/TAO - Ontologi för museibranschen och Konstindustriella ontologin        "fi"=>"MAO/TAO - Ontologi för museibranschen och Konstindustriella ontologin"
+psychit        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/psychit     Thesaurus of psychological index terms. 
+tlsh   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tlsh        Subject heading authority list  
+csalsct        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/csalsct     CSA life sciences collection thesaurus  
+ciesiniv       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ciesiniv    CIESIN indexing vocabulary      
+ebfem  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ebfem       Encabezamientos bilingües de la Fundación Educativa Ana G. Mendez 
+mero   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/mero        MERO - Merenkulkualan ontologia "fi"=>"MERO - Merenkulkualan ontologia"
+mmm    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/mmm "Subject key" in Marxism and the mass media     
+pascal http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/pascal      PASCAL database classification scheme   "fr"=>"Base de donneés PASCAL: plan de classement"
+chirosh        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/chirosh     Chiropractic Subject Headings   
+cilla  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/cilla       Cilla: specialtesaurus för musik     "fi"=>"Cilla: specialtesaurus för musik"
+aiatsisl       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/aiatsisl    AIATSIS language thesaurus      
+nskps  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nskps       PriruÄ\8dnik za izradu predmetnog kataloga u Nacionalnoj i sveuÄ\8diliÅ¡noj knjiÄ\8dnici u Zagrebu    "hr"=>"PriruÄ\8dnik za izradu predmetnog kataloga u Nacionalnoj i sveuÄ\8diliÅ¡noj knjiÄ\8dnici u Zagrebu"
+lctgm  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lctgm       Thesaurus for graphic materials: TGM I, Subject terms   
+muso   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/muso        MUSO - Ontologi för musik    "fi"=>"MUSO - Ontologi för musik"
+blcpss http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/blcpss      COMPASS subject authority system        
+fast   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/fast        Faceted application of subject terminology      
+bisacmt        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bisacmt     BISAC Merchandising Themes      
+lapponica      http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lapponica   Lapponica       "fi"=>"Lapponica"
+juho   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/juho        JUHO - Julkishallinnon ontologia        "fi"=>"JUHO - Julkishallinnon ontologia"
+idas   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/idas        ID-Archivschlüssel   "de"=>"ID-Archivschlüssel"
+tbjvp  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tbjvp       Tesauro de la Biblioteca Dr. Jorge Villalobos Padilla, S.J.     "es"=>"Tesauro de la Biblioteca Dr. Jorge Villalobos Padilla, S.J."
+test   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/test        Thesaurus of engineering and scientific terms   
+finmesh        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/finmesh     FinMeSH "fi"=>"FinMeSH"
+kssbar http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kssbar      Klassifikationssystem for svenska bibliotek. Ã\84mnesordregister. Alfabetisk del        "sv"=>"Klassifikationssystem for svenska bibliotek. Ã\84mnesordregister. Alfabetisk del"
+kupu   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kupu        Maori Wordnet   "mi"=>"He puna kupu"
+rpe    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/rpe Rubricator on economics "ru"=>"Rubrikator po ekonomike"
+dit    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/dit Defense intelligence thesaurus  
+she    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/she SHE: subject headings for engineering   
+idszbzna       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/idszbzna    Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Nordamerika-Bibliothek "de"=>"Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Nordamerika-Bibliothek"
+msc    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/msc Mathematical subject classification     
+muzeukn        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/muzeukn     MuzeMusic UK non-classical music classification 
+ipsp   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ipsp        Defense intelligence production schedule.       
+sthus  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sthus       Subject Taxonomy of the History of U.S. Foreign Relations       
+poliscit       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/poliscit    Political science thesaurus II  
+qtglit http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/qtglit      A queer thesaurus : an international thesaurus of gay and lesbian index terms   
+unbist http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/unbist      UNBIS thesaurus 
+gcipplatform   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/gcipplatform        GAMECIP - Computer Game Platforms (GAMECIP (Game Metadata and Citation Project))        
+puho   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/puho        PUHO - Puolustushallinnon ontologia     "fi"=>"PUHO - Puolustushallinnon ontologia"
+thub   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/thub        Thesaurus de la Universitat de Barcelona        "ca"=>"Thesaurus de la Universitat de Barcelona"
+ndlsh  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ndlsh       National Diet Library list of subject headings  "ja"=>"Koktsu Kokkai Toshokan kenmei hyômokuhyô"
+czenas http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/czenas      CZENAS thesaurus: a list of subject terms used in the National Library of the Czech Republic    "cs"=>"Soubor vÄ\95cných autorit Národní knihovny Ä\8cR"
+idszbzzh       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/idszbzzh    Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Handschriftenabteilung "de"=>"Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Handschriftenabteilung"
+unbisn http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/unbisn      UNBIS name authority list (New York, NY: Dag Hammarskjld Library, United Nations; : Chadwyck-Healey)    
+rswk   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/rswk        Regeln für den Schlagwortkatalog     "de"=>"Regeln für den Schlagwortkatalog"
+larpcal        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/larpcal     Lista de assuntos referente ao programa de cadastramento automatizado de livros da USP  "pt"=>"Lista de assuntos referente ao programa de cadastramento automatizado de livros da USP"
+biccbmc        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/biccbmc     BIC Children's Books Marketing Classifications  
+kulo   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kulo        KULO - Kulttuurien tutkimuksen ontologia        "fi"=>"KULO - Kulttuurien tutkimuksen ontologia"
+popinte        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/popinte     POPIN thesaurus: population multilingual thesaurus      
+tisa   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tisa        Villagrá Rubio, Angel. Tesauro ISOC de sociología autores "es"=>"Villagrá Rubio, Angel. Tesauro ISOC de sociología autores"
+atg    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/atg Agricultural thesaurus and glossary     
+eflch  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/eflch       E4Libraries Category Headings   
+maaq   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/maaq        Madâkhil al-asmâ' al-'arabîyah al-qadîmah   "ar"=>"Madâkhil al-asmâ' al-'arabîyah al-qadîmah"
+rvmgd  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/rvmgd       Thésaurus des descripteurs de groupes démographiques de l'Université Laval     "fr"=>"Thésaurus des descripteurs de groupes démographiques de l'Université Laval"
+csahssa        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/csahssa     "Controlled vocabulary" in Health and safety science abstracts  
+sigle  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sigle       SIGLE manual, Part 2, Subject category list     
+blnpn  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/blnpn       British Library newspaper place names   
+asrctoa        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/asrctoa     Australian Standard Research Classification: Type of Activity (TOA) classification      
+lcdgt  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lcdgt       Library of Congress demographic group term and code List        
+bokbas http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bokbas      Bokbasen        "no"=>"Bokbasen"
+gnis   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/gnis        Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)      
+nbiemnfag      http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nbiemnfag   NBIs emneordsliste for faglitteratur    "no"=>"NBIs emneordsliste for faglitteratur"
+nlgaf  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nlgaf       Archeio KathierÅ\8dmenÅ\8dn EpikephalidÅ\8dn    "el"=>"Archeio KathierÅ\8dmenÅ\8dn EpikephalidÅ\8dn"
+bhashe http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bhashe      BHA, Bibliography of the history of art, subject headings/English       
+tsht   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tsht        Thesaurus of subject headings for television    
+scbi   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/scbi        Soggettario per i cataloghi delle biblioteche italiane  "it"=>"Soggettario per i cataloghi delle biblioteche italiane"
+valo   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/valo        VALO - Fotografiska ontologin   "fi"=>"VALO - Fotografiska ontologin"
+wpicsh http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/wpicsh      WPIC Library thesaurus of subject headings      
+aktp   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/aktp        AlphavÄ\93tikos Katalogos ThematikÅ\8dn PerigrapheÅ\8dn "el"=>"AlphavÄ\93tikos Katalogos ThematikÅ\8dn PerigrapheÅ\8dn"
+stw    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/stw STW Thesaurus for Economics     "de"=>"Standard-Thesaurus Wirtschaft"
+mesh   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/mesh        Medical subject headings        
+ica    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ica Index of Christian art  
+emnmus http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/emnmus      Emneord for musikkdokument i EDB-kataloger      "no"=>"Emneord for musikkdokument i EDB-kataloger"
+sao    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sao Svenska Ã¤mnesord     "sv"=>"Svenska Ã¤mnesord"
+sgc    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sgc COBISS.SI General List of subject headings (Slovenian subject headings) "sl"=>"SploÅ¡ni geslovnik COBISS.SI"
+bib1814        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bib1814     1814-bibliografi: emneord for 1814-bibliografi  "no"=>"1814-bibliografi: emneord for 1814-bibliografi"
+bjornson       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bjornson    Bjornson: emneord for Bjornsonbibliografien     "no"=>"Bjornson: emneord for Bjornsonbibliografien"
+liito  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/liito       LIITO - Liiketoimintaontologia  "fi"=>"LIITO - Liiketoimintaontologia"
+apaist http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/apaist      APAIS thesaurus: a list of subject terms used in the Australian Public Affairs Information Service      
+itglit http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/itglit      International thesaurus of gay and lesbian index terms (Chicago?: Thesaurus Committee, Gay and Lesbian Task Force, American Library Association)        
+ntcsd  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ntcsd       "National Translations Center secondary descriptors" in National Translation Center primary subject classification and secondary descriptor     
+scisshl        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/scisshl     SCIS subject headings   
+opms   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/opms        Opetusministeriön asiasanasto        "fi"=>"Opetusministeriön asiasanasto"
+ttka   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ttka        Teologisen tiedekunnan kirjaston asiasanasto    "fi"=>"Teologisen tiedekunnan kirjaston asiasanasto"
+watrest        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/watrest     Thesaurus of water resources terms: a collection of water resources and related terms for use in indexing technical information 
+ysa    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ysa Yleinen suomalainen asiasanasto "fi"=>"Yleinen suomalainen asiasanasto"
+kitu   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kitu        Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen asiasanasto   "fi"=>"Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen asiasanasto"
+sk     http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sk  'Zhong guo gu ji shan ban shu zong mu' fen lei biao     "zh"=>"'Zhong guo gu ji shan ban shu zong mu' fen lei biao"
+aiatsisp       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/aiatsisp    AIATSIS place thesaurus 
+ram    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ram RAMEAU: répertoire d'authorité de matières encyclopédique unifié "fr"=>"RAMEAU: répertoire d'authorité de matières encyclopédique unifié"
+aedoml http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/aedoml      Listado de encabezamientos de materia de música      "es"=>"Listado de encabezamientos de materia de música"
+ated   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ated        Australian Thesaurus of Education Descriptors (ATED)    
+cabt   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/cabt        CAB thesaurus (Slough [England]: Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux)     
+kassu  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kassu       Kassu - Kasvien suomenkieliset nimet    "fi"=>"Kassu - Kasvien suomenkieliset nimet"
+nbdbt  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nbdbt       NBD Biblion Trefwoordenthesaurus        "nl"=>"NBD Biblion Trefwoordenthesaurus"
+jhpb   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/jhpb        JÄ\99zyk haseÅ\82 przedmiotowych Biblioteki Narodowej   "pl"=>"JÄ\99zyk haseÅ\82 przedmiotowych Biblioteki Narodowej"
+bidex  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bidex       Bilindex: a bilingual Spanish-English subject heading list      
+ccsa   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ccsa        Catalogue collectif suisse des affiches "fr"=>"Catalogue collectif suisse des affiches"
+noraf  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/noraf       Norwegian Authority File        
+kito   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kito        KITO - Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen ontologia      "fi"=>"KITO - Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen ontologia"
+tho    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tho Thesauros HellÄ\93nikÅ\8dn Oron "el"=>"Thesauros HellÄ\93nikÅ\8dn Oron"
+pmont  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/pmont       Powerhouse Museum Object Name Thesaurus 
+ssg    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ssg SploÅ¡ni slovenski geslovnik  "sl"=>"SploÅ¡ni slovenski geslovnik"
+huc    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/huc U.S. Geological Survey water-supply paper 2294: hydrologic basins unit codes    
+isis   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/isis        "Classification scheme" in Isis 
+ibsen  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ibsen       Ibsen: emneord for Den internasjonale Ibsen-bibliografien       "no"=>"Ibsen: emneord for Den internasjonale Ibsen-bibliografien"
+lacnaf http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lacnaf      Library and Archives Canada name authority file 
+swemesh        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/swemesh     Swedish MeSH    "sv"=>"Svenska MeSH"
+hamsun http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/hamsun      Hamsun: emneord for Hamsunbibliografien "no"=>"Hamsun: emneord for Hamsunbibliografien"
+qrma   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/qrma        List of Arabic subject headings "ar"=>"Qâ'imat ru'ûs al-mawdûât al-'Arabîyah"
+qrmak  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/qrmak       Qâ'imat ru'ûs al-mawdû'ât al-'Arabîyah al-qiyâsîyah al-maktabât wa-marâkaz al-ma'lûmât wa-qawâid al-bayânât   "ar"=>"Qâ'imat ru'ûs al-mawdû'ât al-'Arabîyah al-qiyâsîyah al-maktabât wa-marâkaz al-ma'lûmât wa-qawâid al-bayânât"
+ceeus  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ceeus       Counties and equivalent entities of the United States its possessions, and associated areas     
+taxhs  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/taxhs       A taxonomy or human services: a conceptual framework with standardized terminology and definitions for the field        
+noram  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/noram       Noram: emneord for Norsk-amerikansk samling     "no"=>"Noram: emneord for Norsk-amerikansk samling"
+eurovocfr      http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/eurovocfr   Eurovoc thesaurus (French)      
+jurivoc        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/jurivoc     JURIVOC 
+agrifors       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/agrifors    AGRIFOREST-sanasto      "fi"=>"AGRIFOREST-sanasto"
+noubojur       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/noubojur    Thesaurus of Law        "no"=>"Thesaurus of Law"
+pha    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/pha Puolostushallinnon asiasanasto  "fi"=>"Puolostushallinnon asiasanasto"
+ddcrit http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ddcrit      DDC retrieval and indexing terminology; posting terms with hierarchy and KWOC   
+mar    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/mar Merenkulun asiasanasto  "fi"=>"Merenkulun asiasanasto"
+sbt    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sbt Soggettario Sistema Bibliotecario Ticinese      "it"=>"Soggettario Sistema Bibliotecario Ticinese"
+nzggn  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nzggn       New Zealand gazetteer of official geographic names (New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa (NZGB))    
+kta    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kta Kielitieteen asiasanasto        "fi"=>"Kielitieteen asiasanasto"
+snt    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/snt Sexual nomenclature : a thesaurus       
+francis        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/francis     FRANCIS database classification scheme  "fr"=>"Base de donneés FRANCIS: plan de classement"
+eurovocsl      http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/eurovocsl   Eurovoc thesaurus       "sl"=>"Eurovoc thesaurus"
+idszbzes       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/idszbzes    Thesaurus IDS Nebis Bibliothek Englisches Seminar der Universität Zürich  "de"=>"Thesaurus IDS Nebis Bibliothek Englisches Seminar der Universität Zürich"
+nlmnaf http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nlmnaf      National Library of Medicine name authority file        
+rugeo  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/rugeo       Natsional'nyi normativnyi fail geograficheskikh nazvanii Rossiiskoi Federatsii  "ru"=>"Natsional'nyi normativnyi fail geograficheskikh nazvanii Rossiiskoi Federatsii"
+sipri  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sipri       SIPRI library thesaurus 
+kkts   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kkts        Katalogos KathierÅ\8dmenÅ\8dn TypÅ\8dn Syllogikou Katalogou Demosion Vivliothekon       "el"=>"Katalogos KathierÅ\8dmenÅ\8dn TypÅ\8dn Syllogikou Katalogou Demosion Vivliothekon"
+tucua  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tucua       Thesaurus for use in college and university archives    
+pmbok  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/pmbok       Guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK Guide) 
+agrovoc        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/agrovoc     AGROVOC multilingual agricultural thesaurus     
+nal    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nal National Agricultural Library subject headings  
+lnmmbr http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lnmmbr      Lietuvos nacionalines Martyno Mazvydo bibliotekos rubrikynas    "lt"=>"Lietuvos nacionalines Martyno Mazvydo bibliotekos rubrikynas"
+vmj    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/vmj Vedettes-matière jeunesse    "fr"=>"Vedettes-matière jeunesse"
+ddcut  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ddcut       Dewey Decimal Classification user terms 
+eks    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/eks Eduskunnan kirjaston asiasanasto        "fi"=>"Eduskunnan kirjaston asiasanasto"
+wot    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/wot A Women's thesaurus     
+noubomn        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/noubomn     University of Oslo Library Thesaurus of Science "no"=>"University of Oslo Library Thesaurus of Science"
+idszbzzg       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/idszbzzg    Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Graphische Sammlung    "de"=>"Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Graphische Sammlung"
+precis http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/precis      PRECIS: a manual of concept analysis and subject indexing       
+cstud  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/cstud       Classificatieschema's Bibliotheek TU Delft      "nl"=>"Classificatieschema's Bibliotheek TU Delft"
+nlgkk  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nlgkk       Katalogos kathierÅ\8dmenÅ\8dn onomatÅ\8dn physikÅ\8dn prosÅ\8d\8dn    "el"=>"Katalogos kathierÅ\8dmenÅ\8dn onomatÅ\8dn physikÅ\8dn prosÅ\8d\8dn"
+pmt    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/pmt Project management terminology. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute        
+ericd  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ericd       Thesaurus of ERIC descriptors   
+rvm    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/rvm Répertoire de vedettes-matière    "fr"=>"Répertoire de vedettes-matière"
+sfit   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sfit        Svenska filminstitutets tesaurus        "sv"=>"Svenska filminstitutets tesaurus"
+trtsa  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/trtsa       Teatterin ja tanssin asiasanasto        "fi"=>"Teatterin ja tanssin asiasanasto"
+ulan   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ulan        Union list of artist names      
+unescot        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/unescot     UNESCO thesaurus        "fr"=>"Thésaurus de l'UNESCO","es"=>"Tesauro de la UNESCO"
+koko   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/koko        KOKO-ontologia  "fi"=>"KOKO-ontologia"
+msh    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/msh Trimboli, T., and Martyn S. Marianist subject headings  
+trt    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/trt Transportation resource thesaurus       
+agrovocf       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/agrovocf    AGROVOC thésaurus agricole multilingue       "fr"=>"AGROVOC thésaurus agricole multilingue"
+aucsh  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/aucsh       Arabic Union Catalog Subject Headings   "ar"=>"Qâ'imat ru'ûs mawdû'ât al-fahras al-'Arabîyah al-mowahad"
+ddcri  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ddcri       Dewey Decimal Classification Relative Index     
+est    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/est International energy: subject thesaurus (: International Energy Agency, Energy Technology Data Exchange)        
+lua    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lua Liikunnan ja urheilun asiasanasto       "fi"=>"Liikunnan ja urheilun asiasanasto"
+mipfesd        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/mipfesd     Macrothesaurus for information processing in the field of economic and social development       
+rurkp  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/rurkp       Predmetnye rubriki Rossiiskoi knizhnoi palaty   "ru"=>"Predmetnye rubriki Rossiiskoi knizhnoi palaty"
+albt   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/albt        Arbetslivsbibliotekets tesaurus "sv"=>"Arbetslivsbibliotekets tesaurus"
+fmesh  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/fmesh       Liste systématique et liste permutée des descripteurs français MeSH    "fr"=>"Liste systématique et liste permutée des descripteurs français MeSH"
+bicssc http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bicssc      BIC standard subject categories 
+cctf   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/cctf        Carto-Canadiana thésaurus - Français      "fr"=>"Carto-Canadiana thésaurus - Français"
+reo    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/reo Māori Subject Headings thesaurus       "mi"=>"Ngā Åªpoko Tukutuku"
+icpsr  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/icpsr       ICPSR controlled vocabulary system      
+kao    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kao KVINNSAM Ã¤mnesordsregister   "sv"=>"KVINNSAM Ã¤mnesordsregister"
+asrcseo        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/asrcseo     Australian Standard Research Classification: Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) classification      
+georeft        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/georeft     GeoRef thesaurus        
+cct    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/cct Chinese Classified Thesaurus    "zh"=>"Zhong guo fen lei zhu ti ci biao"
+dcs    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/dcs Health Sciences Descriptors     "es"=>"Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud","pt"=>"Descritores em Ciências da Saúde"
+musa   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/musa        Musiikin asiasanasto: erikoissanasto    "fi"=>"Musiikin asiasanasto: erikoissanasto"
+ntissc http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ntissc      NTIS subject categories 
+idszbz http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/idszbz      Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich "de"=>"Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich"
+tlka   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tlka        Investigació, Procés Tècnicn kirjaston asiasanasto     "fi"=>"Investigació, Procés Tècnicn kirjaston asiasanasto"
+usaidt http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/usaidt      USAID thesaurus: Keywords used to index documents included in the USAID Development Experience System.  
+embne  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/embne       Encabezamientos de Materia de la Biblioteca Nacional de España       "es"=>"Encabezamientos de Materia de la Biblioteca Nacional de España"
+vcaadu http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/vcaadu      Vocabulario controlado de arquitectura, arte, diseño y urbanismo     "es"=>"Vocabulario controlado de arquitectura, arte, diseño y urbanismo"
+ntcpsc http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ntcpsc      "National Translations Center primary subject classification" in National Translations Center primary subject classification and secondary descriptors  
+quiding        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/quiding     Quiding, Nils Herman. Svenskt allmänt författningsregister för tiden frÃ¥n Ã¥r 1522 till och med Ã¥r 1862        "sv"=>"Quiding, Nils Herman. Svenskt allmänt författningsregister för tiden frÃ¥n Ã¥r 1522 till och med Ã¥r 1862"
+allars http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/allars      Allärs: allmän tesaurus pä svenska     "fi"=>"Allärs: allmän tesaurus pä svenska"
+ogst   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ogst        Oregon GILS Subject Tree (Oregon: Oregon State Library and Oregon Information Resource Management Division (IRMD))      
+bella  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bella       Bella: specialtesaurus för skönlitteratur "fi"=>"Bella: specialtesaurus för skönlitteratur"
+bibalex        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bibalex     Bibliotheca Alexandrina name and subject authority file 
+pepp   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/pepp        The Princeton encyclopedia of poetry and poetics        
+hkcan  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/hkcan       Hong Kong Chinese Authority File (Name) - HKCAN 
+dissao http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/dissao      "Dissertation abstracts online" in Search tools: the guide to UNI/Data Courier Online   
+ltcsh  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ltcsh       Land Tenure Center Library list of subject headings     
+mpirdes        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/mpirdes     Macrothesaurus para el procesamiento de la información relativa al desarrollo económico y social  "es"=>"Macrothesaurus para el procesamiento de la información relativa al desarrollo económico y social"
+asft   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/asft        Aquatic sciences and fisheries thesaurus        
+naf    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/naf NACO authority file     
+nimacsc        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nimacsc     NIMA cartographic subject categories    
+khib   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/khib        Emneord, KHiB Biblioteket       "no"=>"Emneord, KHiB Biblioteket"
+cdcng  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/cdcng       Catalogage des documents cartographiques: forme et structure des vedettes noms géographiques - NF Z 44-081   "fr"=>"Catalogage des documents cartographiques: forme et structure des vedettes noms géographiques - NF Z 44-081"
+afset  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/afset       American Folklore Society Ethnographic Thesaurus        
+erfemn http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/erfemn      Erfaringskompetanses emneord    "no"=>"Erfaringskompetanses emneord"
+sbiao  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sbiao       Svenska barnboksinstitutets Ã¤mnesordslista   "sv"=>"Svenska barnboksinstitutets Ã¤mnesordslista"
+socio  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/socio       Sociological Abstracts Thesaurus        
+bisacrt        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bisacrt     BISAC Regional Themes   
+eum    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/eum Eesti uldine märksonastik    "et"=>"Eesti uldine märksonastik"
+kula   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kula        Kulttuurien tutkimuksen asiasanasto     "fi"=>"Kulttuurien tutkimuksen asiasanasto"
+odlt   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/odlt        Baldick, C. The Oxford dictionary of literary terms     
+rerovoc        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/rerovoc     Indexation matiéres RERO autoritès        "fr"=>"Indexation matiéres RERO autoritès"
+tsr    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tsr TSR-ontologia   "fi"=>"TSR-ontologia"
+czmesh http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/czmesh      Czech MeSH      "cs"=>"Czech MeSH"
+dltt   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/dltt        Quinn, E. A dictionary of literary and thematic terms   
+idsbb  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/idsbb       Thesaurus IDS Basel Bern        "de"=>"Thesaurus IDS Basel Bern"
+inist  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/inist       INIS: thesaurus 
+idszbzzk       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/idszbzzk    Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Kartensammlung "de"=>"Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Kartensammlung"
+tesa   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tesa        Tesauro Agrícola     "es"=>"Tesauro Agrícola"
+liv    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/liv Legislative indexing vocabulary 
+collett        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/collett     Collett-bibliografi: litteratur av og om Camilla Collett        "no"=>"Collett-bibliografi: litteratur av og om Camilla Collett"
+nsbncf http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nsbncf      Nuovo Soggettario       "it"=>"Nuovo Soggettario"
+ipat   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ipat        IPA thesaurus and frequency list        
+skon   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/skon        Att indexera skönlitteratur: Ã\84mnesordslista, vuxenlitteratur      "sv"=>"Att indexera skönlitteratur: Ã\84mnesordslista, vuxenlitteratur"
+renib  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/renib       Renib   "es"=>"Renib"
+hrvmesh        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/hrvmesh     Croatian MeSH / Hrvatski MeSH   "no"=>"Croatian MeSH / Hrvatski MeSH"
+swd    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/swd Schlagwortnormdatei     "de"=>"Schlagwortnormdatei"
+aass   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/aass        "Asian American Studies Library subject headings" in A Guide for establishing Asian American core collections   
+cht    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/cht Chicano thesaurus for indexing Chicano materials in Chicano periodical index    
+galestne       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/galestne    Gale Group subject thesaurus and named entity vocabulary        
+nlgsh  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nlgsh       Katalogos HellÄ\93nikÅ\8dn thematikÅ\8dn epikephalidÅ\8dn       "el"=>"Katalogos HellÄ\93nikÅ\8dn thematikÅ\8dn epikephalidÅ\8dn"
+hoidokki       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/hoidokki    Hoitotieteellinen asiasanasto   
+vffyl  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/vffyl       Vocabulario de la Biblioteca Central de la FFyL "es"=>"Vocabulario de la Biblioteca Central de la FFyL"
+kubikat        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kubikat     kubikat "de"=>"kubikat"
+waqaf  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/waqaf       Maknas Uloom Al Waqaf   "ar"=>"Maknas Uloom Al Waqaf"
+hapi   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/hapi        HAPI thesaurus and name authority, 1970-2000    
+drama  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/drama       Drama: specialtesaurus för teater och dans   
+sosa   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sosa        Sociaalialan asiasanasto        "fi"=>"Sociaalialan asiasanasto"
+ilpt   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ilpt        Index to legal periodicals: thesaurus   
+nicem  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nicem       NICEM subject headings and classification system        
+qlsp   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/qlsp        Queens Library Spanish language subject headings        
+eet    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/eet European education thesaurus    
+nalnaf http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nalnaf      National Agricultural Library name authority file       
+eclas  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/eclas       ECLAS thesaurus 
+agrovocs       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/agrovocs    AGROVOC tesauro agrícola multilingée      "es"=>"AGROVOC tesauro agrícola multilingée"
+shbe   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/shbe        Subject headings in business and economics      "sv"=>"Subject headings in business and economics"
+barn   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/barn        Svenska Ã¤mnesord för barn "sv"=>"Svenska Ã¤mnesord för barn"
+bhammf http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bhammf      BHA, Bibliographie d'histoire de l'art, mots-matière/français     "fr"=>"BHA, Bibliographie d'histoire de l'art, mots-matière/français"
+gccst  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/gccst       Government of Canada core subject thesaurus (Gatineau : Library and Archives Canada)    
+fnhl   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/fnhl        First Nations House of Learning Subject Headings        
+kauno  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/kauno       KAUNO - Kaunokki-ontologin      "fi"=>"KAUNO - Kaunokki-ontologin"
+dtict  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/dtict       Defense Technical Information Center thesaurus  
+mech   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/mech        Iskanje po zbirki MECH  "sl"=>"Iskanje po zbirki MECH"
+jupo   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/jupo        JUPO - Julkisen hallinnon palveluontologia      "fi"=>"JUPO - Julkisen hallinnon palveluontologia"
+ktpt   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ktpt        Kirjasto- ja tietopalvelualan tesaurus  "fi"=>"Kirjasto- ja tietopalvelualan tesaurus"
+aiatsiss       http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/aiatsiss    AIATSIS subject Thesaurus       
+lcac   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lcac        Library of Congress Annotated Children's Cataloging Program subject headings    
+lemac  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lemac       Llista d'encapçalaments de matèria en català   "ca"=>"Llista d'encapçalaments de matèria en català"
+lemb   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lemb        Lista de encabezamientos de materia para bibliotecas    "es"=>"Lista de encabezamientos de materia para bibliotecas"
+henn   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/henn        Hennepin County Library cumulative authority list       
+mtirdes        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/mtirdes     Macrothésaurus pour le traitement de l'information relative au développement Ã©conomique et social      "fr"=>"Macrothésaurus pour le traitement de l'information relative au développement Ã©conomique et social"
+cash   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/cash        Canadian subject headings       
+nznb   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/nznb        New Zealand national bibliographic      
+prvt   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/prvt        Patent- och registreringsverkets tesaurus       "sv"=>"Patent- och registreringsverkets tesaurus"
+scgdst http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/scgdst      Subject categorization guide for defense science and technology 
+gem    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/gem GEM controlled vocabularies     
+lcsh   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lcsh        Library of Congress subject headings    
+rero   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/rero        Indexation matires RERO "fr"=>"Indexation matires RERO"
+peri   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/peri        Perinnetieteiden asiasanasto    "fi"=>"Perinnetieteiden asiasanasto"
+shsples        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/shsples     Encabezamientos de materia para bibliotecas escolares y públicas     "es"=>"Encabezamientos de materia para bibliotecas escolares y públicas"
+slem   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/slem        Sears: lista de encabezamientos de materia      "es"=>"Sears: lista de encabezamientos de materia"
+afo    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/afo AFO - Viikin kampuskirjaston ontologia  "fi"=>"AFO - Viikin kampuskirjaston ontologia"
+gst    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/gst Gay studies thesaurus: a controlled vocabulary for indexing and accessing materials of relevance to gay culture, history, politics and psychology       
+hlasstg        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/hlasstg     HLAS subject term glossary      
+iest   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/iest        International energy: subject thesaurus 
+pkk    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/pkk Predmetnik za katoliÅ¡ke knjižnice "sl"=>"Predmetnik za katoliÅ¡ke knjižnice"
+atla   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/atla        Religion indexes: thesaurus     
+scot   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/scot        Schools Online Thesaurus (ScOT) 
+smda   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/smda        Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Directory of Airplanes        
+solstad        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/solstad     Solstad: emneord for Solstadbibliografien       "no"=>"Solstad: emneord for Solstadbibliografien"
+abne   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/abne        Autoridades de la Biblioteca Nacional de España      "es"=>"Autoridades de la Biblioteca Nacional de España"
+spines http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/spines      Tesauro SPINES: un vocabulario controlado y estructurado para el tratamiento de información sobre ciencia y tecnología para el desarrollo "es"=>"Tesauro SPINES: un vocabulario controlado y estructurado para el tratamiento de información sobre ciencia y tecnología para el desarrollo"
+ktta   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ktta        Käsi - ja taideteollisuuden asiasanasto      "fi"=>"Käsi - ja taideteollisuuden asiasanasto"
+ccte   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ccte        Carto-Canadiana thesaurus - English     
+pmcsg  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/pmcsg       Combined standards glossary     
+bisacsh        http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/bisacsh     BISAC Subject Headings  
+fssh   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/fssh        FamilySearch Subject Headings (FamilySearch)    
+tasmas http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tasmas      Tesaurus de Asuntos Sociales del Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales de España    "es"=>"Tesaurus de Asuntos Sociales del Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales de España"
+tero   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tero        TERO - Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin ontologia      "fi"=>"TERO - Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin ontologia"
+rma    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/rma Ru'us al-mawdu'at al-'Arabiyah  "ar"=>"Ru'us al-mawdu'at al-'Arabiyah"
+tgn    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tgn Getty thesaurus of geographic names     
+tha    http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/tha Barcala de Moyano, Graciela G., Cristina Voena. Tesauro de Historia Argentina   "es"=>"Barcala de Moyano, Graciela G., Cristina Voena. Tesauro de Historia Argentina"
+ttll   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/ttll        Roggau, Zunilda. Tell. Tesauro de lengua y literatura   "es"=>"Roggau, Zunilda. Tell. Tesauro de lengua y literatura"
+sears  http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/sears       Sears list of subject headings  
+csht   http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/csht        Chinese subject headings        
+-- ' ...blah
+INSERT INTO authority.thesaurus (code, uri, name, control_set)
+  SELECT code, uri, name, 1 FROM thesauri;
+UPDATE authority.thesaurus SET short_code = 'a' WHERE code = 'lcsh';
+UPDATE authority.thesaurus SET short_code = 'b' WHERE code = 'lcshac';
+UPDATE authority.thesaurus SET short_code = 'c' WHERE code = 'mesh';
+UPDATE authority.thesaurus SET short_code = 'd' WHERE code = 'nal';
+UPDATE authority.thesaurus SET short_code = 'k' WHERE code = 'cash';
+UPDATE authority.thesaurus SET short_code = 'r' WHERE code = 'aat';
+UPDATE authority.thesaurus SET short_code = 's' WHERE code = 'sears';
+UPDATE authority.thesaurus SET short_code = 'v' WHERE code = 'rvm';
+UPDATE  authority.thesaurus
+  SET   short_code = 'z'
+  WHERE short_code IS NULL
+        AND control_set = 1;
+INSERT INTO config.i18n_core (fq_field, identity_value, translation, string )
+  SELECT  'at.name', t.code, xlate->key, xlate->value
+    FROM  thesauri t
+          JOIN LATERAL each(t.xlate) AS xlate ON TRUE
+            (SELECT id
+              FROM  config.i18n_core
+              WHERE fq_field = 'at.name'
+                    AND identity_value = t.code
+                    AND translation = xlate->key)
+          AND t.xlate IS NOT NULL
+          AND t.name <> (xlate->value);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION authority.extract_thesaurus( marcxml TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $func$
+    thes_code TEXT;
+    thes_code := vandelay.marc21_extract_fixed_field(marcxml,'Subj');
+    IF thes_code IS NULL THEN
+        thes_code := '|';
+    ELSIF thes_code = 'z' THEN
+        thes_code := COALESCE( oils_xpath_string('//*[@tag="040"]/*[@code="f"][1]', marcxml), 'z' );
+    ELSE
+        SELECT code INTO thes_code FROM authority.thesaurus WHERE short_code = thes_code;
+            thes_code := '|'; -- default
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
+    RETURN thes_code;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION authority.map_thesaurus_to_control_set () RETURNS TRIGGER AS $func$
+    IF NEW.control_set IS NULL THEN
+        SELECT control_set INTO NEW.control_set
+        FROM authority.thesaurus
+        WHERE code = authority.extract_thesaurus(NEW.marc);
+    END IF;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION authority.reingest_authority_rec_descriptor( auth_id BIGINT ) RETURNS VOID AS $func$
+    DELETE FROM authority.rec_descriptor WHERE record = auth_id;
+    INSERT INTO authority.rec_descriptor (record, record_status, encoding_level, thesaurus)
+        SELECT  auth_id,
+                vandelay.marc21_extract_fixed_field(marc,'RecStat'),
+                vandelay.marc21_extract_fixed_field(marc,'ELvl'),
+                authority.extract_thesaurus(marc)
+          FROM  authority.record_entry
+          WHERE id = auth_id;
+    RETURN;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1071', :eg_version); --gmcharlt/kmlussier
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION metabib.staged_browse(query text, fields integer[], context_org integer, context_locations integer[], staff boolean, browse_superpage_size integer, count_up_from_zero boolean, result_limit integer, next_pivot_pos integer)
+ RETURNS SETOF metabib.flat_browse_entry_appearance
+AS $f$
+    curs                    REFCURSOR;
+    rec                     RECORD;
+    qpfts_query             TEXT;
+    aqpfts_query            TEXT;
+    afields                 INT[];
+    bfields                 INT[];
+    result_row              metabib.flat_browse_entry_appearance%ROWTYPE;
+    results_skipped         INT := 0;
+    row_counter             INT := 0;
+    row_number              INT;
+    slice_start             INT;
+    slice_end               INT;
+    full_end                INT;
+    all_records             BIGINT[];
+    all_brecords             BIGINT[];
+    all_arecords            BIGINT[];
+    superpage_of_records    BIGINT[];
+    superpage_size          INT;
+    c_tests                 TEXT := '';
+    b_tests                 TEXT := '';
+    c_orgs                  INT[];
+    unauthorized_entry      RECORD;
+    IF count_up_from_zero THEN
+        row_number := 0;
+    ELSE
+        row_number := -1;
+    END IF;
+    IF NOT staff THEN
+        SELECT x.c_attrs, x.b_attrs INTO c_tests, b_tests FROM asset.patron_default_visibility_mask() x;
+    END IF;
+    IF c_tests <> '' THEN c_tests := c_tests || '&'; END IF;
+    IF b_tests <> '' THEN b_tests := b_tests || '&'; END IF;
+    SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) INTO c_orgs FROM actor.org_unit_descendants(context_org);
+    c_tests := c_tests || search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test('circ_lib',c_orgs)
+               || '&' || search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test('owning_lib',c_orgs);
+    PERFORM 1 FROM config.internal_flag WHERE enabled AND name = 'opac.located_uri.act_as_copy';
+        b_tests := b_tests || search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test(
+            'luri_org',
+            (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) FROM actor.org_unit_full_path(context_org) x)
+        );
+    ELSE
+        b_tests := b_tests || search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test(
+            'luri_org',
+            (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) FROM actor.org_unit_ancestors(context_org) x)
+        );
+    END IF;
+    IF context_locations THEN
+        IF c_tests <> '' THEN c_tests := c_tests || '&'; END IF;
+        c_tests := c_tests || search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test('location',context_locations);
+    END IF;
+    LOOP
+        FETCH curs INTO rec;
+            IF result_row.pivot_point IS NOT NULL THEN
+                RETURN NEXT result_row;
+            END IF;
+            RETURN;
+        END IF;
+        --Is unauthorized?
+        SELECT INTO unauthorized_entry *
+        FROM metabib.browse_entry_simple_heading_map mbeshm
+        INNER JOIN authority.simple_heading ash ON ( mbeshm.simple_heading = ash.id )
+        INNER JOIN authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf ON ( acsaf.id = ash.atag )
+        JOIN authority.heading_field ahf ON (ahf.id = acsaf.heading_field)
+        WHERE mbeshm.entry = rec.id
+        AND   ahf.heading_purpose = 'variant';
+        -- Gather aggregate data based on the MBE row we're looking at now, authority axis
+        IF (unauthorized_entry.record IS NOT NULL) THEN
+            --unauthorized term belongs to an auth linked to a bib?
+            SELECT INTO all_arecords, result_row.sees, afields
+                    ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT abl.bib),
+                    STRING_AGG(DISTINCT abl.authority::TEXT, $$,$$),
+                    ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT map.metabib_field)
+            FROM authority.bib_linking abl
+            INNER JOIN authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs map ON (
+                    map.authority_field = unauthorized_entry.atag
+                    AND map.metabib_field = ANY(fields)
+            )
+            WHERE abl.authority = unauthorized_entry.record;
+        ELSE
+            --do usual procedure
+            SELECT INTO all_arecords, result_row.sees, afields
+                    ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT abl.bib), -- bibs to check for visibility
+                    STRING_AGG(DISTINCT aal.source::TEXT, $$,$$), -- authority record ids
+                    ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT map.metabib_field) -- authority-tag-linked CMF rows
+            FROM  metabib.browse_entry_simple_heading_map mbeshm
+                    JOIN authority.simple_heading ash ON ( mbeshm.simple_heading = ash.id )
+                    JOIN authority.authority_linking aal ON ( ash.record = aal.source )
+                    JOIN authority.bib_linking abl ON ( aal.target = abl.authority )
+                    JOIN authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs map ON (
+                        ash.atag = map.authority_field
+                        AND map.metabib_field = ANY(fields)
+                    )
+                    JOIN authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf ON (
+                        map.authority_field = acsaf.id
+                    )
+                    JOIN authority.heading_field ahf ON (ahf.id = acsaf.heading_field)
+              WHERE mbeshm.entry = rec.id
+              AND   ahf.heading_purpose = 'variant';
+        END IF;
+        -- Gather aggregate data based on the MBE row we're looking at now, bib axis
+        SELECT INTO all_brecords, result_row.authorities, bfields
+                ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT source),
+                STRING_AGG(DISTINCT authority::TEXT, $$,$$),
+                ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT def)
+          FROM  metabib.browse_entry_def_map
+          WHERE entry = rec.id
+                AND def = ANY(fields);
+        SELECT INTO result_row.fields STRING_AGG(DISTINCT x::TEXT, $$,$$) FROM UNNEST(afields || bfields) x;
+        result_row.sources := 0;
+        result_row.asources := 0;
+        -- Bib-linked vis checking
+        IF ARRAY_UPPER(all_brecords,1) IS NOT NULL THEN
+            SELECT  INTO result_row.sources COUNT(DISTINCT b.id)
+              FROM  biblio.record_entry b
+                    JOIN asset.copy_vis_attr_cache acvac ON (acvac.record = b.id)
+              WHERE b.id = ANY(all_brecords[1:browse_superpage_size])
+                    AND (
+                        acvac.vis_attr_vector @@ c_tests::query_int
+                        OR b.vis_attr_vector @@ b_tests::query_int
+                    );
+            result_row.accurate := TRUE;
+        END IF;
+        -- Authority-linked vis checking
+        IF ARRAY_UPPER(all_arecords,1) IS NOT NULL THEN
+            SELECT  INTO result_row.asources COUNT(DISTINCT b.id)
+              FROM  biblio.record_entry b
+                    JOIN asset.copy_vis_attr_cache acvac ON (acvac.record = b.id)
+              WHERE b.id = ANY(all_arecords[1:browse_superpage_size])
+                    AND (
+                        acvac.vis_attr_vector @@ c_tests::query_int
+                        OR b.vis_attr_vector @@ b_tests::query_int
+                    );
+            result_row.aaccurate := TRUE;
+        END IF;
+        IF result_row.sources > 0 OR result_row.asources > 0 THEN
+            -- The function that calls this function needs row_number in order
+            -- to correctly order results from two different runs of this
+            -- functions.
+            result_row.row_number := row_number;
+            -- Now, if row_counter is still less than limit, return a row.  If
+            -- not, but it is less than next_pivot_pos, continue on without
+            -- returning actual result rows until we find
+            -- that next pivot, and return it.
+            IF row_counter < result_limit THEN
+                result_row.browse_entry := rec.id;
+                result_row.value := rec.value;
+                RETURN NEXT result_row;
+            ELSE
+                result_row.browse_entry := NULL;
+                result_row.authorities := NULL;
+                result_row.fields := NULL;
+                result_row.value := NULL;
+                result_row.sources := NULL;
+                result_row.sees := NULL;
+                result_row.accurate := NULL;
+                result_row.aaccurate := NULL;
+                result_row.pivot_point := rec.id;
+                IF row_counter >= next_pivot_pos THEN
+                    RETURN NEXT result_row;
+                    RETURN;
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+            IF count_up_from_zero THEN
+                row_number := row_number + 1;
+            ELSE
+                row_number := row_number - 1;
+            END IF;
+            -- row_counter is different from row_number.
+            -- It simply counts up from zero so that we know when
+            -- we've reached our limit.
+            row_counter := row_counter + 1;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+$f$ LANGUAGE plpgsql ROWS 10;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION metabib.browse(search_field integer[], browse_term text, context_org integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, context_loc_group integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, staff boolean DEFAULT false, pivot_id bigint DEFAULT NULL::bigint, result_limit integer DEFAULT 10)
+ RETURNS SETOF metabib.flat_browse_entry_appearance
+AS $f$
+    core_query              TEXT;
+    back_query              TEXT;
+    forward_query           TEXT;
+    pivot_sort_value        TEXT;
+    pivot_sort_fallback     TEXT;
+    context_locations       INT[];
+    browse_superpage_size   INT;
+    results_skipped         INT := 0;
+    back_limit              INT;
+    back_to_pivot           INT;
+    forward_limit           INT;
+    forward_to_pivot        INT;
+    -- First, find the pivot if we were given a browse term but not a pivot.
+    IF pivot_id IS NULL THEN
+        pivot_id := metabib.browse_pivot(search_field, browse_term);
+    END IF;
+    SELECT INTO pivot_sort_value, pivot_sort_fallback
+        sort_value, value FROM metabib.browse_entry WHERE id = pivot_id;
+    -- Bail if we couldn't find a pivot.
+    IF pivot_sort_value IS NULL THEN
+        RETURN;
+    END IF;
+    -- Transform the context_loc_group argument (if any) (logc at the
+    -- TPAC layer) into a form we'll be able to use.
+    IF context_loc_group IS NOT NULL THEN
+        SELECT INTO context_locations ARRAY_AGG(location)
+            FROM asset.copy_location_group_map
+            WHERE lgroup = context_loc_group;
+    END IF;
+    -- Get the configured size of browse superpages.
+    SELECT INTO browse_superpage_size COALESCE(value::INT,100)     -- NULL ok
+        FROM config.global_flag
+        WHERE enabled AND name = 'opac.browse.holdings_visibility_test_limit';
+    -- First we're going to search backward from the pivot, then we're going
+    -- to search forward.  In each direction, we need two limits.  At the
+    -- lesser of the two limits, we delineate the edge of the result set
+    -- we're going to return.  At the greater of the two limits, we find the
+    -- pivot value that would represent an offset from the current pivot
+    -- at a distance of one "page" in either direction, where a "page" is a
+    -- result set of the size specified in the "result_limit" argument.
+    --
+    -- The two limits in each direction make four derived values in total,
+    -- and we calculate them now.
+    back_limit := CEIL(result_limit::FLOAT / 2);
+    back_to_pivot := result_limit;
+    forward_limit := result_limit / 2;
+    forward_to_pivot := result_limit - 1;
+    -- This is the meat of the SQL query that finds browse entries.  We'll
+    -- pass this to a function which uses it with a cursor, so that individual
+    -- rows may be fetched in a loop until some condition is satisfied, without
+    -- waiting for a result set of fixed size to be collected all at once.
+    core_query := '
+SELECT  mbe.id,
+        mbe.value,
+        mbe.sort_value
+  FROM  metabib.browse_entry mbe
+  WHERE (
+            EXISTS ( -- are there any bibs using this mbe via the requested fields?
+                SELECT  1
+                  FROM  metabib.browse_entry_def_map mbedm
+                  WHERE mbedm.entry = mbe.id AND mbedm.def = ANY(' || quote_literal(search_field) || ')
+            ) OR EXISTS ( -- are there any authorities using this mbe via the requested fields?
+                SELECT  1
+                  FROM  metabib.browse_entry_simple_heading_map mbeshm
+                        JOIN authority.simple_heading ash ON ( mbeshm.simple_heading = ash.id )
+                        JOIN authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs map ON (
+                            ash.atag = map.authority_field
+                            AND map.metabib_field = ANY(' || quote_literal(search_field) || ')
+                        )
+                        JOIN authority.control_set_authority_field acsaf ON (
+                            map.authority_field = acsaf.id
+                        )
+                        JOIN authority.heading_field ahf ON (ahf.id = acsaf.heading_field)
+                  WHERE mbeshm.entry = mbe.id
+                    AND ahf.heading_purpose IN (' || $$'variant'$$ || ')
+                    -- and authority that variant is coming from is linked to a bib
+                    AND EXISTS (
+                        SELECT  1
+                        FROM  metabib.browse_entry_def_map mbedm2
+                        WHERE mbedm2.authority = ash.record AND mbedm2.def = ANY(' || quote_literal(search_field) || ')
+                    )
+            )
+        ) AND ';
+    -- This is the variant of the query for browsing backward.
+    back_query := core_query ||
+        ' mbe.sort_value <= ' || quote_literal(pivot_sort_value) ||
+    ' ORDER BY mbe.sort_value DESC, mbe.value DESC LIMIT 1000';
+    -- This variant browses forward.
+    forward_query := core_query ||
+        ' mbe.sort_value > ' || quote_literal(pivot_sort_value) ||
+    ' ORDER BY mbe.sort_value, mbe.value LIMIT 1000';
+    -- We now call the function which applies a cursor to the provided
+    -- queries, stopping at the appropriate limits and also giving us
+    -- the next page's pivot.
+        SELECT * FROM metabib.staged_browse(
+            back_query, search_field, context_org, context_locations,
+            staff, browse_superpage_size, TRUE, back_limit, back_to_pivot
+        ) UNION
+        SELECT * FROM metabib.staged_browse(
+            forward_query, search_field, context_org, context_locations,
+            staff, browse_superpage_size, FALSE, forward_limit, forward_to_pivot
+        ) ORDER BY row_number DESC;
+$f$ LANGUAGE plpgsql ROWS 10;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1072', :eg_version); --gmcharlt/kmlussier
+INSERT INTO config.global_flag (name, label, enabled) VALUES (
+    'opac.show_related_headings_in_browse',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'opac.show_related_headings_in_browse',
+        'Display related headings (see-also) in browse',
+        'cgf',
+        'label'
+    ),
+    TRUE
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1073', :eg_version);
+ALTER TABLE config.metabib_field 
+    ADD COLUMN display_xpath TEXT, 
+CREATE TABLE config.display_field_map (
+    name    TEXT   PRIMARY KEY,
+    field   INTEGER REFERENCES config.metabib_field (id),
+CREATE TABLE metabib.display_entry (
+    source  BIGINT     NOT NULL REFERENCES biblio.record_entry (id),
+    field   INT        NOT NULL REFERENCES config.metabib_field (id),
+    value   TEXT       NOT NULL
+CREATE INDEX metabib_display_entry_field_idx ON metabib.display_entry (field);
+CREATE INDEX metabib_display_entry_source_idx ON metabib.display_entry (source);
+-- one row per display entry fleshed with field info
+CREATE VIEW metabib.flat_display_entry AS
+        mde.source,
+        cdfm.name,
+        cdfm.multi,
+        cmf.label,
+        cmf.id AS field,
+        mde.value
+    FROM metabib.display_entry mde
+    JOIN config.metabib_field cmf ON (cmf.id = mde.field)
+    JOIN config.display_field_map cdfm ON (cdfm.field = mde.field)
+-- like flat_display_entry except values are compressed 
+-- into one row per display_field_map and JSON-ified.
+CREATE VIEW metabib.compressed_display_entry AS
+    SELECT 
+        source,
+        name,
+        multi,
+        label,
+        field,
+        CASE WHEN multi THEN
+            TO_JSON(ARRAY_AGG(value))
+        ELSE
+            TO_JSON(MIN(value))
+        END AS value
+    FROM metabib.flat_display_entry
+    GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
+-- TODO: expand to encompass all well-known fields
+CREATE VIEW metabib.wide_display_entry AS
+    SELECT 
+        bre.id AS source,
+        COALESCE(mcde_title.value, 'null') AS title,
+        COALESCE(mcde_author.value, 'null') AS author,
+        COALESCE(mcde_subject.value, 'null') AS subject,
+        COALESCE(mcde_creators.value, 'null') AS creators,
+        COALESCE(mcde_isbn.value, 'null') AS isbn
+    -- ensure one row per bre regardless of any display fields
+    FROM biblio.record_entry bre 
+    LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_title 
+        ON (bre.id = mcde_title.source AND mcde_title.name = 'title')
+    LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_author 
+        ON (bre.id = mcde_author.source AND mcde_author.name = 'author')
+    LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_subject 
+        ON (bre.id = mcde_subject.source AND mcde_subject.name = 'subject')
+    LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_creators 
+        ON (bre.id = mcde_creators.source AND mcde_creators.name = 'creators')
+    LEFT JOIN metabib.compressed_display_entry mcde_isbn 
+        ON (bre.id = mcde_isbn.source AND mcde_isbn.name = 'isbn')
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION metabib.display_field_normalize_trigger () 
+    normalizer  RECORD;
+    display_field_text  TEXT;
+    display_field_text := NEW.value;
+    FOR normalizer IN
+        SELECT  n.func AS func,
+                n.param_count AS param_count,
+                m.params AS params
+          FROM  config.index_normalizer n
+                JOIN config.metabib_field_index_norm_map m ON (m.norm = n.id)
+          WHERE m.field = NEW.field AND m.pos < 0
+          ORDER BY m.pos LOOP
+            EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || normalizer.func || '(' ||
+                quote_literal( display_field_text ) ||
+                CASE
+                    WHEN normalizer.param_count > 0
+                        THEN ',' || REPLACE(REPLACE(BTRIM(
+                            normalizer.params,'[]'),E'\'',E'\\\''),E'"',E'\'')
+                        ELSE ''
+                    END ||
+                ')' INTO display_field_text;
+    END LOOP;
+    NEW.value = display_field_text;
+CREATE TRIGGER display_field_normalize_tgr
+       BEFORE UPDATE OR INSERT ON metabib.display_entry
+       FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE metabib.display_field_normalize_trigger();
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.display_field_force_nfc() 
+    NEW.value := force_unicode_normal_form(NEW.value,'NFC');
+CREATE TRIGGER display_field_force_nfc_tgr
+       BEFORE UPDATE OR INSERT ON metabib.display_entry
+       FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE evergreen.display_field_force_nfc();
+ALTER TYPE metabib.field_entry_template ADD ATTRIBUTE display_field BOOL;
+DROP FUNCTION metabib.reingest_metabib_field_entries(BIGINT, BOOL, BOOL, BOOL);
+DROP FUNCTION biblio.extract_metabib_field_entry(BIGINT);
+DROP FUNCTION biblio.extract_metabib_field_entry(BIGINT, TEXT);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION biblio.extract_metabib_field_entry (
+    rid BIGINT,
+    default_joiner TEXT,
+    field_types TEXT[],
+    only_fields INT[]
+) RETURNS SETOF metabib.field_entry_template AS $func$
+    bib     biblio.record_entry%ROWTYPE;
+    idx     config.metabib_field%ROWTYPE;
+    xfrm        config.xml_transform%ROWTYPE;
+    prev_xfrm   TEXT;
+    transformed_xml TEXT;
+    xml_node    TEXT;
+    xml_node_list   TEXT[];
+    facet_text  TEXT;
+    display_text TEXT;
+    browse_text TEXT;
+    sort_value  TEXT;
+    raw_text    TEXT;
+    curr_text   TEXT;
+    joiner      TEXT := default_joiner; -- XXX will index defs supply a joiner?
+    authority_text TEXT;
+    authority_link BIGINT;
+    output_row  metabib.field_entry_template%ROWTYPE;
+    process_idx BOOL;
+    -- Start out with no field-use bools set
+    output_row.browse_field = FALSE;
+    output_row.facet_field = FALSE;
+    output_row.display_field = FALSE;
+    output_row.search_field = FALSE;
+    -- Get the record
+    SELECT INTO bib * FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE id = rid;
+    -- Loop over the indexing entries
+    FOR idx IN SELECT * FROM config.metabib_field WHERE id = ANY (only_fields) ORDER BY format LOOP
+        process_idx := FALSE;
+        IF idx.display_field AND 'display' = ANY (field_types) THEN process_idx = TRUE; END IF;
+        IF idx.browse_field AND 'browse' = ANY (field_types) THEN process_idx = TRUE; END IF;
+        IF idx.search_field AND 'search' = ANY (field_types) THEN process_idx = TRUE; END IF;
+        IF idx.facet_field AND 'facet' = ANY (field_types) THEN process_idx = TRUE; END IF;
+        CONTINUE WHEN process_idx = FALSE;
+        joiner := COALESCE(idx.joiner, default_joiner);
+        SELECT INTO xfrm * from config.xml_transform WHERE name = idx.format;
+        -- See if we can skip the XSLT ... it's expensive
+        IF prev_xfrm IS NULL OR prev_xfrm <> xfrm.name THEN
+            -- Can't skip the transform
+            IF xfrm.xslt <> '---' THEN
+                transformed_xml := oils_xslt_process(bib.marc,xfrm.xslt);
+            ELSE
+                transformed_xml := bib.marc;
+            END IF;
+            prev_xfrm := xfrm.name;
+        END IF;
+        xml_node_list := oils_xpath( idx.xpath, transformed_xml, ARRAY[ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri]] );
+        raw_text := NULL;
+        FOR xml_node IN SELECT x FROM unnest(xml_node_list) AS x LOOP
+            CONTINUE WHEN xml_node !~ E'^\\s*<';
+            -- XXX much of this should be moved into oils_xpath_string...
+            curr_text := ARRAY_TO_STRING(evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value(evergreen.array_remove_item_by_value(
+                oils_xpath( '//text()', -- get the content of all the nodes within the main selected node
+                    REGEXP_REPLACE( xml_node, E'\\s+', ' ', 'g' ) -- Translate adjacent whitespace to a single space
+                ), ' '), ''),  -- throw away morally empty (bankrupt?) strings
+                joiner
+            );
+            CONTINUE WHEN curr_text IS NULL OR curr_text = '';
+            IF raw_text IS NOT NULL THEN
+                raw_text := raw_text || joiner;
+            END IF;
+            raw_text := COALESCE(raw_text,'') || curr_text;
+            -- autosuggest/metabib.browse_entry
+            IF idx.browse_field THEN
+                IF idx.browse_xpath IS NOT NULL AND idx.browse_xpath <> '' THEN
+                    browse_text := oils_xpath_string( idx.browse_xpath, xml_node, joiner, ARRAY[ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri]] );
+                ELSE
+                    browse_text := curr_text;
+                END IF;
+                IF idx.browse_sort_xpath IS NOT NULL AND
+                    idx.browse_sort_xpath <> '' THEN
+                    sort_value := oils_xpath_string(
+                        idx.browse_sort_xpath, xml_node, joiner,
+                        ARRAY[ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri]]
+                    );
+                ELSE
+                    sort_value := browse_text;
+                END IF;
+                output_row.field_class = idx.field_class;
+                output_row.field = idx.id;
+                output_row.source = rid;
+                output_row.value = BTRIM(REGEXP_REPLACE(browse_text, E'\\s+', ' ', 'g'));
+                output_row.sort_value :=
+                    public.naco_normalize(sort_value);
+                output_row.authority := NULL;
+                IF idx.authority_xpath IS NOT NULL AND idx.authority_xpath <> '' THEN
+                    authority_text := oils_xpath_string(
+                        idx.authority_xpath, xml_node, joiner,
+                        ARRAY[
+                            ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri],
+                            ARRAY['xlink','http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink']
+                        ]
+                    );
+                    IF authority_text ~ '^\d+$' THEN
+                        authority_link := authority_text::BIGINT;
+                        PERFORM * FROM authority.record_entry WHERE id = authority_link;
+                        IF FOUND THEN
+                            output_row.authority := authority_link;
+                        END IF;
+                    END IF;
+                END IF;
+                output_row.browse_field = TRUE;
+                -- Returning browse rows with search_field = true for search+browse
+                -- configs allows us to retain granularity of being able to search
+                -- browse fields with "starts with" type operators (for example, for
+                -- titles of songs in music albums)
+                IF idx.search_field THEN
+                    output_row.search_field = TRUE;
+                END IF;
+                RETURN NEXT output_row;
+                output_row.browse_field = FALSE;
+                output_row.search_field = FALSE;
+                output_row.sort_value := NULL;
+            END IF;
+            -- insert raw node text for faceting
+            IF idx.facet_field THEN
+                IF idx.facet_xpath IS NOT NULL AND idx.facet_xpath <> '' THEN
+                    facet_text := oils_xpath_string( idx.facet_xpath, xml_node, joiner, ARRAY[ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri]] );
+                ELSE
+                    facet_text := curr_text;
+                END IF;
+                output_row.field_class = idx.field_class;
+                output_row.field = -1 * idx.id;
+                output_row.source = rid;
+                output_row.value = BTRIM(REGEXP_REPLACE(facet_text, E'\\s+', ' ', 'g'));
+                output_row.facet_field = TRUE;
+                RETURN NEXT output_row;
+                output_row.facet_field = FALSE;
+            END IF;
+            -- insert raw node text for display
+            IF idx.display_field THEN
+                IF idx.display_xpath IS NOT NULL AND idx.display_xpath <> '' THEN
+                    display_text := oils_xpath_string( idx.display_xpath, xml_node, joiner, ARRAY[ARRAY[xfrm.prefix, xfrm.namespace_uri]] );
+                ELSE
+                    display_text := curr_text;
+                END IF;
+                output_row.field_class = idx.field_class;
+                output_row.field = -1 * idx.id;
+                output_row.source = rid;
+                output_row.value = BTRIM(REGEXP_REPLACE(display_text, E'\\s+', ' ', 'g'));
+                output_row.display_field = TRUE;
+                RETURN NEXT output_row;
+                output_row.display_field = FALSE;
+            END IF;
+        END LOOP;
+        CONTINUE WHEN raw_text IS NULL OR raw_text = '';
+        -- insert combined node text for searching
+        IF idx.search_field THEN
+            output_row.field_class = idx.field_class;
+            output_row.field = idx.id;
+            output_row.source = rid;
+            output_row.value = BTRIM(REGEXP_REPLACE(raw_text, E'\\s+', ' ', 'g'));
+            output_row.search_field = TRUE;
+            RETURN NEXT output_row;
+            output_row.search_field = FALSE;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION metabib.reingest_metabib_field_entries( 
+    bib_id BIGINT,
+    skip_facet BOOL DEFAULT FALSE, 
+    skip_display BOOL DEFAULT FALSE,
+    skip_browse BOOL DEFAULT FALSE, 
+    skip_search BOOL DEFAULT FALSE,
+    only_fields INT[] DEFAULT '{}'::INT[]
+    fclass          RECORD;
+    ind_data        metabib.field_entry_template%ROWTYPE;
+    mbe_row         metabib.browse_entry%ROWTYPE;
+    mbe_id          BIGINT;
+    b_skip_facet    BOOL;
+    b_skip_display    BOOL;
+    b_skip_browse   BOOL;
+    b_skip_search   BOOL;
+    value_prepped   TEXT;
+    field_list      INT[] := only_fields;
+    field_types     TEXT[] := '{}'::TEXT[];
+    IF field_list = '{}'::INT[] THEN
+        SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id) INTO field_list FROM config.metabib_field;
+    END IF;
+    SELECT COALESCE(NULLIF(skip_facet, FALSE), EXISTS (SELECT enabled FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name =  'ingest.skip_facet_indexing' AND enabled)) INTO b_skip_facet;
+    SELECT COALESCE(NULLIF(skip_display, FALSE), EXISTS (SELECT enabled FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name =  'ingest.skip_display_indexing' AND enabled)) INTO b_skip_display;
+    SELECT COALESCE(NULLIF(skip_browse, FALSE), EXISTS (SELECT enabled FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name =  'ingest.skip_browse_indexing' AND enabled)) INTO b_skip_browse;
+    SELECT COALESCE(NULLIF(skip_search, FALSE), EXISTS (SELECT enabled FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name =  'ingest.skip_search_indexing' AND enabled)) INTO b_skip_search;
+    IF NOT b_skip_facet THEN field_types := field_types || '{facet}'; END IF;
+    IF NOT b_skip_display THEN field_types := field_types || '{display}'; END IF;
+    IF NOT b_skip_browse THEN field_types := field_types || '{browse}'; END IF;
+    IF NOT b_skip_search THEN field_types := field_types || '{search}'; END IF;
+    PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'ingest.assume_inserts_only' AND enabled;
+        IF NOT b_skip_search THEN
+            FOR fclass IN SELECT * FROM config.metabib_class LOOP
+                -- RAISE NOTICE 'Emptying out %', fclass.name;
+                EXECUTE $$DELETE FROM metabib.$$ || fclass.name || $$_field_entry WHERE source = $$ || bib_id;
+            END LOOP;
+        END IF;
+        IF NOT b_skip_facet THEN
+            DELETE FROM metabib.facet_entry WHERE source = bib_id;
+        END IF;
+        IF NOT b_skip_display THEN
+            DELETE FROM metabib.display_entry WHERE source = bib_id;
+        END IF;
+        IF NOT b_skip_browse THEN
+            DELETE FROM metabib.browse_entry_def_map WHERE source = bib_id;
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
+    FOR ind_data IN SELECT * FROM biblio.extract_metabib_field_entry( bib_id, ' ', field_types, field_list ) LOOP
+       -- don't store what has been normalized away
+        CONTINUE WHEN ind_data.value IS NULL;
+        IF ind_data.field < 0 THEN
+            ind_data.field = -1 * ind_data.field;
+        END IF;
+        IF ind_data.facet_field AND NOT b_skip_facet THEN
+            INSERT INTO metabib.facet_entry (field, source, value)
+                VALUES (ind_data.field, ind_data.source, ind_data.value);
+        END IF;
+        IF ind_data.display_field AND NOT b_skip_display THEN
+            INSERT INTO metabib.display_entry (field, source, value)
+                VALUES (ind_data.field, ind_data.source, ind_data.value);
+        END IF;
+        IF ind_data.browse_field AND NOT b_skip_browse THEN
+            -- A caveat about this SELECT: this should take care of replacing
+            -- old mbe rows when data changes, but not if normalization (by
+            -- which I mean specifically the output of
+            -- evergreen.oils_tsearch2()) changes.  It may or may not be
+            -- expensive to add a comparison of index_vector to index_vector
+            -- to the WHERE clause below.
+            CONTINUE WHEN ind_data.sort_value IS NULL;
+            value_prepped := metabib.browse_normalize(ind_data.value, ind_data.field);
+            SELECT INTO mbe_row * FROM metabib.browse_entry
+                WHERE value = value_prepped AND sort_value = ind_data.sort_value;
+            IF FOUND THEN
+                mbe_id := mbe_row.id;
+            ELSE
+                INSERT INTO metabib.browse_entry
+                    ( value, sort_value ) VALUES
+                    ( value_prepped, ind_data.sort_value );
+                mbe_id := CURRVAL('metabib.browse_entry_id_seq'::REGCLASS);
+            END IF;
+            INSERT INTO metabib.browse_entry_def_map (entry, def, source, authority)
+                VALUES (mbe_id, ind_data.field, ind_data.source, ind_data.authority);
+        END IF;
+        IF ind_data.search_field AND NOT b_skip_search THEN
+            -- Avoid inserting duplicate rows
+            EXECUTE 'SELECT 1 FROM metabib.' || ind_data.field_class ||
+                '_field_entry WHERE field = $1 AND source = $2 AND value = $3'
+                INTO mbe_id USING ind_data.field, ind_data.source, ind_data.value;
+                -- RAISE NOTICE 'Search for an already matching row returned %', mbe_id;
+            IF mbe_id IS NULL THEN
+                EXECUTE $$
+                INSERT INTO metabib.$$ || ind_data.field_class || $$_field_entry (field, source, value)
+                    VALUES ($$ ||
+                        quote_literal(ind_data.field) || $$, $$ ||
+                        quote_literal(ind_data.source) || $$, $$ ||
+                        quote_literal(ind_data.value) ||
+                    $$);$$;
+            END IF;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+    IF NOT b_skip_search THEN
+        PERFORM metabib.update_combined_index_vectors(bib_id);
+    END IF;
+    RETURN;
+-- AFTER UPDATE OR INSERT trigger for biblio.record_entry
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION biblio.indexing_ingest_or_delete () RETURNS TRIGGER AS $func$
+    tmp_bool BOOL;
+    IF NEW.deleted THEN -- If this bib is deleted
+        PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE
+            name = 'ingest.metarecord_mapping.preserve_on_delete' AND enabled;
+        tmp_bool := FOUND; -- Just in case this is changed by some other statement
+        PERFORM metabib.remap_metarecord_for_bib( NEW.id, NEW.fingerprint, TRUE, tmp_bool );
+        IF NOT tmp_bool THEN
+            -- One needs to keep these around to support searches
+            -- with the #deleted modifier, so one should turn on the named
+            -- internal flag for that functionality.
+            DELETE FROM metabib.record_attr_vector_list WHERE source = NEW.id;
+        END IF;
+        DELETE FROM authority.bib_linking WHERE bib = NEW.id; -- Avoid updating fields in bibs that are no longer visible
+        DELETE FROM biblio.peer_bib_copy_map WHERE peer_record = NEW.id; -- Separate any multi-homed items
+        DELETE FROM metabib.browse_entry_def_map WHERE source = NEW.id; -- Don't auto-suggest deleted bibs
+        RETURN NEW; -- and we're done
+    END IF;
+    IF TG_OP = 'UPDATE' THEN -- re-ingest?
+        PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'ingest.reingest.force_on_same_marc' AND enabled;
+        IF NOT FOUND AND OLD.marc = NEW.marc THEN -- don't do anything if the MARC didn't change
+            RETURN NEW;
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
+    -- Record authority linking
+    PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'ingest.disable_authority_linking' AND enabled;
+        PERFORM biblio.map_authority_linking( NEW.id, NEW.marc );
+    END IF;
+    -- Flatten and insert the mfr data
+    PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'ingest.disable_metabib_full_rec' AND enabled;
+        PERFORM metabib.reingest_metabib_full_rec(NEW.id);
+        -- Now we pull out attribute data, which is dependent on the mfr for all but XPath-based fields
+        PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'ingest.disable_metabib_rec_descriptor' AND enabled;
+            PERFORM metabib.reingest_record_attributes(NEW.id, NULL, NEW.marc, TG_OP = 'INSERT' OR OLD.deleted);
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
+    -- Gather and insert the field entry data
+    PERFORM metabib.reingest_metabib_field_entries(NEW.id);
+    -- Located URI magic
+    PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'ingest.disable_located_uri' AND enabled;
+    IF NOT FOUND THEN PERFORM biblio.extract_located_uris( NEW.id, NEW.marc, NEW.editor ); END IF;
+    -- (re)map metarecord-bib linking
+    IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN -- if not deleted and performing an insert, check for the flag
+        PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'ingest.metarecord_mapping.skip_on_insert' AND enabled;
+            PERFORM metabib.remap_metarecord_for_bib( NEW.id, NEW.fingerprint );
+        END IF;
+    ELSE -- we're doing an update, and we're not deleted, remap
+        PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'ingest.metarecord_mapping.skip_on_update' AND enabled;
+            PERFORM metabib.remap_metarecord_for_bib( NEW.id, NEW.fingerprint );
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1074', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO config.internal_flag (name, enabled) 
+    VALUES ('ingest.skip_display_indexing', FALSE);
+-- Adds seed data to replace (for now) values from the 'mvr' class
+UPDATE config.metabib_field SET display_field = TRUE WHERE id IN (6, 8, 16, 18);
+INSERT INTO config.metabib_field ( id, field_class, name, label,
+    format, xpath, display_field, display_xpath ) VALUES
+    (37, 'author', 'creator', oils_i18n_gettext(37, 'All Creators', 'cmf', 'label'),
+     'mods32', $$//mods32:mods/mods32:name[mods32:role/mods32:roleTerm[text()='creator']]$$, 
+     TRUE, $$//*[local-name()='namePart']$$ ); -- /* to fool vim */;
+-- 'author' field
+UPDATE config.metabib_field SET display_xpath = 
+    $$//*[local-name()='namePart']$$ -- /* to fool vim */
+    WHERE id = 8;
+INSERT INTO config.display_field_map (name, field, multi) VALUES
+    ('title', 6, FALSE),
+    ('author', 8, FALSE),
+    ('creators', 37, TRUE),
+    ('subject', 16, TRUE),
+    ('isbn', 18, TRUE)
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1075', :eg_version);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.vandelay_import_item_imported_as_inh_fkey() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $f$
+        IF NEW.imported_as IS NULL THEN
+                RETURN NEW;
+        END IF;
+        PERFORM 1 FROM asset.copy WHERE id = NEW.imported_as;
+                RAISE foreign_key_violation USING MESSAGE = FORMAT(
+                        $$Referenced asset.copy id not found, imported_as:%s$$, NEW.imported_as
+                );
+        END IF;
+        RETURN NEW;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1077', :eg_version); -- csharp/gmcharlt
+-- if the "public" version of this function exists, drop it to prevent confusion/trouble
+-- drop triggers that depend on this first
+DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS c_maintain_control_numbers ON biblio.record_entry;
+DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS c_maintain_control_numbers ON serial.record_entry;
+DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS c_maintain_control_numbers ON authority.record_entry;
+DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS public.maintain_control_numbers();
+-- create the function within the "evergreen" schema
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.maintain_control_numbers() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $func$
+use strict;
+use MARC::Record;
+use MARC::File::XML (BinaryEncoding => 'UTF-8');
+use MARC::Charset;
+use Encode;
+use Unicode::Normalize;
+my $record = MARC::Record->new_from_xml($_TD->{new}{marc});
+my $schema = $_TD->{table_schema};
+my $rec_id = $_TD->{new}{id};
+# Short-circuit if maintaining control numbers per MARC21 spec is not enabled
+my $enable = spi_exec_query("SELECT enabled FROM config.global_flag WHERE name = 'cat.maintain_control_numbers'");
+if (!($enable->{processed}) or $enable->{rows}[0]->{enabled} eq 'f') {
+    return;
+# Get the control number identifier from an OU setting based on $_TD->{new}{owner}
+my $ou_cni = 'EVRGRN';
+my $owner;
+if ($schema eq 'serial') {
+    $owner = $_TD->{new}{owning_lib};
+} else {
+    # are.owner and bre.owner can be null, so fall back to the consortial setting
+    $owner = $_TD->{new}{owner} || 1;
+my $ous_rv = spi_exec_query("SELECT value FROM actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting('cat.marc_control_number_identifier', $owner)");
+if ($ous_rv->{processed}) {
+    $ou_cni = $ous_rv->{rows}[0]->{value};
+    $ou_cni =~ s/"//g; # Stupid VIM syntax highlighting"
+} else {
+    # Fall back to the shortname of the OU if there was no OU setting
+    $ous_rv = spi_exec_query("SELECT shortname FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = $owner");
+    if ($ous_rv->{processed}) {
+        $ou_cni = $ous_rv->{rows}[0]->{shortname};
+    }
+my ($create, $munge) = (0, 0);
+my @scns = $record->field('035');
+foreach my $id_field ('001', '003') {
+    my $spec_value;
+    my @controls = $record->field($id_field);
+    if ($id_field eq '001') {
+        $spec_value = $rec_id;
+    } else {
+        $spec_value = $ou_cni;
+    }
+    # Create the 001/003 if none exist
+    if (scalar(@controls) == 1) {
+        # Only one field; check to see if we need to munge it
+        unless (grep $_->data() eq $spec_value, @controls) {
+            $munge = 1;
+        }
+    } else {
+        # Delete the other fields, as with more than 1 001/003 we do not know which 003/001 to match
+        foreach my $control (@controls) {
+            $record->delete_field($control);
+        }
+        $record->insert_fields_ordered(MARC::Field->new($id_field, $spec_value));
+        $create = 1;
+    }
+my $cn = $record->field('001')->data();
+# Special handling of OCLC numbers, often found in records that lack 003
+if ($cn =~ /^o(c[nm]|n)\d/) {
+    $cn =~ s/^o(c[nm]|n)0*(\d+)/$2/;
+    $record->field('003')->data('OCoLC');
+    $create = 0;
+# Now, if we need to munge the 001, we will first push the existing 001/003
+# into the 035; but if the record did not have one (and one only) 001 and 003
+# to begin with, skip this process
+if ($munge and not $create) {
+    my $scn = "(" . $record->field('003')->data() . ")" . $cn;
+    # Do not create duplicate 035 fields
+    unless (grep $_->subfield('a') eq $scn, @scns) {
+        $record->insert_fields_ordered(MARC::Field->new('035', '', '', 'a' => $scn));
+    }
+# Set the 001/003 and update the MARC
+if ($create or $munge) {
+    $record->field('001')->data($rec_id);
+    $record->field('003')->data($ou_cni);
+    my $xml = $record->as_xml_record();
+    $xml =~ s/\n//sgo;
+    $xml =~ s/^<\?xml.+\?\s*>//go;
+    $xml =~ s/>\s+</></go;
+    $xml =~ s/\p{Cc}//go;
+    # Embed a version of OpenILS::Application::AppUtils->entityize()
+    # to avoid having to set PERL5LIB for PostgreSQL as well
+    $xml = NFC($xml);
+    # Convert raw ampersands to entities
+    $xml =~ s/&(?!\S+;)/&amp;/gso;
+    # Convert Unicode characters to entities
+    $xml =~ s/([\x{0080}-\x{fffd}])/sprintf('&#x%X;',ord($1))/sgoe;
+    $xml =~ s/[\x00-\x1f]//go;
+    $_TD->{new}{marc} = $xml;
+    return "MODIFY";
+-- re-create the triggers
+CREATE TRIGGER c_maintain_control_numbers BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON serial.record_entry FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE evergreen.maintain_control_numbers();
+CREATE TRIGGER c_maintain_control_numbers BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON authority.record_entry FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE evergreen.maintain_control_numbers();
+CREATE TRIGGER c_maintain_control_numbers BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON biblio.record_entry FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE evergreen.maintain_control_numbers();
+\echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+\echo Updating visibility attribute vector for biblio.record_entry
+ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER  a_marcxml_is_well_formed;
+ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER  aaa_indexing_ingest_or_delete;
+ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER  audit_biblio_record_entry_update_trigger;
+ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER  b_maintain_901;
+ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER  bbb_simple_rec_trigger;
+ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER  c_maintain_control_numbers;
+ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER  fingerprint_tgr;
+ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER  z_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr;
+UPDATE biblio.record_entry SET vis_attr_vector = biblio.calculate_bib_visibility_attribute_set(id) WHERE NOT DELETED;
+ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER  a_marcxml_is_well_formed;
+ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER  aaa_indexing_ingest_or_delete;
+ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER  audit_biblio_record_entry_update_trigger;
+ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER  b_maintain_901;
+ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER  bbb_simple_rec_trigger;
+ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER  c_maintain_control_numbers;
+ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER  fingerprint_tgr;
+ALTER TABLE biblio.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER  z_opac_vis_mat_view_tgr;
+\echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+\echo Reingest display fields.  This can be canceled via Ctrl-C and run at
+\echo a later time with the following (or similar) SQL:
+\echo 'SELECT metabib.reingest_metabib_field_entries(id, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, '
+\echo '    (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id)::INT[] FROM config.metabib_field WHERE display_field))'
+\echo '    FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE NOT deleted AND id > 0;'
+\echo Note that if you cancel now, you will also need to do the authority reingest
+\echo further down in the upgrade script.
+SELECT metabib.reingest_metabib_field_entries(id, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, 
+    (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id)::INT[] FROM config.metabib_field WHERE display_field))
+    FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE NOT deleted AND id > 0;
+\echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+\echo Reingest authority records. This can be canceled via Ctrl-C and run
+\echo at a later time; see the upgrade script.  Note that if you cancel now,
+\echo you should consult this upgrade script for the reingest actions required.
+-- add the flag ingest.disable_authority_full_rec if it does not exist
+INSERT INTO config.internal_flag (name, enabled)
+SELECT 'ingest.disable_authority_full_rec', FALSE
+WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'ingest.disable_authority_full_rec');
+CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE internal_flag_state AS
+    SELECT name, enabled
+    FROM config.internal_flag
+    WHERE name in (
+        'ingest.reingest.force_on_same_marc',
+        'ingest.disable_authority_auto_update',
+        'ingest.disable_authority_full_rec'
+    );
+UPDATE config.internal_flag
+SET enabled = TRUE
+WHERE name in (
+    'ingest.reingest.force_on_same_marc',
+    'ingest.disable_authority_auto_update',
+    'ingest.disable_authority_full_rec'
+ALTER TABLE authority.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER a_marcxml_is_well_formed;
+ALTER TABLE authority.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER b_maintain_901;
+ALTER TABLE authority.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER c_maintain_control_numbers;
+ALTER TABLE authority.record_entry DISABLE TRIGGER map_thesaurus_to_control_set;
+UPDATE authority.record_entry SET id = id WHERE NOT DELETED;
+ALTER TABLE authority.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER a_marcxml_is_well_formed;
+ALTER TABLE authority.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER b_maintain_901;
+ALTER TABLE authority.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER c_maintain_control_numbers;
+ALTER TABLE authority.record_entry ENABLE TRIGGER map_thesaurus_to_control_set;
+-- and restore
+UPDATE config.internal_flag a
+SET enabled = b.enabled
+FROM internal_flag_state b
+WHERE a.name = b.name;