If the open-ils.menu.toolbar preference or ui.general.button_bar org unit
setting references a non-existent toolbar, then a hard-coded stock toolbar
will render. However, the menu entry 'None' will be selected under the
Admin -> Workstation Administration -> Toolbars -> Current menu, which is
With this change, a Default menu entry will be selected whenever the hard-
coded layout has cause to render, and you can also explicitly select that
menu entry to use the default and save it as your workstation default.
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <jason@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Kathy Lussier <klussier@masslnc.org>
+ x.appendChild(
+ create_menuitem(
+ offlineStrings.getString('staff.main.button_bar.default'),
+ 'default',
+ true
+ )
+ );
for (var i = 0; i < this.data.list.atb.length; i++) {
var def = this.data.list.atb[i];
var x = document.getElementById('main.menu.admin.client.toolbars.current.popup');
if (x) {
var selectitems = x.getElementsByAttribute('value',button_bar);
+ if(selectitems.length < 1) selecteditems = x.getElementsByAttribute('value','default');
if(selectitems.length > 0) selectitems[0].setAttribute('checked','true');
barcode_choice.serial_label=Serial : %1$s
barcode_choice.booking_label=Booking : %1$s
util.hide_elements.title=Hide UI Elements
util.hide_elements.desc=This is a list of hideable elements for this interface. Check the ones that you want hidden and the library (and descendants) you want to affect:
util.hide_elements.current_setting_preamble=Workstation library %1$s is currently hiding these elements based on a setting inherited from %2$s: