+ <class id="rhcrpb" controller="open-ils.cstore open-ils.pcrud open-ils.reporter-store" oils_obj:fieldmapper="reporter::hold_copy_ratio_per_bib" oils_persist:readonly="true" reporter:core="true" reporter:label="Hold/Copy Ratio per Bib">
+ <oils_persist:source_definition>
+ -- -- If we uncomment the RIGHT JOIN against biblio.record_entry, then we'll get a row for every non-deleted bib, whether it has active holds or not.
+ -- -- If we expect to use pcrud to query against specific bibs, we probably want to do this. However, if we're using this to populate a report, we
+ -- -- may not.
+ -- bre.id AS "bib_id",
+ -- COALESCE( z.copy_count, 0 ) AS "copy_count",
+ -- COALESCE( z.hold_count, 0 ) AS "hold_count",
+ -- COALESCE( z.copy_hold_ratio, 0 ) AS "hold_copy_ratio"
+ -- FROM (
+ y.bre AS "bib_id",
+ COALESCE( x.copy_count, 0 ) AS "copy_count",
+ y.hold_count AS "hold_count",
+ (y.hold_count::REAL / (CASE WHEN x.copy_count = 0 OR x.copy_count IS NULL THEN 0.1 ELSE x.copy_count::REAL END)) AS "hold_copy_ratio"
+ FROM (
+ (SELECT bib_record FROM reporter.hold_request_record r WHERE r.id = h.id LIMIT 1) AS "bre",
+ COUNT(*) AS "hold_count"
+ FROM action.hold_request h
+ cancel_time IS NULL
+ AND fulfillment_time IS NULL
+ -- AND NOT frozen -- a frozen hold is still a desired hold, eh?
+ )y LEFT JOIN (
+ (SELECT id
+ FROM biblio.record_entry
+ WHERE id = (SELECT record FROM asset.call_number WHERE id = call_number)
+ ) AS "bre",
+ COUNT(*) AS "copy_count"
+ FROM asset.copy
+ JOIN asset.copy_location loc ON (copy.location = loc.id AND loc.holdable)
+ WHERE copy.holdable
+ AND NOT copy.deleted
+ AND copy.status IN ( SELECT id FROM config.copy_status WHERE holdable )
+ )x ON x.bre = y.bre
+ -- )z RIGHT JOIN (
+ -- SELECT id
+ -- FROM biblio.record_entry
+ -- WHERE NOT deleted
+ -- )bre ON (z.bib_id = bre.id)
+ ;
+ </oils_persist:source_definition>
+ <fields oils_persist:primary="id" oils_persist:sequence="biblio.record_entry">
+ <field reporter:label="Record ID" name="id" reporter:datatype="id"/>
+ <field reporter:label="Holdable Copy Count" name="copy_count" reporter:datatype="int"/>
+ <field reporter:label="Active Holds" name="hold_count" reporter:datatype="int"/>
+ <field reporter:label="Hold/Copy Ratio" name="hold_copy_ratio" reporter:datatype="float"/>
+ </fields>
+ <links>
+ <link field="id" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="bre"/>
+ </links>
+ <permacrud xmlns="http://open-ils.org/spec/opensrf/IDL/permacrud/v1">
+ <actions>
+ <retrieve/>
+ </actions>
+ </permacrud>
+ </class>
<!-- ********************************************************************************************************************* -->
<!-- What follows is a set of example extensions that are useful for PINES. Comment out or remove if you don't want them. -->