--- /dev/null
+== Expansion of Copy Statuses Eligible to Fill Holds ==
+Copies with a status that has both the `holdable` and `is_available`
+fields set to `true` are now elibible to fill holds. This was
+previously limited to copies with a "magical" status of 0 or 7. The
+change expands the copies that can fill holds and allows sites better
+control over what copies with what statuses will appear on the holds
+pull list or target holds.
+=== Hold Targeter Setting ===
+This feature adds a new application setting, `status_cache_time`, to
+the `open-ils.hold-targeter` service configuration in the
+`opensrf.xml` file. The setting expects a positive, numerical value
+for the number of seconds that the hold targeter should wait before
+rechecking the copy statuses for eligibility. If the setting is 0,
+then a default value of 300 (5 minutes) is used. If you do not add of
+change copy status options very often, you should set this to a large