#include "opensrf/osrf_list.h"
osrfList *testOsrfList;
+int globalItem1 = 7;
+int globalItem3 = 15;
//Keep track of how many items have been freed using osrfCustomListFree
unsigned int freedItemsSize;
testOsrfList = osrfNewListSize(10);
testOsrfList->freeItem = (void(*)(void*)) osrfCustomListFree;
- int item1 = 7;
- int item3 = 15;
- osrfListPush(testOsrfList, (int *)item1);
+ osrfListPush(testOsrfList, &globalItem1);
osrfListPush(testOsrfList, NULL);
- osrfListPush(testOsrfList, (int *)item3);
+ osrfListPush(testOsrfList, &globalItem3);
//Clean up the test fixture
fail_unless(osrfListPush(NULL, NULL) == -1,
"Passing a null list to osrfListPush should return -1");
int listItem = 111;
- fail_unless(osrfListPush(testOsrfList, (int *) listItem) == 0,
+ fail_unless(osrfListPush(testOsrfList, &listItem) == 0,
"osrfListPush should return 0 if successful");
fail_unless(testOsrfList->size == 4,
"testOsrfList->size did not update correctly, should be 4");
- fail_unless(osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 3) == (int *) listItem,
+ fail_unless(osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 3) == &listItem,
"listItem did not add to the end of testOsrfList");
fail_unless(osrfListPushFirst(NULL, NULL) == -1,
"Passing a null list to osrfListPushFirst should return -1");
int listItem = 123;
- fail_unless(osrfListPushFirst(testOsrfList, (int *) listItem) == 3,
+ fail_unless(osrfListPushFirst(testOsrfList, &listItem) == 3,
"osrfListPushFirst should return a size of 3");
- fail_unless(osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 1) == (int *) listItem,
+ fail_unless(osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 1) == &listItem,
"listItem should be in index 1 because it is the first that is null");
//Adding an item to an existing, NULL position in the list
int listItem = 456;
- fail_unless(osrfListSet(testOsrfList, (int *) listItem, 4) == NULL,
+ fail_unless(osrfListSet(testOsrfList, &listItem, 4) == NULL,
"Calling osrfListSet on an empty index should return NULL");
- fail_unless(osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 4) == (int *) listItem,
+ fail_unless(osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 4) == &listItem,
"osrfListSet is not assigning item pointer to the correct position");
fail_unless(testOsrfList->size == 5,
"osrfListSet should update a lists size after adding an item to that list");
//Adding an item to an exisiting, occupied position in the
//list when there is a freeing function defined on the list
int listItem2 = 789;
- fail_unless(osrfListSet(testOsrfList, (int *) listItem2, 4) == NULL,
+ fail_unless(osrfListSet(testOsrfList, &listItem2, 4) == NULL,
"Calling osrfListSet on an index that held a value, \
on a list that has a custom freeing function, should return NULL");
- fail_unless(osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 4) == (int *) listItem2,
+ fail_unless(osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 4) == &listItem2,
"When called on a position that already has a value, \
osrfListSet should replace that value with the new item");
fail_unless(testOsrfList->size == 5,
//when there is NOT a freeing function defined on the list
testOsrfList->freeItem = NULL;
int listItem3 = 111;
- fail_unless(osrfListSet(testOsrfList, (int *) listItem3, 4) == (int *) listItem2,
+ fail_unless(osrfListSet(testOsrfList, &listItem3, 4) == &listItem2,
"Calling osrfListSet on an index that held a value should \
return the reference to that value");
- fail_unless(osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 4) == (int *) listItem3,
+ fail_unless(osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 4) == &listItem3,
"When called on a position that already has a value, \
osrfListSet should replace that value with the new item");
fail_unless(testOsrfList->size == 5,
//Adding an item to a position outside of the current array size
int listItem4 = 444;
- fail_unless(osrfListSet(testOsrfList, (int *) listItem4, 18) == NULL,
+ fail_unless(osrfListSet(testOsrfList, &listItem4, 18) == NULL,
"Calling osrfListSet on an empty index should return NULL, \
even if the index does not exist yet");
fail_unless(testOsrfList->arrsize == 266,
in increments of 256 when expanded");
fail_unless(testOsrfList->size == 19,
"List should have a size value of 19");
- fail_unless(osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 18) == (int *) listItem4,
+ fail_unless(osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 18) == &listItem4,
"Value not added to correct index of list");
fail_unless(osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 8) == NULL,
"Calling osrfListGetIndex with a value outside the range of \
occupied indexes should return NULL");
- fail_unless(osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 2) == (int *) 15,
+ fail_unless(osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 2) == &globalItem3,
"osrfListGetIndex should return the value of the list at the given index");
//Set up a new list to be freed
osrfList *myList = osrfNewList();
myList->freeItem = (void(*)(void*)) osrfCustomListFree;
- int myListItem1 = 123;
- int myListItem2 = 456;
- osrfListSet(myList, (int *) myListItem1, 0);
- osrfListSet(myList, (int *) myListItem2, 1);
+ int* myListItem1 = malloc(sizeof(int));
+ *myListItem1 = 123;
+ int* myListItem2 = malloc(sizeof(int));
+ *myListItem2 = 456;
+ osrfListSet(myList, myListItem1, 0);
+ osrfListSet(myList, myListItem2, 1);
fail_unless(freedItemsSize == 2,
"osrfListFree should free each item in the list if there is a custom \
//Set up a new list with items to be freed
osrfList *myList = osrfNewList();
myList->freeItem = (void(*)(void*)) osrfCustomListFree;
- int myListItem1 = 123;
- int myListItem2 = 456;
- osrfListSet(myList, (int *) myListItem1, 0);
- osrfListSet(myList, (int *) myListItem2, 1);
+ int* myListItem1 = malloc(sizeof(int));
+ *myListItem1 = 123;
+ int* myListItem2 = malloc(sizeof(int));
+ *myListItem2 = 456;
+ osrfListSet(myList, myListItem1, 0);
+ osrfListSet(myList, myListItem2, 1);
fail_unless(freedItemsSize == 2,
//Prepare a second list to swap
osrfList *secondOsrfList = osrfNewListSize(7);
- int item2 = 8;
- int item3 = 16;
+ int* secondListItem2 = malloc(sizeof(int));
+ *secondListItem2 = 8;
+ int* secondListItem3 = malloc(sizeof(int));
+ *secondListItem3 = 16;
osrfListPush(secondOsrfList, NULL);
- osrfListPush(secondOsrfList, (int *) item2);
- osrfListPush(secondOsrfList, (int *) item3);
+ osrfListPush(secondOsrfList, secondListItem2);
+ osrfListPush(secondOsrfList, secondListItem3);
osrfListSwap(testOsrfList, secondOsrfList);
osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 0) == NULL &&
- osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 1) == (int *) 8 &&
- osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 2) == (int *) 16,
+ osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 1) == secondListItem2 &&
+ osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 2) == secondListItem3,
"After osrfListSwap, first list should now contain \
the contents of the second list"
- osrfListGetIndex(secondOsrfList, 0) == (int *) 7 &&
+ osrfListGetIndex(secondOsrfList, 0) == &globalItem1 &&
osrfListGetIndex(secondOsrfList, 1) == NULL &&
- osrfListGetIndex(secondOsrfList, 2) == (int *) 15,
+ osrfListGetIndex(secondOsrfList, 2) == &globalItem3,
"After osrfListSwap, second list should now contain \
the contents of the first list"
"osrfListRemove should call a custom item freeing function if \
testOsrfList->freeItem = NULL;
- fail_unless(osrfListRemove(testOsrfList, 0) == (int *) 7,
+ fail_unless(osrfListRemove(testOsrfList, 0) == &globalItem1,
"osrfListRemove should return the value that it has removed from \
the list if no custom freeing function is defined on the list");
fail_unless(osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 0) == NULL,
fail_unless(osrfListExtract(testOsrfList, 1000) == NULL,
"osrfListExtract should return NULL when given a position \
exceeding the size of the list");
- fail_unless(osrfListExtract(testOsrfList, 2) == (int *) 15,
+ fail_unless(osrfListExtract(testOsrfList, 2) == &globalItem3,
"osrfListExtract should return the value that it has removed \
from the list");
fail_unless(osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 2) == NULL,
fail_unless(testOsrfList->size == 2,
"osrfListExtract should adjust the size of the list if the \
last element is removed");
- fail_unless(osrfListExtract(testOsrfList, 0) == (int *) 7,
+ fail_unless(osrfListExtract(testOsrfList, 0) == &globalItem1,
"osrfListExtract should return the value that it has removed \
from the list");
fail_unless(osrfListGetIndex(testOsrfList, 0) == NULL,
- fail_unless(osrfListFind(NULL, (int *) 2) == -1,
+ int* notInList1 = malloc(sizeof(int));
+ int* notInList2 = malloc(sizeof(int));
+ fail_unless(osrfListFind(NULL, ¬InList1) == -1,
"osrfListFind should return -1 when not given a list");
fail_unless(osrfListFind(testOsrfList, NULL) == -1,
"osrfListFind should return -1 when not given an addr");
- fail_unless(osrfListFind(testOsrfList, (int *) 15) == 2,
+ fail_unless(osrfListFind(testOsrfList, &globalItem3) == 2,
"osrfListFind should return the index where the first instance \
of addr is located");
- fail_unless(osrfListFind(testOsrfList, (int *) 199) == -1,
+ fail_unless(osrfListFind(testOsrfList, ¬InList2) == -1,
"osrfListFind should return -1 when the addr does not exist in \
the list");
fail_unless(testOsrfList->arrlist[2] == NULL,
"osrfListPop should remove the last item from the list");
testOsrfList->freeItem = NULL;
- int item = 10;
- osrfListPush(testOsrfList, (int *) item);
- fail_unless(osrfListPop(testOsrfList) == (int *) 10,
+ int* item = malloc(sizeof(int));
+ *item = 10;
+ osrfListPush(testOsrfList, item);
+ fail_unless( osrfListPop(testOsrfList) == item,
"osrfListPop should return the last item from the list");
fail_unless(testOsrfList->arrlist[2] == NULL,
"osrfListPop should remove the last item from the list");
fail_unless(osrfListIteratorNext(NULL) == NULL,
"osrfListIteratorNext should return NULL when no list given");
osrfListIterator *testListItr = osrfNewListIterator(testOsrfList);
- fail_unless(osrfListIteratorNext(testListItr) == (int *) 7,
+ fail_unless(osrfListIteratorNext(testListItr) == &globalItem1,
"osrfListIteratorNext should return the value stored at the current \
index in the list, then increment");
fail_unless(osrfListIteratorNext(testListItr) == NULL,
"osrfListIteratorNext should return the value stored at the current \
index in the list, then increment");
- fail_unless(osrfListIteratorNext(testListItr) == (int *) 15,
+ fail_unless(osrfListIteratorNext(testListItr) == &globalItem3,
"osrfListIteratorNext should return the value stored at the current \
index in the list, then increment");
fail_unless(osrfListIteratorNext(testListItr) == NULL,