--- /dev/null
+ # XXX It might be cleaner to move this into its own file or something.
+ #
+ # The following hash should have fail_parts as keys and user/patron-friendly
+ # strings as values. If the system returns an event with a fail_part when
+ # you attempt to place a hold and the fail part matches something in this
+ # hash, this is the message that will be displayed to the user. Wait until
+ # these are used to pass them through l() for i18n.
+ "actor.usr.barred" => "The patron is barred",
+ "asset.copy.circulate" => "The item does not circulate",
+ "asset.copy_location.circulate" => "Items from this shelving location do not circulate",
+ "asset.copy.status" => "The item cannot circulate at this time",
+ "circ.holds.target_skip_me" => "The item's circulation library does not fulfill holds",
+ "config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test" => "The patron has too many items of this type checked out",
+ "config.circ_matrix_test.available_copy_hold_ratio" => "The available item-to-hold ratio is too low",
+ "config.circ_matrix_test.circulate" => "Circulation rules reject this item as non-circulatable",
+ "config.circ_matrix_test.total_copy_hold_ratio" => "The total item-to-hold ratio is too low",
+ "config.hold_matrix_test.holdable" => "Hold rules reject this item as unholdable",
+ "config.hold_matrix_test.max_holds" => "The patron has reached the maximum number of holds",
+ "config.rule_age_hold_protect.prox" => "The item is too new to transit this far",
+ "no_item" => "The system could not find this item",
+ "no_ultimate_items" => "The system could not find any items to match this hold request",
+ "no_matchpoint" => "System rules do not define how to handle this item",
+ "no_user" => "The system could not find this patron",
+ "transit_range" => "The item cannot transit this far"
+ };
+ # This works like the above has, but instead of fail_parts for keys, use
+ # the textcode of the event. This will only be consulted for events
+ # that do not have a fail_part matching something in the above hash.
+ # Wait until these are used to pass them through l() for i18n.
+ };
[% PROCESS "default/opac/parts/misc_util.tt2";
attrs = {marc_xml => ctx.marc_xml};
PROCESS get_marc_attrs args=attrs;
+ PROCESS "default/opac/parts/hold_error_messages.tt2";
<div id='holds_box' class='canvas' style='margin-top: 6px;'>
<strong>[% l('Problem:') %]</strong>
<span title="[% ctx.hold_failed_event.textcode %]">
- <em>[% ctx.hold_failed_event.desc ||
+ <em>[%
+ fail_part_key = ctx.hold_failed_event.payload.fail_part;
+ event_key = ctx.hold_failed_event.textcode;
+ # display:
+ l(FAIL_PART_MSG_MAP.$fail_part_key) ||
+ l(EVENT_MSG_MAP.$event_key) ||
+ l(ctx.hold_failed_event.desc) ||
ctx.hold_failed_event.payload.fail_part ||
ctx.hold_failed_event.textcode ||
(ctx.hold_local_alert ?