+ [showRecordSummary]="true"
<eg-hold-note-dialog #noteDialog [holdId]="holdId"></eg-hold-note-dialog>
<eg-hold-notify-dialog #notifyDialog [holdId]="holdId"></eg-hold-notify-dialog>
+<div class="mb-3" *ngIf="showRecordSummary">
+ <eg-bib-summary [recordId]="hold.record_id"></eg-bib-summary>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-2">
<button (click)="showListView()" class="btn btn-info" i18n>List View</button>
return this.hold;
+ // Display bib record summary along the top of the detail page.
+ @Input() showRecordSummary = false;
initDone: boolean;
@Output() onShowList: EventEmitter<any>;
<div class='eg-holds w-100 mt-3'>
<ng-container *ngIf="mode == 'detail'">
- <eg-hold-detail [wideHold]="detailHold" (onShowList)="mode='list'">
- </eg-hold-detail>
+ <eg-hold-detail [wideHold]="detailHold" (onShowList)="mode='list'"
+ [showRecordSummary]="showRecordSummary"></eg-hold-detail>
<ng-container *ngIf="mode == 'list' && initComplete()">
// To pass through to the underlying eg-grid
@Input() showFields: string;
+ // Display bib record summary along the top of the detail page.
+ @Input() showRecordSummary = false;
mode: 'list' | 'detail' | 'manage' = 'list';
initDone = false;
holdsCount: number;