--- /dev/null
+Before you can run the test suite, you need to configure certain
+information about the SIP server and the ILS data in the file
+Every file tests a different protocol transaction.
+Unfortunately, a lot of test cases are missing, but the basics
+are tested, as are most of the simple error conditions (invalid
+users, unknown items, checking in item that's not checked out).
+To run a single test, just run
+ perl -I.. <file>
+If the test fails, the output should be pretty clear about what
+went wrong (assuming you can read raw SIP packets).
+To run all the tests, just type
+ make test
+Right now, that will run tests for functionality that isn't
+supported in the Evergreen environment (the two main cases are
+enable patron and hold management). To run just the Evergreen tests, use
+ make test-openils
+which will run just the tests
+ 00sc_status.t
+ 01patron_status.t
+ 02patron_info.t
+ 03checkout.t
+ 06patron_enable.t
+ 08checkin.t
+ 09renew.t
+ 11item_info.t
+ 05block_patron.t
+NOTE: the Block Patron tests are run last because "Patron Enable"
+isn't supported. Thus, after running the "Block Patron" test,
+manual intervention is required to unblock the test patron.
+The Renew All tests will fail when running the stub "ILS"
+implementation unless there's only one ILS server running. This
+won't be a problem for any real backend implementation that
+properly manages the database of users and items.