--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import osrf.system
+import osrf.ses
+# XXX: Replace with command line arguments
+file = '/opensrf/conf/opensrf_core.xml'
+operator = 'add'
+operand1 = 5
+operand2 = 7
+# Pull connection settings from <config><opensrf> section of opensrf_core.xml
+osrf.system.System.connect(config_file=file, config_context='config.opensrf')
+# Set up a connection to the opensrf.math service
+session = osrf.ses.ClientSession('opensrf.math')
+# Call one of the methods defined by the opensrf.math service
+request = session.request(operator, operand1, operand2)
+# Retrieve the response from the method
+response = request.recv(timeout=2)
+# Cleanup request and connection resources