my $script_libs;
my $legacy_script_support = 0;
+my $MK_ENV_FLESH = {
+ flesh => 2,
+ flesh_fields => {acp => ['call_number'], acn => ['record']}
sub initialize {
my $self = shift;
my $res_id_list = [ map { $_->id } @$resources ];
my $transit = $circulator->editor->search_action_reservation_transit_copy(
- { target_copy => $res_id_list, dest => $circulator->circ_lib },
+ { target_copy => $res_id_list, dest => $circulator->circ_lib, dest_recv_time => undef },
{ order_by => { artc => 'source_send_time' }, limit => 1 }
)->[0]; # Any transit for this barcode?
my $reservation = $circulator->editor->retrieve_booking_reservation( $transit->reservation );
my $res_type = $circulator->editor->retrieve_booking_resource_type( $reservation->target_resource_type );
+ my $success_event = new OpenILS::Event(
+ "SUCCESS", "payload" => {"reservation" => $reservation}
+ );
if ($U->is_true($res_type->catalog_item)) { # is there a copy to be had here?
- if (my $copy = $circulator->editor->search_asset_copy({ barcode => $bc, deleted => 'f' })->[0]) { # got a copy
+ if (my $copy = $circulator->editor->search_asset_copy([
+ { barcode => $bc, deleted => 'f' }, $MK_ENV_FLESH
+ ])->[0]) { # got a copy
$copy->status( $transit->copy_status );
- $circulator->editor->update_asset_copy( $copy );
+ $circulator->editor->update_asset_copy($copy);
+ $success_event->{"payload"}->{"record"} =
+ $U->record_to_mvr($copy->call_number->record);
+ $copy->call_number($copy->call_number->id);
+ $success_event->{"payload"}->{"copy"} = $copy;
$circulator->editor->update_action_reservation_transit_copy( $transit );
- #XXX need to return here, with info about the resource/copy and the "put it on the booking shelf" message
- } else { # no transit, look for an upcoming reservation to capture for
- my $reservation = $circulator->editor->search_booking_reservation(
- [
- { current_resource => $res_id_list,
- pickup_lib => $circulator->circ_lib,
- cancel_time => undef,
- capture_time => undef
- },
- { order_by => { bresv => 'start_time' }, limit => 1 }
- ]
- )->[0];
- if ($reservation) { # we have a reservation for which we could capture this resource. wheee!
- my $res_type = $circulator->editor->retrieve_booking_resource_type( $reservation->target_resource_type );
- my $elbow_room = $res_type->elbow_room ||
- $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value( $circulator->circ_lib, 'circ.booking_reservation.default_elbow_room', $circulator->editor );
- if ($elbow_room) {
- $reservation = $circulator->editor->search_booking_reservation(
- [
- { id => $reservation->id, start_time => { '<=' => DateTime->now->add( seconds => interval_to_seconds($elbow_room) )->strftime('%FT%T%z') } },
- { order_by => { bresv => 'start_time' }, limit => 1 }
- ]
- )->[0];
- }
- if ($reservation) { # no elbow room specified, or we still have a reservation within the elbow_room time
- my $b_ses = OpenSRF::AppSession->create('');
- my $result = $b_ses->request(
- '',
- $auth => $reservation->id
- )->gather(1);
- if (ref($result) && $result->{ilsevent} == 0) { # captured!
- #XXX what to return here???
- return $result; # the booking capture success
- } else {
- #XXX how to fail??? Probably, just move on.
- }
- }
- }
+ # Formerly this branch just stopped here. Argh!
+ $conn->respond_complete($success_event);
+ return;
# Go ahead and load the script runner to make sure we have all
# of the objects we need
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $circulator->is_res_checkin($circulator->is_checkin(1)) if $api =~ /reservation.return/;
+ $circulator->is_res_checkin($circulator->is_checkin(1)) if $api =~ /reservation.return/ or $circulator->seems_like_reservation();
$circulator->is_res_checkout(1) if $api =~ /reservation.pickup/;
$circulator->is_renewal(1) if $api =~ /renew/;
$circulator->is_checkin(1) if $api =~ /checkin/;
+ $circulator->mk_env();
$circulator->noop if $circulator->claims_never_checked_out;
if($legacy_script_support and not $circulator->is_checkin) {
- } elsif (not $circulator->is_res_checkin) { # mk_env cannot work w/ reservation.return
- $circulator->mk_env();
return circ_events($circulator) if $circulator->bail_out;
- is_noncat
+ is_noncat
my( $self, @evts ) = @_;
for my $e (@evts) {
next unless $e;
+ $e->{payload} = $self->copy if
+ ($e->{textcode} eq 'COPY_NOT_AVAILABLE');
$logger->info("circulator: pushing event ".$e->{textcode});
push( @{$self->events}, $e ) unless
grep { $_->{textcode} eq $e->{textcode} } @{$self->events};
return ($one) ? 1 : 0;
+sub seems_like_reservation {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # Some words about the following method:
+ # 1) It requires the VIEW_USER permission, but that's not an
+ # issue, right, since all staff should have that?
+ # 2) It returns only one reservation at a time, even if an item can be
+ # and is currently overbooked. Hmmm....
+ my $booking_ses = create OpenSRF::AppSession("");
+ my $result = $booking_ses->request(
+ "",
+ $self->editor->authtoken,
+ $self->copy_barcode
+ )->gather(1);
+ $booking_ses->disconnect;
+ return $self->bail_on_events($result) if defined $U->event_code($result);
+ if (@$result > 0) {
+ $self->reservation(shift @$result);
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+# save_trimmed_copy() used just to be a block in mk_env(), but was separated for re-use
+sub save_trimmed_copy {
+ my ($self, $copy) = @_;
+ $self->copy($copy);
+ $self->volume($copy->call_number);
+ $self->title($self->volume->record);
+ $self->copy->call_number($self->volume->id);
+ $self->volume->record($self->title->id);
+ $self->is_precat(1) if $self->volume->id == OILS_PRECAT_CALL_NUMBER;
+ if($self->copy->deposit_amount and $self->copy->deposit_amount > 0) {
+ $self->is_deposit(1) if $U->is_true($self->copy->deposit);
+ $self->is_rental(1) unless $U->is_true($self->copy->deposit);
+ }
sub mk_env {
my $self = shift;
my $e = $self->editor;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
unless($self->is_noncat) {
my $copy;
- my $flesh = {
- flesh => 2,
- flesh_fields => {acp => ['location', 'status', 'circ_lib', 'age_protect', 'call_number'], acn => ['record']}
- };
if($self->copy_id) {
$copy = $e->retrieve_asset_copy(
- [$self->copy_id, $flesh ]) or return $e->event;
+ [$self->copy_id, $MK_ENV_FLESH ]) or return $e->event;
} elsif( $self->copy_barcode ) {
$copy = $e->search_asset_copy(
- [{barcode => $self->copy_barcode, deleted => 'f'}, $flesh ])->[0];
- }
+ [{barcode => $self->copy_barcode, deleted => 'f'}, $MK_ENV_FLESH ])->[0];
+ } elsif( $self->reservation ) {
+ my $res = $e->json_query(
+ {
+ "select" => {"acp" => ["id"]},
+ "from" => {
+ "acp" => {
+ "brsrc" => {
+ "fkey" => "barcode",
+ "field" => "barcode",
+ "join" => {
+ "bresv" => {
+ "fkey" => "id",
+ "field" => "current_resource"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "where" => {
+ "+bresv" => {
+ "id" => (ref $self->reservation) ?
+ $self->reservation->id : $self->reservation
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ if (ref $res eq "ARRAY" and scalar @$res) {
+ $logger->info("circulator: mapped reservation " .
+ $self->reservation . " to copy " . $res->[0]->{"id"});
+ $copy = $e->retrieve_asset_copy([$res->[0]->{"id"}, $MK_ENV_FLESH]);
+ }
+ }
if($copy) {
- $self->copy($copy);
- $self->volume($copy->call_number);
- $self->title($self->volume->record);
- $self->copy->call_number($self->volume->id);
- $self->volume->record($self->title->id);
- $self->is_precat(1) if $self->volume->id == OILS_PRECAT_CALL_NUMBER;
- if($self->copy->deposit_amount and $self->copy->deposit_amount > 0) {
- $self->is_deposit(1) if $U->is_true($self->copy->deposit);
- $self->is_rental(1) unless $U->is_true($self->copy->deposit);
- }
+ $self->save_trimmed_copy($copy);
} else {
# We can't renew if there is no copy
return $self->bail_on_events(OpenILS::Event->new('ASSET_COPY_NOT_FOUND'))
my %hash = map { ($_->{ilsevent} => $_) } @allevents;
@allevents = values %hash;
- for (@allevents) {
- $_->{payload} = $copy if
- ($_->{textcode} eq 'COPY_NOT_AVAILABLE');
- }
$logger->info("circulator: permit_copy script returned events: @allevents") if @allevents;
- my ($reservation, $evt) = $U->fetch_booking_reservation($self->reservation);
- return $self->bail_on_events($evt) if $evt;
+ if (not ref $self->reservation) {
+ my ($reservation, $evt) =
+ $U->fetch_booking_reservation($self->reservation);
+ return $self->bail_on_events($evt) if $evt;
+ $self->reservation($reservation);
+ }
- $self->reservation( $reservation );
+ $self->reshelve_copy if $self->copy;
if ( $self->reservation->current_resource && $self->reservation->current_resource->catalog_item ) {
$self->copy( $self->reservation->current_resource->catalog_item );
my $booking_ses = OpenSRF::AppSession->create( '' );
my $bookings = $booking_ses->request(
'', $self->editor->authtoken,
- { resource => $booking_item->id, search_start => 'now', search_end => $circ->due_date }
+ { resource => $booking_item->id, search_start => 'now', search_end => $circ->due_date, fields => { cancel_time => undef }}
# this copy can fulfill a hold or needs to be routed to a different location
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ my $needed_for_something = 0; # formerly "needed_for_hold"
if(!$self->noop) { # /not/ a no-op checkin, capture for hold or put item into transit
- my $needed_for_hold = (!$self->remote_hold and $self->attempt_checkin_hold_capture());
+ if (!$self->remote_hold) {
+ my $potential_hold = $self->hold_capture_is_possible;
+ my $potential_reservation = $self->reservation_capture_is_possible;
+ if ($potential_hold and $potential_reservation) {
+ $logger->info("circulator: item could fulfill either hold or reservation");
+ $self->push_events(new OpenILS::Event(
+ "hold" => $potential_hold,
+ "reservation" => $potential_reservation
+ ));
+ return if $self->bail_out;
+ } elsif ($potential_hold) {
+ $needed_for_something =
+ $self->attempt_checkin_hold_capture;
+ } elsif ($potential_reservation) {
+ $needed_for_something =
+ $self->attempt_checkin_reservation_capture;
+ }
+ }
return if $self->bail_out;
- unless($needed_for_hold) {
+ unless($needed_for_something) {
my $circ_lib = (ref $self->copy->circ_lib) ?
$self->copy->circ_lib->id : $self->copy->circ_lib;
+ $logger->info("LFW XXX: way down here"); # LFW XXX
if($self->claims_never_checked_out and
$U->ou_ancestor_setting_value($self->circ->circ_lib, 'circ.claim_never_checked_out.mark_missing')) {
} else {
- $self->reshelve_copy;
+ $self->reshelve_copy unless $needed_for_something;
return if $self->bail_out;
+sub hold_capture_is_possible {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $copy = $self->copy;
+ # we've been explicitly told not to capture any holds
+ return 0 if $self->capture eq 'nocapture';
+ # See if this copy can fulfill any holds
+ my $hold = $holdcode->find_nearest_permitted_hold(
+ $self->editor, $copy, $self->editor->requestor, 1 # check_only
+ );
+ return undef if ref $hold eq "HASH" and
+ $hold->{"textcode"} eq "ACTION_HOLD_REQUEST_NOT_FOUND";
+ return $hold;
+sub reservation_capture_is_possible {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $copy = $self->copy;
+ # we've been explicitly told not to capture any holds
+ return 0 if $self->capture eq 'nocapture';
+ my $booking_ses = OpenSRF::AppSession->connect("");
+ my $resv = $booking_ses->request(
+ "",
+ $self->editor->authtoken, $copy->barcode
+ )->gather(1);
+ $booking_ses->disconnect;
+ if (ref($resv) eq "HASH" and exists $resv->{"textcode"}) {
+ $self->push_events($resv);
+ } else {
+ return $resv;
+ }
# returns true if the item was used (or may potentially be used
# in subsequent calls) to capture a hold.
sub attempt_checkin_hold_capture {
return 1;
+sub attempt_checkin_reservation_capture {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $copy = $self->copy;
+ # we've been explicitly told not to capture any holds
+ return 0 if $self->capture eq 'nocapture';
+ my $booking_ses = OpenSRF::AppSession->connect("");
+ my $evt = $booking_ses->request(
+ "",
+ $self->editor->authtoken,
+ $copy->barcode,
+ 1 # don't update copy - we probably have it locked
+ )->gather(1);
+ $booking_ses->disconnect;
+ if (ref($evt) ne "HASH" or not exists $evt->{"textcode"}) {
+ $logger->warn(
+ " " .
+ "didn't return an event!"
+ );
+ } else {
+ if (
+ $evt->{"textcode"} eq "RESERVATION_NOT_FOUND" and
+ $evt->{"payload"}->{"fail_cause"} eq "not-transferable"
+ ) {
+ # not-transferable is an error event we'll pass on the user
+ $logger->warn("reservation capture attempted against non-transferable item");
+ $self->push_events($evt);
+ return 0;
+ } elsif ($evt->{"textcode"} eq "SUCCESS") {
+ # Re-retrieve copy as reservation capture may have changed
+ # its status and whatnot.
+ $logger->info(
+ "circulator: booking capture win on copy " . $self->copy->id
+ );
+ if (my $new_copy_status = $evt->{"payload"}->{"new_copy_status"}) {
+ $logger->info(
+ "circulator: changing copy " . $self->copy->id .
+ "'s status from " . $self->copy->status . " to " .
+ $new_copy_status
+ );
+ $self->copy->status($new_copy_status);
+ $self->update_copy;
+ }
+ $self->reservation($evt->{"payload"}->{"reservation"});
+ if (exists $evt->{"payload"}->{"transit"}) {
+ $self->push_events(
+ new OpenILS::Event(
+ "org" => $evt->{"payload"}->{"transit"}->dest
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ $self->checkin_changed(1);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ # other results are treated as "nothing to capture"
+ return 0;
sub do_hold_notify {
my( $self, $holdid ) = @_;
$payload->{cancelled_hold_transit} = 1 if $self->cancelled_hold_transit;
$payload->{hold} = $hold;
$payload->{patron} = $self->patron;
+ $payload->{reservation} = $self->reservation
+ unless (not $self->reservation or $self->reservation->cancel_time);
$evt->{payload} = $payload;