--- /dev/null
+-- a script to set users to inactive per PINES policy
+-- designed to run nightly via cron
+update actor.usr au
+ active = false,
+ alert_message = 'automatically set to inactive status via PINES policy ' || alert_message,
+ last_update_time = now()
+-- no unfinished circulations and no circulations within the last 3 years
+where not exists (
+ select 1
+ from action.circulation ac
+ where ac.usr = au.id
+ and (
+ xact_finish is null or (
+ now() - ac.xact_start < '3 years'::interval
+ )
+ )
+ )
+-- no hold requests placed in the last 3 years
+and not exists (
+ select 1
+ from action.hold_request ahr
+ where ahr.usr = au.id
+ and (now() - request_time) < '3 years'::interval
+ )
+-- no owed money in either direction and no payment within the last 3 years
+and not exists (
+ select 1
+ from money.materialized_billable_xact_summary mmbxs
+ where mmbxs.usr = au.id
+ and (
+ balance_owed <> '0.00' or (now() - last_payment_ts) < '3 years'::interval)
+ )
+-- no activity entries within the last 3 years
+and not exists (
+ select 1
+ from actor.usr_activity aua
+ where aua.usr = au.id
+ and (now() - event_time) < '3 years'::interval
+ )
+-- we only care about active users
+and au.active
+-- we don't care about deleted users
+and not au.deleted
+-- we don't want users that have been created within the last 3 years
+and (now() - au.create_date) > '3 years'
+-- restrict to patron profiles ('Patrons' = 45)
+and profile in (
+ select id
+ from permission.grp_descendants(45)
+ )