. Select the setting, *Enable features that send SMS text messages.*
. Set the value to *True,* and click *Update Setting.*
+image::media/SMS_Text_Messaging1.png[Library Setting to enable SMS]
Authenticate Patrons
-By default, you must be logged into your OPAC account to send a text message from Evergreen. However, if you disable this setting, you can text message copy information without having
-to login to your OPAC account.
+By default, you must be logged into your OPAC account to send a text message
+from Evergreen. However, if you turn on this setting, you can text message copy
+information without having to login to your OPAC account.
To disable the patron login requirement:
. Select the setting, *Disable auth requirement for texting call numbers*.
. Set the value to *True,* and click *Update Setting.*
+image::media/SMS_Text_Messaging2.png[Library Setting to disable SMS auth/login requirement]
Configure SMS Carriers
. Click *Administration* -> *Local Administration* -> *Notifications/Action Triggers.*
. Create a new A/T and template, or use or modify an existing template. For example, a default template, "Hold Ready for Pickup SMS Notification," notifies users that the hold is ready for pickup.
+image::media/SMS_Text_Messaging5.png[SMS Notification Triggers list]
-. You can use the default template, or you can edit the template and add content specific to your library. Click the hyperlinked name to view and/or edit the hold notice.
+. You can use the default template, or you can edit the template and add
+content specific to your library. Click the hyperlinked name to edit the
+Event Environment and Event Parameters. Or double-click the row to edit the
+hold notice.
+image::media/SMS_Text_Messaging6.png[Hold Ready SMS Trigger Event Definition]
Receiving Holds Notices via Text Message
The Barcode Completion feature gives users the ability to only enter the
unique part of patron and item barcodes. This can significantly reduce the
-amount of typing required for manual barcode input. This feature was also
-known as *Lazy Circ* at one point.
+amount of typing required for manual barcode input.
This feature can also be used if there is a difference between what the
barcode scanner outputs and what is stored in the database, as long as the
barcode that is stored has more characters then what the scanner is
-outputting. Barcode Completion is additive only, you cannot use it match a
+outputting. Barcode Completion is additive only; you cannot use it to match a
stored barcode that has less characters than what is entered. For example, if
your barcode scanners previously output *a123123b* and now exclude the prefix
and suffix, you could match both formats using Barcode Completion rules.
the process of looking up a barcode, it can add extra delays to the check-out
process. Please test in your environment before using in production.
-*Released:* 2.2 - June 2012
Scoping and Permissions
The admin interface for Barcode Completion is located under *Administration*
-> *Local Administration* -> *Barcode Completion*.
-image::media/lsa-barcode_completion_admin.png[Barcode Completion Admin]
+image::media/lsa-barcode_completion_admin.png[Barcode Completion Admin List]
The barcode completion functionality is available at the following interfaces.
-.For Actors (Users) Barcodes
- * Lookup Patron by Barcode/Check Out.
- * Optionally during check out if library setting "Load patron from Checkout"
-is set. (Automatically detects if an actor/user barcode is scanned during
-check out, and starts a new check out session using that user.)
- * OPAC's Staff Client Place Hold.
+Check Out Step 1: Lookup Patron by Barcode
+image::media/Barcode_Checkout_Patron_Barcode.png[Patron Barcode Lookup for Checking Out]
+Check Out Step 2: Scanning Item Barcodes
+image::media/Barcode_Checkout_Item_Barcode.png[Item Barcode at Check Out]
+Staff Client Place Hold from Catalog
+image::media/Barcode_OPAC_Staff_Place_Hold.png[Patron Barcode Lookup for Staff Placing Hold]
-.For Assets (Copy) Barcodes
- * Check Out.
- * Check In.
- * Item Status / Search for copies by Barcode / Show Item Status by Barcode.
+Check In
+image::media/Barcode_Check_In.png[Item Barcode at Check In]
+Item Status
+image::media/Barcode_Item_Status.png[Item Barcode at Item Status screen]
+NOTE: Barcode completion is also available during check out if library
+setting "Load patron from Checkout" is set.
+(Automatically detects if an actor/user barcode is scanned during
+check out, and starts a new check out session using that user.)
NOTE: Barcode Completion does not work in the
*Search for Patron [by Name]* interface.
-image::media/lsa-barcode_completion_accesspoints.png[Barcode Completion Access Points]
Multiple Matches
User and Group Permissions
-It is essential to understand how user and group permissions can be used to
+It is essential to understand how user and group permissions can be used to allow
staff to fulfill their roles while ensuring that they only have access to the
appropriate level.
New staff accounts are created in much the same way as patron accounts, using
_Circulation -> Register Patron_ or *Shift+F1*. Select one of the staff
-from the _Profile Group_ drop-down menu.
+profiles from the _Profile Group_ drop-down menu.
+image::media/permissions_1a.png[Permission Group dropdown in patron account]
Each new staff account must be assigned a _Working Location_ which determines
-access level in staff client interfaces.
+its access level in staff client interfaces.
-. To assign a working location open the newly created staff account using *F1*
+. To assign a working location, open the newly created staff account using *F1*
(retrieve patron) or *F4* (patron search).
. Select _Other -> User Permission Editor_