--- /dev/null
+Purge User Activity
+User activity types are now set to transient by default for new
+Evergreen installs.. This means only the most recent activity entry per
+user per activity type is retained in the database.
+This change does not affect existing activity types, which were set to
+non-transient by default. To make an activity type transient, modify the
+'Transient' field of the desired type in the staff client under Admin ->
+Server Administration -> User Activity Types.
+Setting an activity type to transient means data for a given user will
+be cleaned up automatically if and when the user performs the activity
+in question. However, administrators can also force an activity
+cleanup via SQL. This is useful for ensuring that all old activity
+data is deleted and for controlling when the cleanup occurs, which
+may be useulf on very large actor.usr_activity tables.
+To force clean all activity types:
+SELECT actor.purge_usr_activity_by_type(etype.id)
+ FROM config.usr_activity_type etype;
+NOTE: This could take hours to run on a very large actor.usr_activity table.