use Modern::Perl;
use Object::Tiny qw/name/;
-use XML::XPath;
+use XML::LibXML::Simple qw(XMLin);
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::ISO8601;
use Digest::MD5 qw/md5_hex/;
# Check for barred patron.
if ($user->barred()) {
- $userdata->{blocked} = 1;
+ $userdata->{blocked} = "Patron account barred.";
# Check if the patron's profile is blocked from ILL.
if (!$userdata->{blocked} &&
grep {$_->id() == $user->profile()} @{$self->{block_profiles}}) {
- $userdata->{blocked} = 1;
+ $userdata->{blocked} = "Patron group blocked from ILL.";
# Check for penalties that block CIRC, HOLD, or RENEW.
my @blocks = split /\|/,
if (grep /(?:CIRC|HOLD|RENEW)/, @blocks) {
- $userdata->{blocked} = 1;
+ $userdata->{blocked} = $penalty->standing_penalty->label();
- return ($userdata, '');
+ return ($userdata, $userdata->{blocked});
sub checkin {}
- # Load our configuration with XML::XPath.
- my $xpath = XML::XPath->new(filename => $file);
- # Load configuration into $self:
- $self->{config}->{bootstrap} =
- _strip($xpath->findvalue("/ncip/bootstrap")->value());
- $self->{config}->{username} =
- _strip($xpath->findvalue("/ncip/credentials/username")->value());
- $self->{config}->{password} =
- _strip($xpath->findvalue("/ncip/credentials/password")->value());
- $self->{config}->{work_ou} =
- _strip($xpath->findvalue("/ncip/credentials/work_ou")->value());
- $self->{config}->{workstation} =
- _strip($xpath->findvalue("/ncip/credentials/workstation")->value());
- # Look for a list of patron profiles to treat as blocked. This is
- # useful if you have a patron group or groups that are not
- # permitted to do ILL.
- $self->{config}->{barred_groups} = [];
- my $nodes = $xpath->findnodes('/ncip/patrons/block_profile');
- if ($nodes) {
- foreach my $node ($nodes->get_nodelist()) {
- my $data = {id => 0, name => ""};
- my $attr = $xpath->findvalue('@pgt', $node);
- if ($attr) {
- $data->{id} = $attr;
- }
- $data->{name} = _strip($node->string_value());
- push(@{$self->{config}->{barred_groups}}, $data)
- if ($data->{id} || $data->{name});
- }
- }
- # Check for the use_precats setting for acceptitem. This should
- # only be set if you are using 2.7.0-alpha or later of Evergreen.
- $self->{config}->{use_precats} = 0;
- undef($nodes);
- $nodes = $xpath->find('/ncip/items/use_precats');
- $self->{config}->{use_precats} = 1 if ($nodes);
- # If we're not using precats, we will be making "short" bibs. We
- # need to look up and see if a special bib source has been
- # configured for these.
- undef($nodes);
- $nodes = $xpath->findnodes('/ncip/items/bib_source');
- if ($nodes) {
- my $node = $nodes->get_node(1);
- my $attr = $xpath->findvalue('@cbs', $node);
- if ($attr) {
- $self->{config}->{cbs}->{id} = $attr;
- }
- $self->{config}->{cbs}->{name} = _strip($node->string_value());
- }
- # Look for any required asset.copy.stat_cat_entry entries.
- $self->{config}->{asces} = [];
- undef($nodes);
- $nodes = $xpath->findnodes('/ncip/items/stat_cat_entry');
- if ($nodes) {
- foreach my $node ($nodes->get_nodelist()) {
- my $data = {asc => 0, id => 0, name => ''};
- my $asc = $xpath->findvalue('@asc', $node);
- $data->{asc} = $asc if ($asc);
- my $asce = $xpath->findvalue('@asce', $node);
- $data->{id} = $asce if ($asce);
- $data->{name} = _strip($node->string_value());
- push(@{$self->{config}->{asces}}, $data)
- if ($data->{id} || ($data->{name} && $data->{asc}));
- }
- }
+ $self->{config} = XMLin($file, NormaliseSpace => 2,
+ ForceArray => ['block_profile', 'stat_cat_entry']);
# Bootstrap OpenSRF::System, load the IDL, and initialize the
# Create an editor.
my $e = $self->editor();
+ # Retrieve the work_ou as an object.
+ my $work_ou = $e->search_actor_org_unit(
+ {shortname => $self->{config}->{credentials}->{work_ou}}
+ );
+ $self->{work_ou} = $work_ou->[0] if ($work_ou && @$work_ou);
# Load the barred groups as pgt objects into a blocked_profiles
# list.
$self->{blocked_profiles} = [];
- foreach (@{$self->{config}->{barred_groups}}) {
- if ($_->{id}) {
- my $pgt = $e->retrieve_permission_grp_tree($_->{id});
- push(@{$self->{blocked_profiles}}, $pgt) if ($pgt);
+ foreach (@{$self->{config}->{patrons}->{block_profile}}) {
+ if (ref $_) {
+ my $pgt = $e->retrieve_permission_grp_tree($_->{grp});
+ push(@{$blocked_profiles}, $pgt) if ($pgt);
} else {
- my $result = $e->search_permission_grp_tree(
- {name => $_->{name}}
- );
+ my $result = $e->search_permission_grp_tree({name => $_});
if ($result && @$result) {
map {push(@{$self->{blocked_profiles}}, $_)} @$result;
# Load the bib source if we're not using precats.
- unless ($self->{config}->{use_precats}) {
+ unless ($self->{config}->{items}->{use_precats}) {
# Retrieve the default
my $cbs = $e->retrieve_config_bib_source(BIB_SOURCE_DEFAULT);
- my $data = $self->{config}->{cbs};
+ my $data = $self->{config}->{items}->{bib_source};
if ($data) {
- if ($data->{id}) {
- my $result = $e->retrieve_config_bib_source($data->{id});
+ $data = $data->[0] if (ref($data) eq 'ARRAY');
+ if (ref $data) {
+ my $result = $e->retrieve_config_bib_source($data->{cbs});
$cbs = $result if ($result);
} else {
- my $result = $e->search_config_bib_source(
- {source => $data->{name}}
- );
+ my $result = $e->search_config_bib_source({source => $data-});
if ($result && @$result) {
$cbs = $result->[0]; # Use the first one.
# Load the required asset.stat_cat_entries:
- $self->{asces} = [];
- foreach (@{$self->{config}->{asces}}) {
- if ($_->{id}) {
- my $asce = $e->retrieve_asset_stat_cat_entry($_->{id});
- push(@{$self->{asces}}, $asce) if ($asce);
- } elsif ($_->{asc} && $_->{name}) {
- # We want to limit the search to the work org and its
- # ancestors.
- my $ancestors = $U->get_org_ancestors($self->{config}->{work_ou});
- my $result = $e->search_asset_stat_cat_entry(
- {
- stat_cat => $_->{asc},
- value => $_->{name},
- owner => $ancestors
- }
- );
- if ($result && @$result) {
- map {push(@{$self->{asces}}, $_)} @$result;
+ $self->{stat_cat_entries} = [];
+ foreach (@{$self->{config}->{items}->{stat_cat_entry}}) {
+ # Must have the stat_cat attr and the name, so we must have a
+ # reference.
+ next unless(ref $_);
+ # We want to limit the search to the work org and its
+ # ancestors.
+ my $ancestors = $U->get_org_ancestors($self->{work_ou}->id());
+ my $result = $e->search_asset_stat_cat_entry(
+ {
+ stat_cat => $_->{stat_cat},
+ value => $_->{content},
+ owner => $ancestors
+ );
+ if ($result && @$result) {
+ map {push(@{$self->{stat_cat_entries}}, $_)} @$result;