+ var holdings_bChannel = null;
+ // subscribe to BroadcastChannel for any child VolCopy tabs
+ // refresh grid if needed to show new updates
+ // if ($scope.record_tab === 'holdings'){
+ $scope.$watch('record_tab', function(n){
+ if (n === 'holdings'){
+ if (typeof BroadcastChannel != 'undefined') {
+ // we're in holdings tab, connect 2 bChannel
+ holdings_bChannel = new BroadcastChannel('eg.holdings.update');
+ holdings_bChannel.onmessage = function(e){
+ if (e.data
+ && e.data.records
+ && e.data.records.length
+ && e.data.records.includes($scope.record_id)
+ ){ // it's for us, refresh grid!
+ console.log("Got broadcast from channel eg.holdings.update for records " + e.data.records);
+ $scope.holdings_record_id_changed($scope.record_id);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ } else if (holdings_bChannel){ // we're leaving holding tab, close bChannel
+ holdings_bChannel.close();
+ }
+ });
// refresh the list of holdings when the record_id is changed.
$scope.holdings_record_id_changed = function(id) {
if ($scope.record_id != id) $scope.record_id = id;
} else {
- $timeout(function(){$window.close()});
+ $timeout(function(){
+ if (typeof BroadcastChannel != 'undefined') {
+ var bChannel = new BroadcastChannel("eg.holdings.update");
+ var bre_ids = cnList && cnList.length > 0 ? cnList.map(function(cn){ return cn.record() }) : [];
+ var cn_ids = cnList && cnList.length > 0 ? cnList.map(function(cn){ return cn.id() }) : [];
+ bChannel.postMessage({
+ copies : copy_ids,
+ volumes: cn_ids,
+ records: bre_ids
+ });
+ }
+ $window.close();
+ });