--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\r
+<chapter xml:id="start" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="EN"\r
+ xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Using the Staff Client</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <section>\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Logging in to Evergreen</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <para>To log in you must first install the Evergreen Staff Client, available for download from\r
+ the Evergreen site at <link\r
+ xlink:href="http://downloads.open-ils.org/"\r
+ >http://downloads.open-ils.org/</link>.</para>\r
+ <para>Each staff member can have their own username and password, or generic logins can be\r
+ used.</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject xml:id="intro-login">\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client login</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/intro-1.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <inlinemediaobject>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/1.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </inlinemediaobject> Enter <guilabel>Username</guilabel> and <guilabel>Password</guilabel>\r
+ for your staff account, then click <guibutton>Login</guibutton>. Under normal circumstances\r
+ this is all that is required to login. </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <inlinemediaobject>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/2.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </inlinemediaobject> If the staff client can connect to Evergreen both\r
+ <guilabel>Status</guilabel> and <guilabel>Version</guilabel> display a green\r
+ <emphasis>200:OK</emphasis> message. If not, ensure the hostname is\r
+ correctly entered and click <guibutton>Re-Test\r
+ Server</guibutton>. If the error message persists make sure your are connected to the\r
+ internet.</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <inlinemediaobject>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/3.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </inlinemediaobject>\r
+ <guilabel>Locale</guilabel> sets the language preferences for the staff client.</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <inlinemediaobject>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/4.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </inlinemediaobject>\r
+ <guilabel>Workstation</guilabel> identifies your physical computer location. Workstation registration is done by a Local System\r
+ Administrator when staff clients are first installed. </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <inlinemediaobject>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/5.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </inlinemediaobject> If your connection to Evergreen is lost during open hours, click\r
+ <guibutton>Standalone Interface</guibutton> to continue with check out and patron\r
+ registration functions until the connection is restored. </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <inlinemediaobject>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/6.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </inlinemediaobject>\r
+ <guilabel>Debug Options</guilabel> are for advanced troubleshooting and can be ignored in\r
+ normal use. </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <inlinemediaobject>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/7.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </inlinemediaobject> Click <guibutton>Clear Cache</guibutton> to remove the staff client's\r
+ locally cached files. This may be required to see recent changes to administrative settings.</para>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section>\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Navigation</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <simplesect>\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Tabs</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <para><application>Evergreen</application> uses tabs to display functions. Tabs allow all\r
+ software functionality to be open in one window. You can have up to 9 tabs open at once\r
+ and you can have more than one tab of a single function open at the same time. You\r
+ simply move through the tabs to perform your work.</para>\r
+ <itemizedlist>\r
+ <title>Keyboard shortcuts for working with tabs:</title>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para><keycombo>\r
+ <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>T</keycap>\r
+ </keycombo> new tab</para>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para><keycombo>\r
+ <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>W</keycap>\r
+ </keycombo> close tab</para>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para><keycombo>\r
+ <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>Shift</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>W</keycap>\r
+ </keycombo> close all tabs</para>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para><keycombo>\r
+ <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>Tab</keycap>\r
+ </keycombo> tabs forward through open tabs</para>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para><keycombo>\r
+ <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>Shift</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>Tab</keycap>\r
+ </keycombo> tabs backward through open tabs</para>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ </itemizedlist>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>In the example below, the <guilabel>MARC Template</guilabel> tab is active. Click\r
+ on any open tab to bring that screen to the front. You can also use <keycombo>\r
+ <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>Tab</keycap>\r
+ </keycombo> to move to the required tab</para>\r
+ <para><mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>staff client tabs</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/intro-2.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject></para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>Now the <guilabel>Check Out</guilabel> tab is the active screen.</para>\r
+ <para><mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>staff client tabs</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/intro-3.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject></para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ <para>Once you are in the selected tab, you can use the drop down menus or keyboard\r
+ shortcuts to perform required functions. Menu functions and corresponding keyboard\r
+ shortcuts will be demonstrated throughout this manual.</para>\r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ <simplesect>\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Keyboard Shortcuts</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <para>Most menu items have keyboard shorcuts that can greatly increase efficiency. Below is\r
+ a selected list of commonly used shortcut keys:</para>\r
+ <informaltable>\r
+ <?dbfo keep-together="always" ?>\r
+ \r
+ <tgroup cols="2" align="left" colsep="1" rowsep="1">\r
+ <colspec colnum="1" colname="key" colwidth="1*"/>\r
+ <colspec colnum="2" colname="function" colwidth="3*"/>\r
+ \r
+ \r
+ <thead>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Key</entry>\r
+ <entry>Function</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ </thead>\r
+ <tbody>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <keycap>F1</keycap>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Checkout, or retrieve patron record by barcode</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <keycap>F2</keycap>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Checkin</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <keycap>F3</keycap>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Catalogue search</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <keycap>F4</keycap>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Patron search</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <keycap>F5</keycap>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Retrieve copy by barcode</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <keycap>F6</keycap>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Record in house use</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <keycap>F8</keycap>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Retreive last patron</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <keycap>F9</keycap>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Re-print the last receipt</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <keycombo>\r
+ <keycap>Shift</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>F1</keycap>\r
+ </keycombo>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Register new patron</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <keycombo>\r
+ <keycap>Shift</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>F2</keycap>\r
+ </keycombo>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Capture holds</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <keycombo>\r
+ <keycap>Shift</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>F3</keycap>\r
+ </keycombo>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Retrieve record by TCN</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <keycombo>\r
+ <keycap>Shift</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>F8</keycap>\r
+ </keycombo>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Retreive last patron</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <keycombo>\r
+ <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>T</keycap>\r
+ </keycombo>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Open new tab</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <keycombo>\r
+ <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>W</keycap>\r
+ </keycombo>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Close current tab</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <keycombo>\r
+ <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>Tab</keycap>\r
+ </keycombo>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Move forward through tabs</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <keycombo>\r
+ <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>Shift</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>Tab</keycap>\r
+ </keycombo>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Move back through tabs</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <keycombo>\r
+ <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>C</keycap>\r
+ </keycombo>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Copy</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <keycombo>\r
+ <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>V</keycap>\r
+ </keycombo>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Paste</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ </tbody>\r
+ </tgroup>\r
+ </informaltable>\r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ <simplesect>\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Copy/Paste</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <para>There are several methods of copying and pasting text in Evergreen, depending on\r
+ where you are in the staff client and the type of information you are copying</para>\r
+ <orderedlist>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <formalpara>\r
+ <title>Underlined blue text</title>\r
+ <para>Clicking on any of the blue links in the\r
+ <application>Evergreen</application> client copies the data to the\r
+ computer clipboard (left and right click work the same way for these links).\r
+ To paste into another location, use <keycombo>\r
+ <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>V</keycap>\r
+ </keycombo>.</para>\r
+ </formalpara>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>copy/paste methods</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/intro-5.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>copy/paste methods </alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/intro-6.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <formalpara>\r
+ <title>Text displayed in tables</title>\r
+ <para>To copy information from a staff client table, first select the desired\r
+ row then right-click and choose <guimenuitem>Copy to\r
+ Clipboard</guimenuitem>; alternatively select <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Actions for Selected Items</guimenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Copy to Clipboard</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice>.</para>\r
+ </formalpara>\r
+ <para> <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>copy/paste methods</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/intro-6a.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject></para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>copy/paste methods</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/intro-6b.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>Next click the desired information in the popup to copy it to the\r
+ clipboard</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>copy/paste methods</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/intro-6c.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <formalpara>\r
+ <title>Text from catalogue search results</title>\r
+ <para>There is no right-click menu for copying data from staff client search\r
+ results. To copy the ISBN in the example below, highlight it and click <keycombo>\r
+ <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>C</keycap>\r
+ </keycombo>. To paste into another location use <keycombo>\r
+ <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>\r
+ <keycap>V</keycap>\r
+ </keycombo>.</para>\r
+ </formalpara>\r
+ <para><mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>copy/paste methods</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/intro-6d.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject></para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ </orderedlist>\r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section>\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Customizing the Staff Client</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <simplesect>\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Column Picker</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>From many screens and lists, you can click on the <emphasis>column\r
+ picker</emphasis> icon to change which columns are displayed. </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client column picker</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/intro-4.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ <para>When data is displayed in columns, you can click and drag them, add new ones, or\r
+ remove them. You can also sort data in a column by clicking on the column header. After\r
+ customizing the display you may save your changes for future sessions under that login\r
+ by right-clicking anywhere in the display area and choosing <guimenuitem>Save\r
+ Columns</guimenuitem> from the drop-down menu. Some libraries use generic accounts\r
+ and for those who do, staff need to be aware of the implications to other staff members\r
+ of any changes made to the display.</para>\r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ <simplesect xml:id="button-bar">\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Button Bar</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>There is an optional toolbar with buttons providing quick access to common staff\r
+ client functions. When activated the toolbar appears below the menus. </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>staff client button bar</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/intro-9.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>To turn the buttons on or off select <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Toggle Button Bar</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice>. The buttons can be activated by default for a particular library (see\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-library-settings-button">Library Settings</link> for\r
+ details).</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>staff client button bar</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/intro-8.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ <simplesect>\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Check-boxes</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>Most staff client check-boxes are "sticky" -- if you select or deselect them, that\r
+ status persists. For example, <guilabel>Auto-print</guilabel>, which will print the\r
+ relevant receipts automatically in certain functions, is sticky. If you select it on\r
+ one login, it will persist for future logins until you uncheck the box.</para>\r
+ <para><mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>staff client tabs</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/intro-7.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject></para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para><guilabel>Fast Item Add</guilabel> is another "sticky" check box that makes it\r
+ possible to add volume and item records from the MARC editor (see <link\r
+ linkend="import-fast-item-add">here</link> for details).</para>\r
+ <para> <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>staff client tabs</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/intro-7a.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject></para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ <simplesect>\r
+ <title>Font and Sound</title>\r
+ <para>You may change the size of displayed text or turn staff client sounds on and off.\r
+ These settings are specific to each physical workstation, not the login account. See\r
+ <xref linkend="lsa-font"/> for details.</para>\r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ </section>\r