--- /dev/null
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Georgia Public Library Service
+# Bill Erickson <billserickson@gmail.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+from osrf.utils import *
+from osrf.ex import *
+class osrfConfig(object):
+ """Loads and parses the bootstrap config file"""
+ config = None
+ def __init__(self, file=None):
+ self.file = file
+ self.data = {}
+ def parseConfig(self,file=None):
+ self.data = osrfXMLFileToObject(file or self.file)
+ osrfConfig.config = self
+ def getValue(self, key, idx=None):
+ val = osrfObjectFindPath(self.data, key, idx)
+ if not val:
+ raise osrfConfigException("Config value not found: " + key)
+ return val
+def osrfConfigValue(key, idx=None):
+ """Returns a bootstrap config value.
+ key -- A string representing the path to the value in the config object
+ e.g. "domains.domain", "username"
+ idx -- Optional array index if the searched value is an array member
+ """
+ return osrfConfig.config.getValue(key, idx)
--- /dev/null
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Georgia Public Library Service
+# Bill Erickson <billserickson@gmail.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# Collection of global constants
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# log levels
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Session states
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# OpenSRF message types
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# OpenSRF message statuses
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Some well-known services
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+OSRF_APP_SETTINGS = 'opensrf.settings'
+OSRF_APP_MATH = 'opensrf.math'
+# where do we find the settings config
+OSRF_METHOD_GET_HOST_CONFIG = 'opensrf.settings.host_config.get'
--- /dev/null
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Georgia Public Library Service
+# Bill Erickson <billserickson@gmail.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# This modules define the exception classes. In general, an
+# exception is little more than a name.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+class osrfException(Exception):
+ """Root class for exceptions."""
+ def __init__(self, info=None):
+ self.info = info;
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.info
+class osrfNetworkException(osrfException):
+ def __str__(self):
+ str = "\nUnable to communicate with the OpenSRF network"
+ if self.info:
+ str = str + '\n' + repr(self.info)
+ return str
+class osrfProtocolException(osrfException):
+ """Raised when something happens during opensrf network stack processing."""
+ pass
+class osrfServiceException(osrfException):
+ """Raised when there was an error communicating with a remote service."""
+ pass
+class osrfConfigException(osrfException):
+ """Invalid config option requested."""
+ pass
+class osrfNetworkObjectException(osrfException):
+ pass
+class osrfJSONParseException(osrfException):
+ """Raised when a JSON parsing error occurs."""
+ pass
--- /dev/null
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Georgia Public Library Service
+# Bill Erickson <billserickson@gmail.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+import simplejson, types
+class osrfNetworkObject(object):
+ """Base class for serializable network objects."""
+ def getData(self):
+ """Returns a dict of data contained by this object"""
+ return self.data
+class __unknown(osrfNetworkObject):
+ """Default class for un-registered network objects."""
+ def __init__(self, data=None):
+ self.data = data
+setattr(__unknown,'__keys', [])
+setattr(osrfNetworkObject,'__unknown', __unknown)
+def osrfNetworkRegisterHint(hint, keys, type='hash'):
+ """Register a network hint.
+ This creates a new class at osrfNetworkObject.<hint> with
+ methods for accessing/mutating the object's data.
+ Method names will match the names found in the keys array
+ hint - The hint name to encode with the object
+ type - The data container type.
+ keys - An array of data keys. If type is an 'array', the order of
+ the keys will determine how the data is accessed
+ """
+ estr = "class %s(osrfNetworkObject):\n" % hint
+ estr += "\tdef __init__(self, data=None):\n"
+ estr += "\t\tself.data = data\n"
+ estr += "\t\tif data:\n"
+ if type == 'hash':
+ estr += "\t\t\tpass\n"
+ else:
+ # we have to make sure the array is large enough
+ estr += "\t\t\twhile len(data) < %d:\n" % len(keys)
+ estr += "\t\t\t\tdata.append(None)\n"
+ estr += "\t\telse:\n"
+ if type == 'array':
+ estr += "\t\t\tself.data = []\n"
+ estr += "\t\t\tfor i in range(%s):\n" % len(keys)
+ estr += "\t\t\t\tself.data.append(None)\n"
+ for i in range(len(keys)):
+ estr += "\tdef %s(self, *args):\n"\
+ "\t\tif len(args) != 0:\n"\
+ "\t\t\tself.data[%s] = args[0]\n"\
+ "\t\treturn self.data[%s]\n" % (keys[i], i, i)
+ if type == 'hash':
+ estr += "\t\t\tself.data = {}\n"
+ estr += "\t\t\tfor i in %s:\n" % str(keys)
+ estr += "\t\t\t\tself.data[i] = None\n"
+ for i in keys:
+ estr += "\tdef %s(self, *args):\n"\
+ "\t\tif len(args) != 0:\n"\
+ "\t\t\tself.data['%s'] = args[0]\n"\
+ "\t\tval = None\n"\
+ "\t\ttry: val = self.data['%s']\n"\
+ "\t\texcept: return None\n"\
+ "\t\treturn val\n" % (i, i, i)
+ estr += "setattr(osrfNetworkObject, '%s', %s)\n" % (hint,hint)
+ estr += "setattr(osrfNetworkObject.%s, '__keys', keys)" % hint
+ exec(estr)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Define the custom object parsing behavior
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+def __parseNetObject(obj):
+ hint = None
+ islist = False
+ try:
+ hint = obj[JSON_CLASS_KEY]
+ obj = obj[JSON_PAYLOAD_KEY]
+ except: pass
+ if isinstance(obj,list):
+ islist = True
+ for i in range(len(obj)):
+ obj[i] = __parseNetObject(obj[i])
+ else:
+ if isinstance(obj,dict):
+ for k,v in obj.iteritems():
+ obj[k] = __parseNetObject(v)
+ if hint: # Now, "bless" the object into an osrfNetworkObject
+ estr = 'obj = osrfNetworkObject.%s(obj)' % hint
+ try:
+ exec(estr)
+ except AttributeError:
+ # this object has not been registered, shove it into the default container
+ obj = osrfNetworkObject.__unknown(obj)
+ return obj;
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Define the custom object encoding behavior
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+class osrfJSONNetworkEncoder(simplejson.JSONEncoder):
+ def default(self, obj):
+ if isinstance(obj, osrfNetworkObject):
+ return {
+ JSON_CLASS_KEY: obj.__class__.__name__,
+ JSON_PAYLOAD_KEY: self.default(obj.getData())
+ }
+ return obj
+def osrfObjectToJSON(obj):
+ """Turns a python object into a wrapped JSON object"""
+ return simplejson.dumps(obj, cls=osrfJSONNetworkEncoder)
+def osrfJSONToObject(json):
+ """Turns a JSON string into python objects"""
+ obj = simplejson.loads(json)
+ return __parseNetObject(obj)
+def osrfParseJSONRaw(json):
+ """Parses JSON the old fashioned way."""
+ return simplejson.loads(json)
+def osrfToJSONRaw(obj):
+ """Stringifies an object as JSON with no additional logic."""
+ return simplejson.dumps(obj)
+def __tabs(t):
+ r=''
+ for i in range(t): r += ' '
+ return r
+def osrfDebugNetworkObject(obj, t=1):
+ """Returns a debug string for a given object.
+ If it's an osrfNetworkObject and has registered keys, key/value p
+ pairs are returned. Otherwise formatted JSON is returned"""
+ s = ''
+ if isinstance(obj, osrfNetworkObject) and len(obj.__keys):
+ obj.__keys.sort()
+ for k in obj.__keys:
+ key = k
+ while len(key) < 24: key += '.' # pad the names to make the values line up somewhat
+ val = getattr(obj, k)()
+ subobj = val and not (isinstance(val,unicode) or \
+ isinstance(val, int) or isinstance(val, float) or isinstance(val, long))
+ s += __tabs(t) + key + ' = '
+ if subobj:
+ s += '\n'
+ val = osrfDebugNetworkObject(val, t+1)
+ s += str(val)
+ if not subobj: s += '\n'
+ else:
+ s = osrfFormatJSON(osrfObjectToJSON(obj))
+ return s
+def osrfFormatJSON(json):
+ """JSON pretty-printer"""
+ r = ''
+ t = 0
+ instring = False
+ inescape = False
+ done = False
+ for c in json:
+ done = False
+ if (c == '{' or c == '[') and not instring:
+ t += 1
+ r += c + '\n' + __tabs(t)
+ done = True
+ if (c == '}' or c == ']') and not instring:
+ t -= 1
+ r += '\n' + __tabs(t) + c
+ done = True
+ if c == ',' and not instring:
+ r += c + '\n' + __tabs(t)
+ done = True
+ if c == '"' and not inescape:
+ instring = not instring
+ if inescape:
+ inescape = False
+ if c == '\\':
+ inescape = True
+ if not done:
+ r += c
+ return r
--- /dev/null
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Georgia Public Library Service
+# Bill Erickson <billserickson@gmail.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+from syslog import *
+import traceback, sys, os, re
+from osrf.const import *
+loglevel = 4
+def osrfInitLog(level, facility=None, file=None):
+ """Initialize the logging subsystem."""
+ global loglevel
+ if facility: osrfInitSyslog(facility, level)
+ loglevel = level
+ syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "syslog initialized")
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Define wrapper functions for the log levels
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+def osrfLogInternal(s): __osrfLog(OSRF_LOG_INTERNAL,s)
+def osrfLogDebug(s): __osrfLog(OSRF_LOG_DEBUG,s)
+def osrfLogInfo(s): __osrfLog(OSRF_LOG_INFO,s)
+def osrfLogWarn(s): __osrfLog(OSRF_LOG_WARN,s)
+def osrfLogErr(s): __osrfLog(OSRF_LOG_ERR,s)
+frgx = re.compile('/.*/')
+def __osrfLog(level, msg):
+ """Builds the log message and passes the message off to the logger."""
+ global loglevel
+ if int(level) > int(loglevel): return
+ # find the caller info for logging the file and line number
+ tb = traceback.extract_stack(limit=3)
+ tb = tb[0]
+ lvl = 'DEBG'
+ slvl = LOG_DEBUG
+ if level == OSRF_LOG_INTERNAL: lvl = 'INT '; slvl=LOG_DEBUG
+ if level == OSRF_LOG_INFO: lvl = 'INFO'; slvl=LOG_INFO
+ if level == OSRF_LOG_WARN: lvl = 'WARN'; slvl=LOG_WARNING
+ if level == OSRF_LOG_ERR: lvl = 'ERR '; slvl=LOG_ERR
+ file = frgx.sub('',tb[0])
+ msg = '[%s:%d:%s:%s] %s' % (lvl, os.getpid(), file, tb[1], msg)
+ syslog(slvl, msg)
+ if level == OSRF_LOG_ERR:
+ sys.stderr.write(msg + '\n')
+def osrfInitSyslog(facility, level):
+ """Connect to syslog and set the logmask based on the level provided."""
+ level = int(level)
+ if facility == 'local0': facility = LOG_LOCAL0
+ if facility == 'local1': facility = LOG_LOCAL1
+ if facility == 'local2': facility = LOG_LOCAL2
+ if facility == 'local3': facility = LOG_LOCAL3
+ if facility == 'local4': facility = LOG_LOCAL4
+ if facility == 'local5': facility = LOG_LOCAL5
+ if facility == 'local6': facility = LOG_LOCAL6
+ # XXX add other facility maps if necessary
+ openlog(sys.argv[0], 0, facility)
+ # this is redundant...
+ mask = LOG_UPTO(LOG_ERR)
+ if level >= 1: mask |= LOG_MASK(LOG_WARNING)
+ if level >= 2: mask |= LOG_MASK(LOG_NOTICE)
+ if level >= 3: mask |= LOG_MASK(LOG_INFO)
+ if level >= 4: mask |= LOG_MASK(LOG_DEBUG)
+ setlogmask(mask)
--- /dev/null
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Georgia Public Library Service
+# Bill Erickson <billserickson@gmail.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+from pyxmpp.jabber.client import JabberClient
+from pyxmpp.message import Message
+from pyxmpp.jid import JID
+from socket import gethostname
+from osrf.log import *
+import os, time
+import logging
+# - log jabber activity (for future reference)
+__network = None
+def osrfSetNetworkHandle(handle):
+ """Sets the global network connection handle."""
+ global __network
+ __network = handle
+def osrfGetNetworkHandle():
+ """Returns the global network connection handle."""
+ global __network
+ return __network
+class osrfNetworkMessage(object):
+ """Network message
+ attributes:
+ sender - message sender
+ to - message recipient
+ body - the body of the message
+ thread - the message thread
+ """
+ def __init__(self, message=None, **args):
+ if message:
+ self.body = message.get_body()
+ self.thread = message.get_thread()
+ self.to = message.get_to()
+ if message.xmlnode.hasProp('router_from') and message.xmlnode.prop('router_from') != '':
+ self.sender = message.xmlnode.prop('router_from')
+ else: self.sender = message.get_from().as_utf8()
+ else:
+ if args.has_key('sender'): self.sender = args['sender']
+ if args.has_key('to'): self.to = args['to']
+ if args.has_key('body'): self.body = args['body']
+ if args.has_key('thread'): self.thread = args['thread']
+class osrfNetwork(JabberClient):
+ def __init__(self, **args):
+ self.isconnected = False
+ # Create a unique jabber resource
+ resource = 'osrf_client'
+ if args.has_key('resource'):
+ resource = args['resource']
+ resource += '_' + gethostname()+':'+ str(os.getpid())
+ self.jid = JID(args['username'], args['host'], resource)
+ osrfLogDebug("initializing network with JID %s and host=%s, port=%s, username=%s" %
+ (self.jid.as_utf8(), args['host'], args['port'], args['username']))
+ #initialize the superclass
+ JabberClient.__init__(self, self.jid, args['password'], args['host'])
+ self.queue = []
+ def connect(self):
+ JabberClient.connect(self)
+ while not self.isconnected:
+ stream = self.get_stream()
+ act = stream.loop_iter(10)
+ if not act: self.idle()
+ def setRecvCallback(self, func):
+ """The callback provided is called when a message is received.
+ The only argument to the function is the received message. """
+ self.recvCallback = func
+ def session_started(self):
+ osrfLogInfo("Successfully connected to the opensrf network")
+ self.authenticated()
+ self.stream.set_message_handler("normal",self.message_received)
+ self.isconnected = True
+ def send(self, message):
+ """Sends the provided network message."""
+ osrfLogInternal("jabber sending to %s: %s" % (message.to, message.body))
+ msg = Message(None, None, message.to, None, None, None, message.body, message.thread)
+ self.stream.send(msg)
+ def message_received(self, stanza):
+ """Handler for received messages."""
+ osrfLogInternal("jabber received a message of type %s" % stanza.get_type())
+ if stanza.get_type()=="headline":
+ return True
+ # check for errors
+ osrfLogInternal("jabber received message from %s : %s"
+ % (stanza.get_from().as_utf8(), stanza.get_body()))
+ self.queue.append(osrfNetworkMessage(stanza))
+ return True
+ def recv(self, timeout=120):
+ """Attempts to receive a message from the network.
+ timeout - max number of seconds to wait for a message.
+ If no message is received in 'timeout' seconds, None is returned. """
+ msg = None
+ if len(self.queue) == 0:
+ while timeout >= 0 and len(self.queue) == 0:
+ starttime = time.time()
+ osrfLogInternal("going into stream loop at " + str(starttime))
+ act = self.get_stream().loop_iter(timeout)
+ endtime = time.time() - starttime
+ timeout -= endtime
+ osrfLogInternal("exiting stream loop after %s seconds" % str(endtime))
+ osrfLogInternal("act = %s : queue length = %d" % (act, len(self.queue)) )
+ if not act: self.idle()
+ # if we've acquired a message, handle it
+ if len(self.queue) > 0:
+ self.recvCallback(self.queue.pop(0))
+ return None
--- /dev/null
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Georgia Public Library Service
+# Bill Erickson <billserickson@gmail.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+from osrf.json import *
+from osrf.conf import osrfConfigValue
+from osrf.net import osrfNetworkMessage, osrfGetNetworkHandle
+from osrf.log import *
+from osrf.const import *
+import random, sys, os, time
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Go ahead and register the common network objects
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+osrfNetworkRegisterHint('osrfMessage', ['threadTrace', 'type', 'payload'], 'hash')
+osrfNetworkRegisterHint('osrfMethod', ['method', 'params'], 'hash')
+osrfNetworkRegisterHint('osrfResult', ['status', 'statusCode', 'content'], 'hash')
+osrfNetworkRegisterHint('osrfConnectStatus', ['status','statusCode'], 'hash')
+osrfNetworkRegisterHint('osrfMethodException', ['status', 'statusCode'], 'hash')
+class osrfSession(object):
+ """Abstract session superclass."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ # by default, we're connected to no one
+ def wait(self, timeout=120):
+ """Wait up to <timeout> seconds for data to arrive on the network"""
+ osrfLogInternal("osrfSession.wait(%d)" % timeout)
+ handle = osrfGetNetworkHandle()
+ handle.recv(timeout)
+ def send(self, omessage):
+ """Sends an OpenSRF message"""
+ netMessage = osrfNetworkMessage(
+ to = self.remoteId,
+ body = osrfObjectToJSON([omessage]),
+ thread = self.thread )
+ handle = osrfGetNetworkHandle()
+ handle.send(netMessage)
+ def cleanup(self):
+ """Removes the session from the global session cache."""
+ del osrfClientSession.sessionCache[self.thread]
+class osrfClientSession(osrfSession):
+ """Client session object. Use this to make server requests."""
+ def __init__(self, service):
+ # call superclass constructor
+ osrfSession.__init__(self)
+ # the remote service we want to make requests of
+ self.service = service
+ # find the remote service handle <router>@<domain>/<service>
+ domain = osrfConfigValue('domains.domain', 0)
+ router = osrfConfigValue('router_name')
+ self.remoteId = "%s@%s/%s" % (router, domain, service)
+ self.origRemoteId = self.remoteId
+ # generate a random message thread
+ self.thread = "%s%s%s" % (os.getpid(), str(random.randint(100,100000)), str(time.time()))
+ # how many requests this session has taken part in
+ self.nextId = 0
+ # cache of request objects
+ self.requests = {}
+ # cache this session in the global session cache
+ osrfClientSession.sessionCache[self.thread] = self
+ def resetRequestTimeout(self, rid):
+ req = self.findRequest(rid)
+ if req:
+ req.resetTimeout = True
+ def request2(self, method, arr):
+ """Creates a new request and sends the request to the server using a python array as the params."""
+ return self.__request(method, arr)
+ def request(self, method, *args):
+ """Creates a new request and sends the request to the server using a variable argument list as params"""
+ arr = list(args)
+ return self.__request(method, arr)
+ def __request(self, method, arr):
+ """Builds the request object and sends it."""
+ if self.state != OSRF_APP_SESSION_CONNECTED:
+ self.resetRemoteId()
+ osrfLogDebug("Sending request %s -> %s " % (self.service, method))
+ req = osrfRequest(self, self.nextId, method, arr)
+ self.requests[str(self.nextId)] = req
+ self.nextId += 1
+ req.send()
+ return req
+ def connect(self, timeout=10):
+ """Connects to a remote service"""
+ if self.state == OSRF_APP_SESSION_CONNECTED:
+ return True
+ # construct and send a CONNECT message
+ self.send(
+ osrfNetworkObject.osrfMessage(
+ { 'threadTrace' : 0,
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ while timeout >= 0 and not self.state == OSRF_APP_SESSION_CONNECTED:
+ start = time.time()
+ self.wait(timeout)
+ timeout -= time.time() - start
+ if self.state != OSRF_APP_SESSION_CONNECTED:
+ raise osrfServiceException("Unable to connect to " + self.service)
+ return True
+ def disconnect(self):
+ """Disconnects from a remote service"""
+ return True
+ self.send(
+ osrfNetworkObject.osrfMessage(
+ { 'threadTrace' : 0,
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ def setRemoteId(self, remoteid):
+ self.remoteId = remoteid
+ osrfLogInternal("Setting request remote ID to %s" % self.remoteId)
+ def resetRemoteId(self):
+ """Recovers the original remote id"""
+ self.remoteId = self.origRemoteId
+ osrfLogInternal("Resetting remote ID to %s" % self.remoteId)
+ def pushResponseQueue(self, message):
+ """Pushes the message payload onto the response queue
+ for the request associated with the message's ID."""
+ osrfLogDebug("pushing %s" % message.payload())
+ try:
+ self.findRequest(message.threadTrace()).pushResponse(message.payload())
+ except Exception, e:
+ osrfLogWarn("pushing respond to non-existent request %s : %s" % (message.threadTrace(), e))
+ def findRequest(self, rid):
+ """Returns the original request matching this message's threadTrace."""
+ try:
+ return self.requests[str(rid)]
+ except KeyError:
+ osrfLogDebug('findRequest(): non-existent request %s' % str(rid))
+ return None
+osrfSession.sessionCache = {}
+def osrfFindSession(thread):
+ """Finds a session in the global cache."""
+ try:
+ return osrfClientSession.sessionCache[thread]
+ except: return None
+class osrfRequest(object):
+ """Represents a single OpenSRF request.
+ A request is made and any resulting respones are
+ collected for the client."""
+ def __init__(self, session, id, method=None, params=[]):
+ self.session = session # my session handle
+ self.id = id # my unique request ID
+ self.method = method # method name
+ self.params = params # my method params
+ self.queue = [] # response queue
+ self.resetTimeout = False # resets the recv timeout?
+ self.complete = False # has the server told us this request is done?
+ self.sendTime = 0 # local time the request was put on the wire
+ self.completeTime = 0 # time the server told us the request was completed
+ self.firstResponseTime = 0 # time it took for our first reponse to be received
+ def send(self):
+ """Sends a request message"""
+ # construct the method object message with params and method name
+ method = osrfNetworkObject.osrfMethod( {
+ 'method' : self.method,
+ 'params' : self.params
+ } )
+ # construct the osrf message with our method message embedded
+ message = osrfNetworkObject.osrfMessage( {
+ 'threadTrace' : self.id,
+ 'payload' : method
+ } )
+ self.sendTime = time.time()
+ self.session.send(message)
+ def recv(self, timeout=120):
+ """Waits up to <timeout> seconds for a response to this request.
+ If a message is received in time, the response message is returned.
+ Returns None otherwise."""
+ self.session.wait(0)
+ origTimeout = timeout
+ while not self.complete and timeout >= 0 and len(self.queue) == 0:
+ s = time.time()
+ self.session.wait(timeout)
+ timeout -= time.time() - s
+ if self.resetTimeout:
+ self.resetTimeout = False
+ timeout = origTimeout
+ now = time.time()
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # log some statistics
+ if len(self.queue) > 0:
+ if not self.firstResponseTime:
+ self.firstResponseTime = now
+ osrfLogDebug("time elapsed before first response: %f" \
+ % (self.firstResponseTime - self.sendTime))
+ if self.complete:
+ if not self.completeTime:
+ self.completeTime = now
+ osrfLogDebug("time elapsed before complete: %f" \
+ % (self.completeTime - self.sendTime))
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ if len(self.queue) > 0:
+ # we have a reponse, return it
+ return self.queue.pop(0)
+ return None
+ def pushResponse(self, content):
+ """Pushes a method response onto this requests response queue."""
+ self.queue.append(content)
+ def cleanup(self):
+ """Cleans up request data from the cache.
+ Do this when you are done with a request to prevent "leaked" cache memory."""
+ del self.session.requests[str(self.id)]
+ def setComplete(self):
+ """Sets me as complete. This means the server has sent a 'request complete' message"""
+ self.complete = True
+class osrfServerSession(osrfSession):
+ """Implements a server-side session"""
+ pass
+def osrfAtomicRequest(service, method, *args):
+ ses = osrfClientSession(service)
+ req = ses.request2('open-ils.cstore.direct.actor.user.retrieve', list(args)) # grab user with ID 1
+ resp = req.recv()
+ data = resp.content()
+ req.cleanup()
+ ses.cleanup()
+ return data
--- /dev/null
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Georgia Public Library Service
+# Bill Erickson <billserickson@gmail.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+from osrf.utils import *
+from osrf.const import *
+from osrf.ex import *
+# global settings config object
+__conifg = None
+def osrfSettingsValue(path, idx=0):
+ global __config
+ val = osrfObjectFindPath(__config, path, idx)
+ if not val:
+ raise osrfConfigException("Config value not found: " + path)
+ return val
+def osrfLoadSettings(hostname):
+ global __config
+ from osrf.system import osrfConnect
+ from osrf.ses import osrfClientSession
+ ses = osrfClientSession(OSRF_APP_SETTINGS)
+ req = ses.request(OSRF_METHOD_GET_HOST_CONFIG, hostname)
+ resp = req.recv(timeout=30)
+ __config = resp.content()
+ req.cleanup()
+ ses.cleanup()
--- /dev/null
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Georgia Public Library Service
+# Bill Erickson <billserickson@gmail.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+from osrf.json import *
+from osrf.log import *
+from osrf.ex import *
+from osrf.ses import osrfFindSession, osrfClientSession, osrfServerSession
+from osrf.const import *
+from time import time
+def osrfPushStack(netMessage):
+ ses = osrfFindSession(netMessage.thread)
+ if not ses:
+ # This is an incoming request from a client, create a new server session
+ pass
+ ses.setRemoteId(netMessage.sender)
+ oMessages = osrfJSONToObject(netMessage.body)
+ osrfLogInternal("osrfPushStack(): received %d messages" % len(oMessages))
+ # Pass each bundled opensrf message to the message handler
+ t = time()
+ for m in oMessages:
+ osrfHandleMessage(ses, m)
+ t = time() - t
+ if isinstance(ses, osrfServerSession):
+ osrfLogInfo("Message processing duration %f" % t)
+def osrfHandleMessage(session, message):
+ osrfLogInternal("osrfHandleMessage(): processing message of type %s" % message.type())
+ if isinstance(session, osrfClientSession):
+ if message.type() == OSRF_MESSAGE_TYPE_RESULT:
+ session.pushResponseQueue(message)
+ return
+ if message.type() == OSRF_MESSAGE_TYPE_STATUS:
+ statusCode = int(message.payload().statusCode())
+ statusText = message.payload().status()
+ osrfLogInternal("osrfHandleMessage(): processing STATUS, statusCode = %d" % statusCode)
+ if statusCode == OSRF_STATUS_COMPLETE:
+ # The server has informed us that this request is complete
+ req = session.findRequest(message.threadTrace())
+ if req:
+ osrfLogInternal("marking request as complete: %d" % req.id)
+ req.setComplete()
+ return
+ if statusCode == OSRF_STATUS_OK:
+ # We have connected successfully
+ osrfLogDebug("Successfully connected to " + session.service)
+ return
+ if statusCode == OSRF_STATUS_CONTINUE:
+ # server is telling us to reset our wait timeout and keep waiting for a response
+ session.resetRequestTimeout(message.threadTrace())
+ return;
+ if statusCode == OSRF_STATUS_TIMEOUT:
+ osrfLogDebug("The server did not receive a request from us in time...")
+ return
+ if statusCode == OSRF_STATUS_NOTFOUND:
+ osrfLogErr("Requested method was not found on the server: %s" % statusText)
+ raise osrfServiceException(statusText)
+ raise osrfProtocolException("Unknown message status: %d" % statusCode)
--- /dev/null
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Georgia Public Library Service
+# Bill Erickson <billserickson@gmail.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+from osrf.conf import osrfConfig, osrfConfigValue
+from osrf.net import osrfNetwork, osrfSetNetworkHandle
+from osrf.stack import osrfPushStack
+from osrf.log import *
+from osrf.set import osrfLoadSettings
+import sys
+def osrfConnect(configFile):
+ """ Connects to the opensrf network """
+ # parse the config file
+ configParser = osrfConfig(configFile)
+ configParser.parseConfig()
+ # set up logging
+ osrfInitLog(osrfConfigValue('loglevel'), osrfConfigValue('syslog'))
+ # connect to the opensrf network
+ network = osrfNetwork(
+ host=osrfConfigValue('domains.domain'),
+ port=osrfConfigValue('port'),
+ username=osrfConfigValue('username'),
+ password=osrfConfigValue('passwd'))
+ network.setRecvCallback(osrfPushStack)
+ osrfSetNetworkHandle(network)
+ network.connect()
+ # load the domain-wide settings file
+ osrfLoadSettings(osrfConfigValue('domains.domain'))
--- /dev/null
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Georgia Public Library Service
+# Bill Erickson <billserickson@gmail.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+import libxml2, re
+def osrfXMLFileToObject(filename):
+ """Turns the contents of an XML file into a Python object"""
+ doc = libxml2.parseFile(filename)
+ xmlNode = doc.children.children
+ return osrfXMLNodeToObject(xmlNode)
+def osrfXMLStringToObject(string):
+ """Turns an XML string into a Python object"""
+ doc = libxml2.parseString(string)
+ xmlNode = doc.children.children
+ return osrfXMLNodeToObject(xmlNode)
+def osrfXMLNodeToObject(xmlNode):
+ """Turns an XML node into a Python object"""
+ obj = {}
+ while xmlNode:
+ if xmlNode.type == 'element':
+ nodeChild = xmlNode.children
+ done = False
+ nodeName = xmlNode.name
+ while nodeChild:
+ if nodeChild.type == 'element':
+ # If a node has element children, create a new sub-object
+ # for this node, attach an array for each type of child
+ # and recursively collect the children data into the array(s)
+ if not obj.has_key(nodeName):
+ obj[nodeName] = {}
+ sub_obj = osrfXMLNodeToObject(nodeChild);
+ if not obj[nodeName].has_key(nodeChild.name):
+ # we've encountered 1 sub-node with nodeChild's name
+ obj[nodeName][nodeChild.name] = sub_obj[nodeChild.name]
+ else:
+ if isinstance(obj[nodeName][nodeChild.name], list):
+ # we already have multiple sub-nodes with nodeChild's name
+ obj[nodeName][nodeChild.name].append(sub_obj[nodeChild.name])
+ else:
+ # we already have 1 sub-node with nodeChild's name, make
+ # it a list and append the current node
+ val = obj[nodeName][nodeChild.name]
+ obj[nodeName][nodeChild.name] = [ val, sub_obj[nodeChild.name] ]
+ done = True
+ nodeChild = nodeChild.next
+ if not done:
+ # If the node has no children, clean up the text content
+ # and use that as the data
+ data = re.compile('^\s*').sub('', xmlNode.content)
+ data = re.compile('\s*$').sub('', data)
+ obj[nodeName] = data
+ xmlNode = xmlNode.next
+ return obj
+def osrfObjectFindPath(obj, path, idx=None):
+ """Searches an object along the given path for a value to return.
+ Path separaters can be '/' or '.', '/' is tried first."""
+ parts = []
+ if re.compile('/').search(path):
+ parts = path.split('/')
+ else:
+ parts = path.split('.')
+ for part in parts:
+ try:
+ o = obj[part]
+ except Exception:
+ return None
+ if isinstance(o,str):
+ return o
+ if isinstance(o,list):
+ if( idx != None ):
+ return o[idx]
+ return o
+ if isinstance(o,dict):
+ obj = o
+ else:
+ return o
+ return obj
--- /dev/null
+import os, sys, time, readline, atexit, re
+from string import *
+from osrf.system import osrfConnect
+from osrf.json import *
+from osrf.ses import osrfClientSession
+from osrf.conf import osrfConfigValue
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# main listen loop
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+def do_loop():
+ while True:
+ try:
+ #line = raw_input("srfsh% ")
+ line = raw_input("\033[01;32msrfsh\033[01;34m% \033[00m")
+ if not len(line):
+ continue
+ if lower(line) == 'exit' or lower(line) == 'quit':
+ break
+ parts = split(line)
+ command = parts[0]
+ if command == 'request':
+ parts.pop(0)
+ handle_request(parts)
+ continue
+ if command == 'math_bench':
+ parts.pop(0)
+ handle_math_bench(parts)
+ continue
+ if command == 'help':
+ handle_help()
+ continue
+ if command == 'set':
+ parts.pop(0)
+ handle_set(parts)
+ if command == 'get':
+ parts.pop(0)
+ handle_get(parts)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print ""
+ except EOFError:
+ print "exiting..."
+ sys.exit(0)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Set env variables to control behavior
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+def handle_set(parts):
+ m = re.compile('(.*)=(.*)').match(parts[0])
+ key = m.group(1)
+ val = m.group(2)
+ set_var(key, val)
+ print "%s = %s" % (key, val)
+def handle_get(parts):
+ try:
+ print get_var(parts[0])
+ except:
+ print ""
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Prints help info
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+def handle_help():
+ print """
+ help
+ - show this menu
+ math_bench <count>
+ - runs <count> opensrf.math requests and reports the average time
+ request <service> <method> [<param1>, <param2>, ...]
+ - performs an opensrf request
+ set VAR=<value>
+ - sets an environment variable
+ Environment variables:
+ SRFSH_OUTPUT = pretty - print pretty JSON and key/value pairs for network objects
+ = raw - print formatted JSON
+ """
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# performs an opesnrf request
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+def handle_request(parts):
+ service = parts.pop(0)
+ method = parts.pop(0)
+ jstr = '[%s]' % join(parts)
+ params = None
+ try:
+ params = osrfJSONToObject(jstr)
+ except:
+ print "Error parsing JSON: %s" % jstr
+ return
+ ses = osrfClientSession(service)
+ end = None
+ start = time.time()
+ req = ses.request2(method, tuple(params))
+ while True:
+ resp = req.recv(timeout=120)
+ if not end:
+ total = time.time() - start
+ if not resp: break
+ otp = get_var('SRFSH_OUTPUT')
+ if otp == 'pretty':
+ print osrfDebugNetworkObject(resp.content())
+ else:
+ print osrfFormatJSON(osrfObjectToJSON(resp.content()))
+ req.cleanup()
+ ses.cleanup()
+ print '-'*60
+ print "Total request time: %f" % total
+ print '-'*60
+def handle_math_bench(parts):
+ count = int(parts.pop(0))
+ ses = osrfClientSession('opensrf.math')
+ times = []
+ for i in range(100):
+ if i % 10: sys.stdout.write('.')
+ else: sys.stdout.write( str( i / 10 ) )
+ print "";
+ for i in range(count):
+ starttime = time.time()
+ req = ses.request('add', 1, 2)
+ resp = req.recv(timeout=2)
+ endtime = time.time()
+ if resp.content() == 3:
+ sys.stdout.write("+")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ times.append( endtime - starttime )
+ else:
+ print "What happened? %s" % str(resp.content())
+ req.cleanup()
+ if not ( (i+1) % 100):
+ print ' [%d]' % (i+1)
+ ses.cleanup()
+ total = 0
+ for i in times: total += i
+ print "\naverage time %f" % (total / len(times))
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Defines the tab-completion handling and sets up the readline history
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+def setup_readline():
+ class SrfshCompleter(object):
+ def __init__(self, words):
+ self.words = words
+ self.prefix = None
+ def complete(self, prefix, index):
+ if prefix != self.prefix:
+ # find all words that start with this prefix
+ self.matching_words = [
+ w for w in self.words if w.startswith(prefix)
+ ]
+ self.prefix = prefix
+ try:
+ return self.matching_words[index]
+ except IndexError:
+ return None
+ words = 'request', 'help', 'exit', 'quit', 'opensrf.settings', 'opensrf.math', 'set'
+ completer = SrfshCompleter(words)
+ readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
+ readline.set_completer(completer.complete)
+ histfile = os.path.join(get_var('HOME'), ".srfsh_history")
+ try:
+ readline.read_history_file(histfile)
+ except IOError:
+ pass
+ atexit.register(readline.write_history_file, histfile)
+def do_connect():
+ file = os.path.join(get_var('HOME'), ".srfsh.xml")
+ print_green("Connecting to opensrf...")
+ osrfConnect(file)
+ print_red('OK\n')
+def load_plugins():
+ # Load the user defined external plugins
+ # XXX Make this a real module interface, with tab-complete words, commands, etc.
+ plugins = osrfConfigValue('plugins')
+ plugins = osrfConfigValue('plugins.plugin')
+ if not isinstance(plugins, list):
+ plugins = [plugins]
+ for module in plugins:
+ name = module['module']
+ init = module['init']
+ print_green("Loading module %s..." % name)
+ try:
+ str = 'from %s import %s\n%s()' % (name, init, init)
+ exec(str)
+ print_red('OK\n')
+ except Exception, e:
+ sys.stderr.write("\nError importing plugin %s, with init symbol %s: \n%s\n" % (name, init, e))
+def set_vars():
+ if not get_var('SRFSH_OUTPUT'):
+ set_var('SRFSH_OUTPUT', 'pretty')
+def set_var(key, val):
+ os.environ[key] = val
+def get_var(key):
+ try: return os.environ[key]
+ except: return ''
+def print_green(str):
+ sys.stdout.write("\033[01;32m")
+ sys.stdout.write(str)
+ sys.stdout.write("\033[00m")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+def print_red(str):
+ sys.stdout.write("\033[01;31m")
+ sys.stdout.write(str)
+ sys.stdout.write("\033[00m")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+# Kick it off