use OpenILS::Application::Circ::StatCat;
use OpenILS::Application::Circ::Holds;
use OpenILS::Application::Circ::HoldNotify;
+use OpenILS::Application::Circ::CreditCard;
use OpenILS::Application::Circ::Money;
use OpenILS::Application::Circ::NonCat;
use OpenILS::Application::Circ::CopyLocations;
--- /dev/null
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Niles Ingalls
+# Niles Ingalls <>
+# Bill Erickson <>
+# Joe Atzberger <>
+# Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+package OpenILS::Application::Circ::CreditCard;
+use base qw/OpenSRF::Application/;
+use strict; use warnings;
+use Business::CreditCard;
+use Business::OnlinePayment;
+use Locale::Country;
+use OpenILS::Event;
+use OpenSRF::Utils::Logger qw/:logger/;
+use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor qw/:funcs/;
+use OpenILS::Application::AppUtils;
+my $U = "OpenILS::Application::AppUtils";
+use constant CREDIT_NS => "credit";
+# Given the argshash from process_payment(), this helper function just finds
+# a function in the current namespace named "bop_args_{processor}" and calls
+# it with $argshash as an argument, returning the result, or returning an
+# empty hash if it can't find such a function.
+sub get_bop_args_filler {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $argshash = shift;
+ my $funcname = "bop_args_" . $argshash->{processor};
+ return &{$funcname}($argshash) if defined &{$funcname};
+ return ();
+# Provide default arguments for calls using the AuthorizeNet processor
+sub bop_args_AuthorizeNet {
+ my $argshash = shift;
+ if ($argshash->{server}) {
+ return (
+ # One might provide "" here.
+ Server => $argshash->{server},
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ return ();
+ }
+# Provide default arguments for calls using the PayPal processor
+sub bop_args_PayPal {
+ my $argshash = shift;
+ return (
+ Username => $argshash->{login},
+ Password => $argshash->{password},
+ Signature => $argshash->{signature}
+ );
+sub get_processor_settings {
+ my $org_unit = shift;
+ my $processor = lc shift;
+ +{ map { ($_ =>
+ $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value(
+ $org_unit, CREDIT_NS . ".processor.${processor}.${_}"
+ )) } qw/enabled login password signature server testmode/
+ };
+# signature => {
+# desc => 'Process a payment via a supported processor (AuthorizeNet, Paypal)',
+# params => [
+# { desc => q/Hash of arguments with these keys:
+# patron_id: Not a barcode, but a patron's internal ID
+# ou: Org unit where transaction happens
+# processor: Payment processor to use (AuthorizeNet, PayPal, etc)
+# cc: credit card number
+# cvv2: 3 or 4 digits from back of card
+# amount: transaction value
+# action: optional (default: Normal Authorization)
+# first_name: optional (default: patron's first_given_name field)
+# last_name: optional (default: patron's family_name field)
+# address: optional (default: patron's street1 field + street2)
+# city: optional (default: patron's city field)
+# state: optional (default: patron's state field)
+# zip: optional (default: patron's zip field)
+# country: optional (some processor APIs: 2 letter code.)
+# description: optional
+# /, type => 'hash' }
+# ],
+# return => { desc => 'Hash of status information', type =>'hash' }
+# }
+sub process_payment {
+ my ($argshash) = @_;
+ # Confirm some required arguments.
+ return OpenILS::Event->new('BAD_PARAMS')
+ unless $argshash
+ and $argshash->{cc}
+ and $argshash->{amount}
+ and $argshash->{expiration}
+ and $argshash->{ou};
+ if (!$argshash->{processor}) {
+ if (!($argshash->{processor} =
+ $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value(
+ $argshash->{ou}, CREDIT_NS . '.processor.default'))) {
+ }
+ }
+ # Basic sanity check on processor name.
+ if ($argshash->{processor} !~ /^[a-z0-9_\-]+$/i) {
+ return OpenILS::Event->new('CREDIT_PROCESSOR_NOT_ALLOWED');
+ }
+ # Get org unit settings related to our processor
+ my $psettings = get_processor_settings(
+ $argshash->{ou}, $argshash->{processor}
+ );
+ if (!$psettings->{enabled}) {
+ return OpenILS::Event->new('CREDIT_PROCESSOR_NOT_ENABLED');
+ }
+ # Add the org unit settings for the chosen processor to our argshash.
+ $argshash = +{ %{$argshash}, %{$psettings} };
+ # At least the following (derived from org unit settings) are required.
+ return OpenILS::Event->new('CREDIT_PROCESSOR_BAD_PARAMS')
+ unless $argshash->{login}
+ and $argshash->{password};
+ # A valid patron_id is also required.
+ my $e = new_editor();
+ my $patron = $e->retrieve_actor_user(
+ [
+ $argshash->{patron_id},
+ {
+ flesh => 1,
+ flesh_fields => { au => ["mailing_address"] }
+ }
+ ]
+ ) or return $e->event;
+ return dispatch($argshash, $patron);
+sub prepare_bop_content {
+ my ($argshash, $patron, $cardtype) = @_;
+ my %content;
+ foreach (qw/
+ login
+ password
+ description
+ first_name
+ last_name
+ amount
+ expiration
+ cvv2
+ address
+ city
+ state
+ zip
+ country/) {
+ if (exists $argshash->{$_}) {
+ $content{$_} = $argshash->{$_};
+ }
+ }
+ $content{action} = $argshash->{action} || "Normal Authorization";
+ $content{type} = $cardtype; #'American Express', 'VISA', 'MasterCard'
+ $content{card_number} = $argshash->{cc};
+ $content{customer_id} = $patron->id;
+ $content{first_name} ||= $patron->first_given_name;
+ $content{last_name} ||= $patron->family_name;
+ $content{FirstName} = $content{first_name}; # kludge mcugly for PP
+ $content{LastName} = $content{last_name};
+ # Especially for the following fields, do we need to support different
+ # mapping of fields for different payment processors, particularly ones
+ # in other countries?
+ $content{address} ||= $patron->mailing_address->street1;
+ $content{address} .= ", " . $patron->mailing_address->street2
+ if $patron->mailing_address->street2;
+ $content{city} ||= $patron->mailing_address->city;
+ $content{state} ||= $patron->mailing_address->state;
+ $content{zip} ||= $patron->mailing_address->post_code;
+ $content{country} ||= $patron->mailing_address->country;
+ # Yet another fantastic kludge. country2code() comes from Locale::Country.
+ # PayPal must have 2 letter country field (ISO 3166) that's uppercase.
+ if (length($content{country}) > 2 && $argshash->{processor} eq 'PayPal') {
+ $content{country} = uc country2code($content{country});
+ }
+ %content;
+sub dispatch {
+ my ($argshash, $patron) = @_;
+ # The validate() sub is exported by Business::CreditCard.
+ if (!validate($argshash->{cc})) {
+ # Although it might help a troubleshooter, it's probably not a good
+ # idea to put the credit card number in the log file.
+ $logger->warn("Credit card number invalid");
+ # The idea of returning a hashref with statusText and statusCode
+ # comes from an older version handle_authorizenet(), but I'm not
+ # sure it's the best thing to do, really.
+ return {
+ statusText => "Credit card number invalid",
+ statusCode => 500
+ };
+ }
+ # cardtype() also comes from Business::CreditCard. It is not certain that
+ # a) the card type returned by this method will be suitable input for
+ # a payment processor, nor that
+ # b) it is even necessary to supply this argument to processors in all
+ # cases. Testing this with several processors would be a good idea.
+ (my $cardtype = cardtype($argshash->{cc})) =~ s/ card//;
+ $logger->debug(
+ "applying payment via processor '" . $argshash->{processor} . "'"
+ );
+ # Find B:OP constructor arguments specific to our payment processor.
+ my %bop_args = get_bop_args_filler($argshash);
+ # We're assuming that all B:OP processors accept this argument to the
+ # contstructor.
+ $bop_args{test_transaction} = $argshash->{testmode};
+ my $transaction = new Business::OnlinePayment(
+ $argshash->{processor}, %bop_args
+ );
+ $transaction->content(prepare_bop_content($argshash, $patron, $cardtype));
+ $transaction->submit();
+ # The data structures that we return based on success or failure are still
+ # basically from earlier code. These might should be improved/reduced.
+ if ($transaction->is_success()) {
+ $logger->info($argshash->{processor} . " payment succeeded");
+ my $retval = {
+ statusText => "Transaction approved: " . $transaction->authorization,
+ processor => $argshash->{processor},
+ cardType => $cardtype,
+ statusCode => 200,
+ approvalCode => $transaction->authorization,
+ server_response => $transaction->server_response
+ };
+ # These result fields may be important in PayPal xactions? Not sure.
+ foreach (qw/correlationid avs_code cvv2_code/) {
+ if ($transaction->can($_)) {
+ $retval->{$_} = $transaction->$_;
+ }
+ }
+ return $retval;
+ }
+ else {
+ $logger->info($argshash->{processor} . " payment failed");
+ return {
+ statusText => "Transaction declined: " . $transaction->error_message,
+ statusCode => 500,
+ errorMessage => $transaction->error_message,
+ server_response => $transaction->server_response
+ };
+ }
}/, type => 'hash'
- ]
+ ],
+ "return" => {
+ "desc" =>
+ q{1 on success, event on failure. Event possibilities include:
+ (Bad parameters were given to this API method itself.
+ See note field.)
+ (Evergreen has not been set up to process CC payments)
+ (Evergreen has been incorrectly setup for CC payments)
+ (Evergreen has been set up for CC payments, but an admin
+ has not explicitly enabled them)
+ (Evergreen has been incorrectly setup for CC payments;
+ specifically, the login and/or password for the CC
+ processor weren't provided)
+ (We contacted the CC processor to attempt the charge, but
+ they declined it. See the statusText field for their
+ message.)
+ (A payment was processed successfully, but couldn't be
+ recorded in Evergreen. This is bad bad bad, as it means
+ somebody made a payment but isn't getting credit for it.
+ See note field for more info.)
+ "type" => "number"
+ }
sub make_payments {
if ($cc_args->{where_process} == 1) {
return OpenILS::Event->new('BAD_PARAMS', note => 'Need CC number')
if not $cc_args->{number};
- my $response = $apputils->simplereq(
- '',
- '',
- {
+ my $response =
+ OpenILS::Application::Circ::CreditCard::process_payment({
"desc" => $cc_args->{note},
"amount" => $total_paid,
"patron_id" => $user_id,
"city" => $cc_args->{billing_city},
"state" => $cc_args->{billing_state},
"zip" => $cc_args->{billing_zip},
- }
- );
+ });
if (exists $response->{ilsevent}) {
+ $logger->info(
+ "event response from process_payment(): " .
+ $response->{"textcode"}
+ );
return $response;
if ($response->{statusCode} != 200) {
+++ /dev/null
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Niles Ingalls
-# Niles Ingalls <>
-# Bill Erickson <>
-# Joe Atzberger <>
-# Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-package OpenILS::Application::CreditCard;
-use base qw/OpenSRF::Application/;
-use strict; use warnings;
-use Business::CreditCard;
-use Business::OnlinePayment;
-use Locale::Country;
-use OpenILS::Event;
-use OpenSRF::Utils::Logger qw/:logger/;
-use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor qw/:funcs/;
-use OpenILS::Application::AppUtils;
-my $U = "OpenILS::Application::AppUtils";
-use constant CREDIT_NS => "credit";
-# Given the argshash from process_payment(), this helper function just finds
-# a function in the current namespace named "bop_args_{processor}" and calls
-# it with $argshash as an argument, returning the result, or returning an
-# empty hash if it can't find such a function.
-sub get_bop_args_filler {
- no strict 'refs';
- my $argshash = shift;
- my $funcname = "bop_args_" . $argshash->{processor};
- return &{$funcname}($argshash) if defined &{$funcname};
- return ();
-# Provide default arguments for calls using the AuthorizeNet processor
-sub bop_args_AuthorizeNet {
- my $argshash = shift;
- if ($argshash->{server}) {
- return (
- # One might provide "" here.
- Server => $argshash->{server},
- );
- }
- else {
- return ();
- }
-# Provide default arguments for calls using the PayPal processor
-sub bop_args_PayPal {
- my $argshash = shift;
- return (
- Username => $argshash->{login},
- Password => $argshash->{password},
- Signature => $argshash->{signature}
- );
-sub get_processor_settings {
- my $org_unit = shift;
- my $processor = lc shift;
- +{ map { ($_ =>
- $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value(
- $org_unit, CREDIT_NS . ".processor.${processor}.${_}"
- )) } qw/enabled login password signature server testmode/
- };
- method => 'process_payment',
- api_name => '',
- signature => {
- desc => 'Process a payment via a supported processor (AuthorizeNet, Paypal)',
- params => [
- { desc => q/Hash of arguments with these keys:
- patron_id: Not a barcode, but a patron's internal ID
- ou: Org unit where transaction happens
- processor: Payment processor to use (AuthorizeNet, PayPal, etc)
- cc: credit card number
- cvv2: 3 or 4 digits from back of card
- amount: transaction value
- action: optional (default: Normal Authorization)
- first_name: optional (default: patron's first_given_name field)
- last_name: optional (default: patron's family_name field)
- address: optional (default: patron's street1 field + street2)
- city: optional (default: patron's city field)
- state: optional (default: patron's state field)
- zip: optional (default: patron's zip field)
- country: optional (some processor APIs: 2 letter code.)
- description: optional
- /, type => 'hash' }
- ],
- return => { desc => 'Hash of status information', type =>'hash' }
- }
-sub process_payment {
- my ($self, $client, $argshash) = @_; # $client is unused in this sub
- # Confirm some required arguments.
- return OpenILS::Event->new('BAD_PARAMS')
- unless $argshash
- and $argshash->{cc}
- and $argshash->{amount}
- and $argshash->{expiration}
- and $argshash->{ou};
- if (!$argshash->{processor}) {
- if (!($argshash->{processor} =
- $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value(
- $argshash->{ou}, CREDIT_NS . '.processor.default'))) {
- }
- }
- # Basic sanity check on processor name.
- if ($argshash->{processor} !~ /^[a-z0-9_\-]+$/i) {
- return OpenILS::Event->new('CREDIT_PROCESSOR_NOT_ALLOWED');
- }
- # Get org unit settings related to our processor
- my $psettings = get_processor_settings(
- $argshash->{ou}, $argshash->{processor}
- );
- if (!$psettings->{enabled}) {
- return OpenILS::Event->new('CREDIT_PROCESSOR_NOT_ENABLED');
- }
- # Add the org unit settings for the chosen processor to our argshash.
- $argshash = +{ %{$argshash}, %{$psettings} };
- # At least the following (derived from org unit settings) are required.
- return OpenILS::Event->new('CREDIT_PROCESSOR_BAD_PARAMS')
- unless $argshash->{login}
- and $argshash->{password};
- # A valid patron_id is also required.
- my $e = new_editor();
- my $patron = $e->retrieve_actor_user(
- [
- $argshash->{patron_id},
- {
- flesh => 1,
- flesh_fields => { au => ["mailing_address"] }
- }
- ]
- ) or return $e->event;
- return dispatch($argshash, $patron);
-sub prepare_bop_content {
- my ($argshash, $patron, $cardtype) = @_;
- my %content;
- foreach (qw/
- login
- password
- description
- first_name
- last_name
- amount
- expiration
- cvv2
- address
- city
- state
- zip
- country/) {
- if (exists $argshash->{$_}) {
- $content{$_} = $argshash->{$_};
- }
- }
- $content{action} = $argshash->{action} || "Normal Authorization";
- $content{type} = $cardtype; #'American Express', 'VISA', 'MasterCard'
- $content{card_number} = $argshash->{cc};
- $content{customer_id} = $patron->id;
- $content{first_name} ||= $patron->first_given_name;
- $content{last_name} ||= $patron->family_name;
- $content{FirstName} = $content{first_name}; # kludge mcugly for PP
- $content{LastName} = $content{last_name};
- # Especially for the following fields, do we need to support different
- # mapping of fields for different payment processors, particularly ones
- # in other countries?
- $content{address} ||= $patron->mailing_address->street1;
- $content{address} .= ", " . $patron->mailing_address->street2
- if $patron->mailing_address->street2;
- $content{city} ||= $patron->mailing_address->city;
- $content{state} ||= $patron->mailing_address->state;
- $content{zip} ||= $patron->mailing_address->post_code;
- $content{country} ||= $patron->mailing_address->country;
- # Yet another fantastic kludge. country2code() comes from Locale::Country.
- # PayPal must have 2 letter country field (ISO 3166) that's uppercase.
- if (length($content{country}) > 2 && $argshash->{processor} eq 'PayPal') {
- $content{country} = uc country2code($content{country});
- }
- %content;
-sub dispatch {
- my ($argshash, $patron) = @_;
- # The validate() sub is exported by Business::CreditCard.
- if (!validate($argshash->{cc})) {
- # Although it might help a troubleshooter, it's probably not a good
- # idea to put the credit card number in the log file.
- $logger->warn("Credit card number invalid");
- # The idea of returning a hashref with statusText and statusCode
- # comes from an older version handle_authorizenet(), but I'm not
- # sure it's the best thing to do, really.
- return {
- statusText => "Credit card number invalid",
- statusCode => 500
- };
- }
- # cardtype() also comes from Business::CreditCard. It is not certain that
- # a) the card type returned by this method will be suitable input for
- # a payment processor, nor that
- # b) it is even necessary to supply this argument to processors in all
- # cases. Testing this with several processors would be a good idea.
- (my $cardtype = cardtype($argshash->{cc})) =~ s/ card//;
- $logger->debug(
- "applying payment via processor '" . $argshash->{processor} . "'"
- );
- # Find B:OP constructor arguments specific to our payment processor.
- my %bop_args = get_bop_args_filler($argshash);
- # We're assuming that all B:OP processors accept this argument to the
- # contstructor.
- $bop_args{test_transaction} = $argshash->{testmode};
- my $transaction = new Business::OnlinePayment(
- $argshash->{processor}, %bop_args
- );
- $transaction->content(prepare_bop_content($argshash, $patron, $cardtype));
- $transaction->submit();
- # The data structures that we return based on success or failure are still
- # basically from earlier code. These might should be improved/reduced.
- if ($transaction->is_success()) {
- $logger->info($argshash->{processor} . " payment succeeded");
- my $retval = {
- statusText => "Transaction approved: " . $transaction->authorization,
- processor => $argshash->{processor},
- cardType => $cardtype,
- statusCode => 200,
- approvalCode => $transaction->authorization,
- server_response => $transaction->server_response
- };
- # These result fields may be important in PayPal xactions? Not sure.
- foreach (qw/correlationid avs_code cvv2_code/) {
- if ($transaction->can($_)) {
- $retval->{$_} = $transaction->$_;
- }
- }
- return $retval;
- }
- else {
- $logger->info($argshash->{processor} . " payment failed");
- return {
- statusText => "Transaction declined: " . $transaction->error_message,
- statusCode => 500,
- errorMessage => $transaction->error_message,
- server_response => $transaction->server_response
- };
- }