* _OPAC Visibility_: Should the category be displayed in the OPAC?
* _Required_: Must the category be assigned a value when editing the item attributes?
-* _Archive with Circs_: Should the category and its values for the copy be archived with aged circulation data?
+* _Archive with Circs_: Should the category and its values for the copy be archived with circulation data?
* _SIP Field_: Select the SIP field identifier that will contain the category and its value
* _SIP Format_: Specify the SIP format string
* _OPAC Visibility_: Should the category be displayed in the OPAC?
* _Required_: Must the category be assigned a value when registering a new patron or editing an existing one?
-* _Archive with Circs_: Should the category and its values for the patron be archived with aged circulation data?
+* _Archive with Circs_: Should the category and its values for the patron be archived with circulation data?
* _Allow Free Text_: May the person registering/editing the patron information supply their own value for the category?
* _Show in Summary_: Display the category and its value in the patron summary view?
* _SIP Field_: Select the SIP field identifier that will contain the category and its value