use NCIP::Problem;
use NCIP::Response;
+=head1 NAME
+NCIP::ILS - A base class for NIPServer ILS drivers.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+C<use NCIP::ILS;>
+C<my $ils = NCIP::ILS-E<gt>new(name =E<gt> $config-E<gt>{NCIP.ils.value});>
+NCIP::ILS is meant as a base class and test implementation of the ILS
+specific drivers of NCIPServer. If you wish to implement a driver for
+your specific ILS, then it is recommended you subclass this module and
+reimplement the methods as necessary.
sub new {
my $invocant = shift;
my $class = ref $invocant || $invocant;
return $self;
+When NCIPServer receives an incoming message, it translates the
+requested service into lower case and then checks if the ILS has a
+method by that name. If it does that method is called with a single
+argument consisting of the XML request converted to a hash ref via
+XML::LibXML::Simple. If the ILS does not support that service, then
+the unsupportedservice method of the ILS is called and the resulting
+problem response returned to the client.
+All handler methods must return a NCIP::Response object.
+The handler methods provided in this base class implementation are
+those that were required for the initial implemenation of NCIPServer
+to be used with a particular initiator software. You may add any
+additional handlers to your implementation as required without needing
+to alter this base class.
# Methods required for SHAREit:
+=head2 acceptitem
+Called to handle the AcceptItem service request. The inherited
+implementation returns the Unsupported Service problem response.
sub acceptitem {
my $self = shift;
my $request = shift;
return $self->unsupportedservice($request);
+=head2 cancelrequestitem
+Called to handle the CancelRequestItem service request. The inherited
+implementation returns the Unsupported Service problem response.
sub cancelrequestitem {
my $self = shift;
my $request = shift;
return $self->unsupportedservice($request);
+=head2 checkinitem
+Called to handle the CheckInItem service request. The inherited
+implementation returns the Unsupported Service problem response.
sub checkinitem {
my $self = shift;
my $request = shift;
return $self->unsupportedservice($request);
+=head2 checkoutitem
+Called to handle the CheckOutItem service request. The inherited
+implementation returns the Unsupported Service problem response.
sub checkoutitem {
my $self = shift;
my $request = shift;
return $self->unsupportedservice($request);
+=head2 lookupuser
+Called to handle the LookupUser service request. The inherited
+implementation returns the Unsupported Service problem response.
sub lookupuser {
my $self = shift;
my $request = shift;
return $self->unsupportedservice($request);
+=head2 renewitem
+Called to handle the RenewItem service request. The inherited
+implementation returns the Unsupported Service problem response.
sub renewitem {
my $self = shift;
my $request = shift;
return $self->unsupportedservice($request);
+=head2 requestitem
+Called to handle the RequestItem service request. The inherited
+implementation returns the Unsupported Service problem response.
sub requestitem {
my $self = shift;
my $request = shift;
# Other methods, just because.
-# Handle a LookupVersion Request. You probably want to just call this
-# one from your subclasses rather than reimplement it.
+=head2 lookupversion
+Called to handle the LookupVersion service request. The inherited
+implementation returns the list of supported versions from
+NCIP::Const. You probably do not want to reimplement this method in
+your subclass.
sub lookupversion {
my $self = shift;
my $request = shift;
return $response;
-# A few helper methods:
+These are methods of the base class that you may want to use in your
+subclass or that are used by NCIPserver or other methods of this base
+class. You very likely do not want to override these in your
+=head2 unsupportedservice
+C<my $response = $ils-E<gt>unsupportedservice($request);>
+This method has the same signature as a regular service handler
+method. It returns a response containing an Unsupported Service
+problem. It is used by when the ILS cannot handle a message,
+or your implementation could return this in the case of a
+service/message you don't actually handle, though you may have the
+proper function defined.
-# This is a handy method that subclasses should probably not override.
-# It returns a response containing an Unsupported Service problem. It
-# is used by when the ILS cannot handle a message, or your
-# implementation could return this in the case of a service/message
-# you don't actually handle, though you may have the proper function
-# defined.
sub unsupportedservice {
my $self = shift;
my $request = shift;
return $response;
-# All subclasses will possibly want to create a ResponseHeader and the
-# code for that would be highly redundant. We supply a default
-# implementation here that can retrieve the agency information from
-# the InitiationHeader of the message, swap their values, and return a
-# NCIP::Header.
+=head2 make_header
+All subclasses will possibly want to create a ResponseHeader for the
+response message. Since the code for that could be highly redundant
+if reimplemented by each subclass, the base class supplies an
+implementation that retrieves the agency information from the
+InitiationHeader of the request message, swaps the FromAgencyId with
+the ToAgencyId, and vice versa. It then returns a NCIP::Header to be
+used in the NCIP::Response object's header field.
sub make_header {
my $self = shift;
my $request = shift;
return $header;
+=head2 parse_request_type
+C<my $type = $ils-E<gt>parse_request_type($request);>
+Given the request hashref object, parse_request_type will return the
+service being requested in the message. This method is called by in order to determine which handler of the ILS object to call.
+You may find it convenient to use this method in your own handler
+implementations. You should not need to override this method in your
sub parse_request_type {
my $self = shift;
my $request = shift;