--- /dev/null
+= Evergreen Angular App Style Guidelines
+== Introduction
+This guide serves as a place to capture thoughts and reasoning about
+stylistic choices made in the Evergreen staff client interfaces. It
+will initially have little content and no authority, but will accrue
+both over time as thoughts are expressed and recorded, and conflicts
+are worked out.
+== General
+* All root styles are initially from Bootstrap 4. Custom styles will
+ generally proceed as derivations from there. Eventually it may
+ amount to a unique design language, but that will take time.
+== Colors
+* Colors which are present primarily for decorative or aesthetic
+ purposes will be derived from the standard "Evergreen Green" with
+ a hue value of around 161.
+ * At this time there is some discreprancy as to what color the
+ official "Evergreen Green" actually is. (Since different screen
+ colorings need different shades, tints, and intensities, when we
+ say color in this context, we more precisely mean hue.) The current
+ green used in the staff client header and the standard OPAC are
+ roughly a hue value of 161 (on a 360 degree scale), while the
+ official Evergreen logo graphic uses a somewhat more blue color,
+ with a hue value of 166. This is not a large difference, but it
+ would be nice to settle this difference at some point.
+* Colors used to represent "action" elements (links, major buttons,
+ and user selection highlights) will generally be blue. At this time
+ we are normally using the standard Bootstrap blue for such elements
+ (or a close derivative).
+* Colors used to delineate minor or background elements (areas of the
+ screen, table headers, secondary buttons) will use neutral grays
+ (expressed as equal values for RGB, i.e. 0 saturation).
+* Some buttons are using the Bootstrap green and red button variants.
+ This usage is not currently well defined, but generally means "major
+ positive" (green) and "major negative" (red) actions.