- Use Lost and Paid copy status (circ.use_lost_paid_copy_status)
+Web client preview
+The 2.7 release will contain a preview of web client circulation features.
+Circulation is the first step in moving all staff functions from the existing
+XULRunner-based client to a web application that will be based on AngularJS.
+Evergreen is moving away from the existing client because XULRunner no longer
+supports features critical to the Evergreen software, including remote XUL,
+multi-part streaming, and XML JavaScript. The new web client is expected to
+show some speed improvements, to provide comprehensive support for
+internationalization/localization, to provide good support for assistive
+technologies, to be easier to customize locally, and to be more mobile friendly.
+The intent of the preview is to make it easier for end users at Evergreen sites
+to try the new client, become familiar with its features, and to
+discover/report bugs that are found. To implement the client preview...
organizations who commissioned developments in this release of
+ * Bibliomation
+ * British Columbia Libraries Cooperative
* Central/Western Massachusetts Automated Resource Sharing
+ * Georgia Public Library Service
+ * Howe Library, Hanover, NH
* Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
+ * NC Cardinal
* North of Boston Library Exchange
+ * Pennsylvania Integrated Library System
+ * Pioneer Library System
+ * South Carolina Library Evergreen Network Delivery System
We would also like to thank the following individuals who contributed
code and documentations patches to this release of Evergreen:
* Thomas Berezansky
+ * Jason Boyer
+ * Steven Chan
* Galen Charlton
* Jeff Davis
* Bill Erickson
* James Fournie
* Jeff Godin
* Blake Henderson
+ * Pasi Kallinen
* Victoria Lewis
* Kathy Lussier
* Terran McCanna
* Central/Western Massachusetts Automated Resource Sharing
* Equinox Software, Inc.
* Georgia Public Library Service
+ * Indiana State Library
* Lake Agassiz Regional Library
* Laurentian University
* Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
* Mohawk College
* North of Boston Library Exchange
+ * Pohjois-Karjalan Tietotekniikkakeskus Oy
* St. Louis Christian College
* Traverse Area District Library