BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON config.db_patch_dependencies
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE evergreen.array_overlap_check ('deprecates');
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('0870', :eg_version); -- miker/bshum
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('0871', :eg_version); -- berick/miker
CREATE TABLE config.bib_source (
--- /dev/null
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0871', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO config.record_attr_definition
+ (name, label, multi, filter, composite) VALUES (
+ 'search_format',
+ oils_i18n_gettext('search_format', 'Search Formats', 'crad', 'label'),
+ );
+INSERT INTO config.coded_value_map
+ (id, ctype, code, value, search_label) VALUES
+(610, 'search_format', 'book',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(610, 'All Books', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(610, 'All Books', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(611, 'search_format', 'braille',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(611, 'Braille', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(611, 'Braille', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(612, 'search_format', 'software',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(612, 'Software and video games', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(612, 'Software and video games', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(613, 'search_format', 'dvd',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(613, 'DVD', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(613, 'DVD', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(614, 'search_format', 'ebook',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(614, 'E-book', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(614, 'E-book', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(615, 'search_format', 'eaudio',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(615, 'E-audio', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(615, 'E-audio', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(616, 'search_format', 'kit',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(616, 'Kit', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(616, 'Kit', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(617, 'search_format', 'map',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(617, 'Map', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(617, 'Map', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(618, 'search_format', 'microform',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(618, 'Microform', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(618, 'Microform', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(619, 'search_format', 'score',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(619, 'Music Score', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(619, 'Music Score', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(620, 'search_format', 'picture',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(620, 'Picture', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(620, 'Picture', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(621, 'search_format', 'equip',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(621, 'Equipment, games, toys', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(621, 'Equipment, games, toys', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(622, 'search_format', 'serial',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(622, 'Serials and magazines', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(622, 'Serials and magazines', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(623, 'search_format', 'vhs',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(623, 'VHS', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(623, 'VHS', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(624, 'search_format', 'evideo',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(624, 'E-video', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(624, 'E-video', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(625, 'search_format', 'cdaudiobook',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(625, 'CD Audiobook', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(625, 'CD Audiobook', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(626, 'search_format', 'cdmusic',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(626, 'CD Music recording', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(626, 'CD Music recording', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(627, 'search_format', 'casaudiobook',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(627, 'Cassette audiobook', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(627, 'Cassette audiobook', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(628, 'search_format', 'casmusic',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(628, 'Audiocassette music recording', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(628, 'Audiocassette music recording', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(629, 'search_format', 'phonospoken',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(629, 'Phonograph spoken recording', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(629, 'Phonograph spoken recording', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(630, 'search_format', 'phonomusic',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(630, 'Phonograph music recording', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(630, 'Phonograph music recording', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(631, 'search_format', 'lpbook',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(631, 'Large Print Book', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(631, 'Large Print Book', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(632, 'search_format', 'music',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(632, 'All Music', 'ccvm', 'label'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(632, 'All Music', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
+(633, 'search_format', 'blu-ray',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(633, 'Blu-ray', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext(633, 'Blu-ray', 'ccvm', 'search_label'));
+-- copy the composite definition from icon_format into
+-- search_format for a baseline data set
+DO $$
+ DECLARE format config.coded_value_map%ROWTYPE;
+ FOR format IN SELECT *
+ FROM config.coded_value_map WHERE ctype = 'icon_format'
+ INSERT INTO config.composite_attr_entry_definition
+ (coded_value, definition) VALUES
+ (
+ -- get the ID from the new ccvm above
+ (SELECT id FROM config.coded_value_map
+ WHERE code = format.code AND ctype = 'search_format'),
+ -- def of the matching icon_format attr
+ (SELECT definition FROM config.composite_attr_entry_definition
+ WHERE coded_value =
+ );
+END $$;
+-- modify the 'book' definition so that it includes large print
+UPDATE config.composite_attr_entry_definition
+ SET definition = '{"0":[{"_attr":"item_type","_val":"a"},{"_attr":"item_type","_val":"t"}],"1":{"_not":[{"_attr":"item_form","_val":"a"},{"_attr":"item_form","_val":"b"},{"_attr":"item_form","_val":"c"},{"_attr":"item_form","_val":"f"},{"_attr":"item_form","_val":"o"},{"_attr":"item_form","_val":"q"},{"_attr":"item_form","_val":"r"},{"_attr":"item_form","_val":"s"}]},"2":[{"_attr":"bib_level","_val":"a"},{"_attr":"bib_level","_val":"c"},{"_attr":"bib_level","_val":"d"},{"_attr":"bib_level","_val":"m"}]}'
+ WHERE coded_value = 610;
+-- modify 'music' to include all recorded music, regardless of format
+UPDATE config.composite_attr_entry_definition
+ SET definition = '{"_attr":"item_type","_val":"j"}'
+ WHERE coded_value = 632;
+UPDATE config.global_flag
+ SET value = 'search_format'
+ WHERE name = 'opac.format_selector.attr';
+++ /dev/null
-INSERT INTO config.record_attr_definition
- (name, label, multi, filter, composite) VALUES (
- 'search_format',
- oils_i18n_gettext('search_format', 'Search Formats', 'crad', 'label'),
- );
-INSERT INTO config.coded_value_map
- (id, ctype, code, value, search_label) VALUES
-(610, 'search_format', 'book',
- oils_i18n_gettext(610, 'All Books', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(610, 'All Books', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(611, 'search_format', 'braille',
- oils_i18n_gettext(611, 'Braille', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(611, 'Braille', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(612, 'search_format', 'software',
- oils_i18n_gettext(612, 'Software and video games', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(612, 'Software and video games', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(613, 'search_format', 'dvd',
- oils_i18n_gettext(613, 'DVD', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(613, 'DVD', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(614, 'search_format', 'ebook',
- oils_i18n_gettext(614, 'E-book', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(614, 'E-book', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(615, 'search_format', 'eaudio',
- oils_i18n_gettext(615, 'E-audio', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(615, 'E-audio', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(616, 'search_format', 'kit',
- oils_i18n_gettext(616, 'Kit', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(616, 'Kit', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(617, 'search_format', 'map',
- oils_i18n_gettext(617, 'Map', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(617, 'Map', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(618, 'search_format', 'microform',
- oils_i18n_gettext(618, 'Microform', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(618, 'Microform', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(619, 'search_format', 'score',
- oils_i18n_gettext(619, 'Music Score', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(619, 'Music Score', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(620, 'search_format', 'picture',
- oils_i18n_gettext(620, 'Picture', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(620, 'Picture', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(621, 'search_format', 'equip',
- oils_i18n_gettext(621, 'Equipment, games, toys', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(621, 'Equipment, games, toys', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(622, 'search_format', 'serial',
- oils_i18n_gettext(622, 'Serials and magazines', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(622, 'Serials and magazines', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(623, 'search_format', 'vhs',
- oils_i18n_gettext(623, 'VHS', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(623, 'VHS', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(624, 'search_format', 'evideo',
- oils_i18n_gettext(624, 'E-video', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(624, 'E-video', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(625, 'search_format', 'cdaudiobook',
- oils_i18n_gettext(625, 'CD Audiobook', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(625, 'CD Audiobook', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(626, 'search_format', 'cdmusic',
- oils_i18n_gettext(626, 'CD Music recording', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(626, 'CD Music recording', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(627, 'search_format', 'casaudiobook',
- oils_i18n_gettext(627, 'Cassette audiobook', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(627, 'Cassette audiobook', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(628, 'search_format', 'casmusic',
- oils_i18n_gettext(628, 'Audiocassette music recording', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(628, 'Audiocassette music recording', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(629, 'search_format', 'phonospoken',
- oils_i18n_gettext(629, 'Phonograph spoken recording', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(629, 'Phonograph spoken recording', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(630, 'search_format', 'phonomusic',
- oils_i18n_gettext(630, 'Phonograph music recording', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(630, 'Phonograph music recording', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(631, 'search_format', 'lpbook',
- oils_i18n_gettext(631, 'Large Print Book', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(631, 'Large Print Book', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(632, 'search_format', 'music',
- oils_i18n_gettext(632, 'All Music', 'ccvm', 'label'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(632, 'All Music', 'ccvm', 'search_label')),
-(633, 'search_format', 'blu-ray',
- oils_i18n_gettext(633, 'Blu-ray', 'ccvm', 'value'),
- oils_i18n_gettext(633, 'Blu-ray', 'ccvm', 'search_label'));
--- copy the composite definition from icon_format into
--- search_format for a baseline data set
-DO $$
- DECLARE format config.coded_value_map%ROWTYPE;
- FOR format IN SELECT *
- FROM config.coded_value_map WHERE ctype = 'icon_format'
- INSERT INTO config.composite_attr_entry_definition
- (coded_value, definition) VALUES
- (
- -- get the ID from the new ccvm above
- (SELECT id FROM config.coded_value_map
- WHERE code = format.code AND ctype = 'search_format'),
- -- def of the matching icon_format attr
- (SELECT definition FROM config.composite_attr_entry_definition
- WHERE coded_value =
- );
-END $$;
--- modify the 'book' definition so that it includes large print
-UPDATE config.composite_attr_entry_definition
- SET definition = '{"0":[{"_attr":"item_type","_val":"a"},{"_attr":"item_type","_val":"t"}],"1":{"_not":[{"_attr":"item_form","_val":"a"},{"_attr":"item_form","_val":"b"},{"_attr":"item_form","_val":"c"},{"_attr":"item_form","_val":"f"},{"_attr":"item_form","_val":"o"},{"_attr":"item_form","_val":"q"},{"_attr":"item_form","_val":"r"},{"_attr":"item_form","_val":"s"}]},"2":[{"_attr":"bib_level","_val":"a"},{"_attr":"bib_level","_val":"c"},{"_attr":"bib_level","_val":"d"},{"_attr":"bib_level","_val":"m"}]}'
- WHERE coded_value = 610;
--- modify 'music' to include all recorded music, regardless of format
-UPDATE config.composite_attr_entry_definition
- SET definition = '{"_attr":"item_type","_val":"j"}'
- WHERE coded_value = 632;
-UPDATE config.global_flag
- SET value = 'search_format'
- WHERE name = 'opac.format_selector.attr';