'WORKSTATION_REQUIRED' : 'A workstation is required to log in to selfcheck. You can set the workstation name with URL param "ws". \n\nWould you like to register a new workstation for this self-check interface?',
'WORKSTATION_EXISTS' : 'This workstation has already been registered. Would you like to use it for this self-check station?',
'CC_PAYABLE_BALANCE' : 'Total amount to pay: \$${0}',
- 'TOTAL_FINES_SELECTED' : 'Selected total: \$${0}'
+ 'TOTAL_FINES_SELECTED' : 'Selected total: \$${0}',
+ 'WELCOME_BANNER' : 'Welcome, ${0}'
} else {
this.handleAlert('', false, 'login-success');
- dojo.byId('oils-selfck-user-banner').innerHTML = 'Welcome, ' + this.patron.first_given_name(); // TODO i18n
+ dojo.byId('oils-selfck-user-banner').innerHTML =
+ dojo.string.substitute(localeStrings.WELCOME_BANNER, [this.patron.usrname()]);