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+Configurable Bib Record Display Fields
+Admin -> Server Admin -> 'MARC Search/Facet Fields' have 2 new configuration
+fields: 'Display Field?' and 'Display XPATH'.
+When 'Display Field' is set to true, data from the field will be extracted
+from each record and added to a new table of display data for each bib
+If a value is present in the 'Display XPATH' field, this XPATH will be
+applied to the extracted data *after* the base XPATH (from the 'XPath'
+field) is applied to each field.
+This data acts as a replacement for the various and sundry ways bib record
+data is currently extracted, including inline XPATH in the TPAC, reporter
+views, real-time 'MVR' compilation from MODS, etc. and will be available
+to the user interface, notification templates, etc. for rendering bib
+The browser client gets a new service 'egBibDisplay' which is capable
+of translating the display field data from various formats into
+data more suitable for JavaScript usage.
+The database gets 3 new VIEWs for representing display data in various
+ * metabib.flat_display_entry
+ ** List of all display fields linked to their configuration.
+ * metabib.compressed_display_entry
+ ** Same as metabib.flat_display_entry except there's one row
+ per display field type, which 'mulit' rows compressed into
+ JSON arrays. Non-multi fields are represented as JSON
+ strings/numbers.
+ * metabib.wide_display_entry
+ ** Tabular view of display field data, one column per well-known
+ field. Values are represented JSON, consistent with
+ metabib.flat_display_entry. The view DOE NOT CONTAIN locally
+ configured dispaly fields, as each field must be encoded in
+ the view and IDL definition. This is essentially a replacement
+ for reporter.simple_record.
+After making changes to display field configuration, it's possible to
+reingest only display field data in the database using the following:
+SELECT metabib.reingest_metabib_field_entries(id, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
+ (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(id)::INT[] FROM config.metabib_field WHERE display_field))
+ FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE NOT deleted AND id > 0;