represents the host name of your Evergreen web server.
. Log in with a staff account with circulation permissions.
+image::media/self-check-admin-login.png[Self Check Admin Login]
Setting library hours of operation
When the self check prints a receipt, the default template includes the
workstation when they login. The workstation parameter ensures that check outs
are recorded as occurring at the correct library.
-Checking out or renewing items in the self check
-After a staff user has logged into the self check interface, the interface
-is ready for patrons to log in and check out or renew items.
-. The patron logs in by entering either their patron barcode or their user name.
-. The patron enters the barcode for each item. If the patron types the barcode,
- they need to press the `<Enter>` key to check out the item. The item details,
- including due date, appear below the barcode field.
-. When the patron is finished, they can click *Logout* if they want a receipt
- for their items, or *Logout (no receipt)* if they prefer no receipt.
+Basic Check Out
+. Patron scans their barcode.
+image::media/self_check_check_out_1.png[self check]
+. _Optional_ Patron enters their account password.
+image::media/self_check_check_out_2.png[self check]
+. Patron scans the barcodes for their items
+Patron places items, one at a time, on the RFID pad.
+image::media/self_check_check_out_3.png[self check]
+. Items will be listed below with a check out confirmation message.
+image::media/self_check_check_out_4.png[self check]
+. If a check out fails a message will advise patrons.
+image::media/self_check_error_1.png[self check]
+. Patron clicks *Logout* to print a checkout receipt and logout.
+Patron clicks *Logout (No Receipt)* to logout with no receipt.
+image::media/self_check_check_out_5.png[self check]
+If the patron forgets to logout the system will automatically log out after the time
+period specified in the library setting *Patron Login Timeout (in seconds)*. An inactivity pop-up
+will appear to warn patrons 20 seconds before logging out.
+image::media/self_check_check_out_6.png[self check]
+View Items Out
+. Patrons are able to view the items they currently have checked out by clicking *View Items Out*
+image::media/self_check_view_items_out_1.png[self check]
+. The items currently checked out will display with their due dates.
+Using the *Print List* button patrons can
+print out a receipt listing all of the items they currently have checked out.
+image::media/self_check_view_items_out_2.png[self check]
+View Holds
+. Patrons are able to view their current holds by clicking *View Holds*
+image::media/self_check_view_holds_1.png[self check]
+. Items currently on hold display. Patrons can also see which, if any, items are ready for pickup.
+Using the *Print List* button patrons can print out a receipt listing all of the items they currently have on hold.
+image::media/self_check_view_holds_2.png[self check]
+View Fines
+. Patrons are able to view the fines they currently owe by clicking *View Details*
+image::media/self_check_view_fines_1.png[self check]
+. Current fines owed by the patron display.
+image::media/self_check_view_fines_2.png[self check]